3,907 research outputs found

    Resource Management in Multimedia Networked Systems

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    Error-free multimedia data processing and communication includes providing guaranteed services such as the colloquial telephone. A set of problems have to be solved and handled in the control-management level of the host and underlying network architectures. We discuss in this paper \u27resource management\u27 at the host and network level, and their cooperation to achieve global guaranteed transmission and presentation services, which means end-to-end guarantees. The emphasize is on \u27network resources\u27 (e.g., bandwidth, buffer space) and \u27host resources\u27 (e.g., CPU processing time) which need to be controlled in order to satisfy the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements set by the users of the multimedia networked system. The control of the specified resources involves three actions: (1) properly allocate resources (end-to-end) during the multimedia call establishment, so that traffic can flow according to the QoS specification; (2) control resource allocation during the multimedia transmission; (3) adapt to changes when degradation of system components occurs. These actions imply the necessity of: (a) new services, such as admission services, at the hosts and intermediate network nodes; (b) new protocols for establishing connections which satisfy QoS requirements along the path from send to receiver(s), such as resource reservation protocol; (c) new control algorithms for delay, rate and error control; (d) new resource monitoring protocols for reporting system changes, such as resource administration protocol; (e) new adaptive schemes for dynamic resource allocation to respond to system changes; and (f) new architectures at the hosts and switches to accommodate the resource management entities. This article gives an overview of services, mechanisms and protocols for resource management as outlined above

    Content-Aware Multimedia Communications

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    The demands for fast, economic and reliable dissemination of multimedia information are steadily growing within our society. While people and economy increasingly rely on communication technologies, engineers still struggle with their growing complexity. Complexity in multimedia communication originates from several sources. The most prominent is the unreliability of packet networks like the Internet. Recent advances in scheduling and error control mechanisms for streaming protocols have shown that the quality and robustness of multimedia delivery can be improved significantly when protocols are aware of the content they deliver. However, the proposed mechanisms require close cooperation between transport systems and application layers which increases the overall system complexity. Current approaches also require expensive metrics and focus on special encoding formats only. A general and efficient model is missing so far. This thesis presents efficient and format-independent solutions to support cross-layer coordination in system architectures. In particular, the first contribution of this work is a generic dependency model that enables transport layers to access content-specific properties of media streams, such as dependencies between data units and their importance. The second contribution is the design of a programming model for streaming communication and its implementation as a middleware architecture. The programming model hides the complexity of protocol stacks behind simple programming abstractions, but exposes cross-layer control and monitoring options to application programmers. For example, our interfaces allow programmers to choose appropriate failure semantics at design time while they can refine error protection and visibility of low-level errors at run-time. Based on some examples we show how our middleware simplifies the integration of stream-based communication into large-scale application architectures. An important result of this work is that despite cross-layer cooperation, neither application nor transport protocol designers experience an increase in complexity. Application programmers can even reuse existing streaming protocols which effectively increases system robustness.Der Bedarf unsere Gesellschaft nach kostengünstiger und zuverlässiger Kommunikation wächst stetig. Während wir uns selbst immer mehr von modernen Kommunikationstechnologien abhängig machen, müssen die Ingenieure dieser Technologien sowohl den Bedarf nach schneller Einführung neuer Produkte befriedigen als auch die wachsende Komplexität der Systeme beherrschen. Gerade die Übertragung multimedialer Inhalte wie Video und Audiodaten ist nicht trivial. Einer der prominentesten Gründe dafür ist die Unzuverlässigkeit heutiger Netzwerke, wie z.B.~dem Internet. Paketverluste und schwankende Laufzeiten können die Darstellungsqualität massiv beeinträchtigen. Wie jüngste Entwicklungen im Bereich der Streaming-Protokolle zeigen, sind jedoch Qualität und Robustheit der Übertragung effizient kontrollierbar, wenn Streamingprotokolle Informationen über den Inhalt der transportierten Daten ausnutzen. Existierende Ansätze, die den Inhalt von Multimediadatenströmen beschreiben, sind allerdings meist auf einzelne Kompressionsverfahren spezialisiert und verwenden berechnungsintensive Metriken. Das reduziert ihren praktischen Nutzen deutlich. Außerdem erfordert der Informationsaustausch eine enge Kooperation zwischen Applikationen und Transportschichten. Da allerdings die Schnittstellen aktueller Systemarchitekturen nicht darauf vorbereitet sind, müssen entweder die Schnittstellen erweitert oder alternative Architekturkonzepte geschaffen werden. Die Gefahr beider Varianten ist jedoch, dass sich die Komplexität eines Systems dadurch weiter erhöhen kann. Das zentrale Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es deshalb, schichtenübergreifende Koordination bei gleichzeitiger Reduzierung der Komplexität zu erreichen. Hier leistet die Arbeit zwei Beträge zum aktuellen Stand der Forschung. Erstens definiert sie ein universelles Modell zur Beschreibung von Inhaltsattributen, wie Wichtigkeiten und Abhängigkeitsbeziehungen innerhalb eines Datenstroms. Transportschichten können dieses Wissen zur effizienten Fehlerkontrolle verwenden. Zweitens beschreibt die Arbeit das Noja Programmiermodell für multimediale Middleware. Noja definiert Abstraktionen zur Übertragung und Kontrolle multimedialer Ströme, die die Koordination von Streamingprotokollen mit Applikationen ermöglichen. Zum Beispiel können Programmierer geeignete Fehlersemantiken und Kommunikationstopologien auswählen und den konkreten Fehlerschutz dann zur Laufzeit verfeinern und kontrolliere

