996 research outputs found

    A Whole-Body Pose Taxonomy for Loco-Manipulation Tasks

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    Exploiting interaction with the environment is a promising and powerful way to enhance stability of humanoid robots and robustness while executing locomotion and manipulation tasks. Recently some works have started to show advances in this direction considering humanoid locomotion with multi-contacts, but to be able to fully develop such abilities in a more autonomous way, we need to first understand and classify the variety of possible poses a humanoid robot can achieve to balance. To this end, we propose the adaptation of a successful idea widely used in the field of robot grasping to the field of humanoid balance with multi-contacts: a whole-body pose taxonomy classifying the set of whole-body robot configurations that use the environment to enhance stability. We have revised criteria of classification used to develop grasping taxonomies, focusing on structuring and simplifying the large number of possible poses the human body can adopt. We propose a taxonomy with 46 poses, containing three main categories, considering number and type of supports as well as possible transitions between poses. The taxonomy induces a classification of motion primitives based on the pose used for support, and a set of rules to store and generate new motions. We present preliminary results that apply known segmentation techniques to motion data from the KIT whole-body motion database. Using motion capture data with multi-contacts, we can identify support poses providing a segmentation that can distinguish between locomotion and manipulation parts of an action.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table with full page figure that appears in landscape page, 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System

    Generating whole body movements for dynamics anthropomorphic systems under constraints

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    Cette thèse étudie la question de la génération de mouvements corps-complet pour des systèmes anthropomorphes. Elle considère le problème de la modélisation et de la commande en abordant la question difficile de la génération de mouvements ressemblant à ceux de l'homme. En premier lieu, un modèle dynamique du robot humanoïde HRP-2 est élaboré à partir de l'algorithme récursif de Newton-Euler pour les vecteurs spatiaux. Un nouveau schéma de commande dynamique est ensuite développé, en utilisant une cascade de programmes quadratiques (QP) optimisant des fonctions coûts et calculant les couples de commande en satisfaisant des contraintes d'égalité et d'inégalité. La cascade de problèmes quadratiques est définie par une pile de tâches associée à un ordre de priorité. Nous proposons ensuite une formulation unifiée des contraintes de contacts planaires et nous montrons que la méthode proposée permet de prendre en compte plusieurs contacts non coplanaires et généralise la contrainte usuelle du ZMP dans le cas où seulement les pieds sont en contact avec le sol. Nous relions ensuite les algorithmes de génération de mouvement issus de la robotique aux outils de capture du mouvement humain en développant une méthode originale de génération de mouvement visant à imiter le mouvement humain. Cette méthode est basée sur le recalage des données capturées et l'édition du mouvement en utilisant le solveur hiérarchique précédemment introduit et la définition de tâches et de contraintes dynamiques. Cette méthode originale permet d'ajuster un mouvement humain capturé pour le reproduire fidèlement sur un humanoïde en respectant sa propre dynamique. Enfin, dans le but de simuler des mouvements qui ressemblent à ceux de l'homme, nous développons un modèle anthropomorphe ayant un nombre de degrés de liberté supérieur à celui du robot humanoïde HRP2. Le solveur générique est utilisé pour simuler le mouvement sur ce nouveau modèle. Une série de tâches est définie pour décrire un scénario joué par un humain. Nous montrons, par une simple analyse qualitative du mouvement, que la prise en compte du modèle dynamique permet d'accroitre naturellement le réalisme du mouvement.This thesis studies the question of whole body motion generation for anthropomorphic systems. Within this work, the problem of modeling and control is considered by addressing the difficult issue of generating human-like motion. First, a dynamic model of the humanoid robot HRP-2 is elaborated based on the recursive Newton-Euler algorithm for spatial vectors. A new dynamic control scheme is then developed adopting a cascade of quadratic programs (QP) optimizing the cost functions and computing the torque control while satisfying equality and inequality constraints. The cascade of the quadratic programs is defined by a stack of tasks associated to a priority order. Next, we propose a unified formulation of the planar contact constraints, and we demonstrate that the proposed method allows taking into account multiple non coplanar contacts and generalizes the common ZMP constraint when only the feet are in contact with the ground. Then, we link the algorithms of motion generation resulting from robotics to the human motion capture tools by developing an original method of motion generation aiming at the imitation of the human motion. This method is based on the reshaping of the captured data and the motion editing by using the hierarchical solver previously introduced and the definition of dynamic tasks and constraints. This original method allows adjusting a captured human motion in order to reliably reproduce it on a humanoid while respecting its own dynamics. Finally, in order to simulate movements resembling to those of humans, we develop an anthropomorphic model with higher number of degrees of freedom than the one of HRP-2. The generic solver is used to simulate motion on this new model. A sequence of tasks is defined to describe a scenario played by a human. By a simple qualitative analysis of motion, we demonstrate that taking into account the dynamics provides a natural way to generate human-like movements

