110 research outputs found

    Automated design of domain-specific custom instructions

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    Taylor Expansion Diagrams: A Canonical Representation for Verification of Data Flow Designs

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    Automated design of domain-specific custom instructions = Geautomatiseerd ontwerp van domeinspecifieke gespecialiseerde instructies

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    Cotutela Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur Vakgroep Elektronica en InformatiesystemenIn the last years, hardware specialization has received renewed attention as chips approach a utilization wall. Specialized accelerators can take advantage of underutilized transistors implementing custom hardware that complements the main processor. However, specialization adds complexity to the design process and limits reutilization. Application-Specific Instruction Processors (ASIPs) balance performance and reusability, extending a general-purpose processor with custom instructions (CIs) specific for an application, implemented in Specialized Functional Units (SFUs). Still, time-to-market is a major issue with application-specific designs because, if CIs are not frequently executed, the acceleration benefits will not compensate for the overall design cost. Domain-specific acceleration increases the applicability of ASIPs, as it targets several applications that run on the same hardware. Also, reconfigurable SFUs and the automation of the CIs design can solve the aforementioned problems. In this dissertation, we explore different automated approaches to the design of CIs that extend a baseline processor for domain-specific acceleration to improve both performance and energy efficiency. First, we develop automated techniques to identify code sequences within a domain to create CI candidates. Due to the disparity among coding styles of different programs, it is difficult to find patterns that are represented by a unique CI across applications. Therefore, we propose an analysis at the basic block level that identifies equivalent CIs within and across different programs. We use the Taylor Expansion Diagram (TED) canonical representation to find not only structurally equivalent CIs, but also functionally similar ones, as opposed to the commonly applied directed acyclic graph (DAG) isomorphism detection. We combine both methods into a new Hybrid DAG/TED technique to identify more patterns across applications that map to the same CI. Then, we select a subset of the CI candidates that fits in the available SFU area. Because of the complexity of the problem, we propose four scoring heuristics to reduce the design space and smooth the potential performance speedup across applications. We include these methods in the FuSInG framework, and we estimate performance with hardware models on a set of media benchmarks. Results show that, when limiting core area devoted to specialization, the SFU customization with the largest speedups includes a mix of application and domain-specific custom instructions. If we target larger CIs to obtain higher speedups, reusability across applications becomes critical; without enough equivalences, CIs cannot be generalized for a domain. We aim to share partially common operations among CIs to accelerate more code, especially across basic blocks, and to reduce the hardware area needed for specialization. Hence, we create a new canonical representation across basic blocks, the Merging Diagram, to facilitate similarity detection and improve code coverage. We also introduce clustering-based partial matching to identify partially-similar domain-specific CIs, which generally leads to better performance than application-specific ones. Yet, at small areas, merging two CIs induces a high additional overhead that might penalize energy-efficiency. Thus, we also detect fragments of CIs and we join them with the existing merged clusters resulting in minimal extra overhead. Also, using speedup as the deciding factor for CI selection may not be optimal for devices with limited power budgets. For that reason, we propose a linear programming-based selection that balances performance and energy consumption. We implement these techniques in the MInGLE framework and evaluate them with media benchmarks. The selected CIs significantly improve the energy-delay product and performance, demonstrating that we can accelerate a domain covering more code while reducing the needed area for the CI implementation.La especialización de hardware ha recibido renovado interés debido al utilization wall, ya que transistores infrautilizados pueden implementar hardware a medida que complemente el procesador principal. Sin embargo, el proceso de diseño se complica y se limita la reutilización. Procesadores de instrucciones para aplicaciones específicas (ASIPs) equilibran rendimiento y reuso, extendiendo un procesador con instruciones especializadas (custom instructions ¿ CIs) para una aplicación, implementadas en unidades funcionales especializadas (SFUs). No obstante, los plazos de comercialización suponen un obstáculo en diseños específicos ya que, si las CIs no se ejecutan con frecuencia, los beneficios de la aceleración no compensan los costes de diseño. La aceleración de un dominio específico incrementa la aplicabilidad de los ASIPs, acelerando diferentes aplicaciones en el mismo hardware, mientras que una SFU reconfigurable y un diseño automatizado pueden resolver los problemas mencionados. En esta tesis, exploramos diferentes alternativas al diseño de CIs que extienden un procesador para acelerar un dominio, mejorando el rendimiento y la eficiencia energética. Proponemos primero técnicas automatizadas para identificar código acelerable en un dominio. Sin embargo, la identificación se ve dificultada por la diversidad de estilos entre diferentes programas. Por tanto, proponemos identificar en el bloque básico CIs equivalentes utilizando la representación canónica Taylor Expansion Diagram (TED). Con TEDs encontramos no sólo código estructuralmente equivalente, sino también con similitud funcional, en contraposición a la detección isomórfica de grafos acíclicos dirigidos (DAG). Combinamos ambos métodos en una nueva técnica híbrida DAG/TED, que identifica en varias aplicaciones más secuencias representadas por la misma CI. Tras esto, seleccionamos un subconjunto de CIs que puede ser contenido en el área de la SFU. Por la complejidad del problema, proponemos cuatro heurísticas de selección para reducir el espacio de búsqueda y homogeneizar el rendimiento de las aplicaciones. Incluimos estas técnicas en la infraestructura FuSInG y estimamos el rendimiento para un conjunto de benchmarks multimedia. Los resultados muestran que, al limitar el área de especialización, la configuración de la SFU con las mayores ganancias incluye una mezcla de CIs específicas tanto para una aplicación como para todo el dominio. Si nos centramos en CIs más grandes para obtener mayores ganancias, la reutilización se vuelve crítica; sin suficientes equivalencias las CIs no pueden ser generalizadas. Nuestro objetivo es que las CIs compartan parcialmente operaciones, especialmente a través de bloques básicos, y reducir el área de especialización. Por ello, creamos una representación canónica de CIs que cubre varios bloques básicos, Merging Diagram, para mejorar el alcance de la aceleración y facilitar la detección de similitud. Además, proponemos una búsqueda de coincidencias parciales basadas en clustering para identificar CIs de dominio específico parcialmente similares, las cuales derivan generalmente mejor rendimiento. Pero en áreas reducidas, la fusión de CIs induce un coste adicional que penalizaría la eficiencia energética. Así, detectamos fragmentos de CIs y los unimos con grupos de CIs previamente fusionadas con un coste extra mínimo. Usar el rendimiento como el factor decisivo en la selección puede no ser óptimo para disposivos con consumo de energía limitado. Por eso, proponemos un mecanismo de selección basado en programación lineal que equilibra rendimiento y consumo energético. Implementamos estas técnicas en la infraestructura MInGLE y las evaluamos con benchmarks multimedia. Las CIs seleccionadas mejoran notablemente la eficiencia energética y el rendimiento, demostrando que podemos acelerar un dominio cubriendo más código a la vez que reducimos el área de implementación.Postprint (published version

