14 research outputs found

    Re-ranking of Yahoo snippets with the JIRS passage retrieval system

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    Comunicación presentada en: Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access, CLIA-2007, 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07, Hyderabad, India, January 6-12, 2007Passage Retrieval (PR) systems are used as first step of the actual Question Answering (QA) systems. Usually, PR systems are traditional information retrieval systems which are not oriented to the specific problem of QA. In fact, these systems only search for the question keywords. JIRS Distance Density n-gram system is a QA-oriented PR system which has given good results in QA tasks when this is applied over static document collections. JIRS is able to search for the question structure in the document collection in order to find the passages with the greatest probability to contain the answer. JIRS is a language-independent PR system which has been already adapted to a few non-agglutinative European languages (such as Spanish, Italian, English and French) as well as to the Arabic language. A first attempt to adapt it to the Urdu Indian language was also made. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of basing on the web the JIRS retrieval of passages. The experiments we carried out show that JIRS allow to improve the coverage of the correct answers re-ranking the snippets obtained with Yahoo search engine.ICT EU-India; TEXT-MESS CICY

    IDRAAQ: New Arabic Question Answering system based on Query Expansion and Passage Retrieval

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    Arabic is one of the languages which are less concerned by researchers in the field of Question Answering. The paper presents core modules of a new Arabic Question Answering system called IDRAAQ. These modules aim at enhancing the quality of retrieved passages with respect to a given question. Experiments have been conducted in the framework of the main task of QA4MRE@CLEF 2012 that includes this year the Arabic language. Two runs were submitted. Both runs only use reading test documents to answer questions. The difference between the two runs exists in the answer validation process which is more relaxed in the second run. The Passage Retrieval (PR) module of our system presents multi-levels of processing in order to improve the quality of returned passage and thereafter the performances of the whole system. The PR module of IDRAAQ is based on keyword-based and structure-based levels that respectively consist in: (i) a Query Expansion (QE) process relying on Arabic WordNet semantic relations; (ii) a Distance Density N-gram Model based passage retrieval system. The latter level uses passages retrieved on the basis of QE queries and re-ranks them according to a structure-based similarity score. Named Entities are recognized by means of a mapping between the YAGO ontology and Arabic WordNet. The experiments that we conducted show that with respect to the accuracy and c@1 measure, IDRAAQ registered encouraging performances in particular with factoid questions. The same experiments allowed us to identify the lacks of the system especially when processing non factoid questions and at the Answer Validation stage. The IDRAAQ system, which is still under construction, will integrate a Conceptual Graph-based passage re-ranking introducing a semantic level to its PR module.Abouenour, L.; Bouzoubaa, K.; Rosso, P. (2012). IDRAAQ: New Arabic Question Answering system based on Query Expansion and Passage Retrieval. CELCT. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/46316

