6 research outputs found

    Towards a power consumption estimation model for routers over TCP and UDP protocols

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    Due to the growing development in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry, the usage of routers has increased rapidly. Meanwhile, these devices that are produced and developed today consume a definite amount of power, Furthermore, with limited focus on power estimation techniques and the increased demands of networking devices, it led to an increase of the vitality consumption as a result. While new high capacity router components are installed, energy intake in system elements will be rising due to the higher capability network consuming larger component of the vitality. This study considers providing estimating power model in different traffic settings over TCP and UDP protocols, this study is mainly concerned about the transport protocols power consumption. Isolating the power consuming components within an electronic system is a very precise process that requires deep understanding of the role of each component within the system and a thorough study of the component datasheet. The study started by simulating the protocols mechanism then followed by protoclos power measurements, a simple simulation has been provided for Xilinx Virtex-5, it is very complicated to simulate the whole system due to the need of an external devices, so the simulation focused on wavelengths, frequencies and traffic types. This study found that the estimated power stokes was high when the 1480nm, 1580nm, and 1750nm power source increase. while there were differrence in the consumed power while transiting different types of traffic such as CBR and HTTP through UDP and TCP. The effect of different frequencies has been noticed also while applying different frequencies to the protocols. So it is believed that this study may enhance the power scenarios in the network and routers throug applying different techniques to UDP and TC

    AppTCP: The design and evaluation of application-based TCP for e-VLBI in fast long distance networks

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    Electric Very Long Baseline Interferometry (e-VLBI) is a typical astronomical interferometry used in radio astronomy. It allows observations of an object that are made simultaneously by many radio telescopes to be combined, emulating a telescope with the size equal to the maximum separation between the telescopes. The main requirements of transporting e-VLBI data are the high and constant transmission rate. However, the traditional TCP and its variants cannot meet these requirements. In an effort to solve the problem of transporting e-VLBI data in fast long distance networks, we propose an application-based TCP (AppTCP) congestion control algorithm, using Closed-Loop Control theory to keep the stable and constant transmission rate. AppTCP can swiftly reach the required transmission rate by increasing the congestion control window, and keep the transmission rate and allows the other TCP flows to share the remaining bandwidth. We further conduct extensive experiments in both fast long distance network test-bed and actual national networks (i.e., from Beijing to Shanghai in China) and international networks (i.e., from Hongkong in China to Chicago in USA) to evaluate and verify the performance and effectiveness of AppTCP. The results show that the AppTCP can effectively utilize the link capacity and maintain the constant rate during the data transmission, and its performance significantly outperforms that of the existing TCP variants.National Program on Key Basic Research ProjectNational Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China"Strategic Priority Research Program” of the Chinese Academy of Science

    Novel methods of utilizing Jitter for Network Congestion Control

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    This paper proposes a novel paradigm for network congestion control. Instead of perpetual conflict as in TCP, a proof-of-concept first-ever protocol enabling inter-flow communication without infrastructure support thru a side channel constructed on generic FIFO queue behaviour is presented. This enables independent flows passing thru the same bottleneck queue to communicate and achieve fair capacity sharing and a stable equilibrium state in a rapid fashion

    On the impact of link layer retransmission schemes on TCP over 4G satellite links

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    We study the impact of reliability mechanisms introduced at the link layer on the performance of transport protocols in the context of 4G satellite links. Specifically, we design a software module that performs realistic analysis of the network performance, by utilizing real physical layer traces of a 4G satellite service. Based on these traces, our software module produces equivalent link layer traces, as a function of the chosen link layer reliability mechanism. We further utilize the link layer traces within the ns-2 network simulator to evaluate the impact of link layer schemes on the performance of selected Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) variants. We consider erasure coding, selective-repeat automatic request (ARQ) and hybrid-ARQ link layer mechanisms, and TCP Cubic, Compound, Hybla, New Reno and Westwood. We show that, for all target TCP variants, when the throughput of the transport protocol is close to the channel capacity, using the ARQ mechanism is most beneficial for TCP performance improvement. In conditions where the physical channel error rate is high, hybrid-ARQ results in the best performance for all TCP variants considered, with up to 22% improvements compared to other schemes

