14 research outputs found

    An Enhanced Path Planner for Electric Vehicles Considering User-Defined Time Windows and Preferences

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    A number of decision support tools facilitating the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs) have been recently developed. Due to the EVs’ limited autonomy, routing and path planning are the main challenges treated in such tools. Specifically, determining at which Charging Stations (CSs) to stop, and how much the EV should charge at them is complex. This complexity is further compounded by the fact that charging times depend on the CS technology, the EV characteristics, and follow a nonlinear function. Considering these factors, we propose a path-planning methodology for EVs with user preferences, where charging is performed at public CSs. To achieve this, we introduce the Electric Vehicle Shortest Path Problem with time windows and user preferences (EVSPPWP) and propose an efficient heuristic algorithm for it. Given an origin and a destination, the algorithm prioritizes CSs close to Points of Interest (POIs) that match user inputted preferences, and user-defined time windows are considered for activities such as lunch and spending the night at hotels. The algorithm produces flexible solutions by considering clusters of charging points (CPs) as separate CSs. Furthermore, the algorithm yields resilient paths by ensuring that recommended paths have a minimum number of CSs in their vicinity. The main contributions of our methodology are the following: modeling user-defined time windows, including user-defined weights for different POI categories, creating CSs based on clusters of CPs with sufficient proximity, using resilient paths, and proposing an efficient algorithm for solving the EVSPPWP. To facilitate the use of our methodology, the algorithm was integrated into a web interface. We demonstrate the use of the web interface, giving usage examples and comparing different settings

    Combining Analytics and Simulation Methods to Assess the Impact of Shared, Autonomous Electric Vehicles on Sustainable Urban Mobility

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    Urban mobility is currently undergoing three fundamental transformations with the sharing economy, electrification, and autonomous vehicles changing how people and goods move across cities. In this paper, we demonstrate the valuable contribution of decision support systems that combine data-driven analytics and simulation techniques in understanding complex systems such as urban transportation. Using the city of Berlin as a case study, we show that shared, autonomous electric vehicles can substantially reduce resource investments while keeping service levels stable. Our findings inform stakeholders on the trade-off between economic and sustainability-related considerations when fostering the transition to sustainable urban mobilit

    Dynamic Stochastic Electric Vehicle Routing with Safe Reinforcement Learning

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    Dynamic routing of electric commercial vehicles can be a challenging problem since besides the uncertainty of energy consumption there are also random customer requests. This paper introduces the Dynamic Stochastic Electric Vehicle Routing Problem (DS-EVRP). A Safe Reinforcement Learning method is proposed for solving the problem. The objective is to minimize expected energy consumption in a safe way, which means also minimizing the risk of battery depletion while en route by planning charging whenever necessary. The key idea is to learn offline about the stochastic customer requests and energy consumption using Monte Carlo simulations, to be able to plan the route predictively and safely online. The method is evaluated using simulations based on energy consumption data from a realistic traffic model for the city of Luxembourg and a high-fidelity vehicle model. The results indicate that it is possible to save energy at the same time maintaining reliability by planning the routes and charging in an anticipative way. The proposed method has the potential to improve transport operations with electric commercial vehicles capitalizing on their environmental benefit

    Electric vehicle routing, arc routing, and team orienteering problems in sustainable transportation

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    [EN] The increasing use of electric vehicles in road and air transportation, especially in last-mile delivery and city mobility, raises new operational challenges due to the limited capacity of electric batteries. These limitations impose additional driving range constraints when optimizing the distribution and mobility plans. During the last years, several researchers from the Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research communities have been developing optimization, simulation, and machine learning approaches that aim at generating efficient and sustainable routing plans for hybrid fleets, including both electric and internal combustion engine vehicles. After contextualizing the relevance of electric vehicles in promoting sustainable transportation practices, this paper reviews the existing work in the field of electric vehicle routing problems. In particular, we focus on articles related to the well-known vehicle routing, arc routing, and team orienteering problems. The review is followed by numerical examples that illustrate the gains that can be obtained by employing optimization methods in the aforementioned field. Finally, several research opportunities are highlighted.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (PID2019-111100RB-C21-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, RED2018-102642-T), the SEPIE Erasmus+Program (2019-I-ES01-KA103-062602), and the IoF2020-H2020 (731884) project.Do C. Martins, L.; Tordecilla, RD.; Castaneda, J.; Juan-Pérez, ÁA.; Faulin, J. (2021). Electric vehicle routing, arc routing, and team orienteering problems in sustainable transportation. Energies. 14(16):1-30. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14165131130141

    A Branch-and-Cut-and-Price Algorithm for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Technologies

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    Este artículo es parte de Topical Collection on Decomposition at 70We provide an exact optimization algorithm for the electric vehicle routing problem with multiple recharge technologies. Our branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm relies upon a path-based formulation, where each column in the master problem represents a sequence of customer visits between two recharge stations instead of a whole route. This allows for massive decomposition, and parallel implementation of the pricing phase, exploiting the large number of independent pricing sub-problems. The algorithm could solve instances with up to thirty customers, nine recharge stations, fve vehicles and three technologies to proven optimality. Near-optimal heuristic solutions were obtained with a general-purpose MIP solver from the columns generated at the root node.Depto. de Estadística e Investigación OperativaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEComunidad de MadridGobierno de Españapu

    Electric vehicle routing problem with flexible deliveries

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    Growing concerns about the climate change have forced governments to initiate tighter environmental regulations and tougher emission reduction targets, increasing the interest on electromobility. Logistics operators started employing electric vehicles (EVs) and must face new operational planning challenges. Moreover, with an ever-growing interest in e-commerce, parcel delivery is taking new shapes by offering flexible delivery options to the customers. To mitigate these issues, we introduce the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexible Deliveries (EVRP-FD), where the customers are served using a fleet of EVs that can recharge their batteries along their routes. In this problem, a customer may specify different delivery locations for different time windows. Our objective is to serve the customers while minimising the total travelled distance using minimum number of vehicles. We first give the mathematical model and then develop a hybrid Variable Neighbourhood Search coupled with Tabu Search by proposing new mechanisms to solve the problem effectively. Then, we verify the performance of our algorithm on instances from the literature. We also introduce new instances for the EVRP-FD and perform an extensive computational study to investigate the trade-offs associated with different operational factors. Finally, we present a case study in Nottingham, UK to provide further insights