11,437 research outputs found

    Optimization models of rail transportation under the financial crisis

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    This paper proposes an analysis of the most used models to optimize the rail transportation. Are presented a series of optimization models of labor efficiency in this sector, but also elements that gives the information on the competitiveness of this mode of transport.railway, railway optimization, optimization models for railway

    A preliminary safety evaluation of route guidance comparing different MMI concepts

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    UNPLUGGED CITY Escaping from Global Networks and Flows Trap? New Geographies of Logistics :: Urban and Regional Implications

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    The urban and regional influence of contemporary passengers, goods and information traffic within the new global economy based on knowledge and logistics, and the physical structures that shape the networks (harbours, airports, train stations, motorways) are assumed as capitally important. Nevertheless, so far, the impact of these dynamics is much more attached to hierarchical processes of socio-spatial fragmentation-segmentation-polarization rather than balanced re-distributive systems. Global connectivity has as much strengths as threats, and the integration within the new production, consumption and distribution geographies generates as much opportunities as irreversible mutations. Unplugged City is presented as an incursion on connectivity and accessibility, exploring the strengths and threats derived from the management of logistics and freight transport flows within the frame of the so-called “catch-up†economy. The Trans-European Transport Network Plan (TEN-T) will be on focus as the main policy-making framework behind the new geographical transformation in Europe. The importance of the exponential growing freight transport and logistic sector has been exposed as a key factor to understand the bases of current globalisation. The sharp changes generated by the dropping of transport cost in patterns of production-consumption-distribution geographies have to be contrasted with deep transformations of labour market, linkages between transport and industrial location and new network models. What is close is just what is cheap. Distances nowadays are no measured in kilometres or hours but in Euros, imposing a new logic for the global geographic structure. Regions with better access to locations of input materials and markets are assumed to be more productive, more competitive and hence more successful than more peripheral and isolated regions. But this hypothesis has to be urgently reformulated, contrasting transport policies with quantitative research and the appraisal of real socio-economic impact of the new transport geographies. The assumed idea of connectivity as pure benefiting will be critically discussed as a much complex phenomena. Corridors are fostering the survival of core regional centres meanwhile a growing regional imbalance is monitored; regions that still have to deal with environmental, budgetary and indirect issues derived from the management of these flows.

    ICT and the Environment in Developing Countries: an Overview of Opportunities and Developments

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    Both developed and developing countries face many environmental challenges, including climate change, improving energy efficiency and waste management, addressing air pollution, water quality and scarcity, and loss of natural habitats and biodiversity. Drawing on the existing literature, this paper presents an overview of how the Internet and the ICT and related research communities can help tackle environmental challenges in developing countries. The review focuses on the role of ICTs in climate change mitigation, mitigating other environmental pressures, and climate change adaptation.information and communication technology (ICT), environment, climate change, mitigation, adaptation.

    Strategies for sustainable socio-economic development and mechanisms their implementation in the global dimension

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches to developing and implementation strategies of sustainable socio-economic development in order to increase efficiency and competitiveness of economic entities. Basic research focuses on economic diagnostics of socio-economic potential and financial results of economic entities, transition period in the economy of individual countries and ensuring their competitiveness, assessment of educational processes and knowledge management. The research results have been implemented in the different models and strategies of supply and logistics management, development of non-profit organizations, competitiveness of tourism and transport, financing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises, cross-border cooperation. The results of the study can be used in decision-making at the level the economic entities in different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms of ownership, ministries and departments that promote of development the economic entities on the basis of models and strategies for sustainable socio-economic development. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in modern concepts and mechanisms for management of sustainable socio-economic development of economic entities in the condition of global economic transformations and challenges

