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    This study investigates website adoption and performance among Iranian hotels. Using content analysis technique, this study identifies the presence of 28 website features on 57 Iranian hotels. The results found Iranian hotels are at very early stage of Internet adoption. E-commerce activities are very minimal among the Iranian hotels as none of the hotels provide online reservation. This study adds to the limited study of e-commerce and hospitality in Iran.E-tourism, Website, Evaluation, Hotel, Iran

    Unresolved Questions in the Bill of Rights of the New Iraqi Constitution: How Will the Clash Between Human Rights and Islamic Law Be Reconciled in Future Legislative Enactments and Judicial Interpretations?

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    This Article endeavors to answer the question, are the provisions on “human rights” and “Islamic Law” in the new Iraqi constitution compatible? The new Iraqi Constitution recognizes the concept of “human rights” in accordance with Iraq\u27s international obligations, establishes an independent “Supreme Commission for Human Rights,” limits the work of governmental intelligence agencies in accordance with human rights, and prohibits tribal customs that contradict human rights. At the same time, the Constitution makes some references to Islamic Shari\u27ah: it establishes Islam as the official religion of the State, recognizes Islam as a source of legislation, recognizes Iraq as a part of the Muslim world, guarantees the Islamic identity of its majority, allows Iraqis to choose their personal status law according to Islamic Law, and requires that the Federal Supreme Court contain jurists of Islamic Law. This Article endeavours to answer the question by briefly examining the various provisions of the Iraqi Constitution that cover the rights of the Iraqi people

    Spartan Daily, November 25, 1986

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    Volume 87, Issue 61https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/7518/thumbnail.jp

    Economic Cooperation Organization and Regional Trade

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    Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), based on regional and multicultural cooperation, has focused on the improvement of living standards, collective as well as individual prosperity of people and economic development of member’s states. Since February 1992 ECO has been expanded to ten as the result of collapse of the Soviet Union. Of course, gas and oil are very important factors in this regard. ECO has followed its two major plans in the context of “Action Plan” and "Istanbul Declaration". Each of these documents is an indication of overall goals of this organization by 2005. One of the most important goals of ECO members has been accelerated of economic growth and development. The main question of this paper is: “Has ECO been able to fulfill declared goals among member states?” The hypothesis of this paper is: ECO has failed to achieve these goals. Prove of this hypothesis makes the revision of ECO activities a necessary step.ECO; RCD; Iran; Turkey; Central Asia; Russia; America; China.

    Internet Censorship: An Integrative Review of Technologies Employed to Limit Access to the Internet, Monitor User Actions, and their Effects on Culture

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    The following conducts an integrative review of the current state of Internet Censorship in China, Iran, and Russia, highlights common circumvention technologies (CTs), and analyzes the effects Internet Censorship has on cultures. The author spends a large majority of the paper delineating China’s Internet infrastructure and prevalent Internet Censorship Technologies/Techniques (ICTs), paying particular attention to how the ICTs function at a technical level. The author further analyzes the state of Internet Censorship in both Iran and Russia from a broader perspective to give a better understanding of Internet Censorship around the globe. The author also highlights specific CTs, explaining how they function at a technical level. Findings indicate that among all three nation-states, state control of Internet Service Providers is the backbone of Internet Censorship. Specifically, within China, it is discovered that the infrastructure functions as an Intranet, thereby creating a closed system. Further, BGP Hijacking, DNS Poisoning, and TCP RST attacks are analyzed to understand their use-case within China. It is found that Iran functions much like a weaker version of China in regards to ICTs, with the state seemingly using the ICT of Bandwidth Throttling rather consistently. Russia’s approach to Internet censorship, in stark contrast to Iran and China, is found to rely mostly on the legislative system and fear to implement censorship, though their technical level of ICT implementation grows daily. TOR, VPNs, and Proxy Servers are all analyzed and found to be robust CTs. Drawing primarily from the examples given throughout the paper, the author highlights the various effects of Internet Censorship on culture – noting that at its core, Internet Censorship destroys democracy

    Inferring Mechanisms for Global Constitutional Progress

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    Constitutions help define domestic political orders, but are known to be influenced by two international mechanisms: one that reflects global temporal trends in legal development, and another that reflects international network dynamics such as shared colonial history. We introduce the provision space; the growing set of all legal provisions existing in the world's constitutions over time. Through this we uncover a third mechanism influencing constitutional change: hierarchical dependencies between legal provisions, under which the adoption of essential, fundamental provisions precedes more advanced provisions. This third mechanism appears to play an especially important role in the emergence of new political rights, and may therefore provide a useful roadmap for advocates of those rights. We further characterise each legal provision in terms of the strength of these mechanisms

    Between a Rock and a Cell Phone: Social Media Use during Mass Protests in Iran, Tunisia and Egypt

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    In this paper we examine the use of social media, and especially Twitter, in Iran, Tunisia and Egypt during the mass political demonstrations and protests in June 2009, December 2010 - January 2011, and February 2011, respectively. We compare this usage with methods and findings from other studies on the use of Twitter in emergency situations, such as natural and man-made disasters. We draw on our own experiences and participant-observations as an eyewitness in Iran (first author), and on Twitter data from Iran, Tunisia and Egypt. In these three cases, Twitter filled a unique technology and communication gap at least partially. We summarize suggested directions for future research with a view of placing this work in the larger context of social media use in conditions of crisis and social convergence

    Analysis of Sustainable Water Resources Management (SWRM) in Agriculture

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    The purpose of this research was analysis Sustainable Water Resources Management (SWRM) in agriculture of Khouzestan Province of Iran. The research method was quantitative research. Total population of experts in the study included all agricultural extension experts (N=96) of Agricultural-Jihad Organization of Khuzestan Province, Iran. Based on frequency of respondents about importance rate of supportive policies regarding SWRM in agriculture, 70.8% of respondents stated that encouraging farmers for using sustainable methods had very high importance. In reference to the frequency of respondents about extension system roles on realization of SWRM dimensions in agriculture, 52.8% of respondents stated conservation of water resources had very high importance for supporting SWRM in agriculture
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