24 research outputs found

    The Review of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System Based on Learning Style

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    Accommodating learning style in adaptive educational hypermedia system (AEHS) may lead to an increased effectiveness and efficiency of the learning processes as well as teacher and learner satisfaction. The premise is that a fact that learning in classroom is less efficient, when teachers will not be able to get insight of each of the student’s learning style hence, they wont be able to adapt their teaching strategies to match with the student’s learning style. In order to get insight of the student’s learning style in AEHS, the system must be able to recognize the learning style of the students. Current methods for recognizing learning styles are less efficient, where questionnaires or surveys were used to the students, which lead to tedium and disturbance at learning processes. By using proposed approaches which are multilayer feed forward artificial neural network (MLFF), fragment sorting, and adaptive annotation technique, this study will design and develop an AEHS

    A Flexible Mechanism for Providing Adaptivity Based on Learning Styles in Learning Management

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    I presented our paper at the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, in Sousse, Tunisia. The presentation of our paper was scheduled on July 7, 2010, in the “Adaptive and Personalized Technology Enhanced Learning” Session, which I was also invited to chair. There were about 25 people listening to my presentation, including very well-known researchers in the area of adaptivity and personalization in technology enhanced learning. My presentation was well received and there were many questions and comments. One comment I found especially interesting for our future research was from one of the keynote speakers at ICALT, elaborating on possibilities for extending our research with respect to more fine-granular adaptivity of learning material. After this session, I had discussions with two researchers about my presentation and possible collaboration opportunities which we will follow up. Overall, attending ICALT2010 was a very valuable experience with respect to my future research and my reputation. During ICALT, I had many discussions, some leading to concrete ideas for collaborations. Besides presenting a paper, I was also organizing the Doctoral Consortium and a workshop on “Design Centered and Personalized Learning in Liquid and Ubiquitous Learning Places – Future Visions and Practical Implementations”. Both events were very well received, with lot of discussion during and after the events (for the workshop, we received an award for “Outstanding Performance” as workshop organizers from the general co-chairs of ICALT).While today’s learning management systems (LMSs) provide lot of support for teachers to assist them in holding online courses, they typically do not consider students’ individual differences in the composition and structure of courses. In this paper, we introduce a mechanism for extending LMSs’ functionality to provide learners with courses that fit their individual learning styles, using adaptive sorting and adaptive annotation in order to highlight the learning objects (LOs) that support students’ learning process the best. The mechanism enables teachers to add adaptivity to their already existing courses, using a flexible course structure in order to avoid limiting the richness of the learning resources and materials. Besides being flexible to teachers’ needs, the adaptive mechanism aims at asking teachers for as little as possible additional effort when using it, requiring teachers only to choose the corresponding type of LO when creating an LO in the authoring tool of the LMS

    La educación emocional, su importancia en el proceso de aprendizaje

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    Dentro del proceso educativo, se ha tendido a privilegiar los aspectos cognitivos por encima de los emocionales. Incluso para muchos estos dos aspectos deben ser considerados por separado; sin embargo esto no es conveniente si se pretende lograr el desarrollo integral del educando. Para poder incorporar los aspectos emocionales en el proceso educativo se debe caracterizar en qué consisten las emociones, cómo a partir de estas surge la educación emocional y qué papel juega esta dentro de dicho proceso. A su vez, se debe considerar el papel del maestro y cómo las emociones -tanto propias como de los estudiantes-, deben ser tomadas en cuenta en su acto pedagógico; por último se considerará la relación entre emociones y estilos de aprendizaje

    Formative E-Assessment of Schema Acquisition in the Human Lexicon as a Tool in Adaptive Online Instruction

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    This chapter presents a comprehensive method of implementing e-assessment in adaptive e-instruction systems. Specifically, a neural net classifier capable of discerning whether a student has integrated new schema-related concepts from course content into her/his lexicon is used by an expert system with a database containing natural mental representations from course content obtained from students and teachers for adapting e-instruction. Mental representation modeling is used to improve student modeling. Implications for adaptive hypermedia systems and hypertext-based instructions are discussed. Furthermore, it is argued that the current research constitutes a new cognitive science empirical direction to evaluate knowledge acquisition based on meaning information