    ICT applications on the road to sustainable urban transport

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    This paper addresses the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on sustainable transport by examining the direct application of ICT in urban transport. Following a discussion of various negative externalities of transport, the paper examines the extent to which existing and potential ICT applications in the transport sector can assist in making urban transport more sustainable than it is at present. The focus of analysis is on qualitative and quantitative impacts of several ICT applications on travel behaviour (including fatalities), factors that influence adoption, and impacts of adoption including potentially secondary effects. The literature suggests that ICT innovations are most effective in fatality reduction, but it seems that these are also quite effective in reducing fuel consumption through fuelintelligent vehicles

    Implications of digitalization for value chains

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    Key issues in trade facilitation : summary of World Bank/European Union workshops in Dhaka and Shanghai in 2004

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    Trade facilitation is the ability of countries to deliver goods and services on time at the lowest possible cost. It has emerged as an important issue in unilateral, bilateral, and multilateral trade liberalization. Most countries have embarked on heroic reforms aimed at reducing transaction costs of trade. Thus, among the four new Singapore issues, there was least resistance from World Trade Organization (WTO) member countries to include trade facilitation in the Doha Round discussions. However, all countries are not equally placed in initiating reforms in the complex areas of customs procedures, transport and port logistics, harmonization of standards, and simplification of procedures. Trade facilitation reforms require a large volume of technical assistance for national capacity building. To facilitate what these reforms entail and what can be learned from cross-country experiences, the EU and the World Bank organized two workshops in Dhaka (South Asian countries) and Shanghai (East Asian countries) in 2004. Jointly they succeeded in bringing together renowned experts from multilateral organizations, selected bilateral donor community, the private sector, ex civil servants, and scholars. The participants were largely drawn from the relevant government departments and chambers of commerce and industry. This paper summarizes the main presentations in the workshops. It also indicates the areas that need more focus in future events. The paper should serve as a reference document for national policymakers and for future seminars and workshops on trade facilitation. It has also linked the presentations to the ongoing research work on trade facilitation.Common Carriers Industry,Transport and Trade Logistics,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Trade Policy

    Exploring standardization and integration in the implementation of industry inter-organizational information systems: a case study in the seaport of Barcelona

