6 research outputs found

    The role of playfulness and sensory experiences in design for public health and for ageing well

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    The chapter provides an insight into the role of design and sensory experiences in public health and ageing well through the lenses of playful design. It presents, through a number of relevant examples, the role of playfulness as a trigger for engaging people and especially older adults with physical exercise through tangible play. Emphasis is placed on the potential, benefits and challenges of designing playful sensory experiences and activities (interventions) for public health and ageing well. Following a review of the relevant literature on playfulness and sensory experiences and health, a number of projects that incorporate playfulness and sensory experiences are presented. This is followed by a presentation of the Active Parks case study. Active Parks co-created an interactive and playful walking trail that offers casual physical activity in one of Lancaster city’s park. Working with the local community and a several key stakeholders a number of interactive and playful multisensory proof-of-concept prototypes were designed, developed and tested in the park. Based on the literature and the aforementioned case study a number of recommendations are provided on how to design playful sensory experiences for public health. This is the first paper of its kind to offer such practical recommendations that aim at public health and playfulness focusing on adults and older users

    PontoUA: personalização de informação em sistema interactivo público

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    Mestrado em Comunicação MultimédiaO projecto PontoUA ambiciona oferecer à comunidade universitária a obtenção de informação tendo em conta as suas necessidades, de acordo com o perfil de utilização previsto para cada utilizador, através da inclusão de vários Pontos Interactivos em áreas-chave da Universidade de Aveiro. Nesse sentido, foram estudadas soluções que contemplam a utilização de Sistemas Interactivos em Espaços Públicos (SIEP), especialmente no contexto universitário, no sentido de se compreender melhor o objecto em estudo. Foram, também, investigadas soluções que permitam uma melhor adequação da informação a apresentar nos SIEP às necessidades identificadas, pelo que foram consideradas dimensões inerentes a Sistemas de Personalização de Informação, bem como a Sistemas de Identificação e Reconhecimento dos utilizadores. Desta forma, o desafio da configuração de um sistema que permita a apresentação de informação personalizada num SIEP em contexto universitário levou a que o presente estudo almeje a concepção, desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma solução de Reconhecimento Pessoal integrada num protótipo de um Sistema Interactivo Público Universitário (SIPU) – o PontoDeCA - para apresentação de informação personalizada e que vá ao encontro das preferências do utilizador, no sentido de se analisar a experiência de utilização decorrente do uso do mesmo.In the present work it was conceived a project denominated PontoUA that desires to offer to the university community the challenge of obtaining information based on users’ needs, by the use of Interactive Information Systems located in strategic places of the University of Aveiro. In order to achieve a working solution it was necessary to study other solutions that attempt the utilization of Interactive Systems at Public Spaces (ISPS), to gather a better knowledge in what is concerned to this type of systems. In this work, it was also object of study a set of solutions that allowed a better information adaptation to present at ISPS due to user's needs, which led to the study of Personal Recognition Systems and Customized Information Systems. The challenge of setting up a system which involves customized information on an Interactive Public System in academic context has taken the presented work to the development and assessment of a prototype named PontoDeCA in what is concerned to the interaction with the system and the foreseen user experience. This study was conducted in order to be considered as a starting point in the field of the inclusion of mechanisms that allows users to obtain customized information at Interactive Systems at Public Spaces

    An Investigation into Playful Interactive Experiences within Public Space

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    This investigation aimed to produce methods of regeneration for underutilised public areas, encouraging social and spatial interactions through play permission. Approached from an interdisciplinary perspective, design and artistic installation merge with social science. Central skills of communication develop at a young age where play is a major contributor, but in a globalised world interactions are increasingly ‘virtual’ rather than physical. Research hypothesis suggests playful designs as catalysts for change will alter spatial usage and user perceptions, thus creating exciting places for public life. Ideally a ‘playful interactive experience’ is seemingly humorous participatory design unexpectedly intervening with public space, allowing participation with an ephemeral experience. Investigation contributions are frameworks for the creation and evaluation of playful interactive experiences, to be utilised at academic or professional levels, aiming for: playful environment creation, and analysis of user interactions. Design for research methodology tested framework parameters through the utilisation of design artefacts. Multiple methods were employed to triangulate results: onsite questionnaires, focus groups, and professional interviews provided the study with public and professional opinions. Secondly, observational behavioural mapping displays visual and statistical outcomes for data comparison. Modified user perception, increased usage and positive social engagements reveal that: play permission implemented correctly is a successful method for place creation. Conclusions indicate that humorous outcomes can be enjoyed by all as economic, fun and non traditional solutions to ‘placemaking.’ Findings allowed for framework development in their concluding form. Future recommendations suggest a handbook detailing the playful interactive experience. New questions prompt discussions into: impacts on anti-social behaviour, continued employment over greater time periods and additional spatial settings. This research was carried out by De Montfort University, aided by Frederick University and Urban Gorillas, NGO. It was an investigation into playful interactive experiences with intentions of improving sociability and perceptions, promoting creativity and usage within underutilised public spaces