5,698 research outputs found

    Effect of Communication Delays on the Successful Coordination of a Group of Biomimetic AUVs

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    In this paper, the influence of delays on the ability of a formation control algorithm to coordinate a group of twelve Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (BAUVs) is investigated. In this study the formation control algorithm is a decentralized methodology based on the behavioural mechanisms of fish within school structures. Incorporated within this algorithm is a representation of the well-known and frequently used communication protocol, Time-Division-Multiple-Access (TDMA). TDMA operates by assigning each vehicle a specific timeslot during which it can broadcast to the remaining members of the group. The size of this timeslot varies depending on a number of operational parameters such as the size of the message being transmitted, the hardware used and the distance between neighbouring vehicles. Therefore, in this work, numerous timeslot sizes are tested that range from theoretical possible values through to values used in practice. The formation control algorithm and the TDMA protocol have been implemented within a validated mathematical of the RoboSalmon BAUV designed and manufactured at the University of Glasgow. The results demonstrate a significant deterioration in the ability of the formation control algorithms as the timeslot size is increased. This deterioration is due to the fact that as the timeslot size is increased, the interim period between successive communication updates increases and as a result, the error between where the formation control algorithm estimates each vehicle to be and where they actually are, increases. As a result, since the algorithm no longer has an accurate representation of the positioning of neighbouring vehicles, it is no longer capable of selecting the correct behavioural equation and subsequently, is unable to coordinate the vehicles to form a stable group structure

    Adoption of vehicular ad hoc networking protocols by networked robots

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    This paper focuses on the utilization of wireless networking in the robotics domain. Many researchers have already equipped their robots with wireless communication capabilities, stimulated by the observation that multi-robot systems tend to have several advantages over their single-robot counterparts. Typically, this integration of wireless communication is tackled in a quite pragmatic manner, only a few authors presented novel Robotic Ad Hoc Network (RANET) protocols that were designed specifically with robotic use cases in mind. This is in sharp contrast with the domain of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). This observation is the starting point of this paper. If the results of previous efforts focusing on VANET protocols could be reused in the RANET domain, this could lead to rapid progress in the field of networked robots. To investigate this possibility, this paper provides a thorough overview of the related work in the domain of robotic and vehicular ad hoc networks. Based on this information, an exhaustive list of requirements is defined for both types. It is concluded that the most significant difference lies in the fact that VANET protocols are oriented towards low throughput messaging, while RANET protocols have to support high throughput media streaming as well. Although not always with equal importance, all other defined requirements are valid for both protocols. This leads to the conclusion that cross-fertilization between them is an appealing approach for future RANET research. To support such developments, this paper concludes with the definition of an appropriate working plan

    Adaptive sampling in autonomous marine sensor networks

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution June 2006In this thesis, an innovative architecture for real-time adaptive and cooperative control of autonomous sensor platforms in a marine sensor network is described in the context of the autonomous oceanographic network scenario. This architecture has three major components, an intelligent, logical sensor that provides high-level environmental state information to a behavior-based autonomous vehicle control system, a new approach to behavior-based control of autonomous vehicles using multiple objective functions that allows reactive control in complex environments with multiple constraints, and an approach to cooperative robotics that is a hybrid between the swarm cooperation and intentional cooperation approaches. The mobility of the sensor platforms is a key advantage of this strategy, allowing dynamic optimization of the sensor locations with respect to the classification or localization of a process of interest including processes which can be time varying, not spatially isotropic and for which action is required in real-time. Experimental results are presented for a 2-D target tracking application in which fully autonomous surface craft using simulated bearing sensors acquire and track a moving target in open water. In the first example, a single sensor vehicle adaptively tracks a target while simultaneously relaying the estimated track to a second vehicle acting as a classification platform. In the second example, two spatially distributed sensor vehicles adaptively track a moving target by fusing their sensor information to form a single target track estimate. In both cases the goal is to adapt the platform motion to minimize the uncertainty of the target track parameter estimates. The link between the sensor platform motion and the target track estimate uncertainty is fully derived and this information is used to develop the behaviors for the sensor platform control system. The experimental results clearly illustrate the significant processing gain that spatially distributed sensors can achieve over a single sensor when observing a dynamic phenomenon as well as the viability of behavior-based control for dealing with uncertainty in complex situations in marine sensor networks.Supported by the Office of Naval Research, with a 3-year National Defense Science and Engineering Grant Fellowship and research assistantships through the Generic Ocean Array Technology Sonar (GOATS) project, contract N00014-97-1-0202 and contract N00014-05-G-0106 Delivery Order 008, PLUSNET: Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance Network