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    Aquesta tesis presenta un estudi interpretativista sobre els processos d'estandardització i integració relacionats amb la implementació d'un sistema d'informació inter-organitzatiu (SIIO) sectorial en el Port de Barcelona. Aquest treball adopta una perspectiva de conjunt sobre els SIIO. Per un costat, des d'aquesta perspectiva un SIIO està en constant en moviment durant la implementació i el seu posterior ús. Per tant, la implementació del SIIO ve condicionada per configuracions prèvies, ja que els sistemes existents influencien en les opcions i trajectòries que pot prendre la implementació. Per altre costat, de la mateixa manera la implementació ve determinada tant per aspectes materials i/o tecnològics com per aspectes socials. És a dir, la implementació es pot veure com un procés de canvi socio-tecnològic que evoluciona al llarg de la implementació del SIIO sectorial.L'objectiu d'aquesta tesis és investigar la naturalesa socio-tecnològica del procés de implementació d'un SIIO i identificar aspectes teòrics i pràctics que puguin explicar les dinàmiques que es produeixin al llarg de la implementació. En base a un estudi de cas intepretativista i en profunditat, el qual combina l'ús de grounded theory i actor-network theory, realitzo un anàlisi del procés d'implementació, i formalitzo una sèrie de contribucions teòriques i pràctiques. El primer gran tema d'estudi d'aquest treball ha estat l'estandardització que ha tingut lloc abans i durant la implementació del SIIO sectorial. El segon tema ha estat la integració dels sistemes de informació prèviament existents amb el SIIO sectorial.Les contribucions d'aquest treball tenen implicacions per la recerca. En primer lloc, aquest treball amplia el limitat, tot i que creixent, nombre de investigacions que s'han centrat en la naturalesa processual i socio-tecnològica dels SIIO. Igualment aquest treball complementa la literatura existent en SIIO, que ha proposat models de factors, ja que explica com i perquè alguns d'aquests factors són importants. En segon lloc, aquest treball contribueix a la recerca que ha fet estudis longitudinals en l'àrea de sistemes d'informació ja que proporciona una interpretació contextual i en profunditat sobre els processos d'adaptació i canvi que tenen lloc durant la implementació d'un SIIO. Finalment, aquesta tesis contribueix a la literatura sobre estandardització de SIIO mitjançant l'establiment de lligams entre els estudis que proposen models de procés i els que es centren en l'anàlisi dels grups d'interès que participen en l'estandardització.Per altre costat, aquesta tesis té legitimitat pragmàtica ja que pot servir d'ajuda per millorar la pràctica. En primer lloc, aquest treball confirma el dinamisme dels interessos dels actors que participen en els processos d'estandardització, i posa de relleu que aquests actors tenen un ampli ventall d'interessos que varia en funció de la naturalesa dels propis actors i que condiciona la seva actitud al llarg del procés. És, per tant, molt important realitzar una constant identificació dels interessos dels actors. En segon lloc, aquesta tesis mostra que la gestió de SIIO ha de posar èmfasi i dedicar recursos no solament al disseny, a preveure escenaris futurs, i a desenvolupar estratègies i accions per fer front a aquestes previsions. La gestió també ha de prestar atenció i comprendre els esdeveniments no previstos i els canvis emergents que succeeixen durant l'ús del SIIO. Finalment, la implementació de SIIO requereix que els directius donin resposta per tal de reforçar o atenuar aquests canvis emergents. És a dir, la gestió de SIIO no es pot concebre únicament com una intervenció que es pot predefinir i planificar, sinó també com una forma de reacció i resposta al context i el comportament dels altres. Aquesta tesis també suggereix una sèrie de maniobres que poden ésser d'ajut als directius i professionals involucrats en projectes d'implementació de SIIO.Esta tesis presenta un estudio interpretativista sobre los procesos de estandarización e integración relacionados con la implementación de un sistema de información inter-organizativo (SIIO) sectorial en el Puerto de Barcelona. Este trabajo adopta una perspectiva de conjunto sobre los SIIO. Por un lado, desde esta perspectiva un SIIO está en constante movimiento durante su implementación y posterior uso. Por lo tanto, la implementación del SIIO viene condicionada por configuraciones previas, ya que los sistemas existentes influyen en las opciones y trayectorias que puede tomar la implementación. Por otro lado, igualmente la implementación viene determinada tanto por aspectos materiales y/o tecnológicos como por aspectos sociales. Es decir, la implementación puede verse como un proceso de cambio socio-tecnológico que evoluciona a lo largo de la implementación de SIIO sectorial.El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar la naturaleza socio-tecnológica del proceso de implementación de un SIIO e identificar aspectos teóricos y prácticos que puedan explicar las dinámicas que se producen durante la implementación. En base a un estudio de caso en profundidad e interpretativista, el cual combina el uso de grounded theory y actor-network theory, realizo un análisis del proceso de implementación, y formalizo una serie de contribuciones teóricas y prácticas. El primer gran tema de estudio de este trabajo ha sido la estandarización que ha tenido lugar antes y durante la implementación del SIIO sectorial. El segundo tema ha sido la integración de los sistemas de información que ya existían previamente con el SIIO sectorial.Las contribuciones de este trabajo tienen implicaciones para la