69 research outputs found

    Emerging Trends in Mechatronics

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    Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary branch of engineering combining mechanical, electrical and electronics, control and automation, and computer engineering fields. The main research task of mechatronics is design, control, and optimization of advanced devices, products, and hybrid systems utilizing the concepts found in all these fields. The purpose of this special issue is to help better understand how mechatronics will impact on the practice and research of developing advanced techniques to model, control, and optimize complex systems. The special issue presents recent advances in mechatronics and related technologies. The selected topics give an overview of the state of the art and present new research results and prospects for the future development of the interdisciplinary field of mechatronic systems

    Modelling of Hysteresis in Vibration Control Systems by means of the Bouc-Wen Model

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    The review presents developments concerning the modelling of vibration control systems with hysteresis. In particular, the review focuses on applications of the Bouc-Wen model that describes accurate hysteretic behaviour in vibration control devices. The review consists of theoretical aspects of the Bouc-Wen model, identification procedures, and applications in vibration control


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    This body of research expands the design space of semi-active energy absorbers for shock isolation and crash safety by investigating and characterizing magnetorheological fluids (MRFs) at high shear rates ( > 25,000 1/s) under shear and mixed-mode operation. Magnetorheological energy absorbers (MREAs) work well as adaptive isolators due to their ability to quickly and controllably adjust to changes in system mass or impact speed while providing fail-safe operation. However, typical linear stroking MREAs using pressure-driven flows have been shown to exhibit reduced controllability as impact speed (shear rate) increases. The objective of this work is to develop MREAs that improve controllability at high shear rates by using pure shear and mixed shear-squeeze modes of operation, and to present the fundamental theory and models of MR fluids under these conditions. A proof of concept instrument verified that the MR effect persists in shear mode devices at shear rates corresponding to low speed impacts. This instrument, a concentric cylinder Searle cell magnetorheometer, was then used to characterize three commercially available MRFs across a wide range of shear rates, applied magnetic fields, and temperatures. Characterization results are presented both as flow curves according to established practice, and as an alternate nondimensionalized analysis based on Mason number. The Mason number plots show that, with appropriate correction coefficients for operating temperature, the varied flow curve data can be collapsed to a single master curve. This work represents the first shear mode characterization of MRFs at shear rates over 10 times greater than available with commercial rheometers, as well as the first validation of Mason number analysis to high shear rate flows in MRFs. Using the results from the magnetorheometer, a full scale rotary vane MREA was developed as part of the Lightweight Magnetorheological Energy Absorber System (LMEAS) for an SH-60 Seahawk helicopter crew seat. Characterization tests were carried out on the LMEAS using a 40 vol% MRF used in the previous magnetorheometer tests. These were analyzed using both flow curves and apparent viscosity vs. Mason number diagrams. The nondimensionalized Mason number analysis resulted in data for all conditions of temperature, fluid composition, and shear rate, to collapse onto a single characteristic or master curve. Significantly, the temperature corrected Mason number results from both the bench top magnetorheometer and full scale rotary vane MREA collapse to the same master curve. This enhances the ability of designers of MRFs and MREAs to safely and effectively apply characterization data collected in low shear rate, controlled temperature environments to operational environments that may be completely different. Finally, the Searle cell magnetorheometer was modified with an enforced eccentricity to work in both squeeze and shear modes simultaneously to achieve so called squeeze strengthening of the working MRF, thereby increasing the apparent yield stress and the specific energy absorption. By squeezing the active MR fluid, particles undergo compression-assisted aggregation into stronger, more robust columns which resist shear better than single chains. A hybrid model describing the squeeze strengthening behavior is developed, and recommendations are made for using squeeze strengthening to improve practical MREA devices