    On the evaluation and improvement of arabic wordnet coverage and usability

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10579-013-9237-0[EN] Built on the basis of the methods developed for Princeton WordNet and EuroWordNet, Arabic WordNet (AWN) has been an interesting project which combines WordNet structure compliance with Arabic particularities. In this paper, some AWN shortcomings related to coverage and usability are addressed. The use of AWN in question/answering (Q/A) helped us to deeply evaluate the resource from an experience-based perspective. Accordingly, an enrichment of AWN was built by semi-automatically extending its content. Indeed, existing approaches and/or resources developed for other languages were adapted and used for AWN. The experiments conducted in Arabic Q/A have shown an improvement of both AWN coverage as well as usability. Concerning coverage, a great amount of named entities extracted from YAGO were connected with corresponding AWN synsets. Also, a significant number of new verbs and nouns (including Broken Plural forms) were added. In terms of usability, thanks to the use of AWN, the performance for the AWN-based Q/A application registered an overall improvement with respect to the following three measures: accuracy (+9.27 % improvement), mean reciprocal rank (+3.6 improvement) and number of answered questions (+12.79 % improvement).The work presented in Sect. 2.2 was done in the framework of the bilateral Spain-Morocco AECID-PCI C/026728/09 research project. The research of the two first authors is done in the framework of the PROGRAMME D'URGENCE project (grant no. 03/2010). The research of the third author is done in the framework of WIQEI IRSES project (grant no. 269180) within the FP 7 Marie Curie People, DIANA-APPLICATIONS-Finding Hidden Knowledge in Texts: Applications (TIN2012-38603-C02-01) research project and VLC/CAMPUS Microcluster on Multimodal Interaction in Intelligent Systems. We would like to thank Manuel Montes-y-Gomez (INAOE-Puebla, Mexico) and Sandra Garcia-Blasco (Bitsnbrain, Spain) for their feedback on the work presented in Sect. 2.4. We would like finally to thank Violetta Cavalli-Sforza (Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco) for having reviewed the linguistic level of the entire document.Abouenour, L.; Bouzoubaa, K.; Rosso, P. (2013). On the evaluation and improvement of arabic wordnet coverage and usability. Language Resources and Evaluation. 47(3):891-917. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-013-9237-0S891917473Abbès, R., Dichy, J., & Hassoun, M. (2004). The architecture of a standard Arabic lexical database: Some figures, ratios and categories from the DIINAR.1 source program. In Workshop on computational approaches to Arabic script-based languages, Coling 2004. Geneva, Switzerland.Abouenour, L., Bouzoubaa, K., & Rosso, P. (2009a). Structure-based evaluation of an Arabic semantic query expansion using the JIRS passage retrieval system. 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Language and Cognitive Processes, 17, 321–343.Brini, W., Ellouze & M., Hadrich, B. L. (2009a). QASAL: Un système de question-réponse dédié pour les questions factuelles en langue Arabe. In 9th Journées Scientifiques des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Electrique et Informatique, Tunisia.Brini, W., Trigui, O., Ellouze, M., Mesfar, S., Hadrich, L., & Rosso, P. (2009b). Factoid and definitional Arabic question answering system. In Post-proceedings of NOOJ-2009, June 8–10, Tozeur, Tunisia.Buscaldi, D., Rosso, P., Gómez, J. M., & Sanchis, E. (2010). Answering questions with an n-gram based passage retrieval engine. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 34(2), 113–134.Costa, R. P., & Seco, N. (2008). Hyponymy extraction and Web search behavior analysis based on query reformulation. In Proceedings of the 11th Ibero-American conference on AI: advances in artificial intelligence (pp. 1–10).Denicia-carral, C., Montes-y-Gõmez, M., Villaseñor-pineda, L., & Hernandez, R. G. (2006). A text mining approach for definition question answering. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on natural language processing, FinTal’2006, Turku, Finland.Diab, M. T. (2004). Feasibility of bootstrapping an Arabic Wordnet leveraging parallel corpora and an English Wordnet. In Proceedings of the Arabic language technologies and resources, NEMLAR, Cairo, Egypt.El Amine, M. A. (2009). Vers une interface pour l’enrichissement des requêtes en arabe dans un système de recherche d’information. In Proceedings of the 2nd conférence internationale sur l’informatique et ses applications (CIIA’09), May 3–4, Saida, Algeria.Elghamry, K. (2008). Using the web in building a corpus-based hypernymy-hyponymy Lexicon with hierarchical structure for Arabic. In Proceedings of the 6th international conference on informatics and systems, INFOS 2008. Cairo, Egypt.Elkateb, S., Black, W., Vossen, P., Farwell, D., Rodríguez, H., Pease, A., et al. (2006). Arabic WordNet and the challenges of Arabic. 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    Arabic named entity recognition

