1,234 research outputs found

    Ancient and historical systems

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    Children’s Books and The Nature of Science: A Multisite Naturalistic Case Study of Three Elementary Teachers in the Rural Southeast

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    This naturalistic case study describes the efforts of three elementary teachers in a rural southeastern school to use children’s books in support of inquiry-based science and specifically addresses issues related to the nature of science. Data were collected through 26 classroom and meeting observations, 16 semi-structured and informal interviews, 35 documents and 76 children’s books used by the teachers. Three themes were identified related to the nature of science and the selection and use of children’s books in the teachers’ second, fourth, and fifth grade classrooms. Science was portrayed as a human endeavor that connects to the lives of people and that involves fascination, passion, and interest; imagination and creativity; values; and diverse views. The collection of books was analyzed to look specifically at race, culture, and gender issues. While women, people of color, and different cultures were represented in the book collection, they were not represented well when considering the collection as a whole. Books and the teachers’ use of them supported firsthand investigation of the natural world and the idea that empirical evidence underlies scientific understanding. This theme involved observation and journaling, identification of questions to investigate and procedures to use, reasonable interpretations of results, and inferential thinking. Books helped teach about the durable body of scientific knowledge we have discovered over time. They were used to broaden background knowledge and as references after firsthand investigations. The complexity of science education is revealed in these cases. The teachers were able to artfully balance multiple aspects of the nature of science in their book selection and presentation. Particularly promising aspects include their work to use fiction and poetry to promote connections between imagination, creativity and science and their innovative use of books to help students interpret data and infer. Important aspects of the nature of science were not addressed in these themes—including the tentative nature of knowledge, the unknowns we have about the natural world, and an understanding of scientific theories and laws. Issues of race, culture, and gender in the books revealed the crucial need to help teachers embrace critical ways of thinking


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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Education, 2016A qualitative investigation into American Muslim undergraduates' views on evolution revealed three main positions on evolution: theistic evolution, a belief in special creation of all species, and a belief in special creation of humans with evolution for all non-human species. One can conceive of the manner in which respondents chose their respective positions on evolution as a means of reconciling their religious beliefs with scientific evidence in support of current evolutionary theory. Of 19 theistic evolutionists, 18 affirmed that revelation is a source of knowledge. 74% were convinced by the scientific evidence that evolution happens and did not see evidence in the Quran that contradicts this. 37% state that it is consistent with God’s attributes that He would have created organisms to evolve. That seeking knowledge in Islam is important was mentioned by 21%. All 19 participants with a belief in special creation of humans affirmed the idea that revelation is a source of knowledge and considered scientific evidence a source of knowledge as well. Their positions on evolution can be seen as a means of reconciling their religious beliefs with scientific evidence. They found scientific evidence convincing for all non-human species. They thought that humans could not have evolved because the creation of humans is treated with more detail in the Quran than is the creation of other species. Most accepted microevolution, but not macroevolution for humans. Those with a belief in the special creation of all species found the evidence in the Quran and hadith more convincing than scientific evidence. They interpreted the Quran and hadith as indicating special creation of all species. They accommodated scientific evidence by accepting microevolution for all species. Because most respondents accepted microevolution for all species, teaching microevolution before macroevolution might be beneficial for Muslim students. Teachers helped some students navigate the relationship between science and religion to allow them to accept evolution without negating their religious beliefs. Providing role models who reconcile science and religion, Muslim evolutionary biologists, and examples of Muslim scientists from history can help accommodate acceptance of evolution by Muslims

    Protocols, language videos, and masks: a professional development module and cultural arts units for use in the Bering Strait School District

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    Master's Project (M.Ed.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 201

    Analysis of a foundational biomedical curriculum: exploring cumulative knowledge-building in the rehabilitative health professions

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    This study was motivated by the researcher's experience that students in the rehabilitative health professional programmes were finding it difficult to access fundamental knowledge upon which their professional practices and clinical contexts are based. An important focus of the research was the extent to which cumulative knowledge-building was impacted after the foundational biomedical curriculum became an interdisciplinary programme. The study explored whether the organisation of the interdisciplinary foundational curriculum served the fundamental needs of the professions, and whether, as a matter of social justice, students' access to powerful knowledge was enabled by the form that the fundamental curriculum assumed. This curriculum study at a particular Faculty of Health Sciences foregrounds the structuring, organisation and differentiation of disciplinary knowledge, and reflects a twenty year period that included not only transitions in professional education but also extensive transformation in, and a different approach to, health delivery. At the institution, physiology and anatomy, the biomedical sciences basic to the health professions, underwent disciplinary merging and subsequent altered positioning in curricula. Medicine opted for a problem-based learning approach whereas the rehabilitation health sciences did not. Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) provided the means for analysis of the extent to which interdisciplinary organisation in the foundational curriculum for Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy enabled integrative, cumulative building of knowledge for professional and clinical contexts. Specialisation and Semantics dimensions of Legitimation Code Theory were used to reveal the principles underpinning practices, contexts and dispositions of Anatomy and Physiology at the Faculty of Health Sciences over a twenty year period post democratisation in South Africa (1994 - 2013). Disciplinary positioning in curriculum prior- and post-merger, were compared and contrasted. LCT were used to characterise the distinctiveness of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy at the university including the kind of knowledge and the kind of knower that specialises the different professions, and what is valorised and legitimated for each kind of professional. Semantic gravity was used to explore the expected knowledge recontextualisations in diverse and complex clinical settings for each of the professions. Registered professionals who are clinical educators as well as curriculum designers for clinical studies were interviewed. Profession-specific course outlines were further data sources. The biomedical disciplines Anatomy and Physiology were characterised for their measures of distinction and their respective knowledge-knower structures. Analysis traced each discipline from its strongly classified form in autonomous curricula when there were separate learner-cohorts for physiotherapists and occupational therapists, to post-merger when the disciplines were framed as human biology in an integrated foundational curriculum for a joint cohort of students. Curricular documents for the twenty year period were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively to establish the positioning of Physiology and Anatomy before and after the disciplines merged to a single course of Human Biology. Teaching staff were interviewed for their understanding of what specialises the physiological and anatomical components of the Human Biology curriculum, what they considered as powerful knowledge for the professions, and who they envisaged as the ideal student-knower exiting the basic sciences platform to enter more advanced clinical studies. The degree of context-dependence for meaning-making in the different disciplinary domains and the condensation of meanings inherent in the respective practices and contexts, were analysed. The thesis argues that following the merger Anatomy is preferentially legitimated as powerful knowledge at the expense of Physiology; that the ideal of disciplinary integration is not reached, and that the segmental organisation and structuring of the curriculum negatively impacted on cumulative knowledge-building and application of professional knowledge in the clinical arena. After the merger the disciplines lost their shape, and in particular the hierarchical knowledge structure of Physiology collapsed. By not having access to the necessary disciplinary knowledge structures and their associated practices, students' ability for scaffolding and integrating knowledge into the clinical arena was constrained. The organisation of the current Human Biology curriculum does not facilitate cumulative learning, and in so doing may not contribute to the envisaged graduate professional who is required to practice within a complex and demanding healthcare work environment. The significance of this study conveys that interdisciplinary programmes should be carefully considered, and there is an added imperative in the health professions which ultimately realise treatment of patients. If, aside from interdisciplinary teaching, there are also merged cohorts of participant students, then a sound understanding of the epistemic requirements of each profession is required. Those involved in curriculum development in various fields need to take these recommendations into account to enable cumulative learning and enable epistemological access to powerful knowledge for an increasingly diverse student body

    41st Annual WKU Student Research Conference

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