15 research outputs found

    Research on Usage of Education Applications in Smartphone for Exam Purpose among Management Students

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    Smartphone has become an integral part of life. Also it has become a source of learning to students. In this study, we examine the usage of Smartphone among management students of affiliated colleges of SSPU. The study reveals the frequency of usage of education applications for exam purpose. The research will be carried out using questionnaires distributed to 115 students. Based on this data, the trends will be evaluated, by understanding usage education applications for passing exams purpose. This paper is organized as follows; Section 2 presents literature review, Section 3 presents objectives, Section 4 discusses about methodology used. Section 5 presents tables and graphs, section 6 discusses about research findings and section 7 gives suggestions. This study is concluded in Section 8

    Exploring the uses of mobile apps by Portuguese students during COVID-19 pandemic

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has been a real-time laboratory for a technological future that Anderson, Rainie and Vogels (2021) describe as "tele-everything". Among other mediated practices, online shopping, virtual schooling, teleworking, telehealth, online workout, and even virtual parties were adopted in unprecedented ways to avoid physical contact during the outbreak. The pandemic has pushed people into new socially mediated practices and posed demanding challenges to those who had difficulties dealing with internet addiction or separating work time from leisure. Despite the surge of various studies about Covid-19 tracing apps, there is a lack of studies regarding students' use of mobile apps during the lockdown. Considering the ubiquitous presence of smartphones in the students' lives (Silver et al., 2019), mobile apps have been the proxy for reconfiguring the relationships between students, their families and teachers, studying routines and other social practices. This exploratory study seeks to understand the role of mobile apps in the lives of Portuguese higher education students during the period of social isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The empirical research draws on a quantitative methodology through an online questionnaire applied during the first state of emergency declared by the Portuguese Government in early 2020. A snowball process was used to gather a non-probabilistic sample (N=88), and data were analysed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results indicate that most respondents (77.2%) intensified the use of mobile apps in this period. Nevertheless, there is a considerable perception (59%) that these patterns of use of mobile apps are a waste of timeFinancial support from Portuguese national funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) in the framework of the project “Mediated young adults’ practices: advancing gender justice in and across mobile apps” (PTDC/COM-CSS/5947/2020

    Situating smartphones and social media usage in learning activities among university students / Munawwarah Mohd Azmir and Ahlam Abdul Aziz.

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    Smartphones ownership amongst the general customer, professionals and even students has grown exponentially. The latent features of smartphones in education somehow support learning activities. This paper aims to situate the evolving communication technology in higher education context. Smartphones like table computers and other mobile devices are evolved pieces of technology that have the potential to support student learning in the classroom. University students can use smartphones to record a lecture, search for definitions, or send notes to absent students, as well as use the medium to collaborate with other students electronically to complete homework assignments (Cheung, 2009). Nevertheless, smartphones also enable the use of social media or social networks by university students that it has somehow became significant to their academic life. Students used social media for a variety of reasons which comprise of study and entertainment purposes as those sites provide a broad range of data which can be retrieved easily and fast (Raut & Patil, 2016). With the increase of social media use by students over past years, there are various impacts, both positive and negative specifically to the students and society in general can be examined

    Use of Mobile Phone and In-Vehicle Interaction: A Case study among selected students in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    Mobile phone use among university students is now pervasively altering their social interaction with others. The study investigated the influence of mobile phone use among commuting University Students on their interaction with co-travellers and the environment through which they travel. Three hundred students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria were purposively sampled to respond to a 10-minute questionnaire. The questionnaire contained questions such as ownership of mobile phones, type and number of phones owned, frequency of usage and the influence of mobile phone usage during transit on interaction between the students and their co-travelers and with the environment they traveled through. Results showed that all the respondents possessed at least one mobile phone. In addition, results revealed a negative correlation between time of use of mobile phone and interaction with co-travelers (α=0.05, r= -0.039) and no significant correlation between length of use of mobile phone and interaction with the environment (α=0.05, r=0.079). The study established that mobile phone intrusiveness has an influence on students' interaction during commuting