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    En esta tesis doctoral se describen las investigaciones realizadas con el objetivo de determinar las mejores tecnicas para construir un Reconocedor de Entidades Nombradas en Arabe. Tal sistema tendria la habilidad de identificar y clasificar las entidades nombradas que se encuentran en un texto arabe de dominio abierto. La tarea de Reconocimiento de Entidades Nombradas (REN) ayuda a otras tareas de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (por ejemplo, la Recuperacion de Informacion, la Busqueda de Respuestas, la Traduccion Automatica, etc.) a lograr mejores resultados gracias al enriquecimiento que a~nade al texto. En la literatura existen diversos trabajos que investigan la tarea de REN para un idioma especifico o desde una perspectiva independiente del lenguaje. Sin embargo, hasta el momento, se han publicado muy pocos trabajos que estudien dicha tarea para el arabe. El arabe tiene una ortografia especial y una morfologia compleja, estos aspectos aportan nuevos desafios para la investigacion en la tarea de REN. Una investigacion completa del REN para elarabe no solo aportaria las tecnicas necesarias para conseguir un alto rendimiento, sino que tambien proporcionara un analisis de los errores y una discusion sobre los resultados que benefician a la comunidad de investigadores del REN. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es satisfacer esa necesidad. Para ello hemos: 1. Elaborado un estudio de los diferentes aspectos del arabe relacionados con dicha tarea; 2. Analizado el estado del arte del REN; 3. Llevado a cabo una comparativa de los resultados obtenidos por diferentes tecnicas de aprendizaje automatico; 4. Desarrollado un metodo basado en la combinacion de diferentes clasificadores, donde cada clasificador trata con una sola clase de entidades nombradas y emplea el conjunto de caracteristicas y la tecnica de aprendizaje automatico mas adecuados para la clase de entidades nombradas en cuestion. Nuestros experimentos han sido evaluados sobre nueve conjuntos de test.Benajiba, Y. (2009). Arabic named entity recognition [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8318Palanci

