2,277 research outputs found

    Advanced signal processing solutions for ATR and spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems

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    Previously held under moratorium from 11 September 2017 until 16 February 2022This Thesis presents advanced signal processing solutions for Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) operations and for spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems. Two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ATR algorithms are described for full- and single-polarimetric images, and tested on the GOTCHA and the MSTAR datasets. The first one exploits the Krogager polarimetric decomposition in order to enhance peculiar scattering mechanisms from manmade targets, used in combination with the pseudo-Zernike image moments. The second algorithm employs the Krawtchouk image moments, that, being discrete defined, provide better representations of targets’ details. The proposed image moments based framework can be extended to the availability of several images from multiple sensors through the implementation of a simple fusion rule. A model-based micro-Doppler algorithm is developed for the identification of helicopters. The approach relies on the proposed sparse representation of the signal scattered from the helicopter’s rotor and received by the radar. Such a sparse representation is obtained through the application of a greedy sparse recovery framework, with the goal of estimating the number, the length and the rotation speed of the blades, parameters that are peculiar for each helicopter’s model. The algorithm is extended to deal with the identification of multiple helicopters flying in formation that cannot be resolved in another domain. Moreover, a fusion rule is presented to integrate the results of the identification performed from several sensors in a distributed radar system. Tests performed both on simulated signals and on real signals acquired from a scale model of a helicopter, confirm the validity of the algorithm. Finally, a waveform design framework for joint radar-communication systems is presented. The waveform is composed by quasi-orthogonal chirp sub-carriers generated through the Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT), with the aim of preserving the radar performance of a typical Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) pulse while embedding data to be sent to a cooperative system. Techniques aimed at optimise the design parameters and mitigate the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) caused by the quasiorthogonality of the chirp sub-carriers are also described. The FrFT based waveform is extensively tested and compared with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and LFM waveforms, in order to assess both its radar and communication performance.This Thesis presents advanced signal processing solutions for Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) operations and for spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems. Two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ATR algorithms are described for full- and single-polarimetric images, and tested on the GOTCHA and the MSTAR datasets. The first one exploits the Krogager polarimetric decomposition in order to enhance peculiar scattering mechanisms from manmade targets, used in combination with the pseudo-Zernike image moments. The second algorithm employs the Krawtchouk image moments, that, being discrete defined, provide better representations of targets’ details. The proposed image moments based framework can be extended to the availability of several images from multiple sensors through the implementation of a simple fusion rule. A model-based micro-Doppler algorithm is developed for the identification of helicopters. The approach relies on the proposed sparse representation of the signal scattered from the helicopter’s rotor and received by the radar. Such a sparse representation is obtained through the application of a greedy sparse recovery framework, with the goal of estimating the number, the length and the rotation speed of the blades, parameters that are peculiar for each helicopter’s model. The algorithm is extended to deal with the identification of multiple helicopters flying in formation that cannot be resolved in another domain. Moreover, a fusion rule is presented to integrate the results of the identification performed from several sensors in a distributed radar system. Tests performed both on simulated signals and on real signals acquired from a scale model of a helicopter, confirm the validity of the algorithm. Finally, a waveform design framework for joint radar-communication systems is presented. The waveform is composed by quasi-orthogonal chirp sub-carriers generated through the Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT), with the aim of preserving the radar performance of a typical Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) pulse while embedding data to be sent to a cooperative system. Techniques aimed at optimise the design parameters and mitigate the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) caused by the quasiorthogonality of the chirp sub-carriers are also described. The FrFT based waveform is extensively tested and compared with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and LFM waveforms, in order to assess both its radar and communication performance

    Fractional Focusing and the Chirp Scaling Algorithm With Real Synthetic Aperture Radar Data