    Graph Similarity and Its Applications to Hardware Security

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    Hardware reverse engineering is a powerful and universal tool for both security engineers and adversaries. From a defensive perspective, it allows for detection of intellectual property infringements and hardware Trojans, while it simultaneously can be used for product piracy and malicious circuit manipulations. From a designer’s perspective, it is crucial to have an estimate of the costs associated with reverse engineering, yet little is known about this, especially when dealing with obfuscated hardware. The contribution at hand provides new insights into this problem, based on algorithms with sound mathematical underpinnings. Our contributions are threefold: First, we present the graph similarity problem for automating hardware reverse engineering. To this end, we improve several state-of-the-art graph similarity heuristics with optimizations tailored to the hardware context. Second, we propose a novel algorithm based on multiresolutional spectral analysis of adjacency matrices. Third, in three extensively evaluated case studies, namely (1) gate-level netlist reverse engineering, (2) hardware Trojan detection, and (3) assessment of hardware obfuscation, we demonstrate the practical nature of graph similarity algorithms

    Application of multimode HLS techniques to ASIP synthesis

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    Automatic generation of ASIPs is still insufficiently resource-efficient compared to human design. The current best eort relies on extending existing processor cores with custom instruction pathways, an approach that has several drawbacks: resources already existing in the core cannot be reused, and data access is restricted to the original register reads and writes, creating a bottleneck in throughput. We present an ASIP synthesis algorithm that turns a semantic description of an instruction set into a synthesizable description of a processor's datapath in an efficient manner, based on a mod- ication of Moreano's datapath merge algorithm. Support for operator mobility across pipeline stages, combinatorial loop prevention and realistic multiplexer resource usage estimation for FPGAs is added. The translation chain is not yet completed, but preliminary results show efficient resource reuse between instruction datapaths

    Description and Specialization of Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Architectures

