39,774 research outputs found

    Decentralized adaptive neural network control of interconnected nonlinear dynamical systems with application to power system

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    Traditional nonlinear techniques cannot be directly applicable to control large scale interconnected nonlinear dynamic systems due their sheer size and unavailability of system dynamics. Therefore, in this dissertation, the decentralized adaptive neural network (NN) control of a class of nonlinear interconnected dynamic systems is introduced and its application to power systems is presented in the form of six papers. In the first paper, a new nonlinear dynamical representation in the form of a large scale interconnected system for a power network free of algebraic equations with multiple UPFCs as nonlinear controllers is presented. Then, oscillation damping for UPFCs using adaptive NN control is discussed by assuming that the system dynamics are known. Subsequently, the dynamic surface control (DSC) framework is proposed in continuous-time not only to overcome the need for the subsystem dynamics and interconnection terms, but also to relax the explosion of complexity problem normally observed in traditional backstepping. The application of DSC-based decentralized control of power system with excitation control is shown in the third paper. On the other hand, a novel adaptive NN-based decentralized controller for a class of interconnected discrete-time systems with unknown subsystem and interconnection dynamics is introduced since discrete-time is preferred for implementation. The application of the decentralized controller is shown on a power network. Next, a near optimal decentralized discrete-time controller is introduced in the fifth paper for such systems in affine form whereas the sixth paper proposes a method for obtaining the L2-gain near optimal control while keeping a tradeoff between accuracy and computational complexity. Lyapunov theory is employed to assess the stability of the controllers --Abstract, page iv

    Reinforcement Learning Based Dual-Control Methodology for Complex Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems with Application to Spark Engine EGR Operation

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    A novel reinforcement-learning-based dual-control methodology adaptive neural network (NN) controller is developed to deliver a desired tracking performance for a class of complex feedback nonlinear discrete-time systems, which consists of a second-order nonlinear discrete-time system in nonstrict feedback form and an affine nonlinear discrete-time system, in the presence of bounded and unknown disturbances. For example, the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) operation of a spark ignition (SI) engine is modeled by using such a complex nonlinear discrete-time system. A dual-controller approach is undertaken where primary adaptive critic NN controller is designed for the nonstrict feedback nonlinear discrete-time system whereas the secondary one for the affine nonlinear discrete-time system but the controllers together offer the desired performance. The primary adaptive critic NN controller includes an NN observer for estimating the states and output, an NN critic, and two action NNs for generating virtual control and actual control inputs for the nonstrict feedback nonlinear discrete-time system, whereas an additional critic NN and an action NN are included for the affine nonlinear discrete-time system by assuming the state availability. All NN weights adapt online towards minimization of a certain performance index, utilizing gradient-descent-based rule. Using Lyapunov theory, the uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) of the closed-loop tracking error, weight estimates, and observer estimates are shown. The adaptive critic NN controller performance is evaluated on an SI engine operating with high EGR levels where the controller objective is to reduce cyclic dispersion in heat release while minimizing fuel intake. Simulation and experimental results indicate that engine out emissions drop significantly at 20% EGR due to reduction in dispersion in heat release thus verifying the dual-control approach

    Approximate Dynamic Programming Based Optimal Neurocontrol Synthesis of a Chemical Reactor Process Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

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    The concept of approximate dynamic programming and adaptive critic neural network based optimal controller is extended in this study to include systems governed by partial differential equations. An optimal controller is synthesized for a dispersion type tubular chemical reactor, which is governed by two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations. It consists of three steps: First, empirical basis functions are designed using the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition technique and a low-order lumped parameter system to represent the infinite-dimensional system is obtained by carrying out a Galerkin projection. Second, approximate dynamic programming technique is applied in a discrete time framework, followed by the use of a dual neural network structure called adaptive critics, to obtain optimal neurocontrollers for this system. In this structure, one set of neural networks captures the relationship between the state variables and the control, whereas the other set captures the relationship between the state and the costate variables. Third, the lumped parameter control is then mapped back to the spatial dimension using the same basis functions to result in a feedback control. Numerical results are presented that illustrate the potential of this approach. It should be noted that the procedure presented in this study can be used in synthesizing optimal controllers for a fairly general class of nonlinear distributed parameter systems

    Discrete-time Optimal Adaptive RBFNN Control for Robot Manipulators with Uncertain Dynamics

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    In this paper, a novel optimal adaptive radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) control has been investigated for a class of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) nonlinear robot manipulators with uncertain dynamics in discrete time. To facilitate digital implementations of the robot controller, a robot model in discrete time has been employed. A high order uncertain robot model is able to be transformed to a predictor form, and a feedback control system has been then developed without noncausal problem in discrete time. The controller has been designed by an adaptive neural network (NN) based on the feedback system. The adaptive RBFNN robot control system has been investigated by a critic RBFNN and an actor RBFNN to approximate a desired control and a strategic utility function, respectively. The rigorous Lyapunov analysis is used to establish uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) of closed-loop signals, and the high-quality dynamic performance against uncertainties and disturbances is obtained by appropriately selecting the controller parameters. Simulation studies validate that the proposed control scheme has performed better than other available methods currently, for robot manipulators