    Knowledge-based and data-driven approaches for geographical information access

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    Geographical Information Access (GeoIA) can be defined as a way of retrieving information from textual collections that includes the automatic analysis and interpretation of the geographical constraints and terms present in queries and documents. This PhD thesis presents, describes and evaluates several heterogeneous approaches for the following three GeoIA tasks: Geographical Information Retrieval (GIR), Geographical Question Answering (GeoQA), and Textual Georeferencing (TG). The GIR task deals with user queries that search over documents (e.g. ¿vineyards in California?) and the GeoQA task treats questions that retrieve answers (e.g. ¿What is the capital of France?). On the other hand, TG is the task of associate one or more georeferences (such as polygons or coordinates in a geodetic reference system) to electronic documents. Current state-of-the-art AI algorithms are not yet fully understanding the semantic meaning and the geographical constraints and terms present in queries and document collections. This thesis attempts to improve the effectiveness results of GeoIA tasks by: 1) improving the detection, understanding, and use of a part of the geographical and the thematic content of queries and documents with Toponym Recognition, Toponym Disambiguation and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, and 2) combining Geographical Knowledge-Based Heuristics based on common sense with Data-Driven IR algorithms. The main contributions of this thesis to the state-of-the-art of GeoIA tasks are: 1) The presentation of 10 novel approaches for GeoIA tasks: 3 approaches for GIR, 3 for GeoQA, and 4 for Textual Georeferencing (TG). 2) The evaluation of these novel approaches in these contexts: within official evaluation benchmarks, after evaluation benchmarks with the test collections, and with other specific datasets. Most of these algorithms have been evaluated in international evaluations and some of them achieved top-ranked state-of-the-art results, including top-performing results in GIR (GeoCLEF 2007) and TG (MediaEval 2014) benchmarks. 3) The experiments reported in this PhD thesis show that the approaches can combine effectively Geographical Knowledge and NLP with Data-Driven techniques to improve the efectiveness measures of the three Geographical Information Access tasks investigated. 4) TALPGeoIR: a novel GIR approach that combines Geographical Knowledge ReRanking (GeoKR), NLP and Relevance Feedback (RF) that achieved state-of-the-art results in official GeoCLEF benchmarks (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2008; Mandl et al., 2008) and posterior experiments (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2015a). This approach has been evaluated with the full GeoCLEF corpus (100 topics) and showed that GeoKR, NLP, and RF techniques evaluated separately or in combination improve the results in MAP and R-Precision effectiveness measures of the state-of-the-art IR algorithms TF-IDF, BM25 and InL2 and show statistical significance in most of the experiments. 5) GeoTALP-QA: a scope-based GeoQA approach for Spanish and English and its evaluation with a set of questions of the Spanish geography (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2006). 6) Four state-of-the-art Textual Georeferencing approaches for informal and formal documents that achieved state-of-the-art results in evaluation benchmarks (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2014) and posterior experiments (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2011; Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2015b).L'Accés a la Informació Geogràfica (GeoAI) pot ser definit com una forma de recuperar informació de col·lecions textuals que inclou l'anàlisi automàtic i la interpretació dels termes i restriccions geogràfiques que apareixen en consultes i documents. Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta, descriu i avalua varies aproximacions heterogènies a les seguents tasques de GeoAI: Recuperació de la Informació Geogràfica (RIG), Cerca de la Resposta Geogràfica (GeoCR), i Georeferenciament Textual (GT). La tasca de RIG tracta amb consultes d'usuari que cerquen documents (e.g. ¿vinyes a California?) i la tasca GeoCR tracta de recuperar respostes concretes a preguntes (e.g. ¿Quina és la capital de França?). D'altra banda, GT es la tasca de relacionar una o més referències geogràfiques (com polígons o coordenades en un sistema de referència geodètic) a documents electrònics. Els algoritmes de l'estat de l'art actual en Intel·ligència Artificial encara no comprenen completament el significat semàntic i els termes i les restriccions geogràfiques presents en consultes i col·leccions de documents. Aquesta tesi intenta millorar els resultats en efectivitat de les tasques de GeoAI de la seguent manera: 1) millorant la detecció, comprensió, i la utilització d'una part del contingut geogràfic i temàtic de les consultes i documents amb tècniques de reconeixement de topònims, desambiguació de topònims, i Processament del Llenguatge Natural (PLN), i 2) combinant heurístics basats en Coneixement Geogràfic i en el sentit comú humà amb algoritmes de Recuperació de la Informació basats en dades. Les principals contribucions d'aquesta tesi a l'estat de l'art de les tasques de GeoAI són: 1) La presentació de 10 noves aproximacions a les tasques de GeoAI: 3 aproximacions per RIG, 3 per GeoCR, i 4 per Georeferenciament Textual (GT). 2) L'avaluació d'aquestes noves aproximacions en aquests contexts: en el marc d'avaluacions comparatives internacionals, posteriorment a avaluacions comparatives internacionals amb les col·lections de test, i amb altres conjunts de dades específics. La majoria d'aquests algoritmes han estat avaluats en avaluacions comparatives internacionals i alguns d'ells aconseguiren alguns dels millors resultats en l'estat de l'art, com per exemple els resultats en comparatives de RIG (GeoCLEF 2007) i GT (MediaEval 2014). 3) Els experiments descrits en aquesta tesi mostren que les aproximacions poden combinar coneixement geogràfic i PLN amb tècniques basades en dades per millorar les mesures d'efectivitat en les tres tasques de l'Accés a la Informació Geogràfica investigades. 4) TALPGeoIR: una nova aproximació a la RIG que combina Re-Ranking amb Coneixement Geogràfic (GeoKR), PLN i Retroalimentació de Rellevancia (RR) que aconseguí resultats en l'estat de l'art en comparatives oficials GeoCLEF (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2008; Mandl et al., 2008) i en experiments posteriors (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2015a). Aquesta aproximació ha estat avaluada amb el conjunt complert del corpus GeoCLEF (100 topics) i ha mostrat que les tècniques GeoKR, PLN i RR avaluades separadament o en combinació milloren els resultats en les mesures efectivitat MAP i R-Precision dels algoritmes de l'estat de l'art en Recuperació de la Infomació TF-IDF, BM25 i InL2 i a més mostren significació estadística en la majoria dels experiments. 5) GeoTALP-QA: una aproximació basada en l'àmbit geogràfic per espanyol i anglès i la seva avaluació amb un conjunt de preguntes de la geografía espanyola (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2006). 6) Quatre aproximacions per al georeferenciament de documents formals i informals que obtingueren resultats en l'estat de l'art en avaluacions comparatives (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2014) i en experiments posteriors (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2011; Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2015b).Postprint (published version

