376 research outputs found

    Modelling emergent rhythmic activity in the cerebal cortex

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    A la portada consta: IDIBAPS Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i SunyerThe brain, a natural adaptive system, can generate a rich dynamic repertoire of spontaneous activity even in the absence of stimulation. The spatiotemporal pattern of this spontaneous activity is determined by the brain state, which can range from highly synchronized to desynchronized states. During slow wave sleep, for example, the cortex operates in synchrony, defined by low-frequency fluctuations, known as slow oscillations (<1Hz). Conversely, during wakefulness, the cortex is characterized mainly by desynchronized activity, where low-frequency fluctuations are suppressed. Thus, an inherent property of the cerebral cortex is to transit between different states characterized by distinct spatiotemporal complexity patterns, varying in a large spectrum between synchronized and desynchronized activity. All these complex emergent patterns are the product of the interaction between tens of billions of neurons endowed with diverse ionic channels with complex biophysical properties. Nevertheless, what are the mechanisms behind these transitions? In this thesis, we sought to understand the mechanisms and properties behind slow oscillations, their modulation and their transitions towards wakefulness by employing experimental data analysis and computational models. We reveal the relevance of specific ionic channels and synaptic properties to maintaining the cortical state and also get out of it, and its spatiotemporal dynamics. Using a mean-field model, we also propose bridging neuronal spiking dynamics to a population description.El cerebro, un sistema adaptativo natural, es capaz de generar un amplio repertorio dinámico de actividad espontánea, incluso en ausencia de estímulos. La patrón espacio-temporal de esta actividad espontánea viene determinada por el estado cerebral, el cual puede variar de estados altamente sincronizados hasta estados muy desincronizados. Cuando en el sueño se entra en la fase de ondas lentas, por ejemplo, la corteza opera en sincronía, cuya actividad es definida por fluctuaciones de baja frecuencia, conocidas como oscilaciones lentas (<1Hz). En cambio, durante la vigilia, el córtex se caracteriza principalmente por tener una actividad desincronizada, donde las fluctuaciones de baja frecuencia desaparecen. Por lo tanto, una propiedad inherente de la corteza cerebral es transitar entre diferentes estados caracterizados por distintos patrones de complejidad espacio-temporal, los cuales se sitúan dentro del amplio espectro marcado por la actividad sincronizada y la desincronizada. Estos patrones emergentes son el producto de la interacción entre decenas de miles de millones de neuronas dotadas de múltiples y distintos canales iónicos con complejas propiedades biofísicas. Sin embargo, ¿cuáles son los mecanismos que regulan estas transiciones? En esta tesis tratamos de entender los mecanismos, propiedades y sus transiciones hacia la vigilia, que están detrás de las oscilaciones lentas a través del uso y análisis de datos experimentales y modelos computacionales. En ella describimos la importancia de los canales iónicos específicos y sus propiedades sinápticas tanto para mantener el estado cortical como para salir de él, estudiando así su dinámica espacio-temporal. Además, mediante el uso de un modelo de campo medio, proponemos establecer un puente que pueda describir la dinámica de disparos neuronales con una descripción general de la población neuronal.Postprint (published version

    Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: A review of tools and strategies

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    We review different aspects of the simulation of spiking neural networks. We start by reviewing the different types of simulation strategies and algorithms that are currently implemented. We next review the precision of those simulation strategies, in particular in cases where plasticity depends on the exact timing of the spikes. We overview different simulators and simulation environments presently available (restricted to those freely available, open source and documented). For each simulation tool, its advantages and pitfalls are reviewed, with an aim to allow the reader to identify which simulator is appropriate for a given task. Finally, we provide a series of benchmark simulations of different types of networks of spiking neurons, including Hodgkin-Huxley type, integrate-and-fire models, interacting with current-based or conductance-based synapses, using clock-driven or event-driven integration strategies. The same set of models are implemented on the different simulators, and the codes are made available. The ultimate goal of this review is to provide a resource to facilitate identifying the appropriate integration strategy and simulation tool to use for a given modeling problem related to spiking neural networks.Comment: 49 pages, 24 figures, 1 table; review article, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, in press (2007

    Neuronal Synchronization Can Control the Energy Efficiency of Inter-Spike Interval Coding

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    The role of synchronous firing in sensory coding and cognition remains controversial. While studies, focusing on its mechanistic consequences in attentional tasks, suggest that synchronization dynamically boosts sensory processing, others failed to find significant synchronization levels in such tasks. We attempt to understand both lines of evidence within a coherent theoretical framework. We conceptualize synchronization as an independent control parameter to study how the postsynaptic neuron transmits the average firing activity of a presynaptic population, in the presence of synchronization. We apply the Berger-Levy theory of energy efficient information transmission to interpret simulations of a Hodgkin-Huxley-type postsynaptic neuron model, where we varied the firing rate and synchronization level in the presynaptic population independently. We find that for a fixed presynaptic firing rate the simulated postsynaptic interspike interval distribution depends on the synchronization level and is well-described by a generalized extreme value distribution. For synchronization levels of 15% to 50%, we find that the optimal distribution of presynaptic firing rate, maximizing the mutual information per unit cost, is maximized at ~30% synchronization level. These results suggest that the statistics and energy efficiency of neuronal communication channels, through which the input rate is communicated, can be dynamically adapted by the synchronization level.Comment: 47 pages, 14 figures, 2 Table