    SLoMo: A General System for Legged Robot Motion Imitation from Casual Videos

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    We present SLoMo: a first-of-its-kind framework for transferring skilled motions from casually captured "in the wild" video footage of humans and animals to legged robots. SLoMo works in three stages: 1) synthesize a physically plausible reconstructed key-point trajectory from monocular videos; 2) optimize a dynamically feasible reference trajectory for the robot offline that includes body and foot motion, as well as contact sequences that closely tracks the key points; 3) track the reference trajectory online using a general-purpose model-predictive controller on robot hardware. Traditional motion imitation for legged motor skills often requires expert animators, collaborative demonstrations, and/or expensive motion capture equipment, all of which limits scalability. Instead, SLoMo only relies on easy-to-obtain monocular video footage, readily available in online repositories such as YouTube. It converts videos into motion primitives that can be executed reliably by real-world robots. We demonstrate our approach by transferring the motions of cats, dogs, and humans to example robots including a quadruped (on hardware) and a humanoid (in simulation). To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first attempt at a general-purpose motion transfer framework that imitates animal and human motions on legged robots directly from casual videos without artificial markers or labels.Comment: accepted at RA-L 2023, with ICRA 2024 optio

    심층 강화학습을 이용한 사람의 모션을 통한 이형적 캐릭터 제어기 개발

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부, 2022. 8. 서진욱.사람의 모션을 이용한 로봇 컨트롤 인터페이스는 사용자의 직관과 로봇의 모터 능력을 합하여 위험한 환경에서 로봇의 유연한 작동을 만들어낸다. 하지만, 휴머노이드 외의 사족보행 로봇이나 육족보행 로봇을 위한 모션 인터페이스를 디자인 하는 것은 쉬운일이 아니다. 이것은 사람과 로봇 사이의 형태 차이로 오는 다이나믹스 차이와 제어 전략이 크게 차이나기 때문이다. 우리는 사람 사용자가 움직임을 통하여 사족보행 로봇에서 부드럽게 여러 과제를 수행할 수 있게끔 하는 새로운 모션 제어 시스템을 제안한다. 우리는 우선 캡쳐한 사람의 모션을 상응하는 로봇의 모션으로 리타겟 시킨다. 이때 상응하는 로봇의 모션은 유저가 의도한 의미를 내포하게 되며, 우리는 이를 지도학습 방법과 후처리 기술을 이용하여 가능케 하였다. 그 뒤 우리는 모션을 모사하는 학습을 커리큘럼 학습과 병행하여 주어진 리타겟된 참조 모션을 따라가는 제어 정책을 생성하였다. 우리는 "전문가 집단"을 학습함으로 모션 리타게팅 모듈과 모션 모사 모듈의 성능을 크게 증가시켰다. 결과에서 볼 수 있듯, 우리의 시스템을 이용하여 사용자가 사족보행 로봇의 서있기, 앉기, 기울이기, 팔 뻗기, 걷기, 돌기와 같은 다양한 모터 과제들을 시뮬레이션 환경과 현실에서 둘 다 수행할 수 있었다. 우리는 연구의 성능을 평가하기 위하여 다양한 분석을 하였으며, 특히 우리 시스템의 각각의 요소들의 중요성을 보여줄 수 있는 실험들을 진행하였다.A human motion-based interface fuses operator intuitions with the motor capabilities of robots, enabling adaptable robot operations in dangerous environments. However, the challenge of designing a motion interface for non-humanoid robots, such as quadrupeds or hexapods, is emerged from the different morphology and dynamics of a human controller, leading to an ambiguity of control strategy. We propose a novel control framework that allows human operators to execute various motor skills on a quadrupedal robot by their motion. Our system first retargets the captured human motion into the corresponding robot motion with the operator's intended semantics. The supervised learning and post-processing techniques allow this retargeting skill which is ambiguity-free and suitable for control policy training. To enable a robot to track a given retargeted motion, we then obtain the control policy from reinforcement learning that imitates the given reference motion with designed curriculums. We additionally enhance the system's performance by introducing a set of experts. Finally, we randomize the domain parameters to adapt the physically simulated motor skills to real-world tasks. We demonstrate that a human operator can perform various motor tasks using our system including standing, tilting, manipulating, sitting, walking, and steering on both physically simulated and real quadruped robots. We also analyze the performance of each system component ablation study.1 Introduction 1 2 Related Work 5 2.1 Legged Robot Control 5 2.2 Motion Imitation 6 2.3 Motion-based Control 7 3 Overview 9 4 Motion Retargeting Module 11 4.1 Motion Retargeting Network 12 4.2 Post-processing for Consistency 14 4.3 A Set of Experts for Multi-task Support 15 5 Motion Imitation Module 17 5.1 Background: Reinforcement Learning 18 5.2 Formulation of Motion Imitation 18 5.3 Curriculum Learning over Tasks and Difficulties 21 5.4 Hierarchical Control with States 21 5.5 Domain Randomization 22 6 Results and Analysis 23 6.1 Experimental Setup 23 6.2 Motion Performance 24 6.3 Analysis 28 6.4 Comparison to Other Methods 31 7 Conclusion And Future Work 32 Bibliography 34 Abstract (In Korean) 44 감사의 글 45석

    A Continuous Grasp Representation for the Imitation Learning of Grasps on Humanoid Robots

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    Models and methods are presented which enable a humanoid robot to learn reusable, adaptive grasping skills. Mechanisms and principles in human grasp behavior are studied. The findings are used to develop a grasp representation capable of retaining specific motion characteristics and of adapting to different objects and tasks. Based on the representation a framework is proposed which enables the robot to observe human grasping, learn grasp representations, and infer executable grasping actions