    Knowledge-based and data-driven approaches for geographical information access

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    Geographical Information Access (GeoIA) can be defined as a way of retrieving information from textual collections that includes the automatic analysis and interpretation of the geographical constraints and terms present in queries and documents. This PhD thesis presents, describes and evaluates several heterogeneous approaches for the following three GeoIA tasks: Geographical Information Retrieval (GIR), Geographical Question Answering (GeoQA), and Textual Georeferencing (TG). The GIR task deals with user queries that search over documents (e.g. ¿vineyards in California?) and the GeoQA task treats questions that retrieve answers (e.g. ¿What is the capital of France?). On the other hand, TG is the task of associate one or more georeferences (such as polygons or coordinates in a geodetic reference system) to electronic documents. Current state-of-the-art AI algorithms are not yet fully understanding the semantic meaning and the geographical constraints and terms present in queries and document collections. This thesis attempts to improve the effectiveness results of GeoIA tasks by: 1) improving the detection, understanding, and use of a part of the geographical and the thematic content of queries and documents with Toponym Recognition, Toponym Disambiguation and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, and 2) combining Geographical Knowledge-Based Heuristics based on common sense with Data-Driven IR algorithms. The main contributions of this thesis to the state-of-the-art of GeoIA tasks are: 1) The presentation of 10 novel approaches for GeoIA tasks: 3 approaches for GIR, 3 for GeoQA, and 4 for Textual Georeferencing (TG). 2) The evaluation of these novel approaches in these contexts: within official evaluation benchmarks, after evaluation benchmarks with the test collections, and with other specific datasets. Most of these algorithms have been evaluated in international evaluations and some of them achieved top-ranked state-of-the-art results, including top-performing results in GIR (GeoCLEF 2007) and TG (MediaEval 2014) benchmarks. 3) The experiments reported in this PhD thesis show that the approaches can combine effectively Geographical Knowledge and NLP with Data-Driven techniques to improve the efectiveness measures of the three Geographical Information Access tasks investigated. 4) TALPGeoIR: a novel GIR approach that combines Geographical Knowledge ReRanking (GeoKR), NLP and Relevance Feedback (RF) that achieved state-of-the-art results in official GeoCLEF benchmarks (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2008; Mandl et al., 2008) and posterior experiments (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2015a). This approach has been evaluated with the full GeoCLEF corpus (100 topics) and showed that GeoKR, NLP, and RF techniques evaluated separately or in combination improve the results in MAP and R-Precision effectiveness measures of the state-of-the-art IR algorithms TF-IDF, BM25 and InL2 and show statistical significance in most of the experiments. 5) GeoTALP-QA: a scope-based GeoQA approach for Spanish and English and its evaluation with a set of questions of the Spanish geography (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2006). 6) Four state-of-the-art Textual Georeferencing approaches for informal and formal documents that achieved state-of-the-art results in evaluation benchmarks (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2014) and posterior experiments (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2011; Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2015b).L'Accés a la Informació Geogràfica (GeoAI) pot ser definit com una forma de recuperar informació de col·lecions textuals que inclou l'anàlisi automàtic i la interpretació dels termes i restriccions geogràfiques que apareixen en consultes i documents. Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta, descriu i avalua varies aproximacions heterogènies a les seguents tasques de GeoAI: Recuperació de la Informació Geogràfica (RIG), Cerca de la Resposta Geogràfica (GeoCR), i Georeferenciament Textual (GT). La tasca de RIG tracta amb consultes d'usuari que cerquen documents (e.g. ¿vinyes a California?) i la tasca GeoCR tracta de recuperar respostes concretes a preguntes (e.g. ¿Quina és la capital de França?). D'altra banda, GT es la tasca de relacionar una o més referències geogràfiques (com polígons o coordenades en un sistema de referència geodètic) a documents electrònics. Els algoritmes de l'estat de l'art actual en Intel·ligència Artificial encara no comprenen completament el significat semàntic i els termes i les restriccions geogràfiques presents en consultes i col·leccions de documents. Aquesta tesi intenta millorar els resultats en efectivitat de les tasques de GeoAI de la seguent manera: 1) millorant la detecció, comprensió, i la utilització d'una part del contingut geogràfic i temàtic de les consultes i documents amb tècniques de reconeixement de topònims, desambiguació de topònims, i Processament del Llenguatge Natural (PLN), i 2) combinant heurístics basats en Coneixement Geogràfic i en el sentit comú humà amb algoritmes de Recuperació de la Informació basats en dades. Les principals contribucions d'aquesta tesi a l'estat de l'art de les tasques de GeoAI són: 1) La presentació de 10 noves aproximacions a les tasques de GeoAI: 3 aproximacions per RIG, 3 per GeoCR, i 4 per Georeferenciament Textual (GT). 2) L'avaluació d'aquestes noves aproximacions en aquests contexts: en el marc d'avaluacions comparatives internacionals, posteriorment a avaluacions comparatives internacionals amb les col·lections de test, i amb altres conjunts de dades específics. La majoria d'aquests algoritmes han estat avaluats en avaluacions comparatives internacionals i alguns d'ells aconseguiren alguns dels millors resultats en l'estat de l'art, com per exemple els resultats en comparatives de RIG (GeoCLEF 2007) i GT (MediaEval 2014). 3) Els experiments descrits en aquesta tesi mostren que les aproximacions poden combinar coneixement geogràfic i PLN amb tècniques basades en dades per millorar les mesures d'efectivitat en les tres tasques de l'Accés a la Informació Geogràfica investigades. 4) TALPGeoIR: una nova aproximació a la RIG que combina Re-Ranking amb Coneixement Geogràfic (GeoKR), PLN i Retroalimentació de Rellevancia (RR) que aconseguí resultats en l'estat de l'art en comparatives oficials GeoCLEF (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2008; Mandl et al., 2008) i en experiments posteriors (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2015a). Aquesta aproximació ha estat avaluada amb el conjunt complert del corpus GeoCLEF (100 topics) i ha mostrat que les tècniques GeoKR, PLN i RR avaluades separadament o en combinació milloren els resultats en les mesures efectivitat MAP i R-Precision dels algoritmes de l'estat de l'art en Recuperació de la Infomació TF-IDF, BM25 i InL2 i a més mostren significació estadística en la majoria dels experiments. 5) GeoTALP-QA: una aproximació basada en l'àmbit geogràfic per espanyol i anglès i la seva avaluació amb un conjunt de preguntes de la geografía espanyola (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2006). 6) Quatre aproximacions per al georeferenciament de documents formals i informals que obtingueren resultats en l'estat de l'art en avaluacions comparatives (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2014) i en experiments posteriors (Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2011; Ferrés and Rodríguez, 2015b)