    Subthreshold Voltage Noise Due to Channel Fluctuations in Active Neuronal Membranes

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    Voltage-gated ion channels in neuronal membranes fluctuate randomly between different conformational states due to thermal agitation. Fluctuations between conducting and nonconducting states give rise to noisy membrane currents and subthreshold voltage fluctuations and may contribute to variability in spike timing. Here we study subthreshold voltage fluctuations due to active voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels as predicted by two commonly used kinetic schemes: the Mainen et al. (1995) (MJHS) kinetic scheme, which has been used to model dendritic channels in cortical neurons, and the classical Hodgkin-Huxley (1952) (HH) kinetic scheme for the squid giant axon. We compute the magnitudes, amplitude distributions, and power spectral densities of the voltage noise in isopotential membrane patches predicted by these kinetic schemes. For both schemes, noise magnitudes increase rapidly with depolarization from rest. Noise is larger for smaller patch areas but is smaller for increased model temperatures. We contrast the results from Monte Carlo simulations of the stochastic nonlinear kinetic schemes with analytical, closed-form expressions derived using passive and quasi-active linear approximations to the kinetic schemes. For all subthreshold voltage ranges, the quasi-active linearized approximation is accurate within 8% and may thus be used in large-scale simulations of realistic neuronal geometries

    Ultra-Low Power Neuromorphic Obstacle Detection Using a Two-Dimensional Materials-Based Subthreshold Transistor

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    Accurate, timely and selective detection of moving obstacles is crucial for reliable collision avoidance in autonomous robots. The area- and energy-inefficiency of CMOS-based spiking neurons for obstacle detection can be addressed through the reconfigurable, tunable and low-power operation capabilities of emerging two-dimensional (2D) materials-based devices. We present an ultra-low power spiking neuron built using an electrostatically tuned dual-gate transistor with an ultra-thin and generic 2D material channel. The 2D subthreshold transistor (2D-ST) is carefully designed to operate under low-current subthreshold regime. Carrier transport has been modelled via over-the-barrier thermionic and Fowler-Nordheim contact barrier tunnelling currents over a wide range of gate and drain biases. Simulation of a neuron circuit designed using the 2D-ST with 45 nm CMOS technology components shows high energy efficiency of ~3.5 pJ/spike and biomimetic class-I as well as oscillatory spiking. It also demonstrates complex neuronal behaviors such as spike-frequency adaptation and post-inhibitory rebound that are crucial for dynamic visual systems. Lobula giant movement detector (LGMD) is a collision-detecting biological neuron found in locusts. Our neuron circuit can generate LGMD-like spiking behavior and detect obstacles at an energy cost of <100 pJ. Further, it can be reconfigured to distinguish between looming and receding objects with high selectivity.Comment: Main text along with supporting information. 4 figure

    Tunable Neuromimetic Integrated System for Emulating Cortical Neuron Models

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    Nowadays, many software solutions are currently available for simulating neuron models. Less conventional than software-based systems, hardware-based solutions generally combine digital and analog forms of computation. In previous work, we designed several neuromimetic chips, including the Galway chip that we used for this paper. These silicon neurons are based on the Hodgkin–Huxley formalism and they are optimized for reproducing a large variety of neuron behaviors thanks to tunable parameters. Due to process variation and device mismatch in analog chips, we use a full-custom fitting method in voltage-clamp mode to tune our neuromimetic integrated circuits. By comparing them with experimental electrophysiological data of these cells, we show that the circuits can reproduce the main firing features of cortical cell types. In this paper, we present the experimental measurements of our system which mimic the four most prominent biological cells: fast spiking, regular spiking, intrinsically bursting, and low-threshold spiking neurons into analog neuromimetic integrated circuit dedicated to cortical neuron simulations. This hardware and software platform will allow to improve the hybrid technique, also called “dynamic-clamp,” that consists of connecting artificial and biological neurons to study the function of neuronal circuits

    The investigation of variable nernst equilibria on isolated neurons and coupled neurons forming discrete and continuous networks

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    Since the introduction of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations, used to describe the excitation of neurons, the Nernst equilibria for individual ion channels have assumed to be constant in time. Recent biological recordings call into question the validity of this assumption. Very little theoretical work has been done to address the issue of accounting for these non-static Nernst equilibria using the Hodgkin-Huxley formalism. This body of work incorporates non-static Nernst equilibria into the generalized Hodgkin-Huxley formalism by considering the first-order effects of the Nernst equation. It is further demonstrated that these effects are likely dominate in neurons with diameters much smaller than that of the squid giant axon and permeate important information processing regions of the brain such as the hippocampus. Particular results of interest include single-cell bursting due to the interplay of spatially separated neurons, pattern formation via spiral waves within a soliton-like regime, and quantifiable shifts in the multifractality of hippocampal neurons under the administration of various drugs at varying dosages. This work provides a new perspective on the variability of Nernst equilibria and demonstrates its utility in areas such as pharmacology and information processing