17 research outputs found

    Adaptive tearing and cracking of thin sheets

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    This paper presents a method for adaptive fracture propagation in thin sheets. A high-quality triangle mesh is dynamically restructured to adaptively maintain detail wherever it is required by the simulation. These requirements include refining where cracks are likely to either start or advance. Refinement ensures that the stress distribution around the crack tip is well resolved, which is vital for creating highly detailed, realistic crack paths. The dynamic meshing framework allows subsequent coarsening once areas are no longer likely to produce cracking. This coarsening allows efficient simulation by reducing the total number of active nodes and by preventing the formation of thin slivers around the crack path. A local reprojection scheme and a substepping fracture process help to ensure stability and prevent a loss of plasticity during remeshing. By including bending and stretching plasticity models, the method is able to simulate a large range of materials with very different fracture behaviors. Copyright © ACM

    Interactive procedural simulation of paper tearing with sound

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    International audienceWe present a phenomenological model for the real-time simulation of paper tearing and sound. The model uses as input rotations of the hand along with the index and thumb of left and right hands to drive the position and orientation of two regions of a sheet of paper. The motion of the hands produces a cone shaped deformation of the paper and guides the formation and growth of the tear. We create a model for the direction of the tear based on empirical observation, and add detail to the tear with a directed noise model. Furthermore, we present a procedural sound synthesis method to produce tearing sounds during interaction. We show a variety of paper tearing examples and discuss applications and limitations

    Interactive Detailed Cutting of Thin Sheets

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    International audienceIn this paper we propose a method for the interactive detailed cutting of deformable thin sheets. Our method builds on the ability of frame-based simulation to solve for dynamics using very few control frames while embedding highly detailed geometry - here an adaptive mesh that accurately represents the cut boundaries.Our solution relies on a non-manifold grid to compute shape functions that faithfully adapt to the topological changes occurring while cutting. New frames are dynamically inserted to describe new regions. We provide incremental mechanisms for updating simulation data, enabling us to achieve interactive rates. We illustrate our method with examples inspired by the traditional Kirigami artform

    High-resolution brittle fracture simulation with boundary elements

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    We present a method for simulating brittle fracture under the assumptions of quasi-static linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). Using the boundary element method (BEM) and Lagrangian crack-fronts, we produce highly detailed fracture surfaces. The computational cost of the BEM is alleviated by using a low-resolution mesh and interpolating the resulting stress intensity factors when propagating the high-resolution crack-front. Our system produces physics-based fracture surfaces with high spatial and temporal resolution, taking spatial variation of material toughness and/or strength into account. It also allows for crack initiation to be handled separately from crack propagation, which is not only more reasonable from a physics perspective, but can also be used to control the simulation. Separating the resolution of the crack-front from the resolution of the computational mesh increases the efficiency and therefore the amount of visual detail on the resulting fracture surfaces. The BEM also allows us to re-use previously computed blocks of the system matrix

    Computational Design of Cold Bent Glass Fa\c{c}ades

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    Cold bent glass is a promising and cost-efficient method for realizing doubly curved glass fa\c{c}ades. They are produced by attaching planar glass sheets to curved frames and require keeping the occurring stress within safe limits. However, it is very challenging to navigate the design space of cold bent glass panels due to the fragility of the material, which impedes the form-finding for practically feasible and aesthetically pleasing cold bent glass fa\c{c}ades. We propose an interactive, data-driven approach for designing cold bent glass fa\c{c}ades that can be seamlessly integrated into a typical architectural design pipeline. Our method allows non-expert users to interactively edit a parametric surface while providing real-time feedback on the deformed shape and maximum stress of cold bent glass panels. Designs are automatically refined to minimize several fairness criteria while maximal stresses are kept within glass limits. We achieve interactive frame rates by using a differentiable Mixture Density Network trained from more than a million simulations. Given a curved boundary, our regression model is capable of handling multistable configurations and accurately predicting the equilibrium shape of the panel and its corresponding maximal stress. We show predictions are highly accurate and validate our results with a physical realization of a cold bent glass surface

    Stochastic Simulation of Mudcrack Damage Formation in an Environmental Barrier Coating

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    The FEAMAC/CARES program, which integrates finite element analysis (FEA) with the MAC/GMC (Micromechanics Analysis Code with Generalized Method of Cells) and the CARES/Life (Ceramics Analysis and Reliability Evaluation of Structures / Life Prediction) programs, was used to simulate the formation of mudcracks during the cooling of a multilayered environmental barrier coating (EBC) deposited on a silicon carbide substrate. FEAMAC/CARES combines the MAC/GMC multiscale micromechanics analysis capability (primarily developed for composite materials) with the CARES/Life probabilistic multiaxial failure criteria (developed for brittle ceramic materials) and Abaqus (Dassault Systmes) FEA. In this report, elastic modulus reduction of randomly damaged finite elements was used to represent discrete cracking events. The use of many small-sized low-aspect-ratio elements enabled the formation of crack boundaries, leading to development of mudcrack-patterned damage. Finite element models of a disk-shaped three-dimensional specimen and a twodimensional model of a through-the-thickness cross section subjected to progressive cooling from 1,300 C to an ambient temperature of 23 C were made. Mudcrack damage in the coating resulted from the buildup of residual tensile stresses between the individual material constituents because of thermal expansion mismatches between coating layers and the substrate. A two-parameter Weibull distribution characterized the coating layer stochastic strength response and allowed the effect of the Weibull modulus on the formation of damage and crack segmentation lengths to be studied. The spontaneous initiation of cracking and crack coalescence resulted in progressively smaller mudcrack cells as cooling progressed, consistent with a fractal-behaved fracture pattern. Other failure modes such as delamination, and possibly spallation, could also be reproduced. The physical basis assumed and the heuristic approach employed, which involves a simple stochastic cellular automaton methodology to approximate the crack growth process, are described. The results ultimately show that a selforganizing mudcrack formation can derive from a Weibull distribution that is used to describe the stochastic strength response of the bulk brittle ceramic material layers of an EBC

