319 research outputs found

    Dynamic Clustering of Histogram Data Based on Adaptive Squared Wasserstein Distances

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    This paper deals with clustering methods based on adaptive distances for histogram data using a dynamic clustering algorithm. Histogram data describes individuals in terms of empirical distributions. These kind of data can be considered as complex descriptions of phenomena observed on complex objects: images, groups of individuals, spatial or temporal variant data, results of queries, environmental data, and so on. The Wasserstein distance is used to compare two histograms. The Wasserstein distance between histograms is constituted by two components: the first based on the means, and the second, to internal dispersions (standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and so on) of the histograms. To cluster sets of histogram data, we propose to use Dynamic Clustering Algorithm, (based on adaptive squared Wasserstein distances) that is a k-means-like algorithm for clustering a set of individuals into KK classes that are apriori fixed. The main aim of this research is to provide a tool for clustering histograms, emphasizing the different contributions of the histogram variables, and their components, to the definition of the clusters. We demonstrate that this can be achieved using adaptive distances. Two kind of adaptive distances are considered: the first takes into account the variability of each component of each descriptor for the whole set of individuals; the second takes into account the variability of each component of each descriptor in each cluster. We furnish interpretative tools of the obtained partition based on an extension of the classical measures (indexes) to the use of adaptive distances in the clustering criterion function. Applications on synthetic and real-world data corroborate the proposed procedure

    Archetypes for histogram-valued data

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    Il principale sviluppo innovativo del lavoro è quello di propone una estensione dell'analisi archetipale per dati ad istogramma. Per quanto concerne l'impianto metodologico nell'approccio all'analisi di dati ad istogramma, che sono di natura complessa, il presente lavora utilizza le intuizioni della "Symbolic Data Analysis" (SDA) e le relazioni intrinseche tra dati valutati ad intervallo e dati valutati ad istogramma. Dopo aver discusso la tecnica sviluppata in ambiente Matlab, il suo funzionamento e le sue proprietà su di un esempio di comodo, tale tecnica viene proposta, nella sezione applicativa, come strumento per effettuare una analisi di tipo "benchmarking" quantitativo. Nello specifico, si propongono i principali risultati ottenuti da una applicazione degli archetipi per dati ad istogramma ad un caso di benchmarking interno del sistema scolastico, utilizzando dati provenienti dal test INVALSI relativi all'anno scolastico 2015/2016. In questo contesto l'unità di analisi è considerata essere la singola scuola, definita operativamente attraverso le distribuzioni dei punteggi dei propri alunni valutate, congiuntamente, sotto forma di oggetti simbolici ad istogramma

    3rd Workshop in Symbolic Data Analysis: book of abstracts

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    This workshop is the third regular meeting of researchers interested in Symbolic Data Analysis. The main aim of the event is to favor the meeting of people and the exchange of ideas from different fields - Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering, Economics, among others - that contribute to Symbolic Data Analysis

    Applied Harmonic Analysis and Sparse Approximation

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    Efficiently analyzing functions, in particular multivariate functions, is a key problem in applied mathematics. The area of applied harmonic analysis has a significant impact on this problem by providing methodologies both for theoretical questions and for a wide range of applications in technology and science, such as image processing. Approximation theory, in particular the branch of the theory of sparse approximations, is closely intertwined with this area with a lot of recent exciting developments in the intersection of both. Research topics typically also involve related areas such as convex optimization, probability theory, and Banach space geometry. The workshop was the continuation of a first event in 2012 and intended to bring together world leading experts in these areas, to report on recent developments, and to foster new developments and collaborations

    Fuzzy C-ordered medoids clustering of interval-valued data

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    Fuzzy clustering for interval-valued data helps us to find natural vague boundaries in such data. The Fuzzy c-Medoids Clustering (FcMdC) method is one of the most popular clustering methods based on a partitioning around medoids approach. However, one of the greatest disadvantages of this method is its sensitivity to the presence of outliers in data. This paper introduces a new robust fuzzy clustering method named Fuzzy c-Ordered-Medoids clustering for interval-valued data (FcOMdC-ID). The Huber's M-estimators and the Yager's Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operators are used in the method proposed to make it robust to outliers. The described algorithm is compared with the fuzzy c-medoids method in the experiments performed on synthetic data with different types of outliers. A real application of the FcOMdC-ID is also provided

    Graph Priors, Optimal Transport, and Deep Learning in Biomedical Discovery

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    Recent advances in biomedical data collection allows the collection of massive datasets measuring thousands of features in thousands to millions of individual cells. This data has the potential to advance our understanding of biological mechanisms at a previously impossible resolution. However, there are few methods to understand data of this scale and type. While neural networks have made tremendous progress on supervised learning problems, there is still much work to be done in making them useful for discovery in data with more difficult to represent supervision. The flexibility and expressiveness of neural networks is sometimes a hindrance in these less supervised domains, as is the case when extracting knowledge from biomedical data. One type of prior knowledge that is more common in biological data comes in the form of geometric constraints. In this thesis, we aim to leverage this geometric knowledge to create scalable and interpretable models to understand this data. Encoding geometric priors into neural network and graph models allows us to characterize the models’ solutions as they relate to the fields of graph signal processing and optimal transport. These links allow us to understand and interpret this datatype. We divide this work into three sections. The first borrows concepts from graph signal processing to construct more interpretable and performant neural networks by constraining and structuring the architecture. The second borrows from the theory of optimal transport to perform anomaly detection and trajectory inference efficiently and with theoretical guarantees. The third examines how to compare distributions over an underlying manifold, which can be used to understand how different perturbations or conditions relate. For this we design an efficient approximation of optimal transport based on diffusion over a joint cell graph. Together, these works utilize our prior understanding of the data geometry to create more useful models of the data. We apply these methods to molecular graphs, images, single-cell sequencing, and health record data
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