    Personoinnin toteuttaminen verkko-oppimisjärjestelmissä

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    Tiivistelmä. Personointi on monitieteellinen konsepti, mikä ymmärretään eri aloilla eri tavoin. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia, kuinka personointia voidaan toteuttaa verkko-oppimisjärjestelmissä. Verkko-oppimisjärjestelmät ovat internetin kautta käytettäviä järjestelmiä, joita opiskelijat voivat käyttää ajasta tai paikasta riippumatta opiskelutarkoituksessa ja ne ovat nykyään käytössä monissa kouluissa. Useat näistä käytössä olevista järjestelmistä tarjoavat kaikille oppilaille samat työkalut ja materiaalit huolimatta oppilaan tietotaitotasosta. Personoinnin avulla on mahdollista huomioida oppilaan henkilökohtaiset piirteet ja oppimiseen liittyvät tarpeet. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käyn läpi erilaisia tapoja toteuttaa personointia ja tuon esille tapoja, miten personointi näkyy verkko-oppimisjärjestelmissä. Tietojärjestelmien toteuttamaan personointiin liittyy keskeisesti datan kerääminen käyttäjästä ja sen hyödyntäminen personoinnin toteuttamisessa. Keskustelen kirjallisuuskatsauksessa myös mahdollisista ongelmista ja huomioitavista asioista mitä liittyy oppimisjärjestelmien personointiin sekä personoinnin vaikutuksesta oppilaiden oppimisprosessiin


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    With the evolution of the internet and related technologies, a wide range of innovative solutions are introduced in order to solve different problems in several fields. One of the most prominent innovations is the E-learning platforms. These platforms allow the instructor to manage and control the learning content that the end user is going to consume. In many domains, the learner needs to have access to laboratory materiel and to manipulate some equipment in order to complete the theoretical background built in the course. Moreover, the use of videos, virtual laboratories or distance control of real equipment, to solve the existence of the practical activities in the E-learning platforms, is limited in occurrence and results. The Augmented Reality and the Augmented-Virtuality are the new technologies that promise to create a virtual environment, which gives the learner a virtual experiment space where s/he can experiment safely and with total control. In this paper, the authors propose a solution to carry out the practical activities in some E-leaning platforms whereby the learner can manipulate the virtual experiment elements like in real world: freely and safely without any risks. A survey was given to a sample of students, an instructor and a designer after a practical activity simulation, in order to get their feedbacks and to evaluate the proposed solution

    Teaching microprocessors design using FPGAs

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    Microprocessors is a typical subject within the Computer Architecture field of scope. It is quite common to use simulators in practical sessions, due to the complexity of its contents. In this paper a new methodology based on practical sessions with real devices and chips is proposed. Simple designs of microprocessors are exposed to the students at the beginning, rising the complexity gradually toward a final design with a multiprocessor integrated in a single FPGA chip. Finally, assessment results are shown

    Process Model for Differentiated Instruction using Learning Analytics

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    Higher education institutions seem to have a haphazard approach to harnessing the ubiquitous data that learners generate on online educational platforms, despite promising opportunities offered by this data. Several learning analytics process models have been proposed to optimise the learning environment based on this learner data. The model proposed in this paper addresses deficiencies in existing learning analytics models that frequently emphasises only the technical aspects of data collection, analysis and intervention, yet remain silent on ethical issues inherent in collecting and analysing student data and pedagogy-based approaches to the interventions. The proposed model describes how differentiated instruction can be provided based on a dynamic learner profile built through an ethical learning analytics process. Differentiated instruction optimises online learning through recommending learning objects tailored towards the learner attributes stored in a learner profile. The proposed model provides a systematic and comprehensive abstraction of a differentiated learning design process informed by learning analytics. The model emerged by synthesising steps of a tried-and-tested web analytics process with educational theory, an ethical learning analytics code of practice, principles of adaptive education systems and a layered abstraction of online learning design

    Recurso educativo digital adaptativo “Mecmov” para el desarrollo de los niveles de comprensión de los conceptos de mecanismos de transformación y transmisión de movimiento en estudiantes de grado décimo según sus estilos de aprendizaje

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    196 Páginas.La finalidad de esta investigación fue describir la influencia del Recurso Educativo Digital Adaptativo (REDAD), apoyado en un Sistema Hipermedia Adaptativa (SHA) en el desarrollo de los niveles de comprensión a partir de la implementación del recurso denominado Mecanismos de Transmisión y Transformación de Movimiento (Mecmov) al cual nos referiremos de aquí en adelante, el cual permitió una formación integral para el mundo académico y productivo, y que del mismo sentido hace parte de los procesos de Alfabetización Tecnológica. La experiencia se llevó a cabo con un grupo de estudiantes de grado Décimo de la Modalidad de Diseño de Máquinas de la Institución Educativa Distrital (IED) Cedid, San Pablo Bosa. ​​