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    The paper examines the awareness and adoption of mobile technology-based library services in Federal Polytechnic in Southwest Nigeria. To achieve the set objectives, the study adopted descriptive survey with a mixed method that is quantitative and qualitative approaches. The targeted population for the study was registered users for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 academic sessions of Federal Polytechnics in Southwest Nigeria. The sample size for the study was 390 registered users which represented 10% of the student’s population and 10 library staff was justified by the recommendation made by Nwana (1992). The convenience sampling technique was be used. The data were analysed using Statistical Products for Service Solutions (SPSS) version 22.0. The study revealed that there is profound appreciation and demand for mobile technology-based library services among students of the Federal Polytechnics in Southwest Nigeria, which is yet to be met. It was also revealed that library management plan to introduce the following mobile technology- based library services in the future; mobile online public access catalogue (MOPAC), mobile SMS alert services among others. It was concluded that there is a strong awareness of mobile technology- based library services among students. The study recommended that academic libraries should put in place a program to continuously develop their human resources through recruitment and professional training; there must be a culture of training for the entire library staff to ensure that they keep abreast with trends and changes in technology in relation to library service provision among others


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kesulitannya peserta pelatihan memahami tahapan-tahapan dan SOP praktik pada job sheet berupa BPR (Buku Pedoman Reparasi) sebagai panduan praktik pada pelatihan Mekanik sepeda motor di BLK yang menyebabkan kerusakan fasilitas praktik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan Job Sheet menjadi e-Job Sheet sebagai panduan praktik kompetensi kepala silinder yang mudah digunakan dan dipahami oleh peserta pelatihan mekanik sepeda motor dengan memanfaatkan teknologi. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode waterfall model untuk merancang prototype aplikasi dan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan instrumen Tecnology Acceptance Model (TAM) untuk menggali usability aplikasi. Hasil Penelitian ini adalah: (1) prototype aplikasi e-Job Sheet setelah melalui lima tahapan waterfal model ini memiliki karakteristik mudah digunakan, berisi potongan video tahapan pekerjaan dan SOP, dikemas pada sebuah aplikasi smartphone android yang dapat dioperasikan secara interaktif, online/offline dan terintegrasi pada data base sehingga kegiatan praktik kompetensi kepala silinder yang dilakukan oleh peserta pelatihan dapat terekam dan terpantau oleh instruktur. (2) Penerimaan peserta pelatihan terhadap prototype aplikasi e-Job Sheet berbasis android ini pada umumnya menyatakan setuju dengan perolehan skor 52,81% terhadap aspek kemudahan penggunaan (usability). Kata kunci: Job Sheet, Balai Latihan Kerja, Aplikasi Android, Waterfall Model, Tecnology Acceptance Model DESIGN OF E-JOB SHEET APPLICATION PROTOTYPE BASED ON ANDROID AS A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO COMPETENCE OF CUBE CYLINDER HEADS IN MOTORCYCLE MECHANICAL TRAINING ABSTRAC This research is motivated by the difficulty of training participants in understanding the stages and SOPs of practice on the job sheet in the form of BPR (Repair Handbook) as a practice guide to the training of motorcycle mechanics at the BLK which causes damage to practice facilities. The purpose of this study was to develop Job Sheet into an e-Job Sheet as a practice guide for cylinder head competencies that was easy to use and understood by motorbike mechanic trainees by utilizing technology. The research method uses a qualitative approach with the waterfall model method to design application prototypes and quantitative approaches with the Tecnology Acceptance Model instrument to explore the usability of the application. The results of this study are: (1) the prototype of the e-Job Sheet application after going through five stages of this waterfal model has easy-to-use characteristics, containing work-stage video pieces and SOPs, packed in an android smartphone application that can be operated interactively, online / offline and integrated into the data base so that cylinder head competency practice activities carried out by trainees can be recorded and monitored by the instructor. (2) Acceptance of training participants on this android-based e-Job Sheet application prototype generally agrees with the acquisition of a score of 52.81% on usability aspects. Keyword: Job Sheet, Training, Android, Waterfall Model, Tecnology Acceptance Mode