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computing

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    dissertationPhysics-based animation has proven to be a powerful tool for creating compelling animations for film and games. Most techniques in graphics are based on methods developed for predictive simulation for engineering applications; however, the goals for graphics applications are dramatically different than the goals of engineering applications. As a result, most physics-based animation tools are difficult for artists to work with, providing little direct control over simulation results. In this thesis, we describe tools for physics-based animation designed with artist needs and expertise in mind. Most materials can be modeled as elastoplastic: they recover from small deformations, but large deformations permanently alter their rest shape. Unfortunately, large plastic deformations, common in graphical applications, cause simulation instabilities if not addressed. Most elastoplastic simulation techniques in graphics rely on a finite-element approach where objects are discretized into a tetrahedral mesh. Using these approaches, maintaining simulation stability during large plastic flows requires remeshing, a complex and computationally expensive process. We introduce a new point-based approach that does not rely on an explicit mesh and avoids the expense of remeshing. Our approach produces comparable results with much lower implementation complexity. Points are a ubiquitous primitive for many effects, so our approach also integrates well with existing artist pipelines. Next, we introduce a new technique for animating stylized images which we call Dynamic Sprites. Artists can use our tool to create digital assets that interact in a natural, but stylized, way in virtual environments. In order to support the types of nonphysical, exaggerated motions often desired by artists, our approach relies on a heavily modified deformable body simulator, equipped with a set of new intuitive controls and an example-based deformation model. Our approach allows artists to specify how the shape of the object should change as it moves and collides in interactive virtual environments. Finally, we introduce a new technique for animating destructive scenes. Our approach is built on the insight that the most important visual aspects of destruction are plastic deformation and fracture. Like with Dynamic Sprites, we use an example-based model of deformation for intuitive artist control. Our simulator treats objects as rigid when computing dynamics but allows them to deform plastically and fracture in between timesteps based on interactions with the other objects. We demonstrate that our approach can efficiently animate the types of destructive scenes common in film and games. These animation techniques are designed to exploit artist expertise to ease creation of complex animations. By using artist-friendly primitives and allowing artists to provide characteristic deformations as input, our techniques enable artists to create more compelling animations, more easily


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    Untuk memproduksi detail dan variasi retakan pada berbagai macam benda nyata masih dirasa sangat sulit. Sementara bila membangun model dengan metode Finite Element tradisional, maka penerapan yang dilakukan juga cukup kompleks karena membutuhkan pembaharuan setiap sebuah retakan atau sobekan terbentuk. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini akan berfokus pada teknik simulasi retakan dan sobekan dengan arah dan besaran yang tepat sesuai dengan sifat atau properti yang dikalkulasi dengan perhitungan matematis pada bidang tipis khususnya kertas sesuai dengan metode dan parameter yang tepat. Untuk dapat menghasilkan model sobekan yang tepat, maka diperlukan suatu skema numerik yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan (requirement) tersebut. Penelitian ini akan melibatkan perhitungan metode Finite Element modifikasi yang melibatkan elemen-elemen pengayaan pada proses eksekusinya. Proses yang dilakukan akan berlangsung dinamis dengan memperhatikan hasil sobekan setiap pada setiap waktu. Penelitian ini berfokus pada komputasi numerik model penyobekan dinamis lembaran kertas dengan memperhatikan variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhinya. Metode yang diimplementasikan akan menghasilkan model dengan proses assembly matrik kekakuan yang konvergen terhadap fungsi waktu. Hasil uji coba penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa rata-rata waktu komputasi pembentukan sobekan pada material tanpa inklusi adalah 21,17 detik dan lebih cepat dari pada pembentukan sobekan dengan inklusi dengan rata-rata waktu komputasi 30,57 detik. Sementara rata-rata waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk inklusi lingkaran adalah 24,75 detik dan lebih cepat daripada inklusi linier dengan rata-rata waktu komputasi 36,39 detik. ================================================================= To produce detail and variation of tearing and cracking on various object is challenging. Meanwhile using traditional Finite Element Method will need such a complex computation caused by updated value for every crack made. To overcome such problems, research focused on tearing and cracking simulation technique with to predict precise tear amount and angle depend on the variables value on thin plates such as paper. To generate tearing model that fulfill the requirement, numeric scheme will be needed. Modification of Finite Element Method along with enrichment element will be adapted in this research. And this method will determine which variables take effect on the results. Every process will be done adaptively depending on the existing results for each iteration. This research will be focused on numerical computation on paper sheet with variables affects. Experiments generate a model which stiffness matrix convergent for each time function. The stiffness matrix will also convergent for each variation of elastic variables. Experiments show that computation time for tearing model will works faster without inclusion as it works on average 21.17 seconds than with inclusion with average 30.57 seconds. It also shows that computation time for tearing model with circular inclusion works faster than linear inclusion with 24.75 seconds for circular inclusion and 36.39 seconds for linear inclusion on average