7 research outputs found

    An intrinsic Proper Generalized Decomposition for parametric symmetric elliptic problems

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    We introduce in this paper a technique for the reduced order approximation of parametric symmetric elliptic partial differential equations. For any given dimension, we prove the existence of an optimal subspace of at most that dimension which realizes the best approximation in mean of the error with respect to the parameter in the quadratic norm associated to the elliptic operator, between the exact solution and the Galerkin solution calculated on the subspace. This is analogous to the best approximation property of the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) subspaces, excepting that in our case the norm is parameter-depending, and then the POD optimal sub-spaces cannot be characterized by means of a spectral problem. We apply a deflation technique to build a series of approximating solutions on finite-dimensional optimal subspaces, directly in the on-line step. We prove that the partial sums converge to the continuous solutions, in mean quadratic elliptic norm.Comment: 18 page

    Adaptive POD basis computation for parametrized nonlinear systems using optimal snapshot location

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    The construction of reduced-order models for parametrized partial differential systems using proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is based on the information of the so-called snapshots. These provide the spatial distribution of the nonlinear system at discrete parameter and/or time instances. In this work a strategy is used, where the POD reduced-order model is improved by choosing additional snapshot locations in an optimal way; see Kunisch and Volkwein (ESAIM: M2AN, 44:509-529, 2010). These optimal snapshot locations influences the POD basis functions and therefore the POD reduced-order model. This strategy is used to build up a POD basis on a parameter set in an adaptive way. The approach is illustrated by the construction of the POD reduced-order model for the complex-valued Helmholtz equation

    Model Order Reduction by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

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    Model Order Reduction by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

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    We provide an introduction to POD-MOR with focus on (nonlinear) parametric PDEs and (nonlinear) time-dependent PDEs, and PDE constrained optimization with POD surrogate models as application. We cover the relation of POD and SVD, POD from the infinite-dimensional perspective, reduction of nonlinearities, certification with a priori and a posteriori error estimates, spatial and temporal adaptivity, input dependency of the POD surrogate model, POD basis update strategies in optimal control with surrogate models, and sketch related algorithmic frameworks. The perspective of the method is demonstrated with several numerical examples.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1701.0505

    Modellreduktion thermischer Felder unter Berücksichtigung der Wärmestrahlung

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    Transiente Simulationen im Rahmen von Parameterstudien oder Optimierungsprozessen erfor-dern die Anwendung der Modellordnungsreduktion zur Minimierung der Berechnungs¬zeiten. Die aus der Wärmestrahlung resultierende Nichtlinearität bei der Analyse thermischer Felder wird hier als äußere Last betrachtet, wodurch die entkoppelte Ermittlung der strahlungs-beding¬ten Wärmeströme gelingt. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen die infolgedessen konstanten System¬matrizen die Reduktion des Temperaturvektors mit etablierten Verfahren für lineare Systeme, wie beispielsweise den Krylov-Unterraummethoden. Die aus der in der Regel großflächigen Verteilung der thermischen Lasten folgende hohe Anzahl von Systemeingängen limitiert allerdings die erzielbare reduzierte Dimension. Deshalb werden zustandsunabhängige, sich synchron verändernde Lasten zu einem Eingang zusammengefasst. Die aus der Strahlung resultierenden Wärmeströme sind im Gegensatz dazu durch die aktuelle Temperaturverteilung bestimmt und lassen sich nicht derart gruppieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird ein Ansatz basierend auf der Singulärwertzerlegung von aus Trai¬ningssimulationen gewonnenen Beispiellastvektoren vorgeschlagen. Auf diese Weise gelingt eine erhebliche Verringerung der Eingangsanzahl, sodass im reduzierten System ein sehr geringer Freiheitsgrad erreicht wird. Im Vergleich zur Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) genügen dabei deutlich weniger Trainingsdaten, was den Rechenaufwand während der Offline-Phase erheblich vermindert. Darüber hinaus dehnt das entwickelte Verfahren die Gültigkeit des reduzierten Modells auf einen weiten Parameterbereich aus. Die Berechnung der strahlungsbedingten Wärmeströme in der Ausgangsdimension bestimmt dann den numerischen Aufwand. Mit der Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method (DEIM) wird die Auswertung der Nichtlinearität auf ausgewählte Modellknoten beschränkt. Schließlich erlaubt die Anwendung der POD auf die Wärmestrahlungsbilanz die schnelle Anpassung des Emissionsgrades. Somit hängt das reduzierte System nicht mehr vom ursprünglichen Freiheitsgrad ab und die Gesamt-simulationszeit verkürzt sich um mehrere Größenordnungen.Transient simulations as part of parameter studies or optimization processes require the appli-cation of model order reduction to minimize computation times. Nonlinearity resulting from heat radiation in thermal analyses is considered here as an external load. Thereby, the determi-nation of the radiation-induced heat flows is decoupled from the temperature equation. Hence, the system matrices become invariant and established algorithms for linear systems, such as Krylov Subspace Methods, can be used for the reduction of the temperature vector. However, in general the achievable reduced dimension is limited as the thermal loads distributed over large parts of the surface lead to a high number of system inputs. Therefore, state-independent, synchronously changing loads are combined into one input. In contrast, the heat flows resulting from radiation are determined by the current temperature distribution and cannot be grouped in this way. Against this background, an approach based on the singular value decomposition of snapshots obtained from training simulations is proposed allowing a considerable decreased input number and a very low degree of freedom in the reduced system. Compared to Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), significantly less training data is required reducing the computational costs during the offline phase. In addition, the developed method extends the validity of the reduced model to a wide parameter range. The computation of the radiation-induced heat flows, which is performed in the original dimension, then determines the numerical effort. The Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method (DEIM) restricts the evaluation of the nonlinearity to selected model nodes. Finally, the application of the POD to the heat radiation equation enables a rapid adjustment of the emissivity. Thus, the reduced system is no longer dependent on the original degree of freedom and the total simulation time is shortened by several orders of magnitude