118 research outputs found

    Knowledge Extraction in Video Through the Interaction Analysis of Activities

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    Video is a massive amount of data that contains complex interactions between moving objects. The extraction of knowledge from this type of information creates a demand for video analytics systems that uncover statistical relationships between activities and learn the correspondence between content and labels. However, those are open research problems that have high complexity when multiple actors simultaneously perform activities, videos contain noise, and streaming scenarios are considered. The techniques introduced in this dissertation provide a basis for analyzing video. The primary contributions of this research consist of providing new algorithms for the efficient search of activities in video, scene understanding based on interactions between activities, and the predicting of labels for new scenes

    Efficient Search and Localization of Human Actions in Video Databases

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    As digital video databases grow, so grows the problem of effectively navigating through them. In this paper we propose a novel content-based video retrieval approach to searching such video databases, specifically those involving human actions, incorporating spatio-temporal localization. We outline a novel, highly efficient localization model that first performs temporal localization based on histograms of evenly spaced time-slices, then spatial localization based on histograms of a 2-D spatial grid. We further argue that our retrieval model, based on the aforementioned localization, followed by relevance ranking, results in a highly discriminative system, while remaining an order of magnitude faster than the current stateof- the-art method. We also show how relevance feedback can be applied to our localization and ranking algorithms. As a result, the presented system is more directly applicable to real-world problems than any prior content-based video retrieval system

    Video Transformers: A Survey

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    Transformer models have shown great success handling long-range interactions, making them a promising tool for modeling video. However they lack inductive biases and scale quadratically with input length. These limitations are further exacerbated when dealing with the high dimensionality introduced with the temporal dimension. While there are surveys analyzing the advances of Transformers for vision, none focus on an in-depth analysis of video-specific designs. In this survey we analyze main contributions and trends of works leveraging Transformers to model video. Specifically, we delve into how videos are handled as input-level first. Then, we study the architectural changes made to deal with video more efficiently, reduce redundancy, re-introduce useful inductive biases, and capture long-term temporal dynamics. In addition we provide an overview of different training regimes and explore effective self-supervised learning strategies for video. Finally, we conduct a performance comparison on the most common benchmark for Video Transformers (i.e., action classification), finding them to outperform 3D ConvNets even with less computational complexity

    Learning Semantic Features For Visual Recognition

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    Visual recognition (e.g., object, scene and action recognition) is an active area of research in computer vision due to its increasing number of real-world applications such as video (image) indexing and search, intelligent surveillance, human-machine interaction, robot navigation, etc. Effective modeling of the objects, scenes and actions is critical for visual recognition. Recently, bag of visual words (BoVW) representation, in which the image patches or video cuboids are quantized into visual words (i.e., mid-level features) based on their appearance similarity using clustering, has been widely and successfully explored. The advantages of this representation are: no explicit detection of objects or object parts and their tracking are required; the representation is somewhat tolerant to within-class deformations, and it is efficient for matching. However, the performance of the BoVW is sensitive to the size of the visual vocabulary. Therefore, computationally expensive cross-validation is needed to find the appropriate quantization granularity. This limitation is partially due to the fact that the visual words are not semantically meaningful. This limits the effectiveness and compactness of the representation. To overcome these shortcomings, in this thesis we present principled approach to learn a semantic vocabulary (i.e. high-level features) from a large amount of visual words (mid-level features). In this context, the thesis makes two major contributions. First, we have developed an algorithm to discover a compact yet discriminative semantic vocabulary. This vocabulary is obtained by grouping the visual-words based on their distribution in videos (images) into visual-word clusters. The mutual information (MI) be- tween the clusters and the videos (images) depicts the discriminative power of the semantic vocabulary, while the MI between visual-words and visual-word clusters measures the compactness of the vocabulary. We apply the information bottleneck (IB) algorithm to find the optimal number of visual-word clusters by finding the good tradeoff between compactness and discriminative power. We tested our proposed approach on the state-of-the-art KTH dataset, and obtained average accuracy of 94.2%. However, this approach performs one-side clustering, because only visual words are clustered regardless of which video they appear in. In order to leverage the co-occurrence of visual words and images, we have developed the co-clustering algorithm to simultaneously group the visual words and images. We tested our approach on the publicly available fifteen scene dataset and have obtained about 4% increase in the average accuracy compared to the one side clustering approaches. Second, instead of grouping the mid-level features, we first embed the features into a low-dimensional semantic space by manifold learning, and then perform the clustering. We apply Diffusion Maps (DM) to capture the local geometric structure of the mid-level feature space. The DM embedding is able to preserve the explicitly defined diffusion distance, which reflects the semantic similarity between any two features. Furthermore, the DM provides multi-scale analysis capability by adjusting the time steps in the Markov transition matrix. The experiments on KTH dataset show that DM can perform much better (about 3% to 6% improvement in average accuracy) than other manifold learning approaches and IB method. Above methods use only single type of features. In order to combine multiple heterogeneous features for visual recognition, we further propose the Fielder Embedding to capture the complicated semantic relationships between all entities (i.e., videos, images,heterogeneous features). The discovered relationships are then employed to further increase the recognition rate. We tested our approach on Weizmann dataset, and achieved about 17% 21% improvements in the average accuracy