    Modelling and design of a dual channel magnetorheological damper

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    © Cranfield UniversityA limitation with the current analytical models for predicting the performance of a magnetorheological (MR) damper is that they fail to capture the hysteretic variation of force versus velocity variation correctly. This can significantly underestimate the damper force and overestimate the dynamic range of the device. In this work a transient analytical fluid dynamics model is developed by using a combination of Laplace and Weber transform and Duhamel’s superposition of velocity boundary condition, to overcome these limitations. The solution of the system of nonlinear simultaneous equations, obtained by applying mass flow balance, velocity compatibility conditions and force equilibrium of Bingham plastic plug flow, gives the damper force. This method is shown to generate direct and inverse model of an MR device. The proposed model has been validated against a commercially available MR damper at low speed, to a range of test signals. The mean error using the above model has been shown to be 5% for all the test signals. This compares well with three conventional models which give; transient constant velocity model 35%, quasi static model 35% and phenomenological model 35%. The phenomenological model gives 10% mean error for a sinusoidal input signal. The application of the proposed analytical model has been demonstrated by the design of a novel dual channel damper. The design of the electromechanical components has been shown to be np-hard problem and the optimisation using genetic algorithm has been applied to minimise the volume and electrical time constant. The performance of the dual channel damper has been simulated for various combinations of values of shear yield stress for two channels. Compared to the conventional single channel damper the novel design is shown to give 30% higher damper force, 50% improved dynamic range and limits the effect of transients to within 10% of the damper force. The dual channel damper is an effective solution to resist the onset of turbulent flow in the channels up to 20m/s piston velocity

    Design and control of a vibration isolator using a biased magnetorheological elastomer

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    The objective of this work is to explore the capability of a Semi-Active (SA) elastomer and control techniques in the area of shock and vibration isolation. Typical passive isolation methods have short comings in meeting competing objectives. A specific problem is isolating electronic packages mounted to military vehicle walls from shock. Often passive elastomer based isolators are used. The ideal solution for shock isolation is a soft lightly damped isolator. However a soft lightly damped isolator will cause excessive sway during normal driving conditions. Further, vehicle dynamics during normal driving conditions are typically in the range of a few hertz, presenting the possibility of a lightly damped soft system experiencing severe resonance. As a result most elastomer based isolators have significant damping, which decreases their ability to isolate shock. Active systems are able to theoretically reach a optimal compromise between shock isolation and sway, however for several reasons active systems are not practical. SA systems combine the benefits of passive systems, primarily cost and low actuator power input, with the capability of varying system parameters in real-time with performance indexes nearing that of active systems; This work investigates an interesting SA elastomer, a magnetorheological elastomer (MRE), that is able to change its properties with the application of a external magnetic field. Methods of controlling the field to achieve a desired response is discussed. Finally experimental data is presented of a MRE based device using a SA control scheme to isolate a payload from shock and vibration

    Parameter optimization design of rotor dynamic vibration absorber

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    The dynamic vibration absorber, which is adopted to suppress the unbalanced vibration of rotor, is optimized for the optimal parameters in this paper. This paper proposes a parameter optimization method for dynamic vibration absorbers and seeks parameters of a dynamic vibration absorber with better vibration suppression performance. Firstly, the frequency response function of the dynamic vibration absorber-rotor coupling system is obtained by using the finite element method. Then, basing on the optimal mathematical model, the optimal design variables are solved with the adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm. Also, an example is used to prove the validity of the optimization design method mentioned in this paper. Further, in order to master the influence of deviation from the optimal value on the suppressing vibration effect, the vibration suppression performance changes of the dynamic vibration absorber whose parameters deviate from the optimal value are analyzed. The results show that: compared with conventional design method, this method is more superior; The dynamic vibration absorber with optimal parameters has better vibration suppression performance; At the same degree deviated from the optimal value, the stiffness has a more remarkable influence on the vibration suppression performance than damping for suppressing the first resonance; For the dynamic vibration absorber which is adopted to suppress the fixed-frequency vibration, the influence of stiffness deviation on the vibration suppression performance appears an obvious interval which is related to working speed

