66 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Modelling for 3D Eddy Current Problems with a Conductive Thin Layer

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    Book of abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in EngineeringInternational audienceIn this work we derive and analyze an equivalent model for 3D Eddy Current problems with a conductive thin layer of small thickness ϵ\epsilon. In our model, the conductive sheet is replaced by its mid-surface and their shielding behavior is satisfied by an equivalent transmission conditions on this interface. The transmission conditions are derived asymptotically for vanishing sheet thickness ϵ\epsilon

    Analysis of L1-difference methods for time-fractional nonlinear parabolic problems with delay

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    This work is concerned with numerical solutions of time-fractional nonlinear parabolic problems by a class of L1-difference methods. The analysis of L1 methods for timefractional nonlinear problems with delay is limited mainly due to the lack of a fundamental Gronwall type inequality. We establish such a fundamental inequality for the L1 approximation to the Caputo fractional derivative. In terms of the Gronwall type inequality, we will provide error estimates of a fully discrete linearized difference scheme for this kind of problems

    Efficient computational homogenisation of 2D beams of heterogeneous elasticity using the patch scheme

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    Modern 'smart' materials have complex heterogeneous microscale structure, often with unknown macroscale closure but one we need to realise for large scale engineering and science. The multiscale Equation-Free Patch Scheme empowers us to non-intrusively, efficiently, and accurately predict the large scale, system level, solutions through computations on only small sparse patches of the given detailed microscale system. Here the microscale system is that of a 2D beam of heterogeneous elasticity, with either fixed fixed, fixed-free, or periodic boundary conditions. We demonstrate that the described multiscale Patch Scheme simply, efficiently, and stably predicts the beam's macroscale, with a controllable accuracy, at finite scale separation. Dynamical systems theory supports the scheme. This article points the way for others to use this systematic non-intrusive approach, via a developing toolbox of functions, to model and compute accurately macroscale system-levels of general complex physical and engineering systems

    Robust preconditioners for a new stabilized discretization of the poroelastic equations

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    In this paper, we present block preconditioners for a stabilized discretization of the poroelastic equations developed in [45]. The discretization is proved to be well-posed with respect to the physical and discretization parameters, and thus provides a framework to develop preconditioners that are robust with respect to such parameters as well. We construct both norm-equivalent (diagonal) and field-of-value-equivalent (triangular) preconditioners for both the stabilized discretization and a perturbation of the stabilized discretization that leads to a smaller overall problem after static condensation. Numerical tests for both two- and three-dimensional problems confirm the robustness of the block preconditioners with respect to the physical and discretization parameters

    Phase-field modeling and effective simulation of non-isothermal reactive transport

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    We consider single-phase flow with solute transport where ions in the fluid can precipitate and form a mineral, and where the mineral can dissolve and release solute into the fluid. Such a setting includes an evolving interface between fluid and mineral. We approximate the evolving interface with a diffuse interface, which is modeled with an Allen-Cahn equation. We also include effects from temperature such that the reaction rate can depend on temperature, and allow heat conduction through fluid and mineral. As Allen-Cahn is generally not conservative due to curvature-driven motion, we include a reformulation that is conservative. This reformulation includes a non-local term which makes the use of standard Newton iterations for solving the resulting non-linear system of equations very slow. We instead apply L-scheme iterations, which can be proven to converge for any starting guess, although giving only linear convergence. The three coupled equations for diffuse interface, solute transport and heat transport are solved via an iterative coupling scheme. This allows the three equations to be solved more efficiently compared to a monolithic scheme, and only few iterations are needed for high accuracy. Through numerical experiments we highlight the usefulness and efficiency of the suggested numerical scheme and the applicability of the resulting model