investigación. En primer lugar, este trabajo amplia el limitado, aunque creciente, número de investigaciones que se han centrado en la naturaleza procesual i socio-tecnológica de los SIIO. Igualmente este trabajo complementa la literatura previa en SIIO, la cual ha propuesto modelos de factores, ya que explica cómo y por qué algunos de estos factores son relevantes. En segundo lugar, este trabajo contribuye a la investigación que ha realizado estudios longitudinales en el área de los sistemas de información ya que proporciona una interpretación contextual y en profundidad sobre los procesos de adaptación y cambio que tienen lugar durante la implementación de un SIIO. Finalmente, esta tesis contribuye a la literatura sobre estandarización ya que establece vínculos entre los estudios que han propuesto modelos de proceso y los que se centran en el análisis de los grupos de interés que participan en la estandarización.Por otro lado, esta tesis tiene legitimidad pragmática ya que puede servir de ayuda para mejorar la práctica. En primer lugar, este trabajo confirma el dinamismo de los intereses de los actores que participan en procesos de estandarización, y pone de relieve que los diferentes actores tienen una amplia gama de intereses que varía en función de la naturaleza de los propios actores y que condiciona su actitud a lo largo del proceso. Es, por lo tanto, muy importante realizar una constante identificación de los intereses de los actores durante la implementación. En segundo lugar, esta tesis muestra que los directivos encargados de la implementación de SIIO han de poner énfasis y dedicar recursos no sólo a diseñar, prever escenarios de futuro, y desarrollar estrategias y acciones para cumplir con estas previsiones. La gestión también ha de prestar atención y comprender los acontecimientos no previstos y los cambios emergentes que se sucedan durante el uso del SIIO. Finalmente, la implementación de SIIO requiere que los directivos den respuesta con el fin de reforzar o atenuar estos cambios emergentes. Es decir, la gestión de SIIO no se puede concebir únicamente como una intervención que puede ser predefinida y planificada, sino también como una forma de reacción y respuesta al contexto y al comportamiento de otros. Esta tesis también sugiere una serie de maniobras que pueden ser de ayuda para los directivos y profesionales involucrados en proyectos de implementación de SIIO.This dissertation presents an interpretive study of standardization and integration processes related to the implementation of an industry inter-organizational information system (IOIS) in the Seaport of Barcelona. This thesis adopts an ensemble view of the IOIS. First, from this perspective an IOIS is in constant flux as it is implemented and used in practice. Thus implementation becomes path dependent in the sense that existing systems influence the implementation choices and paths. Second, the implementation is being partly materially determined and partly socially constructed. That is, implementation may be viewed as socio-technical change processes that evolved around the implementation of the industry IOIS.The objective of this thesis is to inquire into the socio-technical nature of IOIS implementation process and identify theoretical and practical issues that can provide a relevant explanation of the implementation dynamics. Based on an in-depth interpretive case study, which is combined with actor-network theory and grounded theory, I conduct an analysis of the implementation process and formalize a set of theoretical and practical implications. The first main theme of this work has been the standardization effort that has taken place before and during the implementation of the industry IOIS. The second main theme is related with the integration of the adopters' pre-existing systems with the industry IOIS.The contributions that arise from this research have implications for research. Firstly, it adds to the limited but growing group of researchers that have focused on the processual and socio-technical nature of IOISs, as well as adds to the factor-based IOIS literature by detailing how and why some of these factors become important. Secondly, it contributes to longitudinal IS research by providing a deeper contextual understanding of the processes of adaptation and change that underlie IOIS implementation. Finally, it contributes to IOIS standardization literature by establishing links between the process and stakeholder models. On the other hand, this thesis has pragmatic legitimacy as it may serve as a helpful guide from which to improve practice. Firstly, this work confirms the dynamism of the stakes during the standardization process and highlights that the stakeholders that participate in the standardization have a range of stakes that vary among their nature and drive their attitude towards the process. Thus a continuous identification of participants' stakes appears to be very important. Secondly, this thesis shows that IOIS management has to place emphasis and devote resources not only to design, predict future conditions, and develop strategies and actions to meet those predictions, but also to pay attention and understand the unexpected events and emergent changes that arise during the use of the IOIS. Finally, IOIS implementation requires management to respond in order to reinforce or attenuate the emergent changes. That is, the IOIS management cannot only be conceived as predefined planned intervention, but also as a form of reaction and response to situational demands and others' behavior. In addition, this thesis provides a set of maneuvers that may guide managers and practitioners involved in the implementation of IOISs