2,752 research outputs found

    Analysis and Verification of Service Interaction Protocols - A Brief Survey

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    Modeling and analysis of interactions among services is a crucial issue in Service-Oriented Computing. Composing Web services is a complicated task which requires techniques and tools to verify that the new system will behave correctly. In this paper, we first overview some formal models proposed in the literature to describe services. Second, we give a brief survey of verification techniques that can be used to analyse services and their interaction. Last, we focus on the realizability and conformance of choreographies.Comment: In Proceedings TAV-WEB 2010, arXiv:1009.330

    Model-Based Adaptation of Software Communicating via FIFO Buffers

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    Software Adaptation is a non-intrusive solution for composing black-box components or services (peers) whose individual functionality is as required for the new system, but that present interface mismatch, which leads to deadlock or other undesirable behaviour when combined. Adaptation techniques aim at automatically generating new components called adapters. All the interactions among peers pass through the adapter, which acts as an orchestrator and makes the involved peers work correctly together by compensating for mismatch. Most of the existing solutions in this field assume that peers interact synchronously using rendezvous communication. However, many application areas rely on asynchronous communication models where peers interact exchanging messages via buffers. Generating adapters in this context becomes a difficult problem because peers may exhibit cyclic behaviour, and their composition often results in infinite systems. In this paper, we present a method for automatically generating adapters in asynchronous environments where peers interact using FIFO buffers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Tau Be or not Tau Be? - A Perspective on Service Compatibility and Substitutability

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    One of the main open research issues in Service Oriented Computing is to propose automated techniques to analyse service interfaces. A first problem, called compatibility, aims at determining whether a set of services (two in this paper) can be composed together and interact with each other as expected. Another related problem is to check the substitutability of one service with another. These problems are especially difficult when behavioural descriptions (i.e., message calls and their ordering) are taken into account in service interfaces. Interfaces should capture as faithfully as possible the service behaviour to make their automated analysis possible while not exhibiting implementation details. In this position paper, we choose Labelled Transition Systems to specify the behavioural part of service interfaces. In particular, we show that internal behaviours (tau transitions) are necessary in these transition systems in order to detect subtle errors that may occur when composing a set of services together. We also show that tau transitions should be handled differently in the compatibility and substitutability problem: the former problem requires to check if the compatibility is preserved every time a tau transition is traversed in one interface, whereas the latter requires a precise analysis of tau branchings in order to make the substitution preserve the properties (e.g., a compatibility notion) which were ensured before replacement.Comment: In Proceedings WCSI 2010, arXiv:1010.233

    Handling Data-Based Concurrency in Context-Aware Service Protocols

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    Dependency analysis is a technique to identify and determine data dependencies between service protocols. Protocols evolving concurrently in the service composition need to impose an order in their execution if there exist data dependencies. In this work, we describe a model to formalise context-aware service protocols. We also present a composition language to handle dynamically the concurrent execution of protocols. This language addresses data dependency issues among several protocols concurrently executed on the same user device, using mechanisms based on data semantic matching. Our approach aims at assisting the user in establishing priorities between these dependencies, avoiding the occurrence of deadlock situations. Nevertheless, this process is error-prone, since it requires human intervention. Therefore, we also propose verification techniques to automatically detect possible inconsistencies specified by the user while building the data dependency set. Our approach is supported by a prototype tool we have implemented.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2010, arXiv:1007.499

    Adaptation of Asynchronously Communicating Software

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    International audienceSoftware adaptation techniques aim at generating new components called adapters, which make a set of services work correctly together by compensating for existing mismatch. Most approaches assume that services interact synchronously using rendez-vous communication. In this paper, we focus on asynchronous communication, where services interact exchanging messages via buffers. We overview a method for automatically generating adapters in such asynchronous environments

    CREOLE: a Universal Language for Creating, Requesting, Updating and Deleting Resources