    Exploring undergraduate students’ usage pattern of mobile apps for education

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    In recent years, with the general adoption of smartphones with computing power comparable to desktop computers, mobile applications (apps) have experienced a surge in popularity. However, there are few studies conducted about their educational use, especially in Southeast Asia. To close this research gap, this study aims to provide a current overview of mobile apps usage in higher education. Besides exploring the actual use of apps, the technology acceptance model was applied to examine (1) undergraduate students’ perceptions, which involve perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, towards adopting mobile apps for educational purposes, and (2) their overall attitude toward such adoption. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect data from 150 undergraduate students in Business, Education, and Engineering in Hong Kong. The results show undergraduate students use mobile apps frequently to engage in learning activities related to their academic studies, with a particularly focus on communication and collaborative working, accessing academic resources, and checking a dictionary. However, the discrepancies in using apps for academic purposes are not significant between the three faculties. Meanwhile, perceived usefulness has a more positive impact on overall attitude compared with the impact of perceived ease of use. The investigation will help tertiary institutions, library service providers, and educators develop and assess strategic planning for education collaborating with mobile apps. This paper could also give app developers some suggestions for app design based on actual usage and students’ information needs.preprin

    Comparative Study on m-Learning Usage Among LIS Students from Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan

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    Mobile learning (m-learning) is gaining its importance in recent years. For libraries, it is inevitable to adapt to this trend and provide various information services and support for m-learning. This paper studies the m-learning usage of Library and Information Science (LIS) students, who will be the new blood for the library in future. In this paper, we invited 267 subjects from Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan to participate in our online survey. We found that LIS students from these regions do adopt communication tools and social media for m-learning. However, they less frequently use their smartphones for academic reading. Plus, they rely more on search engines for fulfilling their information needs instead of library resources. We also found that the lack of a mobile version of the library website constitutes a significant barrier in m-learning, but the lack of mobile apps is relatively acceptable by the respondents. The result of this study shows that there are no big differences in m-learning usage among the three regions, except that LIS students from Hong Kong are accessing the learning management platforms via their smartphones more frequently compared to students from Japan and Taiwan.postprin

    Incorporating Digital Storytelling in the English Language Class for Korean University Students

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    The purpose of this project is to suggest practical ways to incorporate digital storytelling in the English classroom at the university level. To be specific, this project provides curriculum which includes set of practical activities and free digital media resources teachers can adapt. Using such devices for learning in a classroom will increase the students’ motivation for learning (Hagood & Skinner, 2008; Reinders, 2011). Each activity and lesson is focused on students being able to create their own digital story. Student will select a topic for their digital story and each lesson outlines how to develop the story using a step-by-step process. The primary goal of this project is to provide teacher a curriculum that incorporates digital storytelling to help students improve their overall English proficiency. Teachers will develop an understanding of how to incorporate students’ personal electronic devices in their classrooms. Students will learn communicative skill while they brainstorm a topic for their digital story, write and revise a script, and record and edit their voiceover narrative

    College Students\u27 Perceptions of Cell Phone Use in Class

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    Since the turn of the century, cell phones have increasingly become prevalent within modern society. The widespread use of these mobile devices has proliferated in academic settings in recent years. Ownership of cell phones among college students has soared during the same period. This dissertation joins a growing conversation in education research about the challenges that cell phone use in the classroom has caused. I explored what college students’ experiences are with text messaging during class and how they perceive policies for cell phone use for the classroom. This research study was guided by six research questions: (1) What are college students’ general experiences with text messaging? (2) What are college students’ observations of cell phone use by others? (3) What are college students’ practices of cell phone use in the classroom? (4) What are college students’ experiences with issues related to cell phone use in the classroom? (5) What are college students’ perceptions about cell phone policies for class? (6) Do college students’ perceptions of appropriate cell phone policies for class vary by select demographic variables (age, gender, ethnicity, class standing, and community college experience)? A quantitative cross-sectional research design was utilized to describe college students’ perceptions of cell phone use during class and to identify what the perceptions of appropriate cell phone policies for class are among certain demographics of students. A web-based survey consisting of 28 questions was sent 264 undergraduate and graduate Political Science students with 43 (16%) responding. Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s chi-squared statistical test was used to analyze the data. The findings from this research revealed that perceptions of appropriate cell phone policies for class differ among certain demographic variables. Additionally, students think that they should be allowed to use their cell phones during class but agree that policies to govern the use of cell phone during class are needed