6 research outputs found

    The Impact of Implementing a Moodle Plug-in as an AI-based Adaptive Learning Solution on Learning Effectiveness: Case of Morocco

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    This article presents feedback on the implementation of an Artificial Intelligence-based adaptive learning Moodle plugin aimed at enhancing the engagement levels and academic performance of 102 Moroccan high school students. The primary objective of this study was to assess and compare the performance of students utilizing the adaptive learning system with those employing conventional learning methods. To guarantee the efficacy of this approach, a participant satisfaction survey and a comprehensive summative evaluation were conducted, revealing the positive impact of AI-based adaptive learning on the participants. The results of this study highlight the potential benefits of integrating AI-driven adaptive learning into high school computer science curricula, emphasizing how it may raise student engagement and academic performance. These results strengthen the determination to use this teaching methodology with students in future educational activities

    Analysis of Factors influencing the successful use of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to prepare Digital Talent

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    One type of e-learning category is Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). MOOCs or MOOC promote the "democratization of education" that allows education to be accessed by everyone from anywhere and anytime. The use of MOOCs gives students access to a wide variety of resources. MOOs enable students to have the sufficient storage capacity to store their materials. MOOCs have the potential to improve digital capabilities in the face of digital transformation. The intention to use MOOC is relatively high, however, in terms of class completion rate and motivation to pass on MOOC is relatively low. These conditions need to be examined to increase the success rate of MOOCs usage. This research develops a model and identifies factors that influence the successful use of MOOCs to prepare digital talent. The approach is a mixed method that collects quantitative data using an online questionnaire and qualitative data via interviews. The researcher took data from 91 samples and eight informants for interviews. In the study results, 6 out of 12 hypotheses are accepted in this study. The factors that influence a person in completing MOOC either directly or indirectly include Performance expectancy, willingness to earn certificates, MOOC quality, and Intrinsic motivation. This research also produces recommendations that can be used as consideration for parties related to MOOC

    E-learning platforms and their impact on university education during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    La situación provocada por la COVID-19 ha acelerado el cambio de los modelos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en las Universidades. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo explorar los factores que inciden en la percepción de satisfacción y los resultados de aprendizaje de los estudiantes al utilizar plataformas de aprendizaje en línea. Utilizando como base el Modelo de Aceptación de Tecnología (TAM) y el Modelo de éxito de los sistemas de información (ISs), se analizaron los resultados por medio de PLS-SEM. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante una encuesta en línea enviada a estudiantes de diferentes niveles de educación superior. Entre los principales hallazgos se destaca que entre mayor sea la satisfacción de los usuarios de las plataformas de aprendizaje en línea mayor el resultado de aprendizaje. La información obtenida puede contribuir a que las Universidades puedan potenciar este tipo de herramientas para lograr de manera eficiente los objetivos de educación propuestos.The current situation caused by COVID-19 has accelerated the change in lifestyles and therefore Universities have had to modify their teaching-learning models. The objective of this work is to explore the factors that affect the perception of satisfaction and the learning results of those when using online learning applications. Through a quantitative methodology and using as a basis the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Information Systems Success Model (ISs), the results were analyzed by means of PLS-SEM (Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling). The data were collected through a survey conducted by a structured questionnaire and sent to students of different levels of higher education. Among the main findings, it was obtained that the higher the satisfaction of users of online learning platforms, the higher the results. The information obtained can contribute to the Universities being able to enhance this type of tool to efficiently achieve the proposed educational objectives

    A model of motivational and technological factors influencing massive open online courses’ continuous intention to use

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    Massive open online courses have been regarded as effective technological innovations that improve educational systems in the era of digitalisation. However, only 10% of the registered students complete their courses. This study aims to examine the motivational and technological factors and contextual features on students’ continuous intention to use. A questionnaire was gathered from 315 of students in the UAE and revealed that social motivational and technological factors driven by the technology acceptance model and technology task fit theory significantly influenced the students’ continuance intention to use. This study also revealed that contextual features including language use and course accreditation are important indicators determining students’ behaviours toward the use. Hence, this study proposed an integrative model to explain ways to improve continuance intention to use. This study contributes to the sustainable use of massive open online courses in developing countries through an integrative model

    Equality of Learning Opportunity via Individual Fairness in Personalized Recommendations

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    Online education platforms play an increasingly important role in mediating the success of individuals’ careers. Therefore, while building overlying content recommendation services, it becomes essential to guarantee that learners are provided with equal recommended learning opportunities, according to the platform principles, context, and pedagogy. Though the importance of ensuring equality of learning opportunities has been well investigated in traditional institutions, how this equality can be operationalized in online learning ecosystems through recommender systems is still under-explored. In this paper, we shape a blueprint of the decisions and processes to be considered in the context of equality of recommended learning opportunities, based on principles that need to be empirically-validated (no evaluation with live learners has been performed). To this end, we first provide a formalization of educational principles that model recommendations’ learning properties, and a novel fairness metric that combines them to monitor the equality of recommended learning opportunities among learners. Then, we envision a scenario wherein an educational platform should be arranged in such a way that the generated recommendations meet each principle to a certain degree for all learners, constrained to their individual preferences. Under this view, we explore the learning opportunities provided by recommender systems in a course platform, uncovering systematic inequalities. To reduce this effect, we propose a novel post-processing approach that balances personalization and equality of recommended opportunities. Experiments show that our approach leads to higher equality, with a negligible loss in personalization. This paper provides a theoretical foundation for future studies of learners’ preferences and limits concerning the equality of recommended learning opportunities

    El aula virtual para el desarrollo de competencias en una unidad didáctica, en estudiantes de ingeniería en una universidad pública

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    El trabajo de investigación cuyo objetivo fue elaborar una propuesta para el desarrollo de competencias en una unidad didáctica, en la escuela de ingeniería de sistemas de la FICSA en la UNPRG a los estudiantes del primer ciclo en la asignatura de cálculo diferencial, la muestra estuvo conformada por 51 estudiantes matriculados en dicha asignatura. La investigación fue descriptiva propositiva, el instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario, los resultados de diagnóstico muestran que los estudiantes no desarrollan sus competencias en la unidad de límite y derivadas del curso de cálculo diferencial, y en los de la propuesta se tiene que ésta es pertinente para la enseñanza aprendizaje, de actualidad, es viable y tiene impacto académico - social. Entre las conclusiones tenemos que la propuesta se fundamentó teóricamente y que en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje el desarrollo de las competencias utilizando el aula virtual beneficia a los estudiantes, se elaboró la propuesta como estrategia metodológica, fundamentada en el enfoque del constructivismo y conectivismo que permitieron mejorar el desarrollo de las competencias de las unidades de límites y derivadas en los estudiantes del primer ciclo de la escuela profesional de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo de Lambayeque