    Discrete-Time Neural Network Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems in Non-Strict Feedback Form

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    An adaptive neural network (NN)-based output feedback controller is proposed to deliver a desired tracking performance for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems, which is represented in non-strict feedback form. The NN backstepping approach is utilized to design the adaptive output feedback controller consisting of: 1) a NN observer to estimate the system states with the input-output data, and 2) two NNs to generate the virtual and actual control inputs, respectively. The non-causal problem in the discrete-time backstepping design is avoided by using the universal NN approximator. The persistence excitation (PE) condition is relaxed both in the NN observer and NN controller design. The uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) of the closed-loop tracking error, the state estimation errors and the NN weight estimates is shown

    Reinforcement-Learning-Based Output-Feedback Control of Nonstrict Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems with Application to Engine Emission Control

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    A novel reinforcement-learning-based output adaptive neural network (NN) controller, which is also referred to as the adaptive-critic NN controller, is developed to deliver the desired tracking performance for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems expressed in nonstrict feedback form in the presence of bounded and unknown disturbances. The adaptive-critic NN controller consists of an observer, a critic, and two action NNs. The observer estimates the states and output, and the two action NNs provide virtual and actual control inputs to the nonlinear discrete-time system. The critic approximates a certain strategic utility function, and the action NNs minimize the strategic utility function and control inputs. All NN weights adapt online toward minimization of a performance index, utilizing the gradient-descent-based rule, in contrast with iteration-based adaptive-critic schemes. Lyapunov functions are used to show the stability of the closed-loop tracking error, weights, and observer estimates. Separation and certainty equivalence principles, persistency of excitation condition, and linearity in the unknown parameter assumption are not needed. Experimental results on a spark ignition (SI) engine operating lean at an equivalence ratio of 0.75 show a significant (25%) reduction in cyclic dispersion in heat release with control, while the average fuel input changes by less than 1% compared with the uncontrolled case. Consequently, oxides of nitrogen (NOx) drop by 30%, and unburned hydrocarbons drop by 16% with control. Overall, NOx\u27s are reduced by over 80% compared with stoichiometric levels

    Advanced Control of Small-Scale Power Systems with Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources

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    Stability, protection, and operational restrictions are important factors to be taken into account in a proper integration of distributed energy. The objective of this research is presenting advanced controllers for small-scale power systems with penetration of renewable energy sources resources to ensure stable operation after the network disturbances. Power systems with distributed energy resources are modeled and controlled through applying nonlinear control methods to their power electronic interfaces in this research. The stability and control of both ac and dc systems have been studied in a multi-source framework. The dc distribution system is represented as a class of interconnected, nonlinear discrete-time systems with unknown dynamics. It comprises several dc sources, here called subsystems, along with resistive and constant-power loads (which exhibit negative resistance characteristics and reduce the system stability margins.) Each subsystem includes a dc-dc converter (DDC) and exploits distributed energy resources (DERs) such as photovoltaic, wind, etc. Due to the power system frequent disturbances this system is prone to instability in the presence of the DDC dynamical components and constant-power loads. On the other hand, designing a centralized controller may not be viable due to the distance between the subsystems (dc sources.) In this research it is shown that the stability of an interconnected dc distribution system is enhanced through decentralized discrete-time adaptive nonlinear controller design that employs neural networks (NNs) to mitigate voltage and power oscillations after disturbances have occurred. The ac power system model is comprised of conventional synchronous generators (SGs) and renewable energy sources, here, called renewable generators (RGs,) via grid-tie inverters (GTI.) A novel decentralized adaptive neural network (NN) controller is proposed for the GTI that makes the device behave as a conventional synchronous generator. The advantage of this modeling is that all available damping controllers for synchronous generator, such as AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) + PSS (Power System Stabilizer), can be applied to the renewable generator. Simulation results on both types of grids show that the proposed nonlinear controllers are able to mitigate the oscillations in the presence of disturbances and adjust the renewable source power to maintain the grid voltage close to its reference value. The stability of the interconnected grids has been enhanced in comparison to the conventional methods

    Adaptive Predictive Control Using Neural Network for a Class of Pure-feedback Systems in Discrete-time

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    10.1109/TNN.2008.2000446IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks1991599-1614ITNN

    Output feedback NN control for two classes of discrete-time systems with unknown control directions in a unified approach

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    10.1109/TNN.2008.2003290IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks19111873-1886ITNN