12 research outputs found

    WEBDL: un sistema adaptativo de educación a distancia a través de Internet

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    University distance learning is benefiting from the intensive use of Internet resources. The variety of information and services offered together with different kinds of students are impeding efficient use of this nzedium. In order to alleviate these problems and other associated ones, a web Site lS being developed to facilita te personalized access to these resources. This site is based on three essential elements: new teaching materials to make the most of the medium, alterno tive teaching organization adapted to the requirements of the different protagonists (students, lecturers and tutors) and an interactive system, WebDL, which facilitates personalized and adaptive access to information and communication requirements to each and every user at each and every moment. To date, the resources and material for three computer studies courses are being developed at UNED, whose de-livery depends on the Artificial Intelligence Department. This paper focuses in WebDL’s description, its componentS and its functionality.La enseñanza universitaria a distancia se está beneficiando del uso intensivo de los recursos ofrecidos por Internet. La variedad de información y servicios ofertados unidos a la naturaleza dispar del alumnado dificultan el aprovechamiento de este medio. Para paliar estos problemas y otros relacionados se está desarrollando un sitio web en el que se facilita un acceso personalizado a dichos recursos. Este sitio se apoya en tres elementos fundamentales: nuevos materiales docentes para aprovechar las venta fas del medio, una organización docente alternativa adaptada a las necesidades de los distintos protagonistas (alumnos, profesores y tutores) y un sistema interactivo, WebDL, que facilita un acceso personalizado y adaptativo a las necesidades de información y de comunicación de cada usuario en cada instante. Hasta el momento se están desarrollando los recursos y el material relacionado con tres asignaturas de los estudios de informática de la UNED, cuya docencia depende del Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial. Este artículo se centra en la descripción del sistema WebDL, sus componentes y su funcionalida

    A Standard-Based Model For Adaptive E-Learning Platform For Mauritian Academic Institutions

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    The key aim of this paper is to introduce a standard-based model for adaptive e-learning platform for Mauritian academic institutions and to investigate the conditions and tools required to implement this model.  The main forces of the system are that it allows collaborative learning, communication among user, and reduce considerable paper work.  Adaptation in the context of e-learning is about creating a learner experience that purposely adjusts to various conditions over a period of time with the intention of increasing pre-defined success criteria.  Adaptation requires the functionality to be able to interact with and manipulate data on the learning design, the users and the system, and its contents.  Therefore, adaptation is not an add-on that can just be plugged into a learning environment.  Each of the conditions for adaptation has to be represented in a rigorous way.  We will introduce a model based on a set of key learning technology standards that enable a structured, integrated view on designing, using and validating adaptation

    Social personalized e-learning framework

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    This thesis discusses the topic of how to improve adaptive and personalized e-learning in order to provide novel learning experiences. A recent literature review revealed that adaptive and personalized e-learning systems are not widely used. There is a lack of interoperability between adaptive systems and learning management systems, in addition to limited collaborative and social features. First of all, this thesis investigates the interoperability issue via two case studies. The first case study focuses on how to achieve interoperability between adaptive systems and learning management systems using e-learning standards and the second case study focuses on how to augment e-learning standards with adaptive features. Secondly, this thesis proposes a new social framework for personalized e-learning, in order to provide adaptive and personalized e-learning platforms with new social features. This is not just about creating learning content, but also about developing new ways of learning. For instance, in the presented vision, adaptive learning does not refer to individuals only, but also to groups. Furthermore, the boundaries between authors and learners become less distinct in the Web 2.0 context. Finally, a new social personalized prototype is introduced based on the new social framework for personalized e-learning in order to test and evaluate this framework. The implementation and evaluation of the new system were carried out through a number of case studies.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceUniversity of Warwick. Dept. of Computer ScienceGBUnited Kingdo

    Supporting the tutor in the design and support of adaptive e-learning

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    The further development and deployment of e-learning faces a number of threats. First, in order to meet the increasing demands of learners, staff have to develop and plan a wide and complex variety of learning activities that, in line with contemporary pedagogical models, adapt to the learners’ individual needs. Second, the deployment of e-learning, and therewith the freedom to design the appropriate kind of activities is bound by strict economical conditions, i.e. the amount of time available to staff to support the learning process. In this thesis two models have been developed and implemented that each address a different need. The first model covers the need to support the design task of staff, the second one the need to support the staff in supervising and giving guidance to students' learning activities. More specifically, the first model alleviates the design task by offering a set of connected design and runtime tools that facilitate adaptive e-learning. The second model alleviates the support task by invoking the knowledge and skills of fellow-students. Both models have been validated in near-real-world task settings

    Una organización de los recursos de Internet para la enseñanza a distancia

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    It is becoming to experiment a period of deep changes in the distance learning educational model mainly due to the notable enrichment of the processes and the materials used in the communication berween teachers and students and between students, without problems of timetables, appropriate work spaces and distances. In this context, there is no doubt that a good use of the available Internet resources is becoming one of the main factors that characterizes the quality of distance education. In order to improve that quality and the management of the processes that bears this kind of teaching, we propose a particular organization of the available resources in order to satisfy the identified needs of the different protagonists of the educational process (teachers, tutors and students). This proposal combines the use of the traditional resources (forums, mailing lists, etc.) and the new available resources (collaborative shared workspaces, temporaty discussion groups, annotated pages, etc.).Se está comenzando a expenmentar una etapa de cambios profundos en el modelo educativo de la enseñanza a distancia debido principalmente al enriquecimiento notable de los procesos y los materiales utilizados en la comunicación del profesor y el alumno y de los alumnos entre sí, sin problemas de horarios, de espacios físicos adecuados ni de distancias. En este contexto, es indudable que el buen uso de los recursos actualmente disponibles en Internet se está convirtiendo en uno de los principales factores que caracteriza una venta ja relativa en la calidad de la enseñanza a distancia ofertada. Con el fin de mejorar dicha calidad y de facilitar los procesos de gestión que conlleva dicho tipo de enseñanza se propone una organización concreta de los recursos disponibles que pretende satisfacer cada una de las necesidades identificadas de los distintos protagonistas del proceso formativo (profesores, tutores y alumnos). En dicha propuesta se combina el uso de los recursos tradicionales (foros, listas de correo, etc.) con los últimos servicios disponibles (espacios de trabajo cooperativo, grupos temporales o efímeros de discusión, páginas anotadas, etc.)

    Docentondersteuning bij het ontwerpen en begeleiden van gepersonaliseerde leeromgevingen

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    SIKS Dissertation Series No. 2008-07The further development and deployment of e-learning faces a number of threats. First, in order to meet the increasing demands of learners, staff have to develop and plan a wide and complex variety of learning activities that, in line with contemporary pedagogical models, adapt to the learners’ individual needs. Second, the deployment of e-learning, and therewith the freedom to design the appropriate kind of activities is bound by strict economical conditions, i.e. the amount of time available to staff to support the learning process. In this thesis two models have been developed and implemented that each address a different need. The first model covers the need to support the design task of staff, the second one the need to support the staff in supervising and giving guidance to students' learning activities. More specifically, the first model alleviates the design task by offering a set of connected design and runtime tools that facilitate adaptive e-learning. The second model alleviates the support task by invoking the knowledge and skills of fellow-students. Both models have been validated in near-real-world task settings.European Commission: - aLFanet (IST-2001-33288) - TENCompetence (IST-2004-02787