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    abstract: For synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image formation processing, the chirp scaling algorithm (CSA) has gained considerable attention mainly because of its excellent target focusing ability, optimized processing steps, and ease of implementation. In particular, unlike the range Doppler and range migration algorithms, the CSA is easy to implement since it does not require interpolation, and it can be used on both stripmap and spotlight SAR systems. Another transform that can be used to enhance the processing of SAR image formation is the fractional Fourier transform (FRFT). This transform has been recently introduced to the signal processing community, and it has shown many promising applications in the realm of SAR signal processing, specifically because of its close association to the Wigner distribution and ambiguity function. The objective of this work is to improve the application of the FRFT in order to enhance the implementation of the CSA for SAR processing. This will be achieved by processing real phase-history data from the RADARSAT-1 satellite, a multi-mode SAR platform operating in the C-band, providing imagery with resolution between 8 and 100 meters at incidence angles of 10 through 59 degrees. The phase-history data will be processed into imagery using the conventional chirp scaling algorithm. The results will then be compared using a new implementation of the CSA based on the use of the FRFT, combined with traditional SAR focusing techniques, to enhance the algorithm's focusing ability, thereby increasing the peak-to-sidelobe ratio of the focused targets. The FRFT can also be used to provide focusing enhancements at extended ranges.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201

    Radon spectrogram-based approach for automatic IFs separation

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    The separation of overlapping components is a well-known and difficult problem in multicomponent signals analysis and it is shared by applications dealing with radar, biosonar, seismic, and audio signals. In order to estimate the instantaneous frequencies of a multicomponent signal, it is necessary to disentangle signal modes in a proper domain. Unfortunately, if signal modes supports overlap both in time and frequency, separation is only possible through a parametric approach whenever the signal class is a priori fixed. In this work, time-frequency analysis and Radon transform are jointly used for the unsupervised separation of modes of a generic frequency modulated signal in noisy environment. The proposed method takes advantage of the ability of the Radon transform of a proper time-frequency distribution in separating overlapping modes. It consists of a blind segmentation of signal components in Radon domain by means of a near-to-optimal threshold operation. The inversion of the Radon transform on each detected region allows us to isolate the instantaneous frequency curves of each single mode in the time-frequency domain. Experimental results performed on constant amplitudes chirp signals confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, opening the way for its extension to more complex frequency modulated signals

    Investigation of Non-coherent Discrete Target Range Estimation Techniques for High-precision Location

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    Ranging is an essential and crucial task for radar systems. How to solve the range-detection problem effectively and precisely is massively important. Meanwhile, unambiguity and high resolution are the points of interest as well. Coherent and non-coherent techniques can be applied to achieve range estimation, and both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Coherent estimates offer higher precision but are more vulnerable to noise and clutter and phase wrap errors, particularly in a complex or harsh environment, while the non-coherent approaches are simpler but provide lower precision. With the purpose of mitigating inaccuracy and perturbation in range estimation, miscellaneous techniques are employed to achieve optimally precise detection. Numerous elegant processing solutions stemming from non-coherent estimate are now introduced into the coherent realm, and vice versa. This thesis describes two non-coherent ranging estimate techniques with novel algorithms to mitigate the instinct deficit of non-coherent ranging approaches. One technique is based on peak detection and realised by Kth-order Polynomial Interpolation, while another is based on Z-transform and realised by Most-likelihood Chirp Z-transform. A two-stage approach for the fine ranging estimate is applied to the Discrete Fourier transform domain of both algorithms. An N-point Discrete Fourier transform is implemented to attain a coarse estimation; an accurate process around the point of interest determined in the first stage is conducted. For KPI technique, it interpolates around the peak of Discrete Fourier transform profiles of the chirp signal to achieve accurate interpolation and optimum precision. For Most-likelihood Chirp Z-transform technique, the Chirp Z-transform accurately implements the periodogram where only a narrow band spectrum is processed. Furthermore, the concept of most-likelihood estimator is introduced to combine with Chirp Z-transform to acquire better ranging performance. Cramer-Rao lower bound is presented to evaluate the performance of these two techniques from the perspective of statistical signal processing. Mathematical derivation, simulation modelling, theoretical analysis and experimental validation are conducted to assess technique performance. Further research will be pushed forward to algorithm optimisation and system development of a location system using non-coherent techniques and make a comparison to a coherent approach