    Distributed multimedia systems

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    A distributed multimedia system (DMS) is an integrated communication, computing, and information system that enables the processing, management, delivery, and presentation of synchronized multimedia information with quality-of-service guarantees. Multimedia information may include discrete media data, such as text, data, and images, and continuous media data, such as video and audio. Such a system enhances human communications by exploiting both visual and aural senses and provides the ultimate flexibility in work and entertainment, allowing one to collaborate with remote participants, view movies on demand, access on-line digital libraries from the desktop, and so forth. In this paper, we present a technical survey of a DMS. We give an overview of distributed multimedia systems, examine the fundamental concept of digital media, identify the applications, and survey the important enabling technologies.published_or_final_versio

    A Semantic-Based Middleware for Multimedia Collaborative Applications

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    The Internet growth and the performance increase of desktop computers have enabled large-scale distributed multimedia applications. They are expected to grow in demand and services and their traffic volume will dominate. Real-time delivery, scalability, heterogeneity are some requirements of these applications that have motivated a revision of the traditional Internet services, the operating systems structures, and the software systems for supporting application development. This work proposes a Java-based lightweight middleware for the development of large-scale multimedia applications. The middleware offers four services for multimedia applications. First, it provides two scalable lightweight protocols for floor control. One follows a centralized model that easily integrates with centralized resources such as a shared too], and the other is a distributed protocol targeted to distributed resources such as audio. Scalability is achieved by periodically multicasting a heartbeat that conveys state information used by clients to request the resource via temporary TCP connections. Second, it supports intra- and inter-stream synchronization algorithms and policies. We introduce the concept of virtual observer, which perceives the session as being in the same room with a sender. We avoid the need for globally synchronized clocks by introducing the concept of user\u27s multimedia presence, which defines a new manner for combining streams coming from multiple sites. It includes a novel algorithm for estimation and removal of clock skew. In addition, it supports event-driven asynchronous message reception, quality of service measures, and traffic rate control. Finally, the middleware provides support for data sharing via a resilient and scalable protocol for transmission of images that can dynamically change in content and size. The effectiveness of the middleware components is shown with the implementation of Odust, a prototypical sharing tool application built on top of the middleware

    Network streaming and compression for mixed reality tele-immersion

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    Bulterman, D.C.A. [Promotor]Cesar, P.S. [Copromotor

    Computational inference and control of quality in multimedia services

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    Quality is the degree of excellence we expect of a service or a product. It is also one of the key factors that determine its value. For multimedia services, understanding the experienced quality means understanding how the delivered delity, precision and reliability correspond to the users' expectations. Yet the quality of multimedia services is inextricably linked to the underlying technology. It is developments in video recording, compression and transport as well as display technologies that enables high quality multimedia services to become ubiquitous. The constant evolution of these technologies delivers a steady increase in performance, but also a growing level of complexity. As new technologies stack on top of each other the interactions between them and their components become more intricate and obscure. In this environment optimizing the delivered quality of multimedia services becomes increasingly challenging. The factors that aect the experienced quality, or Quality of Experience (QoE), tend to have complex non-linear relationships. The subjectively perceived QoE is hard to measure directly and continuously evolves with the user's expectations. Faced with the diculty of designing an expert system for QoE management that relies on painstaking measurements and intricate heuristics, we turn to an approach based on learning or inference. The set of solutions presented in this work rely on computational intelligence techniques that do inference over the large set of signals coming from the system to deliver QoE models based on user feedback. We furthermore present solutions for inference of optimized control in systems with no guarantees for resource availability. This approach oers the opportunity to be more accurate in assessing the perceived quality, to incorporate more factors and to adapt as technology and user expectations evolve. In a similar fashion, the inferred control strategies can uncover more intricate patterns coming from the sensors and therefore implement farther-reaching decisions. Similarly to natural systems, this continuous adaptation and learning makes these systems more robust to perturbations in the environment, longer lasting accuracy and higher eciency in dealing with increased complexity. Overcoming this increasing complexity and diversity is crucial for addressing the challenges of future multimedia system. Through experiments and simulations this work demonstrates that adopting an approach of learning can improve the sub jective and objective QoE estimation, enable the implementation of ecient and scalable QoE management as well as ecient control mechanisms

