435 research outputs found

    Advances in PID Control

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    Since the foundation and up to the current state-of-the-art in control engineering, the problems of PID control steadily attract great attention of numerous researchers and remain inexhaustible source of new ideas for process of control system design and industrial applications. PID control effectiveness is usually caused by the nature of dynamical processes, conditioned that the majority of the industrial dynamical processes are well described by simple dynamic model of the first or second order. The efficacy of PID controllers vastly falls in case of complicated dynamics, nonlinearities, and varying parameters of the plant. This gives a pulse to further researches in the field of PID control. Consequently, the problems of advanced PID control system design methodologies, rules of adaptive PID control, self-tuning procedures, and particularly robustness and transient performance for nonlinear systems, still remain as the areas of the lively interests for many scientists and researchers at the present time. The recent research results presented in this book provide new ideas for improved performance of PID control applications

    Performance-oriented Adaptive Switching Control

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    On Increasing the Automation Level of Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Manipulators with Condition Monitoring of the Hydraulic System and Energy-Optimised Redundancy Resolution

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    Hydraulic manipulators on mobile machines are predominantly used for excavation and lifting applications at construction sites and for heavy-duty material handling in the forest industry due to their superior power-density and rugged nature. These manipulators are conventionally open-loop controlled by human operators who are sufficiently skilled to operate the machines. However, in the footsteps of pioneering original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and to keep up with the intensifying demand for innovation, more and more mobile machine OEMs have a major interest in significantly increasing the automation level of their hydraulic manipulators and improving the operation of manipulators. In this thesis, robotic software-based functionalities in the form of modelbased condition monitoring and energy-optimal redundancy resolution which facilitate increased automation level of hydraulic manipulators are proposed.A condition monitoring system generally consists of software modules and sensors which co-operate harmonically and monitor the hydraulic system’s health in real-time based on an indirect measure of this system’s health. The premise is that when this condition monitoring system recognises that the system’s health has deteriorated past a given threshold (in other words, when a minor fault is detected, such as a slowly increasing internal leakage of the hydraulic cylinder), the condition monitoring module issues an alarm to warn the system operator of the malfunction, and the module could ideally diagnose the fault cause. In addition, when faced with severe faults, such as an external leakage or an abruptly increasing internal leakage in the hydraulic system, an alarm from the condition monitoring system ensures that the machine is quickly halted to prevent any further damage to the machine or its surroundings.The basic requirement in the design of such a condition monitoring system is to make sure that this system is robust and fault-sensitive. These properties are difficult to achieve in complex mobile hydraulic systems on hydraulic manipulators due to the modelling uncertainties affecting these systems. The modelling uncertainties affecting mobile hydraulic systems are specific compared with many other types of systems and are large because of the hydraulic system complexities, nonlinearities, discontinuities and inherently time-varying parameters. A feasible solution to this modelling uncertainty problem would be to either attenuate the effect of modelling errors on the performance of model-based condition monitoring or to develop improved non-model-based methods with increased fault-sensitivity. In this research work, the former model-based approach is taken. Adaptation of the model residual thresholds based on system operating points and reliable, load-independent system models are proposed as integral parts of the condition monitoring solution to the modelling uncertainty problem. These proposed solutions make the realisation of condition monitoring solutions more difficult on heavy-duty hydraulic manipulators compared with fixed-load manipulators, for example. These solutions are covered in detail in a subset of the research publications appended to this thesis.There is wide-spread interest from hydraulic manipulator OEMs in increasing the automation level of their hydraulic manipulators. Most often, this interest is related to semi-automation of repetitive work cycles to improve work productivity and operator workload circumstances. This robotic semi-automated approach involves resolving the kinematic redundancy of hydraulic manipulators to obtain motion references for the joint controller to enable desirable closed-loop controlled motions. Because conventional redundancy resolutions are usually sub-optimal at the hydraulic system level, a hydraulic energy-optimised, global redundancy resolution is proposed in this thesis for the first time. Kinematic redundancy is resolved energy optimally from the standpoint of the hydraulic system along a prescribed path for a typical 3-degrees-of-freedom (3-DOF) and 4-DOF hydraulic manipulator. Joint motions are also constrained based on the actuators’ position, velocity and acceleration bounds in hydraulic manipulators in the proposed solution. This kinematic redundancy resolution topic is discussed in the last two research papers. Overall, both designed manipulator features, condition monitoring and energy-optimised redundancy resolution, are believed to be essential for increasing the automation of hydraulic manipulators

