372,263 research outputs found

    Integral MRAC with Minimal Controller Synthesis and bounded adaptive gains: The continuous-time case

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    Model reference adaptive controllers designed via the Minimal Control Synthesis (MCS) approach are a viable solution to control plants affected by parameter uncertainty, unmodelled dynamics, and disturbances. Despite its effectiveness to impose the required reference dynamics, an apparent drift of the adaptive gains, which can eventually lead to closed-loop instability or alter tracking performance, may occasionally be induced by external disturbances. This problem has been recently addressed for this class of adaptive algorithms in the discrete-time case and for square-integrable perturbations by using a parameter projection strategy [1]. In this paper we tackle systematically this issue for MCS continuous-time adaptive systems with integral action by enhancing the adaptive mechanism not only with a parameter projection method, but also embedding a s-modification strategy. The former is used to preserve convergence to zero of the tracking error when the disturbance is bounded and L2, while the latter guarantees global uniform ultimate boundedness under continuous L8 disturbances. In both cases, the proposed control schemes ensure boundedness of all the closed-loop signals. The strategies are numerically validated by considering systems subject to different kinds of disturbances. In addition, an electrical power circuit is used to show the applicability of the algorithms to engineering problems requiring a precise tracking of a reference profile over a long time range despite disturbances, unmodelled dynamics, and parameter uncertainty.Postprint (author's final draft

    Stability analysis of automobile driver steering control

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    In steering an automobile, the driver must basically control the direction of the car's trajectory (heading angle) and the lateral deviation of the car relative to a delineated pathway. A previously published linear control model of driver steering behavior which is analyzed from a stability point of view is considered. A simple approximate expression for a stability parameter, phase margin, is derived in terms of various driver and vehicle control parameters, and boundaries for stability are discussed. A field test study is reviewed that includes the measurement of driver steering control parameters. Phase margins derived for a range of vehicle characteristics are found to be generally consistent with known adaptive properties of the human operator. The implications of these results are discussed in terms of driver adaptive behavior

    Adaptive output feedback control based on neural networks: application to flexible aircraft control

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    One of the major challenges in aeronautical flexible structures control is the uncertain for the non stationary feature of the systems. Transport aircrafts are of unceasingly growing size but are made from increasingly light materials so that their motion dynamics present some flexible low frequency modes coupled to rigid modes. For reasons that range from fuel transfer to random flying conditions, the parameters of these planes may be subject to significative variations during a flight. A single control law that would be robust to so large levels of uncertainties is likely to be limited in performance. For that reason, we follow in this work an adaptive control approach. Given an existing closed-loop system where a basic controller controls the rigid body modes, the problem of interest consists in designing an adaptive controller that could deal with the flexible modes of the system in such a way that the performance of the first controller is not deteriorated even in the presence of parameter variations. To this purpose, we follow a similar strategy as in Hovakimyan (2002) where a reference model adaptive control method has been proposed. The basic model of the rigid modes is regarded as a reference model and a neural network based learning algorithm is used to compensate online for the effects of unmodelled dynamics and parameter variations. We then successfully apply this control policy to the control of an Airbus aircraft. This is a very high dimensional dynamical model (about 200 states) whose direct control is obviously hard. However, by applying the aforementioned adaptive control technique to it, some promising simulation results can be achieved

    Using Numerical Dynamic Programming to Compare Passive and Active Learning in the Adaptive Management of Nutrients in Shallow Lakes

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    This paper illustrates the use of dual/adaptive control methods to compare passive and active adaptive management decisions in the context of an ecosystem with a threshold effect. Using discrete-time dynamic programming techniques, we model optimal phosphorus loadings under both uncertainty about natural loadings and uncertainty regarding the critical level of phosphorus concentrations beyond which nutrient recycling begins. Active management is modeled by including the anticipated value of information (or learning) in the structure of the problem, and thus the agent can perturb the system (experiment), update beliefs, and learn about the uncertain parameter. Using this formulation, we define and value optimal experimentation both ex ante and ex post. Our simulation results show that experimentation is optimal over a large range of phosphorus concentration and belief space, though ex ante benefits are small. Furthermore, realized benefits may critically depend on the true underlying parameters of the problem.adaptive control, adaptive management, dynamic programming, value of experimentation, value of information, nonpoint source pollution, learning, decisions under uncertainty, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Controlling cluster synchronization by adapting the topology

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    We suggest an adaptive control scheme for the control of zero-lag and cluster synchronization in delay-coupled networks. Based on the speed-gradient method, our scheme adapts the topology of a network such that the target state is realized. It is robust towards different initial condition as well as changes in the coupling parameters. The emerging topology is characterized by a delicate interplay of excitatory and inhibitory links leading to the stabilization of the desired cluster state. As a crucial parameter determining this interplay we identify the delay time. Furthermore, we show how to construct networks such that they exhibit not only a given cluster state but also with a given oscillation frequency. We apply our method to coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators, a paradigmatic normal form that naturally arises in an expansion of systems close to a Hopf bifurcation. The successful and robust control of this generic model opens up possible applications in a wide range of systems in physics, chemistry, technology, and life science

    Adaptive EWMA Control Charts with a Time Varying Smoothing Parameter

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    It is known that time-weighted charts like EWMA or CUSUM are designed to be optimal to detect a specific shift. If they are designed to detect, for instance, a very small shift, they can be inefficient to detect moderate or large shifts. In the literature, several alternatives have been proposed to circumvent this limitation, like the use of control charts with variable parameters or adaptive control charts. This paper has as main goal to propose some adaptive EWMA control charts (AEWMA) based on the assessment of a potential misadjustment, which is translated into a time-varying smoothing parameter. The resulting control charts can be seen as a smooth combination between Shewhart and EWMA control charts that can be efficient for a wide range of shifts. Markov chain procedures are established to analyze and design the proposed charts. Comparisons with other adaptive and traditional control charts show the advantages of the proposals.Acknowledgements: financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, research project ECO2012-38442

    Adaptive Random Walks on the Class of Web Graph

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    We study random walk with adaptive move strategies on a class of directed graphs with variable wiring diagram. The graphs are grown from the evolution rules compatible with the dynamics of the world-wide Web [Tadi\'c, Physica A {\bf 293}, 273 (2001)], and are characterized by a pair of power-law distributions of out- and in-degree for each value of the parameter β\beta, which measures the degree of rewiring in the graph. The walker adapts its move strategy according to locally available information both on out-degree of the visited node and in-degree of target node. A standard random walk, on the other hand, uses the out-degree only. We compute the distribution of connected subgraphs visited by an ensemble of walkers, the average access time and survival probability of the walks. We discuss these properties of the walk dynamics relative to the changes in the global graph structure when the control parameter β\beta is varied. For β≥3\beta \geq 3, corresponding to the world-wide Web, the access time of the walk to a given level of hierarchy on the graph is much shorter compared to the standard random walk on the same graph. By reducing the amount of rewiring towards rigidity limit \beta \to \beta_c \lesss im 0.1, corresponding to the range of naturally occurring biochemical networks, the survival probability of adaptive and standard random walk become increasingly similar. The adaptive random walk can be used as an efficient message-passing algorithm on this class of graphs for large degree of rewiring.Comment: 8 pages, including 7 figures; to appear in Europ. Phys. Journal
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