    Development of Robust Control Strategies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    The resources of the energy and chemical balance in the ocean sustain mankind in many ways. Therefore, ocean exploration is an essential task that is accomplished by deploying Underwater Vehicles. An Underwater Vehicle with autonomy feature for its navigation and control is called Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). Among the task handled by an AUV, accurately positioning itself at a desired position with respect to the reference objects is called set-point control. Similarly, tracking of the reference trajectory is also another important task. Battery recharging of AUV, positioning with respect to underwater structure, cable, seabed, tracking of reference trajectory with desired accuracy and speed to avoid collision with the guiding vehicle in the last phase of docking are some significant applications where an AUV needs to perform the above tasks. Parametric uncertainties in AUV dynamics and actuator torque limitation necessitate to design robust control algorithms to achieve motion control objectives in the face of uncertainties. Sliding Mode Controller (SMC), H / μ synthesis, model based PID group controllers are some of the robust controllers which have been applied to AUV. But SMC suffers from less efficient tuning of its switching gains due to model parameters and noisy estimated acceleration states appearing in its control law. In addition, demand of high control effort due to high frequency chattering is another drawback of SMC. Furthermore, real-time implementation of H / μ synthesis controller based on its stability study is restricted due to use of linearly approximated dynamic model of an AUV, which hinders achieving robustness. Moreover, model based PID group controllers suffer from implementation complexities and exhibit poor transient and steady-state performances under parametric uncertainties. On the other hand model free Linear PID (LPID) has inherent problem of narrow convergence region, i.e.it can not ensure convergence of large initial error to zero. Additionally, it suffers from integrator-wind-up and subsequent saturation of actuator during the occurrence of large initial error. But LPID controller has inherent capability to cope up with the uncertainties. In view of addressing the above said problem, this work proposes wind-up free Nonlinear PID with Bounded Integral (BI) and Bounded Derivative (BD) for set-point control and combination of continuous SMC with Nonlinear PID with BI and BD namely SM-N-PID with BI and BD for trajectory tracking. Nonlinear functions are used for all P,I and D controllers (for both of set-point and tracking control) in addition to use of nonlinear tan hyperbolic function in SMC(for tracking only) such that torque demand from the controller can be kept within a limit. A direct Lyapunov analysis is pursued to prove stable motion of AUV. The efficacies of the proposed controllers are compared with other two controllers namely PD and N-PID without BI and BD for set-point control and PD plus Feedforward Compensation (FC) and SM-NPID without BI and BD for tracking control. Multiple AUVs cooperatively performing a mission offers several advantages over a single AUV in a non-cooperative manner; such as reliability and increased work efficiency, etc. Bandwidth limitation in acoustic medium possess challenges in designing cooperative motion control algorithm for multiple AUVs owing to the necessity of communication of sensors and actuator signals among AUVs. In literature, undirected graph based approach is used for control design under communication constraints and thus it is not suitable for large number of AUVs participating in a cooperative motion plan. Formation control is a popular cooperative motion control paradigm. This thesis models the formation as a minimally persistent directed graph and proposes control schemes for maintaining the distance constraints during the course of motion of entire formation. For formation control each AUV uses Sliding Mode Nonlinear PID controller with Bounded Integrator and Bounded Derivative. Direct Lyapunov stability analysis in the framework of input-to-state stability ensures the stable motion of formation while maintaining the desired distance constraints among the AUVs

    State-of-the-Art System Solutions for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

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    Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) have gained popularity for the last decades, especially for the purpose of not risking human life in dangerous operations. On the other hand, underwater environment introduces numerous challenges in navigation, control and communication of such vehicles. Certainly, this fact makes the development of these vehicles more interesting and engineering-wise more attractive. In this paper, we first revisit the existing technology and methodology for the solution of aforementioned problems, then we try to come up with a system solution of a generic unmanned underwater vehicles

    Nonlinear H ∞ optimal control scheme for an underwater vehicle with regional function formulation

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    A conventional region control technique cannot meet the demands for an accurate tracking performance in view of its inability to accommodate highly nonlinear system dynamics, imprecise hydrodynamic coefficients, and external disturbances. In this paper, a robust technique is presented for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) with region tracking function. Within this control scheme, nonlinear H∞ and region based control schemes are used. A Lyapunov-like function is presented for stability analysis of the proposed control law. Numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed tracking control of the AUV. It is shown that the proposed control law is robust against parameter uncertainties, external disturbances, and nonlinearities and it leads to uniform ultimate boundedness of the region tracking error

    UW-MARL: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Underwater Adaptive Sampling using Autonomous Vehicles

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    Near-real-time water-quality monitoring in uncertain environments such as rivers, lakes, and water reservoirs of different variables is critical to protect the aquatic life and to prevent further propagation of the potential pollution in the water. In order to measure the physical values in a region of interest, adaptive sampling is helpful as an energy- and time-efficient technique since an exhaustive search of an area is not feasible with a single vehicle. We propose an adaptive sampling algorithm using multiple autonomous vehicles, which are well-trained, as agents, in a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) framework to make efficient sequence of decisions on the adaptive sampling procedure. The proposed solution is evaluated using experimental data, which is fed into a simulation framework. Experiments were conducted in the Raritan River, Somerset and in Carnegie Lake, Princeton, NJ during July 2019

    Marine Vehicle Sensor Network Architecture and Protocol Designs for Ocean Observation

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    The micro-scale and meso-scale ocean dynamic processes which are nonlinear and have large variability, have a significant impact on the fisheries, natural resources, and marine climatology. A rapid, refined and sophisticated observation system is therefore needed in marine scientific research. The maneuverability and controllability of mobile sensor platforms make them a preferred choice to establish ocean observing networks, compared to the static sensor observing platform. In this study, marine vehicles are utilized as the nodes of mobile sensor networks for coverage sampling of a regional ocean area and ocean feature tracking. A synoptic analysis about marine vehicle dynamic control, multi vehicles mission assignment and path planning methods, and ocean feature tracking and observing techniques is given. Combined with the observation plan in the South China Sea, we provide an overview of the mobile sensor networks established with marine vehicles, and the corresponding simulation results