3 research outputs found


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    Surveillance videos are recorded pervasively and their retrieval currently still relies on human operators. As an intermediate representation, this work develops a new temporal profile of video to convey accurate temporal information in the video while keeping certain spatial characteristics of targets of interest for recognition. The profile is obtained at critical positions where major target flow appears. We set a sampling line crossing the motion direction to profile passing targets in the temporal domain. In order to add spatial information to the temporal profile to certain extent, we integrate multiple profiles from a set of lines with blending method to reflect the target motion direction and position in the temporal profile. Different from mosaicing/montage methods for video synopsis in spatial domain, our temporal profile has no limit on the time length, and the created profile significantly reduces the data size for brief indexing and fast search of video

    Detection of Vehicles in Image

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    Tato práce si klade za cíl implementovat metodu detekce a sledování automobilu založenou na modelu pohybu, vhodnou pro zpracování v reálném čase. Je zde uveden rozbor běžně užívaných metod detekce a představen princip této metody, který se skládá z detekce nízkoúrovňových klíčových bodů, časoprostorového profilování snímků i klíčových bodů a~klasifikací získaných stop pomocí HMM. Následně byly s metodou prováděny experimenty sloužící k nalezení oblastí potenciálního zlepšení metody.This thesis aims to implement the vehicle detection and tracking method based on the motion model suitable for real-time processing. The first part includes analysis of the commonly used methods. The second part introduces principles of implemented method. This method consists of low-level features extraction, the spatiotemporal profiling of extracted features and image intensities, and classification of obtained traces based on HMM. Subsequently experiments using this trustworthy method are conducted to locate areas of potential method improvements.

    Image-Based Localization Using the Plenoptic Function

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    In this report we study the ways to exploit the vast amount of information inherent in the plenoptic space and constraints of the plenoptic function to improve the efficiency of image retrieval, recognition and matching techniques. The specific application we are concerned with is image-based location recognition on mobile devices. The plenoptic space is formed by extending the notion of traditional two-dimensional by adding more dimensions for viewing direction, time and wavelength. Using current mobile devices' built-in cameras, one can easily capture a large sequence of pictures from a single static scene by moving the camera in one direction, which form a three dimensional plenoptic function