306 research outputs found

    Multisite adaptive computation offloading for mobile cloud applications

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    The sheer amount of mobile devices and their fast adaptability have contributed to the proliferation of modern advanced mobile applications. These applications have characteristics such as latency-critical and demand high availability. Also, these kinds of applications often require intensive computation resources and excessive energy consumption for processing, a mobile device has limited computation and energy capacity because of the physical size constraints. The heterogeneous mobile cloud environment consists of different computing resources such as remote cloud servers in faraway data centres, cloudlets whose goal is to bring the cloud closer to the users, and nearby mobile devices that can be utilised to offload mobile tasks. Heterogeneity in mobile devices and the different sites include software, hardware, and technology variations. Resource-constrained mobile devices can leverage the shared resource environment to offload their intensive tasks to conserve battery life and improve the overall application performance. However, with such a loosely coupled and mobile device dominating network, new challenges and problems such as how to seamlessly leverage mobile devices with all the offloading sites, how to simplify deploying runtime environment for serving offloading requests from mobile devices, how to identify which parts of the mobile application to offload and how to decide whether to offload them and how to select the most optimal candidate offloading site among others. To overcome the aforementioned challenges, this research work contributes the design and implementation of MAMoC, a loosely coupled end-to-end mobile computation offloading framework. Mobile applications can be adapted to the client library of the framework while the server components are deployed to the offloading sites for serving offloading requests. The evaluation of the offloading decision engine demonstrates the viability of the proposed solution for managing seamless and transparent offloading in distributed and dynamic mobile cloud environments. All the implemented components of this work are publicly available at the following URL: https://github.com/mamoc-repo

    A comprehensive survey on reinforcement-learning-based computation offloading techniques in Edge Computing Systems

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    Producción CientíficaIn recent years, the number of embedded computing devices connected to the Internet has exponentially increased. At the same time, new applications are becoming more complex and computationally demanding, which can be a problem for devices, especially when they are battery powered. In this context, the concepts of computation offloading and edge computing, which allow applications to be fully or partially offloaded and executed on servers close to the devices in the network, have arisen and received increasing attention. Then, the design of algorithms to make the decision of which applications or tasks should be offloaded, and where to execute them, is crucial. One of the options that has been gaining momentum lately is the use of Reinforcement Learning (RL) and, in particular, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), which enables learning optimal or near-optimal offloading policies adapted to each particular scenario. Although the use of RL techniques to solve the computation offloading problem in edge systems has been covered by some surveys, it has been done in a limited way. For example, some surveys have analysed the use of RL to solve various networking problems, with computation offloading being one of them, but not the primary focus. Other surveys, on the other hand, have reviewed techniques to solve the computation offloading problem, being RL just one of the approaches considered. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey that specifically focuses on the use of RL and DRL techniques for computation offloading in edge computing system. We present a comprehensive and detailed survey, where we analyse and classify the research papers in terms of use cases, network and edge computing architectures, objectives, RL algorithms, decision-making approaches, and time-varying characteristics considered in the analysed scenarios. In particular, we include a series of tables to help researchers identify relevant papers based on specific features, and analyse which scenarios and techniques are most frequently considered in the literature. Finally, this survey identifies a number of research challenges, future directions and areas for further study.Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León y FEDER (VA231P20)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Proyecto PID2020-112675RB-C42, PID2021-124463OBI00 y RED2018-102585-T, financiados por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Resource allocation in mobile edge cloud computing for data-intensive applications

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    Rapid advancement in the mobile telecommunications industry has motivated the development of mobile applications in a wide range of social and scientific domains. However, mobile computing (MC) platforms still have several constraints, such as limited computation resources, short battery life and high sensitivity to network capabilities. In order to overcome the limitations of mobile computing and benefit from the huge advancement in mobile telecommunications and the rapid revolution of distributed resources, mobile-aware computing models, such as mobile cloud computing (MCC) and mobile edge computing (MEC) have been proposed. The main problem is to decide on an application execution plan while satisfying quality of service (QoS) requirements and the current status of system networking and device energy. However, the role of application data in offloading optimisation has not been studied thoroughly, particularly with respect to how data size and distribution impact application offloading. This problem can be referred to as data-intensive mobile application offloading optimisation. To address this problem, this thesis presents novel optimisation frameworks, techniques and algorithms for mobile application resource allocation in mobile-aware computing environments. These frameworks and techniques are proposed to provide optimised solutions to schedule data intensive mobile applications. Experimental results show the ability of the proposed tools in optimising the scheduling and the execution of data intensive applications on various computing environments to meet application QoS requirements. Furthermore, the results clearly stated the significant contribution of the data size parameter on scheduling the execution of mobile applications. In addition, the thesis provides an analytical investigation of mobile-aware computing environments for a certain mobile application type. The investigation provides performance analysis to help users decide on target computation resources based on application structure, input data, and mobile network status

    A flexible algorithm to offload DAG applications for edge computing

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    Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is an enabling technology to leverage new network applications, such as virtual/augmented reality, by providing faster task processing at the network edge. This is done by deploying servers closer to the end users to run the network applications. These applications are often intensive in terms of task processing, memory usage, and communication; thus mobile devices may take a long time or even not be able to run them efficiently. By transferring (offloading) the execution of these applications to the servers at the network edge, it is possible to achieve a lower completion time (makespan) and meet application requirements. However, offloading multiple entire applications to the edge server can overwhelm its hardware and communication channel, as well as underutilize the mobile devices' hardware. In this paper, network applications are modeled as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) and partitioned into tasks, and only part of these tasks are offloaded to the edge server. This is the DAG application partitioning and offloading problem, which is known to be NP-hard. To approximate its solution, this paper proposes the FlexDO algorithm. FlexDO combines a greedy phase with a permutation phase to find a set of offloading decisions, and then chooses the one that achieves the shortest makespan. FlexDO is compared with a proposal from the literature and two baseline decisions, considering realistic DAG applications extracted from the Alibaba Cluster Trace Program. Results show that FlexDO is consistently only 3.9% to 8.9% above the optimal makespan in all test scenarios, which include different levels of CPU availability, a multi-user case, and different communication channel transmission rates. FlexDO outperforms both baseline solutions by a wide margin, and is three times closer to the optimal makespan than its competitor

    A survey on intelligent computation offloading and pricing strategy in UAV-Enabled MEC network: Challenges and research directions

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    The lack of resource constraints for edge servers makes it difficult to simultaneously perform a large number of Mobile Devices’ (MDs) requests. The Mobile Network Operator (MNO) must then select how to delegate MD queries to its Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) server in order to maximize the overall benefit of admitted requests with varying latency needs. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Artificial Intelligent (AI) can increase MNO performance because of their flexibility in deployment, high mobility of UAV, and efficiency of AI algorithms. There is a trade-off between the cost incurred by the MD and the profit received by the MNO. Intelligent computing offloading to UAV-enabled MEC, on the other hand, is a promising way to bridge the gap between MDs' limited processing resources, as well as the intelligent algorithms that are utilized for computation offloading in the UAV-MEC network and the high computing demands of upcoming applications. This study looks at some of the research on the benefits of computation offloading process in the UAV-MEC network, as well as the intelligent models that are utilized for computation offloading in the UAV-MEC network. In addition, this article examines several intelligent pricing techniques in different structures in the UAV-MEC network. Finally, this work highlights some important open research issues and future research directions of Artificial Intelligent (AI) in computation offloading and applying intelligent pricing strategies in the UAV-MEC network