1,475 research outputs found

    Adaptive nonlinear control using fuzzy logic and neural networks

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    The problem of adaptive nonlinear control, i.e. the control of nonlinear dynamic systems with unknown parameters, is considered. Current techniques usually assume that either the control system is linearizable or the type of nonlinearity is known. This results in poor control quality for many practical problems. Moreover, the control system design becomes too complex for a practicing engineer. The objective of this thesis is to provide a practical, systematic approach for solving the problem of identification and control of nonlinear systems with unknown parameters, when the explicit linear parametrization is either unknown or impossible. Fuzzy logic (FL) and neural networks (NNs) have proven to be the tools for universal approximation, and hence are considered. However, FL requires expert knowledge and there is a lack of systematic procedures to design NNs for control. A hybrid technique, called fuzzy logic adaptive network (FLAN), which combines the structure of an FL controller with the learning aspects of the NNs is developed. FLAN is designed such that it is capable of both structure learning and parameter learning. Gradient descent based technique is utilized for the parameter learning in FLAN, and it is tested through a variety of simulated experiments in identification and control of nonlinear systems. The results indicate the success of FLAN in terms of accuracy of estimation, speed of convergence, insensitivity against a range of initial learning rates, robustness against sudden changes in the input as well as noise in the training data. The performance of FLAN is also compared with the techniques based on FL and NNs, as well as several hybrid techniques

    Advanced Control of Piezoelectric Actuators.

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    168 p.A lo largo de las últimas décadas, la ingeniería de precisión ha tenido un papel importante como tecnología puntera donde la tendencia a la reducción de tamaño de las herramientas industriales ha sido clave. Los procesos industriales comenzaron a demandar precisión en el rango de nanómetros a micrómetros. Pese a que los actuadores convencionales no pueden reducirse lo suficiente ni lograr tal exactitud, los actuadores piezoeléctricos son una tecnología innovadora en este campo y su rendimiento aún está en estudio en la comunidad científica. Los actuadores piezoeléctricos se usan comúnmente en micro y nanomecatrónica para aplicaciones de posicionamiento debido a su alta resolución y fuerza de actuación (pueden llegar a soportar fuerzas de hasta 100 Newtons) en comparación con su tamaño. Todas estas características también se pueden combinar con una actuación rápida y rigidez, según los requisitos de la aplicación. Por lo tanto, con estas características, los actuadores piezoeléctricos pueden ser utilizados en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones industriales. Los efectos negativos, como la fluencia, vibraciones y la histéresis, se estudian comúnmente para mejorar el rendimiento cuando se requiere una alta precisión. Uno de los efectos que más reduce el rendimiento de los PEA es la histéresis. Esto se produce especialmente cuando el actuador está en una aplicación de guiado, por lo que la histéresis puede inducir errores que pueden alcanzar un valor de hasta 22%. Este fenómeno no lineal se puede definir como un efecto generado por la combinación de acciones mecánicas y eléctricas que depende de estados previos. La histéresis se puede reducir principalmente mediante dos estrategias: rediseño de materiales o algoritmos de control tipo feedback. El rediseño de material comprende varias desventajas por lo que el motivo principal de esta tesis está enfocado al diseño de algoritmos de control para reducir la histéresis. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de estrategias de control avanzadas que puedan mejorar la precisión de seguimiento de los actuadores piezoeléctricos comerciale

    Non-Linear Robust Observers For Systems With Non-Collocated Sensors And Actuators

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    Challenges in controlling highly nonlinear systems are not limited to the development of sophisticated control algorithms that are tolerant to significant modeling imprecision and external disturbances. Additional challenges stem from the implementation of the control algorithm such as the availability of the state variables needed for the computation of the control signals, and the adverse effects induced by non-collocated sensors and actuators. The present work investigates the adverse effects of non-collocated sensors and actuators on the phase characteristics of flexible structures and the ensuing implications on the performance of structural controllers. Two closed-loop systems are considered and their phase angle contours have been generated as functions of the normalized sensor location and the excitation frequency. These contours were instrumental in the development of remedial actions for rendering structural controllers immune to the detrimental effects of non-collocated sensors and actuators. Moreover, the current work has focused on providing experimental validation for the robust performances of a self-tuning observer and a sliding mode observer. The observers are designed based on the variable structure systems theory and the self-tuning fuzzy logic scheme. Their robustness and self-tuning characteristics allow one to use an imprecise model of the system and eliminate the need for the extensive tuning associated with a fixed rule-based expert fuzzy inference system. The first phase of the experimental work was conducted in a controlled environment on a flexible spherical robotic manipulator whose natural frequencies are configuration-dependent. Both controllers have yielded accurate estimates of the required state variables in spite of significant modeling imprecision. The observers were also tested under a completely uncontrolled environment, which involves a 16-ft boat operating in open-water under different sea states. Such an experimental work necessitates the development of a supervisory control algorithm to perform PTP tasks, prescribed throttle arm and steering tasks, surge speed and heading tracking tasks, or recovery maneuvers. This system has been implemented herein to perform prescribed throttle arm and steering control tasks based on estimated rather than measured state variables. These experiments served to validate the observers in a completely uncontrolled environment and proved their viability as reliable techniques for providing accurate estimates for the required state variables

    Microcontroller based implementation of a fuzzy knowledge based controller

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    In recent times, fuzzy logic has been used and applied in wide areas, starting from consumer electronics like washing machines to robotics to many industrial control systems like temperature controllers for process plants. Our work describes an implementation of fuzzy logic control algorithm using inexpensive hardware to control the temperature of a system, without any special software tools. A cooling system generally involves complex and time-variant plant, with delays and non- linearity, and often with poorly defined dynamics. Fuzzy logic control algorithm solves problems that are difficult to address with traditional control techniques, and at the same time provides us with a response better than conventional PID controllers. In the present work, this has been proved with the help of MATLAB simulations. Thereafter the program for the fuzzy control algorithm is written in C++ language and implemented through ARDUINO UNO tool kit. Further system functional is tested and the performance is evaluated taking several set-points and disturbances into account. The performance of the hardware is compared with that of MATLAB simulations of the same case and the results are verified

    Fuzzy Controllers

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    Trying to meet the requirements in the field, present book treats different fuzzy control architectures both in terms of the theoretical design and in terms of comparative validation studies in various applications, numerically simulated or experimentally developed. Through the subject matter and through the inter and multidisciplinary content, this book is addressed mainly to the researchers, doctoral students and students interested in developing new applications of intelligent control, but also to the people who want to become familiar with the control concepts based on fuzzy techniques. Bibliographic resources used to perform the work includes books and articles of present interest in the field, published in prestigious journals and publishing houses, and websites dedicated to various applications of fuzzy control. Its structure and the presented studies include the book in the category of those who make a direct connection between theoretical developments and practical applications, thereby constituting a real support for the specialists in artificial intelligence, modelling and control fields

    Real-time Knowledge-based Fuzzy Logic Model for Soft Tissue Deformation

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    In this research, the improved mass spring model is presented to simulate the human liver deformation. The underlying MSM is redesigned where fuzzy knowledge-based approaches are implemented to determine the stiffness values. Results show that fuzzy approaches are in very good agreement to the benchmark model. The novelty of this research is that for liver deformation in particular, no specific contributions in the literature exist reporting on real-time knowledge-based fuzzy MSM for liver deformation