19,022 research outputs found

    An Adaptive Mechanism for Accurate Query Answering under Differential Privacy

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    We propose a novel mechanism for answering sets of count- ing queries under differential privacy. Given a workload of counting queries, the mechanism automatically selects a different set of "strategy" queries to answer privately, using those answers to derive answers to the workload. The main algorithm proposed in this paper approximates the optimal strategy for any workload of linear counting queries. With no cost to the privacy guarantee, the mechanism improves significantly on prior approaches and achieves near-optimal error for many workloads, when applied under (\epsilon, \delta)-differential privacy. The result is an adaptive mechanism which can help users achieve good utility without requiring that they reason carefully about the best formulation of their task.Comment: VLDB2012. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1103.136

    Optimizing Batch Linear Queries under Exact and Approximate Differential Privacy

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    Differential privacy is a promising privacy-preserving paradigm for statistical query processing over sensitive data. It works by injecting random noise into each query result, such that it is provably hard for the adversary to infer the presence or absence of any individual record from the published noisy results. The main objective in differentially private query processing is to maximize the accuracy of the query results, while satisfying the privacy guarantees. Previous work, notably \cite{LHR+10}, has suggested that with an appropriate strategy, processing a batch of correlated queries as a whole achieves considerably higher accuracy than answering them individually. However, to our knowledge there is currently no practical solution to find such a strategy for an arbitrary query batch; existing methods either return strategies of poor quality (often worse than naive methods) or require prohibitively expensive computations for even moderately large domains. Motivated by this, we propose low-rank mechanism (LRM), the first practical differentially private technique for answering batch linear queries with high accuracy. LRM works for both exact (i.e., ϵ\epsilon-) and approximate (i.e., (ϵ\epsilon, δ\delta)-) differential privacy definitions. We derive the utility guarantees of LRM, and provide guidance on how to set the privacy parameters given the user's utility expectation. Extensive experiments using real data demonstrate that our proposed method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art query processing solutions under differential privacy, by large margins.Comment: ACM Transactions on Database Systems (ACM TODS). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1212.230

    Regrets, learning and wisdom

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    This contribution discusses in what respect Econophysics may be able to contribute to the rebuilding of economics theory. It focuses on aggregation, individual vs collective learning and functional wisdom of the crowds.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Opinion paper submitted to European Physical Journal - Special Topics "Can economics be a physical science?

    Evolutionary Optimization of ZIP60: A Controlled Explosion in Hyperspace

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    The “ZIP” adaptive trading algorithm has been demonstrated to out-perform human traders in experimental studies of continuous double auction (CDA) markets. The original ZIP algorithm requires the values of eight control parameters to be set correctly. A new extension of the ZIP algorithm, called ZIP60, requires the values of 60 parameters to be set correctly. ZIP60 is shown here to produce significantly better results than the original ZIP (called “ZIP8” hereafter), for negligable additional computational costs. A genetic algorithm (GA) is used to search the 60-dimensional ZIP60 parameter space, and it finds parameter vectors that yield ZIP60 traders with mean scores significantly better than those of ZIP8s. This paper shows that the optimizing evolutionary search works best when the GA itself controls the dimensionality of the search-space, so that the search commences in an 8-d space and thereafter the dimensionality of the search-space is gradually increased by the GA until it is exploring a 60-d space. Furthermore, the results from ZIP60 cast some doubt on prior ZIP8 results concerning the evolution of new ‘hybrid’ auction mechanisms that appeared to be better than the CDA

    Multi-objective model for optimizing railway infrastructure asset renewal

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    Trabalho inspirado num problema real da empresa Infraestruturas de Portugal, EP.A multi-objective model for managing railway infrastructure asset renewal is presented. The model aims to optimize three objectives, while respecting operational constraints: levelling investment throughout multiple years, minimizing total cost and minimizing work start postponements. Its output is an optimized intervention schedule. The model is based on a case study from a Portuguese infrastructure management company, which specified the objectives and constraints, and reflects management practice on railway infrastructure. The results show that investment levelling greatly influences the other objectives and that total cost fluctuations may range from insignificant to important, depending on the condition of the infrastructure. The results structure is argued to be general and suggests a practical methodology for analysing trade-offs and selecting a solution for implementation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Will Monetary Policy Become More of a Science?

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    This paper reviews the progress that the science of monetary policy has made over recent decades. This progress has significantly expanded the degree to which the practice of monetary policy reflects the application of a core set of "scientific principles". However, there remains, and will likely always remain, elements of art in the conduct of monetary policy: in other words, substantial judgment will always be needed to achieve desirable outcomes on both the inflation and employment fronts. However, as case studies discussed here suggest, even through art will always be a key element in the conduct of monetary policy, the more it is informed by good science, the more successful monetary policy will be.

    Economics and the Survivor Peasant

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    Peasants are survivor actors: they allocate all their resources and deploy refined strategies for securing a smooth horizon of consumption. Their stylized behavior is irrational only if development is the goal the peasant should follow. Subsistence as expression for describing rural economies is inadequate, since it doesn't connote the risk of starvation or death that peasants face. The survivor actor poses descriptive demands and normative implications. At a descriptive level, peasant's risk behavior is not ruled by inner preferences only, but depends on his expectations for securing a smooth consumption during the crop cycle. The utility model is apt for describing the survivor actor. Yet the exponent that defines the curvature of the utility includes a component that captures the aversion to uncertainty and a component that grasps the expectations about the chances to secure the horizon of consumption. This component defines a function of risk behavior, a counterpart of the Arrows-Pratt function of risk aversion. A normative for the survivor actor has to consider what is feasible, not what is desirable; what could be, not what should be. --

    Navigating The Complexity Overcoming Mobility Obstacles in Massive MIMO Systems with MIMO Antennas.

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    This research investigates the synergy between Massive Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MIMO) systems and mobility challenges, with a focus on the pivotal role played by Multiple Antenna Systems (MIMO antennas). Employing a sophisticated experimental setup featuring a 3.5 GHz Massive MIMO base station equipped with 64 MIMO antennas, mobile terminals on motorized platforms, and advanced RF measurement tools, the study explores adaptive beamforming, spatial multiplexing, and diversity techniques. Results from 100 experiments, each lasting 10 minutes, reveal that adaptive beamforming dynamically improves user tracking in response to mobility-induced channel variations. Spatial multiplexing and diversity techniques enhance throughput and reliability, especially in high user mobility scenarios. The quantitative findings align with existing literature, providing practical insights for the deployment of MIMO antennas. The study addresses limitations and proposes avenues for future research, enhancing our understanding of MIMO antenna applications and contributing to the evolution of wireless communication technologies in dynamic environments

    Screening of energy efficient technologies for industrial buildings' retrofit

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    This chapter discusses screening of energy efficient technologies for industrial buildings' retrofit