    On semi-active inerters for improving machining productivity

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    The inerter is a mechanical element, synthesised in 2002 as an analogue to the electrical capacitor. Originally used in Formula 1 racing as the `J-damper', its potential has since been explored in other vehicles, as well as for vibration control of civil structures. In very recent years, some study has been given to the design and control of semi-active inerters. Such devices would be capable of varying their inertance in response to a control signal. To date, no study has been made of the semi-active inerter in the context of machining chatter. This undesirable form of vibration, leading to poor surface finish on machined parts, is a major issue in machining. The growing requirements of high speed machining of lightweight, flexible parts mean that the need to develop new strategies to tackle chatter will only increase. This thesis seeks to fill this gap in the literature. As a feasibility study, two chatter suppression strategies are developed using a simplified single degree of freedom chatter model. Both strategies assume the existence of an ideal semi-active inerter placed between the vibrating element and ground, allowing the natural frequency to be adjusted on-line. The first of these strategies, discrete inertance variation, is analogous to an existing lobe seeking strategy conducted by changing the spindle speed. It is shown that, with relatively modest ranges of inertance, this is an achievable strategy for high speed machining. The second strategy relies on cyclically adjusting the natural frequency to disrupt self-excited vibration. It is found that the amplitude of this variation is the important characteristic, rather than the ratio of the frequency of inertance variation to the tooth passing frequency. In both cases, the need to be able to rapidly control inertance is noted. The design needs of a semi-active helical inerter are considered, with magnetorheological fluid providing the semi-active control. Three different layouts are studied using quasi-static models. The bypass valve type layout is selected as the most promising for future study. The design of the valve is considered and a new optimisation scheme is developed which better suits the need of the bypass valve than previous schemes. The inerter model is extended into a quasi-dynamic model, which allows the varying inertance to be considered. This model would be key for developing any practical control scheme. Prototype inerters were designed and tested. Initially an oil-based designed is built, followed by a design using magnetorheological fluid. The prototype was tested using a servo-hydraulic actuator, with the goal of validating the models developed in the previous chapter. Unfortunately, trapped air in both systems led to these results being inconclusive in both cases. The use of magnetorheological fluid for flow directional control in this way is unusual at this scale and this work is important for any future researchers who wish to work with the fluid in this way. With this in mind, the issues encountered with the experimental rig are further analysed. Improvements to the design and filling method are proposed. Some more substantial design changes are also presented. Finally, some focus is given to the practical issues of implementing semi-active inerters in machining. The need to miniaturise the design to fit into modern machine tools is highlighted. Two areas in which this would be less of an issue -- fixturing and robotic machining -- are discussed. Notably, key challenges for robotic machining include the number and placement of the inerters, and whether new strategies would be needed to tackle mode-coupling chatter

    Control of a benchmark structure using GA-optimized fuzzy logic control

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    Mitigation of displacement and acceleration responses of a three story benchmark structure excited by seismic motions is pursued in this study. Multiple 20-kN magnetorheological (MR) dampers are installed in the three-story benchmark structure and managed by a global fuzzy logic controller to provide smart damping forces to the benchmark structure. Two configurations of MR damper locations are considered to display multiple-input, single-output and multiple-input, multiple-output control capabilities. Characterization tests of each MR damper are performed in a laboratory to enable the formulation of fuzzy inference models. Prediction of MR damper forces by the fuzzy models shows sufficient agreement with experimental results. A controlled-elitist multi-objective genetic algorithm is utilized to optimize a set of fuzzy logic controllers with concurrent consideration to four structural response metrics. The genetic algorithm is able to identify optimal passive cases for MR damper operation, and then further improve their performance by intelligently modulating the command voltage for concurrent reductions of displacement and acceleration responses. An optimal controller is identified and validated through numerical simulation and fullscale experimentation. Numerical and experimental results show that performance of the controller algorithm is superior to optimal passive cases in 43% of investigated studies. Furthermore, the state-space model of the benchmark structure that is used in numerical simulations has been improved by a modified version of the same genetic algorithm used in development of fuzzy logic controllers. Experimental validation shows that the state-space model optimized by the genetic algorithm provides accurate prediction of response of the benchmark structure to base excitation

    Prototype damper for use in deep foundation pile testing

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    A new method of testing deep foundation piles is proposed, focusing specifically on rapid load testing. The test involves applying a controlled force to a pile by dropping a weight and damper on it. The specific damper provided required modification of the annular gap to accommodate the magneto-rheological fluid, which replaces the hydraulic fluid. Two accelerometers and one K-type thermocouple monitor the damper by means of a control circuit with a programmable micro-controller. The control circuit bus impedance and board capacitance are evaluated. The control circuit outputs a signal which switches a coil housed inside the damper. This coil generates a field in the annular gap that changes the amount of damping, and consequently alters the applied force. With a control algorithm implemented, it is possible to attain the desired impact on a pile, potentially giving an insight into its load bearing capabilities
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