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    In the context of Service-Oriented Computing, applications can be developed following the REST (Representation State Transfer) architectural style. This style corresponds to a resource-oriented model, where resources are manipulated via CRUD (Create, Request, Update, Delete) interfaces. The diversity of CRUD languages due to the absence of a standard leads to composition problems related to adaptation, integration and coordination of services. To overcome these problems, we propose a pivot architecture built around a universal language to manipulate resources, called CREOLE, a CRUD Language for Resource Edition. In this architecture, scripts written in existing CRUD languages, like SQL, are compiled into Creole and then executed over different CRUD interfaces. After stating the requirements for a universal language for manipulating resources, we formally describe the language and informally motivate its definition with respect to the requirements. We then concretely show how the architecture solves adaptation, integration and coordination problems in the case of photo management in Flickr and Picasa, two well-known service-oriented applications. Finally, we propose a roadmap for future work.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2010, arXiv:1007.499

    JWalk: a tool for lazy, systematic testing of java classes by design introspection and user interaction

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    Popular software testing tools, such as JUnit, allow frequent retesting of modified code; yet the manually created test scripts are often seriously incomplete. A unit-testing tool called JWalk has therefore been developed to address the need for systematic unit testing within the context of agile methods. The tool operates directly on the compiled code for Java classes and uses a new lazy method for inducing the changing design of a class on the fly. This is achieved partly through introspection, using Java’s reflection capability, and partly through interaction with the user, constructing and saving test oracles on the fly. Predictive rules reduce the number of oracle values that must be confirmed by the tester. Without human intervention, JWalk performs bounded exhaustive exploration of the class’s method protocols and may be directed to explore the space of algebraic constructions, or the intended design state-space of the tested class. With some human interaction, JWalk performs up to the equivalent of fully automated state-based testing, from a specification that was acquired incrementally

    Leader Election in Anonymous Rings: Franklin Goes Probabilistic

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    We present a probabilistic leader election algorithm for anonymous, bidirectional, asynchronous rings. It is based on an algorithm from Franklin, augmented with random identity selection, hop counters to detect identity clashes, and round numbers modulo 2. As a result, the algorithm is finite-state, so that various model checking techniques can be employed to verify its correctness, that is, eventually a unique leader is elected with probability one. We also sketch a formal correctness proof of the algorithm for rings with arbitrary size

    Composing distributed systems: overcoming the interoperability challenge

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    Software systems are increasingly composed of independently-developed components, which are often systems by their own. This composition is possible only if the components are interoperable, i.e., are able to work together in order to achieve some user task(s). However, interoperability is often hampered by the differences in the data types, communication protocols, and middleware technologies used by the components involved. In order to enable components to interoperate despite these differences, mediators that perform the necessary data translations and coordinate the components' behaviours appropriately, have been introduced. Still, interoperability remains a critical challenge for today's and even more tomorrow's distributed systems that are highly heterogeneous and dynamic. This chapter introduces the fundamental principles and solutions underlaying interoperability in software systems with a special focus on protocols. First, we take a software architecture perspective and present the fundamentals for reasoning about interoperability and bring out mediators as a key solution to achieve protocol interoperability. Then, we review the solutions proposed for the implementation, synthesis, and dynamic deployment of mediators. We show how these solutions still fall short in automatically solving the interoperability problem in the context of systems of systems. This leads us to present the solution elaborated in the context of the European Connect project, which revolves around the notion of emergent middleware, whereby mediators are synthesised on the fly

    Flooding-Based Algorithm for Behavioural Compatibility Measuring

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    Nowadays, large software systems are mostly built using existing services. These are not always designed to interact, i.e., their public interfaces often present some mismatches. Checking compatibility of service interfaces allows one to avoid erroneous executions when composing the services and ensures correct reuse and interaction. Service compatibility has been intensively studied, in particular for discovery purposes, but most of existing approaches return a Boolean result. In this paper, we present a quantitative approach for measuring the compatibility degree of service interfaces. Our method is generic and flooding-based, and fully automated by a prototype tool
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