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 1

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. Topics addressed include: redundant manipulators; man-machine systems; telerobot architecture; remote sensing and planning; navigation; neural networks; fundamental AI research; and reasoning under uncertainty

    Fault tolerant control for nonlinear aircraft based on feedback linearization

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    The thesis concerns the fault tolerant flight control (FTFC) problem for nonlinear aircraft by making use of analytical redundancy. Considering initially fault-free flight, the feedback linearization theory plays an important role to provide a baseline control approach for de-coupling and stabilizing a non-linear statically unstable aircraft system. Then several reconfigurable control strategies are studied to provide further robust control performance:- A neural network (NN)-based adaption mechanism is used to develop reconfigurable FTFC performance through the combination of a concurrent updated learninglaw. - The combined feedback linearization and NN adaptor FTFC system is further improved through the use of a sliding mode control (SMC) strategy to enhance the convergence of the NN learning adaptor. - An approach to simultaneous estimation of both state and fault signals is incorporated within an active FTFC system.The faults acting independently on the three primary actuators of the nonlinear aircraft are compensated in the control system.The theoretical ideas developed in the thesis have been applied to the nonlinear Machan Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system. The simulation results obtained from a tracking control system demonstrate the improved fault tolerant performance for all the presented control schemes, validated under various faults and disturbance scenarios.A Boeing 747 nonlinear benchmark model, developed within the framework of the GARTEUR FM-AG 16 project “fault tolerant flight control systems”,is used for the purpose of further simulation study and testing of the FTFC scheme developed by making the combined use of concurrent learning NN and SMC theory. The simulation results under the given fault scenario show a promising reconfiguration performance

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 1999

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    Development and Implementation of Some Controllers for Performance Enhancement and Effective Utilization of Induction Motor Drive

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    The technological development in the field of power electronics and DSP technology is rapidly changing the aspect of drive technology. Implementations of advanced control strategies like field oriented control, linearization control, etc. to AC drives with variable voltage, and variable frequency source is possible because of the advent of high modulating frequency PWM inverters. The modeling complexity in the drive system and the subsequent requirement for modern control algorithms are being easily taken care by high computational power, low-cost DSP controllers. The present work is directed to study, design, development, and implementation of various controllers and their comparative evaluations to identify the proper controller for high-performance induction motor (IM) drives. The dynamic modeling for decoupling control of IM is developed by making the flux and torque decoupled. The simulation is carried out in the stationary reference frame with linearized control based on state-space linearization technique. Further, comprehensive and systematic design procedures are derived to tune the PI controllers for both electrical and mechanical subsystems. However, the PI-controller performance is not satisfactory under various disturbances and system uncertainties. Also, precise mathematical model, gain values, and continuous tuning are required for the controller design to obtain high performance. Thus, to overcome these drawbacks, an adapted control strategy based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) based controller is developed and implemented in real-time to validate different control strategies. The superiority of the proposed controller is analyzed and is contrasted with the conventional PI controller-based linearized IM drive. The simplified neuro-fuzzy control (NFC) integrates the concept of fuzzy logic and neural network structure like conventional NFC, but it has the advantages of simplicity and improved computational efficiency over conventional NFC as the single input introduced here is an error instead of two inputs error and change in error as in conventional NFC. This structure makes the proposed NFC robust and simple as compared to conventional NFC and thus, can be easily applied to real-time industrial applications. The proposed system incorporated with different control methods is also validated with extensive experimental results using DSP2812. The effectiveness of the proposed method using feedback linearization of IM drive is investigated in simulation as well as in experiment with different working modes. It is evident from the comparative results that the system performance is not deteriorated using proposed simplified NFC as compared to the conventional NFC, rather it shows superior performance over PI-controller-based drive. A hybrid fuel cell (FC) supply system to deliver the power demanded by the feedback linearization (FBL) based IM drive is designed and implemented. The modified simple hybrid neuro-fuzzy sliding-mode control (NFSMC) incorporated with the intuitive FBL substantially reduces torque chattering and improves speed response, giving optimal drive performance under system uncertainties and disturbances. This novel technique also has the benefit of reduced computational burden over conventional NFSMC and thus, suitable for real-time industrial applications. The parameters of the modified NFC is tuned by an adaptive mechanism based on sliding-mode control (SMC). A FC stack with a dc/dc boost converter is considered here as a separate external source during interruption of main supply for maintaining the supply to the motor drive control through the inverter, thereby reducing the burden and average rating of the inverter. A rechargeable battery used as an energy storage supplements the FC during different operating conditions of the drive system. The effectiveness of the proposed method using FC-based linearized IM drive is investigated in simulation, and the efficacy of the proposed controller is validated in real-time. It is evident from the results that the system provides optimal dynamic performance in terms of ripples, overshoot, and settling time responses and is robust in terms of parameters variation and external load