    A text mining approach for Arabic question answering systems

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    As most of the electronic information available nowadays on the web is stored as text,developing Question Answering systems (QAS) has been the focus of many individualresearchers and organizations. Relatively, few studies have been produced for extractinganswers to “why” and “how to” questions. One reason for this negligence is that when goingbeyond sentence boundaries, deriving text structure is a very time-consuming and complexprocess. This thesis explores a new strategy for dealing with the exponentially large spaceissue associated with the text derivation task. To our knowledge, to date there are no systemsthat have attempted to addressing such type of questions for the Arabic language.We have proposed two analytical models; the first one is the Pattern Recognizer whichemploys a set of approximately 900 linguistic patterns targeting relationships that hold withinsentences. This model is enhanced with three independent algorithms to discover thecausal/explanatory role indicated by the justification particles. The second model is the TextParser which is approaching text from a discourse perspective in the framework of RhetoricalStructure Theory (RST). This model is meant to break away from the sentence limit. TheText Parser model is built on top of the output produced by the Pattern Recognizer andincorporates a set of heuristics scores to produce the most suitable structure representing thewhole text.The two models are combined together in a way to allow for the development of an ArabicQAS to deal with “why” and “how to” questions. The Pattern Recognizer model achieved anoverall recall of 81% and a precision of 78%. On the other hand, our question answeringsystem was able to find the correct answer for 68% of the test questions. Our results revealthat the justification particles play a key role in indicating intrasentential relations