7 research outputs found

    Objective Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure

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    We present a study of multiple sclerosis segmentation algorithms conducted at the international MICCAI 2016 challenge. This challenge was operated using a new open-science computing infrastructure. This allowed for the automatic and independent evaluation of a large range of algorithms in a fair and completely automatic manner. This computing infrastructure was used to evaluate thirteen methods of MS lesions segmentation, exploring a broad range of state-of-theart algorithms, against a high-quality database of 53 MS cases coming from four centers following a common definition of the acquisition protocol. Each case was annotated manually by an unprecedented number of seven different experts. Results of the challenge highlighted that automatic algorithms, including the recent machine learning methods (random forests, deep learning, …), are still trailing human expertise on both detection and delineation criteria. In addition, we demonstrate that computing a statistically robust consensus of the algorithms performs closer to human expertise on one score (segmentation) although still trailing on detection scores

    Computational Modeling for Abnormal Brain Tissue Segmentation, Brain Tumor Tracking, and Grading

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    This dissertation proposes novel texture feature-based computational models for quantitative analysis of abnormal tissues in two neurological disorders: brain tumor and stroke. Brain tumors are the cells with uncontrolled growth in the brain tissues and one of the major causes of death due to cancer. On the other hand, brain strokes occur due to the sudden interruption of the blood supply which damages the normal brain tissues and frequently causes death or persistent disability. Clinical management of these brain tumors and stroke lesions critically depends on robust quantitative analysis using different imaging modalities including Magnetic Resonance (MR) and Digital Pathology (DP) images. Due to uncontrolled growth and infiltration into the surrounding tissues, the tumor regions appear with a significant texture variation in the static MRI volume and also in the longitudinal imaging study. Consequently, this study developed computational models using novel texture features to segment abnormal brain tissues (tumor, and stroke lesions), tracking the change of tumor volume in longitudinal images, and tumor grading in MR images. Manual delineation and analysis of these abnormal tissues in large scale is tedious, error-prone, and often suffers from inter-observer variability. Therefore, efficient computational models for robust segmentation of different abnormal tissues is required to support the diagnosis and analysis processes. In this study, brain tissues are characterized with novel computational modeling of multi-fractal texture features for multi-class brain tumor tissue segmentation (BTS) and extend the method for ischemic stroke lesions in MRI. The robustness of the proposed segmentation methods is evaluated using a huge amount of private and public domain clinical data that offers competitive performance when compared with that of the state-of-the-art methods. Further, I analyze the dynamic texture behavior of tumor volume in longitudinal imaging and develop post-processing frame-work using three-dimensional (3D) texture features. These post-processing methods are shown to reduce the false positives in the BTS results and improve the overall segmentation result in longitudinal imaging. Furthermore, using this improved segmentation results the change of tumor volume has been quantified in three types such as stable, progress, and shrinkage as observed by the volumetric changes of different tumor tissues in longitudinal images. This study also investigates a novel non-invasive glioma grading, for the first time in literature, that uses structural MRI only. Such non-invasive glioma grading may be useful before an invasive biopsy is recommended. This study further developed an automatic glioma grading scheme using the invasive cell nuclei morphology in DP images for cross-validation with the same patients. In summary, the texture-based computational models proposed in this study are expected to facilitate the clinical management of patients with the brain tumors and strokes by automating large scale imaging data analysis, reducing human error, inter-observer variability, and producing repeatable brain tumor quantitation and grading

    Adaptive weighted fusion of multiple MR sequences for brain lesion segmentation

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    International audienceWe propose a technique for fusing the output of multiple Magnetic Resonance (MR) sequences to robustly and accurately segment brain lesions. It is based on a Bayesian multi-sequence Markov model that includes weight parameters to account for the relative importance and control the impact of each sequence. The Bayesian framework has the advantage of allowing 1) the incorporation of expert knowledge on the a priori relevant information content of each sequence and 2) a weighting scheme which is modified adaptively according to the data and the segmentation task under consideration. The model, applied to the detection of multiple sclerosis and stroke lesions shows promising results

    Modélisation statistique pour la prédiction du pronostic de patients atteints d’un Accident Vasculaire Cérébral

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    Stroke is a serious disease that needs emergency health care. Due to potential side effects, the patients must fulfil very restrictive criteria for eligibility to the curative treatment. These criteria limit drastically the accessibility to treatment : currently, an estimated 10% of stroke patients are treated. The purpose of this work was to develop a statistical framework for stroke predictive models. We deal with assessing predictive models in a low-prevalence context, building predictive models for spatial data, making volumic predictions depending on the treatement option, and performing image segmentation in presence of image artefacts. Tools developed in this thesis have been collected in an R package named MRIaggrL’Accident Vasculaire Cérébral (AVC) est une maladie grave pour laquelle des critères très stricts encadrent l’administration du traitement curatif en phase aigüe. Ces critères limitent drastiquement l’accès à ce traitement : on estime que seuls 10% des patients atteints d’un AVC en bénéficient. L’objectif de ce travail est de proposer un modèle prédictif de l’évolution de l’AVC qui permette d’identifier le volume de tissu à risque de chaque patient. Ce volume, qui correspond au bénéfice potentiel du traitement, permettra de mieux orienter le médecin dans sa décision de traiter. Pour répondre à cet objectif nous nous intéressons aux problématiques d’évaluation de modèles prédictifs dans un contexte de faible prévalence, de modélisation prédictive sur données spatiales, de prédiction volumique en fonction de l’option de traitement et de segmentation d’images en présence d’artefacts. Les outils développés ont été rassemblés au sein d’une librairie de fonctions du logiciel R nommée MRIagg

    Automated segmentation and characterisation of white matter hyperintensities

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    Neuroimaging has enabled the observation of damage to the white matter that occurs frequently in elderly population and is depicted as hyperintensities in specific magnetic resonance images. Since the pathophysiology underlying the existence of these signal abnormalities and the association with clinical risk factors and outcome is still investigated, a robust and accurate quantification and characterisation of these observations is necessary. In this thesis, I developed a data-driven split and merge model selection framework that results in the joint modelling of normal appearing and outlier observations in a hierarchical Gaussian mixture model. The resulting model can then be used to segment white matter hyperintensities (WMH) in a post-processing step. The validity of the method in terms of robustness to data quality, acquisition protocol and preprocessing and its comparison to the state of the art is evaluated in both simulated and clinical settings. To further characterise the lesions, a subject-specific coordinate frame that divides the WM region according to the relative distance between the ventricular surface and the cortical sheet and to the lobar location is introduced. This coordinate frame is used for the comparison of lesion distributions in a population of twin pairs and for the prediction and standardisation of visual rating scales. Lastly the cross-sectional method is extended into a longitudinal framework, in which a Gaussian Mixture model built on an average image is used to constrain the representation of the individual time points. The method is validated through a purpose-build longitudinal lesion simulator and applied to the investigation of the relationship between APOE genetic status and lesion load progression