8 research outputs found


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    With the advancement of social media and its growth, there is a lot of data that can be presented for research in social mining. Twitter is a microblogging that can be used. In this event, a lot of companies used the data on Twitter to analyze the satisfaction of their customer about product quality. On the other hand, a lot of users use social media to express their daily emotions. The case can be developed into a research study that can be used both to improve product quality, as well as to analyze the opinion on certain events. The research is often called sentiment analysis or opinion mining. While The previous research does a particularly useful feature for sentiment analysis, but it is still a lack of performance. Furthermore, they used Support Vector Machine as a classification method. On the other hand, most researchers found another classification method, which is considered more efficient such as Maximum Entropy. So, this research used two types of a dataset, the general opinion data, and the airline's opinion data. For feature extraction, we employ four feature extraction, such as pragmatic, lexical-grams, pos-grams, and sentiment lexical. For the classification, we use both of Support Vector Machine and Maximum Entropy to find the best result. In the end, the best result is performed by Maximum Entropy with 85,8% accuracy on general opinion data, and 92,6% accuracy on airlines opinion data

    Sentiment Classification Using a Sense Enriched Lexicon-based Approach

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    The prominent approach in sentiment polarity classification is the Lexicon-based approach which relies on a dictionary to assign a score to subjective words. Most of the existing work use score of the most dominant sense in this process instead of using the contextually appropriate sense. The use of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is less investigated in the sentiment classification tasks. This paper investigates the effect of integrating WSD into a Lexicon-based approach for Sentiment Polarity classification and compares it with the existing Lexicon-based approaches and the state-of-art supervised approaches. The lexicon used in this work is SentiWordNet v2.0. The proposed approach, called Sense Enriched Lexicon-based Approach (SELSA), uses a word sense disambiguation module to identify the correct sense of subjective words. Instead of using the score of the most frequent sense, it uses the score of the contextually appropriate sense only. For the purpose of comparison with the supervised approaches, the authors investigate Naïve Bayes (NB) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifiers which tend to perform better in earlier research. The performance of these classifiers is evaluated using Word2vec, Hashing Vectorizer, and bi-gram feature. The best-performing classifier-feature combination is used for comparison. All the evaluations are done on the Movie Review dataset. SELSA achieves an accuracy of 96.25% which is significantly better than the accuracy obtained by SentiWordNet-based approach without WSD on the same dataset. The performance of the proposed algorithm is also compared with the best-performing supervised classifier investigated in this work and earlier reported works on the same dataset. The results reveal that the SVM classifier performs better than SentiWordNet approach without WSD. However, after incorporating WSD the performance of the proposed Lexicon-based approach is significantly improved and it surpasses the best-performing supervised classifier (SVM with bi-gram features)

    SMILE : Twitter emotion classification using domain adaptation

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    Despite the widely spread research interest in social media sentiment analysis, sentiment and emotion classification across different domains and on Twitter data remains a challenging task. Here we set out to find an effective approach for tackling a cross-domain emotion classification task on a set of Twitter data involving social media discourse around arts and cultural experiences, in the context of museums. While most existing work in domain adaptation has focused on feature-based or/and instance-based adaptation methods, in this work we study a model-based adaptive SVM approach as we believe its flexibility and efficiency is more suitable for the task at hand. We conduct a series of experiments and compare our system with a set of baseline methods. Our results not only show a superior performance in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency compared to the baselines, but also shed light on how different ratios of labelled target-domain data used for adaptation can affect classification performance

    Good and bad events: Combining network-based event detection with sentiment analysis

