4,711 research outputs found

    Adaptive delivery of immersive 3D multi-view video over the Internet

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    The increase in Internet bandwidth and the developments in 3D video technology have paved the way for the delivery of 3D Multi-View Video (MVV) over the Internet. However, large amounts of data and dynamic network conditions result in frequent network congestion, which may prevent video packets from being delivered on time. As a consequence, the 3D video experience may well be degraded unless content-aware precautionary mechanisms and adaptation methods are deployed. In this work, a novel adaptive MVV streaming method is introduced which addresses the future generation 3D immersive MVV experiences with multi-view displays. When the user experiences network congestion, making it necessary to perform adaptation, the rate-distortion optimum set of views that are pre-determined by the server, are truncated from the delivered MVV streams. In order to maintain high Quality of Experience (QoE) service during the frequent network congestion, the proposed method involves the calculation of low-overhead additional metadata that is delivered to the client. The proposed adaptive 3D MVV streaming solution is tested using the MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH) standard. Both extensive objective and subjective evaluations are presented, showing that the proposed method provides significant quality enhancement under the adverse network conditions

    3D video coding and transmission

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    The capture, transmission, and display of 3D content has gained a lot of attention in the last few years. 3D multimedia content is no longer con fined to cinema theatres but is being transmitted using stereoscopic video over satellite, shared on Blu-RayTMdisks, or sent over Internet technologies. Stereoscopic displays are needed at the receiving end and the viewer needs to wear special glasses to present the two versions of the video to the human vision system that then generates the 3D illusion. To be more e ffective and improve the immersive experience, more views are acquired from a larger number of cameras and presented on di fferent displays, such as autostereoscopic and light field displays. These multiple views, combined with depth data, also allow enhanced user experiences and new forms of interaction with the 3D content from virtual viewpoints. This type of audiovisual information is represented by a huge amount of data that needs to be compressed and transmitted over bandwidth-limited channels. Part of the COST Action IC1105 \3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks" (3DConTourNet) focuses on this research challenge.peer-reviewe

    A framework for realistic 3D tele-immersion

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    Meeting, socializing and conversing online with a group of people using teleconferencing systems is still quite differ- ent from the experience of meeting face to face. We are abruptly aware that we are online and that the people we are engaging with are not in close proximity. Analogous to how talking on the telephone does not replicate the experi- ence of talking in person. Several causes for these differences have been identified and we propose inspiring and innova- tive solutions to these hurdles in attempt to provide a more realistic, believable and engaging online conversational expe- rience. We present the distributed and scalable framework REVERIE that provides a balanced mix of these solutions. Applications build on top of the REVERIE framework will be able to provide interactive, immersive, photo-realistic ex- periences to a multitude of users that for them will feel much more similar to having face to face meetings than the expe- rience offered by conventional teleconferencing systems

    New interaction models for 360º video

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    Esta dissertação tem como principal objectivo a incorporação de um mecanismo de buffering num sistema de multimídia, capaz de oferecer experiências multivista adaptáveis. A incorporação deste mecanismo vem provocar melhorias na qualidade de serviço e na qualidade de experiência. O sistema recorre ao protocolo MPEG-DASH e a uma câmara convencional para detecção dos movimentos da cabeça do utilizador. O sistema incorpora ainda um mecanismo de adaptação automática da qualidade, ajustável às condições da rede. O mecanismo desenvolvido é composto por um proxy e tem o objectivo de minimizar o atraso existente na transição de vistas. O proxy será capaz de enviar três vistas em simultâneo, duas em baixa qualidade, enquanto a vista principal será enviada e apresenta ao utilizador em alta qualidade.Sempre que existe um novo pedido por parte do utilizador, o mecanismo irá comutar entre as vistas enviadas até receber a resposta por parte do servidor. Deste modo, esta dissertação pretende identificar as dificuldades que se colocam relativamente à disponibilização e transmissão eficiente deste tipo de conteúdos, assim como os compromissos necessários ao nível da qualidade de experiência do utilizador.Today, the fast technological evolution and the significant increase in the demand for multimedia content has boosted the development of the transmission mechanisms used for this purpose.This development had repercussions in several areas, such as the immersive experiences that include the 360º contents. Whether through live streaming or using on demand services, the quality of service and experience have become two points whose development has assumed high importance. The capture and reproduction of 360º content allows transmitting an immersive view of reality at a given moment. With this approach, the industry intends to provide a product with better audiovisual quality, more comfortable for the user and that allows a better interaction with the same. An example of this is the choice of the view that most appeals to us in a given event (for example, football matches or concerts). This dissertation has as main objective the incorporation of a buffering mechanism in a multimedia system, able to offer adaptive multivista experiments. The system uses the MPEG-DASH protocol for efficient use of network resources and a conventional camera for detecting the movements of the user's head, selecting the points of view that one wishes to visualize in real time. The system also incorporates an automatic quality adjustment mechanism, adjustable to the network conditions. The buffering mechanism is intended to increase the quality of experience and the quality of service, minimizing the delay in the transition of views. The mechanism will consist of a proxy capable of sending three views simultaneously. Of these views, two will be sent in low quality, while the main view will be sent and presented to the user in high quality. Whenever there is a new request from the user, the mechanism will switch between sent views until it receives the response from the server. Based on these assumptions, the dissertation intends to identify the challenges that are posed regarding the availability and efficient transmission of 360º content, as well as the necessary commitments regarding the quality of user experience. This last point is particularly significant, taking into account the network requirements and the volume of data presented by the transmissions of this type of content

    Human-centric quality management of immersive multimedia applications

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    Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) multimodal systems are the latest trend within the field of multimedia. As they emulate the senses by means of omni-directional visuals, 360 degrees sound, motion tracking and touch simulation, they are able to create a strong feeling of presence and interaction with the virtual environment. These experiences can be applied for virtual training (Industry 4.0), tele-surgery (healthcare) or remote learning (education). However, given the strong time and task sensitiveness of these applications, it is of great importance to sustain the end-user quality, i.e. the Quality-of-Experience (QoE), at all times. Lack of synchronization and quality degradation need to be reduced to a minimum to avoid feelings of cybersickness or loss of immersiveness and concentration. This means that there is a need to shift the quality management from system-centered performance metrics towards a more human, QoE-centered approach. However, this requires for novel techniques in the three areas of the QoE-management loop (monitoring, modelling and control). This position paper identifies open areas of research to fully enable human-centric driven management of immersive multimedia. To this extent, four main dimensions are put forward: (1) Task and well-being driven subjective assessment; (2) Real-time QoE modelling; (3) Accurate viewport prediction; (4) Machine Learning (ML)-based quality optimization and content recreation. This paper discusses the state-of-the-art, and provides with possible solutions to tackle the open challenges