60 research outputs found

    A multi-mode attitude determination and control system for small satellites

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 1995.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: New advanced control techniques for attitude determination and control of small (micro) satellites are presented. The attitude sensors and actuators on small satellites are limited in accuracy and performance due to physical limitations, e.g. volume, mass and power. To enhance the application of sophisticated payloads such as high resolution imagers within these confinements, a multi-mode control approach is proposed, whereby various optimized controller functions are utilized during the orbital life of the satellite. To keep the satellite's imager and antennas earth pointing with the minimum amount of control effort, a passive gravity gradient boom, active magnetic torquers and a magnetometer are used. A "cross-product" detumbling controller and a robust Kalman filter angular rate estimator are presented for the preboom deployment phase. A fuzzy controller and magnetometer full state extended Kalman filter are presented for libration damping and Z-spin rate control during inactive imager periods. During imaging, when high performance is required, additional fine resolution earth horizon, sun and star sensors plus 3-axis reaction wheels are employed. Full state attitude, rate and disturbance estimation is obtained from a horizon/sun extended Kalman filter. A quaternion feedback reaction wheel controller is presented to point or track a reference attitude during imaging. A near-minimum time, eigenaxis rotational reaction wheel controller for large angular maneuvers. Optimal linear quadratic and minimum energy algorithms to do momentum dumping using magnetic torquers, are presented. A new recursive magnetometer calibration method is designed to enhance the magnetic in-flight measurements. Finally, a software structure is proposed for the future onboard implementation of the multi-mode attitude control system.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nuwe gevorderde beheertegnieke vir die oriëntasiebepaling en -beheer van klein (mikro-) satelliete word behandel. Die oriëntasiesensors en -aktueerders op klein satelliete het 'n beperkte akkuraatheid en werkverrigting as gevolg van fisiese volume, massa en kragleweringbeperkings. Om gesofistikeerde loonvragte soos hoë resolusie kameras binne hierdie tekortkominge te kan hanteer, word 'n multimode beheerbenadering voorgestel. Hiermee kan 'n verskeidenheid van optimale beheerfunksies gedurende die wentelleeftyd van die satelliet gebruik word. Om die satellietkamera en -antennas aardwysend te rig met 'n minimale beheerpoging, word 'n passiewe graviteitsgradiëntstang, aktiewe magneetspoele en 'n magnetometer gebruik. 'n "Kruisproduk" onttuimellings beheerder en 'n robuuste hoektempo Kalmanfilter afskatter is ontwikkel vir die periode voordat die graviteitsgradiëntstang ontplooi word. 'n Wasige beheerder en 'n volledige toestand, uitgebreide Kalmanfilter afskatter is ontwikkel om librasiedemping en Z-rotasietempo beheer te doen gedurende tydperke wanneer die kamera onaktief is. Gedurende kamera-opnames word hoë werkverrigting verlang. Fyn resolusie aardhorison, son en stersensors met 3-as reaksiewiele kan dan gebruik word. 'n Volledige oriëntasie, hoektempo en steurdraaimoment Kalmanfilter afskatter wat inligting van bogenoemde sensors gebruik, is ontwikkel. 'n “Quaternion” reaksiewiel terugvoerbeheerder waarmee die satelliet na verwysings oriëntasiehoeke gerig kan word of waarmee oriëntasiehoektempos gevolg kan word, word behandel. 'n Naby minimumtyd, "eigen"-as reaksiewielbeheerder vir groothoek rotasies is ontwikkel. Optimale algoritmes om momentumontlading van reaksiewiele met lineêre kwadratiese en minimumenergie metodes te doen, word afgelei en aangebied. 'n Nuwe rekursiewe kalibrasietegniek waarmee 'n magnetometer outomaties gedurende vlug ingestel kan word, is ontwikkel. Ten slotte, word 'n programstruktuur voorgestel vir aanboord implementering van die nuwe multimode beheerstelsel

    Commonwealth of Independent States aerospace science and technology, 1992: A bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography contains 1237 annotated references to reports and journal articles of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) intellectual origin entered into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during 1992. Representative subject areas include the following: aeronautics, astronautics, chemistry and materials, engineering, geosciences, life sciences, mathematical and computer sciences, physics, social sciences, and space sciences

    Satellite Positioning

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    Satellite positioning techniques, particularly global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), are capable of measuring small changes of the Earths shape and atmosphere, as well as surface characteristics with an unprecedented accuracy. This book is devoted to presenting recent results and development in satellite positioning technique and applications, including GNSS positioning methods, models, atmospheric sounding, and reflectometry as well their applications in the atmosphere, land, oceans and cryosphere. This book provides a good reference for satellite positioning techniques, engineers, scientists as well as user community

    2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy

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    This document is an update (new photos used) of the PDF version of the 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy that will be available to download on the OCT Public Website. The updated 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy, or "technology dictionary", uses a technology discipline based approach that realigns like-technologies independent of their application within the NASA mission portfolio. This tool is meant to serve as a common technology discipline-based communication tool across the agency and with its partners in other government agencies, academia, industry, and across the world

    Publications of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, July 1969 - June 1970

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    JPL bibliography of technical reports released from July 1969 through June 197

    The 1989 JSC bibliography of scientific and technical papers

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    This document is a compilation of Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center contributions to the scientific and technical literature in aerospace and life sciences made during calendar year 1989. Citations include NASA formal series reports, journal articles, conference and symposium presentations, papers published in proceedings or other collective works, and seminar and workshop results

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 192

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    This bibliography lists 247 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in March 1979

    Semiannual review of research and advanced development, 1 January - 30 June 1969. Volume 2 - /OART/

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    Supporting research and technology on spacecraft propulsion and electronic system

    The deep space network, volume 15

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    The DSN progress is reported in flight project support, TDA research and technology, network engineering, hardware and software implementation, and operations. Topics discussed include: DSN functions and facilities, planetary flight projects, tracking and ground-based navigation, communications, data processing, network control system, and deep space stations

    AAS/GSFC 13th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics

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    This conference proceedings preprint includes papers and abstracts presented at the 13th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics. Cosponsored by American Astronautical Society and the Guidance, Navigation and Control Center of the Goddard Space Flight Center, this symposium featured technical papers on a wide range of issues related to orbit-attitude prediction, determination, and control; attitude sensor calibration; attitude dynamics; and mission design