414 research outputs found

    Who are you referring to?:Coreference resolution in image narrations

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    Coreference resolution aims to identify words and phrases which refer to same entity in a text, a core task in natural language processing. In this paper, we extend this task to resolving coreferences in long-form narrations of visual scenes. First we introduce a new dataset with annotated coreference chains and their bounding boxes, as most existing image-text datasets only contain short sentences without coreferring expressions or labeled chains. We propose a new technique that learns to identify coreference chains using weak supervision, only from image-text pairs and a regularization using prior linguistic knowledge. Our model yields large performance gains over several strong baselines in resolving coreferences. We also show that coreference resolution helps improving grounding narratives in images

    Improved Coreference Resolution Using Cognitive Insights

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    Coreference resolution is the task of extracting referential expressions, or mentions, in text and clustering these by the entity or concept they refer to. The sustained research interest in the task reflects the richness of reference expression usage in natural language and the difficulty in encoding insights from linguistic and cognitive theories effectively. In this thesis, we design and implement LIMERIC, a state-of-the-art coreference resolution engine. LIMERIC naturally incorporates both non-local decoding and entity-level modelling to achieve the highly competitive benchmark performance of 64.22% and 59.99% on the CoNLL-2012 benchmark with a simple model and a baseline feature set. As well as strong performance, a key contribution of this work is a reconceptualisation of the coreference task. We draw an analogy between shift-reduce parsing and coreference resolution to develop an algorithm which naturally mimics cognitive models of human discourse processing. In our feature development work, we leverage insights from cognitive theories to improve our modelling. Each contribution achieves statistically significant improvements and sum to gains of 1.65% and 1.66% on the CoNLL-2012 benchmark, yielding performance values of 65.76% and 61.27%. For each novel feature we propose, we contribute an accompanying analysis so as to better understand how cognitive theories apply to real language data. LIMERIC is at once a platform for exploring cognitive insights into coreference and a viable alternative to current systems. We are excited by the promise of incorporating our and further cognitive insights into more complex frameworks since this has the potential to both improve the performance of computational models, as well as our understanding of the mechanisms underpinning human reference resolution

    Towards comprehensive syntactic and semantic annotations of the clinical narrative

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    Objective: To create annotated clinical narratives with layers of syntactic and semantic labels to facilitate advances in clinical natural language processing (NLP). To develop NLP algorithms and open source components. Methods: Manual annotation of a clinical narrative corpus of 127 606 tokens following the Treebank schema for syntactic information, PropBank schema for predicate-argument structures, and the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) schema for semantic information. NLP components were developed. Results: The final corpus consists of 13 091 sentences containing 1772 distinct predicate lemmas. Of the 766 newly created PropBank frames, 74 are verbs. There are 28 539 named entity (NE) annotations spread over 15 UMLS semantic groups, one UMLS semantic type, and the Person semantic category. The most frequent annotations belong to the UMLS semantic groups of Procedures (15.71%), Disorders (14.74%), Concepts and Ideas (15.10%), Anatomy (12.80%), Chemicals and Drugs (7.49%), and the UMLS semantic type of Sign or Symptom (12.46%). Inter-annotator agreement results: Treebank (0.926), PropBank (0.891–0.931), NE (0.697–0.750). The part-of-speech tagger, constituency parser, dependency parser, and semantic role labeler are built from the corpus and released open source. A significant limitation uncovered by this project is the need for the NLP community to develop a widely agreed-upon schema for the annotation of clinical concepts and their relations. Conclusions: This project takes a foundational step towards bringing the field of clinical NLP up to par with NLP in the general domain. The corpus creation and NLP components provide a resource for research and application development that would have been previously impossible

    SMDDH: Singleton Mention detection using Deep Learning in Hindi Text

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    Mention detection is an important component of coreference resolution system, where mentions such as name, nominal, and pronominals are identified. These mentions can be purely coreferential mentions or singleton mentions (non-coreferential mentions). Coreferential mentions are those mentions in a text that refer to the same entities in a real world. Whereas, singleton mentions are mentioned only once in the text and do not participate in the coreference as they are not mentioned again in the following text. Filtering of these singleton mentions can substantially improve the performance of a coreference resolution process. This paper proposes a singleton mention detection module based on a fully connected network and a Convolutional neural network for Hindi text. This model utilizes a few hand-crafted features and context information, and word embedding for words. The coreference annotated Hindi dataset comprising of 3.6K sentences, and 78K tokens are used for the task. In terms of Precision, Recall, and F-measure, the experimental findings obtained are excellent

    OpenBoek:A Corpus of Literary Coreference and Entities with an Exploration of Historical Spelling Normalization

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    We present OpenBoek: a corpus of 103k tokens of classic Dutch novels with annotated coreference and entities. The corpus has several properties that are challenging for current coreference models: long documents (fragments of 10k+ words each), domain-specific literary phenomena, and 19th century Dutch spelling. Spelling normalization is added to the corpus as an additional annotation layer, using a data-driven rule-based spelling normalization tool. Normalizations are added using meta-annotation, such that evaluation can be performed with annotations on the original texts without losing token alignment. This tool enables the application of parsing and coreference systems originally developed for modern Dutch. We evaluate parsing and coreference systems on the OpenBoek dataset and find that spelling normalization gives a substantial increase in performance. The OpenBoek corpus is available under an open licens at https://andreasvc.github.io/openboek
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