    Virtualization of network I/O on modern operating systems

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    Network I/O of modern operating systems is incomplete. In this networkage, users and their applications are still unable to control theirown traffic, even on their local host. Network I/O is a sharedresource of a host machine, and traditionally, to address problemswith a shared resource, system research has virtualized the resource.Therefore, it is reasonable to ask if the virtualization can providesolutions to problems in network I/O of modern operating systems, inthe same way as the other components of computer systems, such asmemory and CPU. With the aim of establishing the virtualization ofnetwork I/O as a design principle of operating systems, thisdissertation first presents a virtualization model, hierarchicalvirtualization of network interface. Systematic evaluation illustratesthat the virtualization model possesses desirable properties forvirtualization of network I/O, namely flexible control granularity,resource protection, partitioning of resource consumption, properaccess control and generality as a control model. The implementedprototype exhibits practical performance with expected functionality,and allowed flexible and dynamic network control by users andapplications, unlike existing systems designed solely for systemadministrators. However, because the implementation was hardcoded inkernel source code, the prototype was not perfect in its functionalcoverage and flexibility. Accordingly, this dissertation investigatedhow to decouple OS kernels and packet processing code throughvirtualization, and studied three degrees of code virtualization,namely, limited virtualization, partial virtualization, and completevirtualization. In this process, a novel programming model waspresented, based on embedded Java technology, and the prototypeimplementation exhibited the following characteristics, which aredesirable for network code virtualization. First, users program inJava to carry out safe and simple programming for packetprocessing. Second, anyone, even untrusted applications, can performinjection of packet processing code in the kernel, due to isolation ofcode execution. Third, the prototype implementation empirically provedthat such a virtualization does not jeopardize system performance.These cases illustrate advantages of virtualization, and suggest thatthe hierarchical virtualization of network interfaces can be aneffective solution to problems in network I/O of modern operatingsystems, both in the control model and in implementation

    A Hierarchical Filtering-Based Monitoring Architecture for Large-scale Distributed Systems

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    On-line monitoring is essential for observing and improving the reliability and performance of large-scale distributed (LSD) systems. In an LSD environment, large numbers of events are generated by system components during their execution and interaction with external objects (e.g. users or processes). These events must be monitored to accurately determine the run-time behavior of an LSD system and to obtain status information that is required for debugging and steering applications. However, the manner in which events are generated in an LSD system is complex and represents a number of challenges for an on-line monitoring system. Correlated events axe generated concurrently and can occur at multiple locations distributed throughout the environment. This makes monitoring an intricate task and complicates the management decision process. Furthermore, the large number of entities and the geographical distribution inherent with LSD systems increases the difficulty of addressing traditional issues, such as performance bottlenecks, scalability, and application perturbation. This dissertation proposes a scalable, high-performance, dynamic, flexible and non-intrusive monitoring architecture for LSD systems. The resulting architecture detects and classifies interesting primitive and composite events and performs either a corrective or steering action. When appropriate, information is disseminated to management applications, such as reactive control and debugging tools. The monitoring architecture employs a novel hierarchical event filtering approach that distributes the monitoring load and limits event propagation. This significantly improves scalability and performance while minimizing the monitoring intrusiveness. The architecture provides dynamic monitoring capabilities through: subscription policies that enable applications developers to add, delete and modify monitoring demands on-the-fly, an adaptable configuration that accommodates environmental changes, and a programmable environment that facilitates development of self-directed monitoring tasks. Increased flexibility is achieved through a declarative and comprehensive monitoring language, a simple code instrumentation process, and automated monitoring administration. These elements substantially relieve the burden imposed by using on-line distributed monitoring systems. In addition, the monitoring system provides techniques to manage the trade-offs between various monitoring objectives. The proposed solution offers improvements over related works by presenting a comprehensive architecture that considers the requirements and implied objectives for monitoring large-scale distributed systems. This architecture is referred to as the HiFi monitoring system. To demonstrate effectiveness at debugging and steering LSD systems, the HiFi monitoring system has been implemented at the Old Dominion University for monitoring the Interactive Remote Instruction (IRI) system. The results from this case study validate that the HiFi system achieves the objectives outlined in this thesis

    Designing Distributed, Component-Based Systems for Industrial Robotic Applications

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    none3noneM. Amoretti; S. Caselli; M. ReggianiM., Amoretti; S., Caselli; Reggiani, Monic
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