9 research outputs found

    Method of Forming Recommendations Using Temporal Constraints in a Situation of Cyclic Cold Start of the Recommender System

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    The problem of the formation of the recommended list of items in the situation of cyclic cold start of the recommendation system is considered. This problem occurs when building recommendations for occasional users. The interests of such consumers change significantly over time. These users are considered “cold” when accessing the recommendation system. A method for building recommendations in a cyclical cold start situation using temporal constraints is proposed. Temporal constraints are formed on the basis of the selection of repetitive pairs of actions for choosing the same objects at a given level of time granulation. Input data is represented by a set of user choice records. For each entry, a time stamp is indicated. The method includes the phases of the formation of temporal constraints, the addition of source data using these constraints, as well as the formation of recommendations using the collaborative filtering algorithm. The proposed method makes it possible, with the help of temporal constraints, to improve the accuracy of recommendations for “cold” users with periodic changes in their interests

    A Deep Learning Approach towards Cold Start Problem in Movie Recommendation System

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    Recommendation systems play an important role for e-commerce websites to make profits. It has a variety of applications in different domains. There are three types of categories in which recommendation systems are classified i.e. content based, collaborative and hybrid systems. These systems suffer when a redundant amount of information is not available to provide recommendations. This problem is known as the cold start problem. In this digital era, it is possible to collect meta information about a user and provide rich recommendations. Various approaches such as social media analysis, graph networks have been proposed to solve this problem. But they lack personalization and generate irrelevant recommendations affecting the system performance. The objective of this work is to resolve new user cold start problem in movie recommendation systems using a deep learning approach that utilizes demographic attributes to cluster similar users. This embedding is given to the deep neural network to generate the recommendations. From the analysis done, we verify the effectiveness of our approach.


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    The problem of the formation of the recommended list of items in the situation of cyclic cold start of the recommendation system is considered. This problem occurs when building recommendations for occasional users. The interests of such consumers change significantly over time. These users are considered “cold” when accessing the recommendation system. A method for building recommendations in a cyclical cold start situation using temporal constraints is proposed. Temporal constraints are formed on the basis of the selection of repetitive pairs of actions for choosing the same objects at a given level of time granulation. Input data is represented by a set of user choice records. For each entry, a time stamp is indicated. The method includes the phases of the formation of temporal constraints, the addition of source data using these constraints, as well as the formation of recommendations using the collaborative filtering algorithm. The proposed method makes it possible, with the help of temporal constraints, to improve the accuracy of recommendations for “cold” users with periodic changes in their interests

    Node Duplication Improves Cold-start Link Prediction

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are prominent in graph machine learning and have shown state-of-the-art performance in Link Prediction (LP) tasks. Nonetheless, recent studies show that GNNs struggle to produce good results on low-degree nodes despite their overall strong performance. In practical applications of LP, like recommendation systems, improving performance on low-degree nodes is critical, as it amounts to tackling the cold-start problem of improving the experiences of users with few observed interactions. In this paper, we investigate improving GNNs' LP performance on low-degree nodes while preserving their performance on high-degree nodes and propose a simple yet surprisingly effective augmentation technique called NodeDup. Specifically, NodeDup duplicates low-degree nodes and creates links between nodes and their own duplicates before following the standard supervised LP training scheme. By leveraging a ''multi-view'' perspective for low-degree nodes, NodeDup shows significant LP performance improvements on low-degree nodes without compromising any performance on high-degree nodes. Additionally, as a plug-and-play augmentation module, NodeDup can be easily applied to existing GNNs with very light computational cost. Extensive experiments show that NodeDup achieves 38.49%, 13.34%, and 6.76% improvements on isolated, low-degree, and warm nodes, respectively, on average across all datasets compared to GNNs and state-of-the-art cold-start methods

    The improvement of Item-based collaborative filtering algorithm in recommendation system using similarity index

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    The extensive and increase use of high-tech product in business has generated a huge amount of business information to be processed in many fields. Thus, a recommendation system is introduced as an effective strategy to manage the business information overload problem. The system aims to filters enormous information and proposes appropriate suggestions to users. A collaborative filtering algorithm is one of the algorithms applied in the recommendation system. However, the collaborative filtering algorithm faces cold-start problem, where new items in the shopping list are not identified and recognized by the system. Hence, this study proposes an improved collaborative filtering algorithm which aims to alleviate the cold-start problem by combining the item rating and item attributes in similarity index. The performance of enhanced algorithm was compared to existing collaborative filtering algorithms in term of precision rate, recall rate and F1 score using Movielens dataset. The algorithm’s efficiency, objectiveness, and accurateness towards its performances were measured. Finally, the experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm get 15 percent precision rate, 6 percent recall rate and 9 percent F1 score. Thus, it proved to be more effective in deal with cold-start problems by using new similarity index, and also can make recommendations on new items in different fields with satisfactory accuracy for better recommendation result. Theoretically, this study contributes to improve the collaborative filtering algorithm in recommendation system for overcome the cold-start problem by analyzing more item attributes to extract more information to the algorithm. Besides, the proposed algorithms can be applied in many fields for cold-items recommendation and to enhance the quality of the recommendation system