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordThe huge volume and velocity of media content published on the Web presents a substantial challenge to human analysts. In prior work, we developed a system (network event detection, NED) to assist analysts by detecting events within high-volume news streams in real time. NED can process a heterogeneous stream of news articles or social media user posts, combining text mining and network analysis to detect breaking news stories and generate an easy-to-understand event summary. In this paper, we expand the NED event detection and summarisation approach in two ways. First, we introduce a new approach to named entity disambiguation for tweets, which contain minimal information due to brevity. Second, we apply sentiment analysis techniques to documents associated with a detected event to characterise the event as either broadly ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ based on media portrayal. Our expansion focuses on Twitter streams since Twitter has become an important news dissemination platform and is often the site where emerging events are first seen. To test the extended methodology, we apply it here to three data sets related to political elections in the UK and the USA. The addition of sentiment analysis to the NED event detection methodology improves the insight gained by the user by allowing quick evaluation of the perceived impact of an event. This approach may have potential applications in domains where public sentiment is relevant to decision-making around events, such as financial markets and politics.Adarga Ltd.Turing InstituteUniversity of Exete

    When Less is More: On the Value of "Co-training" for Semi-Supervised Software Defect Predictors

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    Labeling a module defective or non-defective is an expensive task. Hence, there are often limits on how much-labeled data is available for training. Semi-supervised classifiers use far fewer labels for training models. However, there are numerous semi-supervised methods, including self-labeling, co-training, maximal-margin, and graph-based methods, to name a few. Only a handful of these methods have been tested in SE for (e.g.) predicting defects and even there, those methods have been tested on just a handful of projects. This paper applies a wide range of 55 semi-supervised learners to over 714 projects. We find that semi-supervised "co-training methods" work significantly better than other approaches. Specifically, after labeling, just 2.5% of data, then make predictions that are competitive to those using 100% of the data. That said, co-training needs to be used cautiously since the specific choice of co-training methods needs to be carefully selected based on a user's specific goals. Also, we warn that a commonly-used co-training method ("multi-view"-- where different learners get different sets of columns) does not improve predictions (while adding too much to the run time costs 11 hours vs. 1.8 hours). It is an open question, worthy of future work, to test if these reductions can be seen in other areas of software analytics. To assist with exploring other areas, all the codes used are available at https://github.com/ai-se/Semi-Supervised.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    Sentiment classification and an approach to sentiment visualisation

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    Statistics and Actuarial Scienc

    Macro-micro approach for mining public sociopolitical opinion from social media

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    During the past decade, we have witnessed the emergence of social media, which has prominence as a means for the general public to exchange opinions towards a broad range of topics. Furthermore, its social and temporal dimensions make it a rich resource for policy makers and organisations to understand public opinion. In this thesis, we present our research in understanding public opinion on Twitter along three dimensions: sentiment, topics and summary. In the first line of our work, we study how to classify public sentiment on Twitter. We focus on the task of multi-target-specific sentiment recognition on Twitter, and propose an approach which utilises the syntactic information from parse-tree in conjunction with the left-right context of the target. We show the state-of-the-art performance on two datasets including a multi-target Twitter corpus on UK elections which we make public available for the research community. Additionally we also conduct two preliminary studies including cross-domain emotion classification on discourse around arts and cultural experiences, and social spam detection to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of our sentiment corpus. Our second line of work focuses on automatic topical clustering of tweets. Our aim is to group tweets into a number of clusters, with each cluster representing a meaningful topic, story, event or a reason behind a particular choice of sentiment. We explore various ways of tackling this challenge and propose a two-stage hierarchical topic modelling system that is efficient and effective in achieving our goal. Lastly, for our third line of work, we study the task of summarising tweets on common topics, with the goal to provide informative summaries for real-world events/stories or explanation underlying the sentiment expressed towards an issue/entity. As most existing tweet summarisation approaches rely on extractive methods, we propose to apply state-of-the-art neural abstractive summarisation model for tweets. We also tackle the challenge of cross-medium supervised summarisation with no target-medium training resources. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing work on studying neural abstractive summarisation on tweets. In addition, we present a system for providing interactive visualisation of topic-entity sentiments and the corresponding summaries in chronological order. Throughout our work presented in this thesis, we conduct experiments to evaluate and verify the effectiveness of our proposed models, comparing to relevant baseline methods. Most of our evaluations are quantitative, however, we do perform qualitative analyses where it is appropriate. This thesis provides insights and findings that can be used for better understanding public opinion in social media