    Analysis and decomposition of frequency modulated multicomponent signals

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    Frequency modulated (FM) signals are studied in many research fields, including seismology, astrophysics, biology, acoustics, animal echolocation, radar and sonar. They are referred as multicomponent signals (MCS), as they are generally composed of multiple waveforms, with specific time-dependent frequencies, known as instantaneous frequencies (IFs). Many applications require the extraction of signal characteristics (i.e. amplitudes and IFs). that is why MCS decomposition is an important topic in signal processing. It consists of the recovery of each individual mode and it is often performed by IFs separation. The task becomes very challenging if the signal modes overlap in the TF domain, i.e. they interfere with each other, at the so-called non-separability region. For this reason, a general solution to MCS decomposition is not available yet. As a matter of fact, the existing methods addressing overlapping modes share the same limitations: they are parametric, therefore they adapt only to the assumed signal class, or they rely on signal-dependent and parametric TF representations; otherwise, they are interpolation techniques, i.e. they almost ignore the information corrupted by interference and they recover IF curve by some fitting procedures, resulting in high computational cost and bad performances against noise. This thesis aims at overcoming these drawbacks, providing efficient tools for dealing with MCS with interfering modes. An extended state-of-the-art revision is provided, as well as the mathematical tools and the main definitions needed to introduce the topic. Then, the problem is addressed following two main strategies: the former is an iterative approach that aims at enhancing MCS' resolution in the TF domain; the latter is a transform-based approach, that combines TF analysis and Radon Transform for separating individual modes. As main advantage, the methods derived from both the iterative and the transform-based approaches are non-parametric, as they do not require specific assumptions on the signal class. As confirmed by the experimental results and the comparative studies, the proposed approach contributes to the current state of the-art improvement

    Advanced signal processing methods for plane-wave color Doppler ultrasound imaging

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    Conventional medical ultrasound imaging uses focused beams to scan the imaging scene line-by-line, but recently however, plane-wave imaging, in which plane-waves are used to illuminate the entire imaging scene, has been gaining popularity due its ability to achieve high frame rates, thus allowing the capture of fast dynamic events and producing continuous Doppler data. In most implementations, multiple low-resolution images from different plane wave tilt angles are coherently averaged (compounded) to form a single high-resolution image, albeit with the undesirable side effect of reducing the frame rate, and attenuating signals with high Doppler shifts. This thesis introduces a spread-spectrum color Doppler imaging method that produces high-resolution images without the use of frame compounding, thereby eliminating the tradeoff between beam quality, frame rate and the unaliased Doppler frequency limit. The method uses a Doppler ensemble formed of a long random sequence of transmit tilt angles that randomize the phase of out-of-cell (clutter) echoes, thereby spreading the clutter power in the Doppler spectrum without compounding, while keeping the spectrum of in-cell echoes intact. The spread-spectrum method adequately suppresses out-of-cell blood echoes to achieve high spatial resolution, but spread-spectrum suppression is not adequate for wall clutter which may be 60 dB above blood echoes. We thus implemented a clutter filter that re-arranges the ensemble samples such that they follow a linear tilt angle order, thereby compacting the clutter spectrum and spreading that of the blood Doppler signal, and allowing clutter suppression with frequency domain filters. We later improved this filter with a redesign of the random sweep plan such that each tilt angle is repeated multiple times, allowing, after ensemble re-arrangement, the use of comb filters for improved clutter suppression. Experiments performed using a carotid artery phantom with constant flow demonstrate that the spread-spectrum method more accurately measures the parabolic flow profile of the vessel and outperforms conventional plane-wave Doppler in both contrast resolution and estimation of high flow velocities. To improve velocity estimation in pulsatile flow, we developed a method that uses the chirped Fourier transform to reduce stationarity broadening during the high acceleration phase of pulsatile flow waveforms. Experimental results showed lower standard deviations compared to conventional intensity-weighted-moving-average methods. The methods in this thesis are expected to be valuable for Doppler applications that require measurement of high velocities at high frame rates, with high spatial resolution

    Sonar data characterisation and analysis

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