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    The functionality of electronic embedded systems, such as mobile phones and digital cameras, becomes more complex at each product generation. This increasing complexity implies great challenges at the design phase of these devices, as designers have to deal with high performance and low energy requirements at a low production budget. In the last years, coarse-grained, dynamically reconfigurable computer systems have increasingly gain in importance as an alternative to cope with these challenges because they provide an optimal trade-off between flexibility-after-production and performance. Like generic purpose processors, coarse-grained reconfigurable systems can be quickly reprogrammed to perform new tasks, but they keep their performance and energy consumption near to ASIC standards. The design of coarse-grained reconfigurable processors is the main theme in this work. In the first part of this dissertation, I present a new architecture description language that was designed for the description of coarse-grained, reconfigurable systems. This language allows an efficient specification of processor arrays and the description of scalable interconnection networks. The second part of this dissertation investigates the specialization of coarse-grained reconfigurable processors towards an application domain by using custom instruction sets. This work presents methods, techniques, and tools to recognize and extract clusters of operations from a set of application. These clusters serve as patterns for the design of an optimal custom instruction set. Experiments and results are presented, which analyze and assess the impact of custom instructions on coarse-grained processor arrays.Die Funktionalität eingebetteter Systeme wie Mobiltelefone und digitale Foto-Kameras wird zunehmend umfangreicher und bürdet dem Entwurf dieser Geräte hohe Herausforderungen auf, wie z.B. hohe Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit, niedrige Herstellungskosten und geringeren Energieverbrauch. Um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, gewinnen grobgranulare dynamische rekonfigurierbare Rechnersysteme schnell an Bedeutung, denn sie bieten einen optimalen trade-off zwischen Flexibilität nach der Herstellung und Performanz. Wie allgemeine Prozessoren, können grobgranulare rekonfigurierbare Systeme während der Ausführungszeit schnell umprogrammiert werden, um neue Funktionalitäten auszuführen, behalten aber immer noch eine ASIC-ähnliche Performanz und Verlustleistungsverbrauch. Der Entwurf grobgranularer rekonfigurierbarer Bausteine ist das Thema dieser Dissertation. Im ersten Teil dieser Dissertation wird eine Sprache vorgestellt, die für die Beschreibung grobgranularer rekonfigurierbarer Systeme entwickelt wurde. Diese Sprache ermöglicht eine effiziente Spezifikation von Prozessoren-Arrays und die Beschreibung skalierbarer Netzwerkverbindungen. Der zweite Teil untersucht die Anpassung grobgranularer rekonfigurierbarer Bausteine an Anwendungssätze mittels spezialisierter Befehle. Methoden werden vorgestellt zur Erkennung und Extraktion von Operationsmustern aus einem Anwendungssatz. Diese Operationsmuster dienen dann zum Entwurf eines optimalen spezialisierten Befehlsatzes. Als Ergebnisse werden die Wirkungen von spezialisierten Befehlsätzen in grobgranularen Arrays analysiert und bewertet

    Submicron Systems Architecture: Semiannual Technical Report

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    Efficient design-space exploration of custom instruction-set extensions

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    Customization of processors with instruction set extensions (ISEs) is a technique that improves performance through parallelization with a reasonable area overhead, in exchange for additional design effort. This thesis presents a collection of novel techniques that reduce the design effort and cost of generating ISEs by advancing automation and reconfigurability. In addition, these techniques maximize the perfomance gained as a function of the additional commited resources. Including ISEs into a processor design implies development at many levels. Most prior works on ISEs solve separate stages of the design: identification, selection, and implementation. However, the interations between these stages also hold important design trade-offs. In particular, this thesis addresses the lack of interaction between the hardware implementation stage and the two previous stages. Interaction with the implementation stage has been mostly limited to accurately measuring the area and timing requirements of the implementation of each ISE candidate as a separate hardware module. However, the need to independently generate a hardware datapath for each ISE limits the flexibility of the design and the performance gains. Hence, resource sharing is essential in order to create a customized unit with multi-function capabilities. Previously proposed resource-sharing techniques aggressively share resources amongst the ISEs, thus minimizing the area of the solution at any cost. However, it is shown that aggressively sharing resources leads to large ISE datapath latency. Thus, this thesis presents an original heuristic that can be parameterized in order to control the degree of resource sharing amongst a given set of ISEs, thereby permitting the exploration of the existing implementation trade-offs between instruction latency and area savings. In addition, this thesis introduces an innovative predictive model that is able to quickly expose the optimal trade-offs of this design space. Compared to an exhaustive exploration of the design space, the predictive model is shown to reduce by two orders of magnitude the number of executions of the resource-sharing algorithm that are required in order to find the optimal trade-offs. This thesis presents a technique that is the first one to combine the design spaces of ISE selection and resource sharing in ISE datapath synthesis, in order to offer the designer solutions that achieve maximum speedup and maximum resource utilization using the available area. Optimal trade-offs in the design space are found by guiding the selection process to favour ISE combinations that are likely to share resources with low speedup losses. Experimental results show that this combined approach unveils new trade-offs between speedup and area that are not identified by previous selection techniques; speedups of up to 238% over previous selection thecniques were obtained. Finally, multi-cycle ISEs can be pipelined in order to increase their throughput. However, it is shown that traditional ISE identification techniques do not allow this optimization due to control flow overhead. In order to obtain the benefits of overlapping loop executions, this thesis proposes to carefully insert loop control flow statements into the ISEs, thus allowing the ISE to control the iterations of the loop. The proposed ISEs broaden the scope of instruction-level parallelism and obtain higher speedups compared to traditional ISEs, primarily through pipelining, the exploitation of spatial parallelism, and reducing the overhead of control flow statements and branches. A detailed case study of a real application shows that the proposed method achieves 91% higher speedups than the state-of-the-art, with an area overhead of less than 8% in hardware implementation