    Adaptive Delay-based Congestion Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks

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    The design of an end-to-end Internet congestion control protocol that could achieve high utilization, fair sharing of bottleneck bandwidth, and fast convergence while remaining TCP-friendly is an ongoing challenge that continues to attract considerable research attention. This paper presents ACP, an Adaptive end-to-end Congestion control Protocol that achieves the above goals in high bandwidth-delay product networks where TCP becomes inefficient. The main contribution of ACP is a new form of congestion window control, combining the estimation of the bottleneck queue size and a measure of fair sharing. Specifically, upon detecting congestion, ACP decreases the congestion window size by the exact amount required to empty the bottleneck queue while maintaining high utilization, while the increases of the congestion window are based on a “fairness ratio” metric of each flow, which ensures fast convergence to a fair equilibrium. We demonstrate the benefits of ACP using both ns-2 simulation and experimental measurements of a Linux prototype implementation. In particular, we show that the new protocol is TCP-friendly and allows TCP and ACP flows to coexist in various circumstances, and that ACP indeed behaves more fairly than other TCP variants under heterogeneous round-trip times (RTT)

    Adaptive delay-constrained internet media transport

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    Reliable transport layer Internet protocols do not satisfy the requirements of packetized, real-time multimedia streams. The available thesis motivates and defines predictable reliability as a novel, capacity-approaching transport paradigm, supporting an application-specific level of reliability under a strict delay constraint. This paradigm is being implemented into a new protocol design -- the Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport protocol (PRRT). In order to predictably achieve the desired level of reliability, proactive and reactive error control must be optimized under the application\u27s delay constraint. Hence, predictably reliable error control relies on stochastic modeling of the protocol response to the modeled packet loss behavior of the network path. The result of the joined modeling is periodically evaluated by a reliability control policy that validates the protocol configuration under the application constraints and under consideration of the available network bandwidth. The adaptation of the protocol parameters is formulated into a combinatorial optimization problem that is solved by a fast search algorithm incorporating explicit knowledge about the search space. Experimental evaluation of PRRT in real Internet scenarios demonstrates that predictably reliable transport meets the strict QoS constraints of high-quality, audio-visual streaming applications.Zuverlässige Internet-Protokolle auf Transport-Layer erfüllen nicht die Anforderungen paketierter Echtzeit-Multimediaströme. Die vorliegende Arbeit motiviert und definiert Predictable Reliability als ein neuartiges, kapazitäterreichendes Transport-Paradigma, das einen anwendungsspezifischen Grad an Zuverlässigkeit unter strikter Zeitbegrenzung unterstützt. Dieses Paradigma wird in ein neues Protokoll-Design implementiert -- das Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport Protokoll (PRRT). Um prädizierbar einen gewünschten Grad an Zuverlässigkeit zu erreichen, müssen proaktive und reaktive Maßnahmen zum Fehlerschutz unter der Zeitbegrenzung der Anwendung optimiert werden. Daher beruht Fehlerschutz mit Predictable Reliability auf der stochastischen Modellierung des Protokoll-Verhaltens unter modelliertem Paketverlust-Verhalten des Netzwerkpfades. Das Ergebnis der kombinierten Modellierung wird periodisch durch eine Reliability Control Strategie ausgewertet, die die Konfiguration des Protokolls unter den Begrenzungen der Anwendung und unter Berücksichtigung der verfügbaren Netzwerkbandbreite validiert. Die Adaption der Protokoll-Parameter wird durch ein kombinatorisches Optimierungsproblem formuliert, welches von einem schnellen Suchalgorithmus gelöst wird, der explizites Wissen über den Suchraum einbezieht. Experimentelle Auswertung von PRRT in realen Internet-Szenarien demonstriert, dass Transport mit Predictable Reliability die strikten Auflagen hochqualitativer, audiovisueller Streaming-Anwendungen erfüllt