    Естимација крутости и адаптивно управљање код попустљивих робота

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    Although there has been an astonishing increase in the development of nature- inspired robots equipped with compliant features,i.e.soft robots, their full potential has not been exploited yet. One aspect is that the soft robotics research has mainly focused on their position control only, whilest iffness is managed in open loop. Moreover, due to the difficulties of achieving consistent production of the actuation systems for soft articulated robots and the time-varyingnatureoftheirinternalflexibleelements,whicharesubjecttoplasticdeformation overtime,itiscurrentlyachallengetopreciselydeterminethejointstiffness. . In this regard, the thesis puts an emphasis on stiffness estimation and adaptive control for soft articulated robots driven by antagonistic Variable Stiffness Actuators (VSAs) with the aim to impose the desired dynamics of both position and stiffness, which would finally contribute to the overall safety and improved performance of a soft robot. By building upon Unknown Input Observer (UIO) theory, invasive and non-invasive solutions for estimation of stiffness in pneumatic and electro-mechanical actuators are proposed and in the latter case also experimentally validated. Beyond the linearity and scalability advantage, the approaches have an appealing feature that torque and velocity sensors are not needed. Once the stiffness is determined, innovative control approaches are introduced for soft articulated robots comprising an adaptive compensator and a dynamic decoupler. The solutions are able to cope with uncertainties of the robot dynamic model and, when the desired stiffness is constant or slowly-varying, also of the pneumatic actuator. Their verification is performed via simulations and then the pneumatic one is successfully tested on an experimental setup. Finally, the thesis shows via extensive simulations the effectiveness of adaptive technique ap- plied to soft-bodied robots, previously deriving the sufficient and necessary conditions for the controller convergence.Iako se danas izuzetno intenzivno radi na razvoju robota inspirisanih prirodom koje odlikuje elastična struktura, njihov puni potencijal jox uvek nije iskorišćen. Sa jedne strane, istraživanja u oblasti popustljivih robota su uglavnom fokusirana samo na upravljanje njihovom pozicijom, dok se krutost reguliše u otvorenoj sprezi. Pored toga, zbog poteškoća u postiznju konzistentne proizvodnje aktuatora i promenljive prirode njihovih elastičnih elemenata, koji su vremenom podlo_ni plastičnoj deformaciji, trenutno je izazov precizno odrediti krutost zglobova robota. U cilju doprinosa poboljšanja_u performansi i bezbednosti rada popustivih robota, teza prikazuje doprinos proceni krutosti i adaptivnog simultanog upravljanja pozicijom i krutosti antagonističkih aktuatora promenljive krutosti (VSA). Oslanjajući se na teoriju opservera nepoznatih ulaza (UIO), predložena su invazivna i neinvazivna rešenja za procenu krutosti u pneumatskim i elektromehaničkim aktuatorima i eksperimentalno verifikovana u slučaju druge grupe aktuatora. Pored linearnosti i skalabilnosti, ovi pristupi imaju privlaqnu osobinu da senzori momenta i brzine nisu potrebni. Teza predla_e inovativne sisteme upravljanja koji poseduju adaptivni kompenzator i dinamički dekupler. Predložene metode upravljanja demonstriraju mogućnost da kompenzuju nesigurnosti dinamičkog modela robota bez obzira da li je on pogođen električnim ili pneumatskim aktuatorima. Nakon simulacija, razvijeno upravljanje je verifikovano i na pneumatskom robotu. Na kraju teze, obimne simulacije pokazuju efikasnost adaptivne tehnike kada se primeni na robote sa fleksibilnim linkovima, prethodno izvodeći dovoljne i potrebne uslove za konvergenciju kontrolera

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 2012

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    Robot Manipulators

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    Robot manipulators are developing more in the direction of industrial robots than of human workers. Recently, the applications of robot manipulators are spreading their focus, for example Da Vinci as a medical robot, ASIMO as a humanoid robot and so on. There are many research topics within the field of robot manipulators, e.g. motion planning, cooperation with a human, and fusion with external sensors like vision, haptic and force, etc. Moreover, these include both technical problems in the industry and theoretical problems in the academic fields. This book is a collection of papers presenting the latest research issues from around the world