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    We present four contributions to visual surveillance: (a) an action recognition method based on the characteristics of human motion in image space; (b) a study of the strengths of five regression techniques for monocular pose estimation that highlights the advantages of kernel PLS; (c) a learning-based method for detecting objects carried by humans requiring minimal annotation; (d) an interactive video segmentation system that reduces supervision by using occlusion and long term spatio-temporal structure information. We propose a representation for human actions that is based solely on motion information and that leverages the characteristics of human movement in the image space. The representation is best suited to visual surveillance settings in which the actions of interest are highly constrained, but also works on more general problems if the actions are ballistic in nature. Our computationally efficient representation achieves good recognition performance on both a commonly used action recognition dataset and on a dataset we collected to simulate a checkout counter. We study discriminative methods for 3D human pose estimation from single images, which build a map from image features to pose. The main difficulty with these methods is the insufficiency of training data due to the high dimensionality of the pose space. However, real datasets can be augmented with data from character animation software, so the scalability of existing approaches becomes important. We argue that Kernel Partial Least Squares approximates Gaussian Process regression robustly, enabling the use of larger datasets, and we show in experiments that kPLS outperforms two state-of-the-art methods based on GP. The high variability in the appearance of carried objects suggests using their relation to the human silhouette to detect them. We adopt a generate-and-test approach that produces candidate regions from protrusion, color contrast and occlusion boundary cues and then filters them with a kernel SVM classifier on context features. Our method exceeds state of the art accuracy and has good generalization capability. We also propose a Multiple Instance Learning framework for the classifier that reduces annotation effort by two orders of magnitude while maintaining comparable accuracy. Finally, we present an interactive video segmentation system that trades off a small amount of segmentation quality for significantly less supervision than necessary in systems in the literature. While applications like video editing could not directly use the output of our system, reasoning about the trajectories of objects in a scene or learning coarse appearance models is still possible. The unsupervised segmentation component at the base of our system effectively employs occlusion boundary cues and achieves competitive results on an unsupervised segmentation dataset. On videos used to evaluate interactive methods, our system requires less interaction time than others, does not rely on appearance information and can extract multiple objects at the same time

    Time-slice analysis of dyadic human activity

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    La reconnaissance d’activités humaines à partir de données vidéo est utilisée pour la surveillance ainsi que pour des applications d’interaction homme-machine. Le principal objectif est de classer les vidéos dans l’une des k classes d’actions à partir de vidéos entièrement observées. Cependant, de tout temps, les systèmes intelligents sont améliorés afin de prendre des décisions basées sur des incertitudes et ou des informations incomplètes. Ce besoin nous motive à introduire le problème de l’analyse de l’incertitude associée aux activités humaines et de pouvoir passer à un nouveau niveau de généralité lié aux problèmes d’analyse d’actions. Nous allons également présenter le problème de reconnaissance d’activités par intervalle de temps, qui vise à explorer l’activité humaine dans un intervalle de temps court. Il a été démontré que l’analyse par intervalle de temps est utile pour la caractérisation des mouvements et en général pour l’analyse de contenus vidéo. Ces études nous encouragent à utiliser ces intervalles de temps afin d’analyser l’incertitude associée aux activités humaines. Nous allons détailler à quel degré de certitude chaque activité se produit au cours de la vidéo. Dans cette thèse, l’analyse par intervalle de temps d’activités humaines avec incertitudes sera structurée en 3 parties. i) Nous présentons une nouvelle famille de descripteurs spatiotemporels optimisés pour la prédiction précoce avec annotations d’intervalle de temps. Notre représentation prédictive du point d’intérêt spatiotemporel (Predict-STIP) est basée sur l’idée de la contingence entre intervalles de temps. ii) Nous exploitons des techniques de pointe pour extraire des points d’intérêts afin de représenter ces intervalles de temps. iii) Nous utilisons des relations (uniformes et par paires) basées sur les réseaux neuronaux convolutionnels entre les différentes parties du corps de l’individu dans chaque intervalle de temps. Les relations uniformes enregistrent l’apparence locale de la partie du corps tandis que les relations par paires captent les relations contextuelles locales entre les parties du corps. Nous extrayons les spécificités de chaque image dans l’intervalle de temps et examinons différentes façons de les agréger temporellement afin de générer un descripteur pour tout l’intervalle de temps. En outre, nous créons une nouvelle base de données qui est annotée à de multiples intervalles de temps courts, permettant la modélisation de l’incertitude inhérente à la reconnaissance d’activités par intervalle de temps. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent l’efficience de notre stratégie dans l’analyse des mouvements humains avec incertitude.Recognizing human activities from video data is routinely leveraged for surveillance and human-computer interaction applications. The main focus has been classifying videos into one of k action classes from fully observed videos. However, intelligent systems must to make decisions under uncertainty, and based on incomplete information. This need motivates us to introduce the problem of analysing the uncertainty associated with human activities and move to a new level of generality in the action analysis problem. We also present the problem of time-slice activity recognition which aims to explore human activity at a small temporal granularity. Time-slice recognition is able to infer human behaviours from a short temporal window. It has been shown that temporal slice analysis is helpful for motion characterization and for video content representation in general. These studies motivate us to consider timeslices for analysing the uncertainty associated with human activities. We report to what degree of certainty each activity is occurring throughout the video from definitely not occurring to definitely occurring. In this research, we propose three frameworks for time-slice analysis of dyadic human activity under uncertainty. i) We present a new family of spatio-temporal descriptors which are optimized for early prediction with time-slice action annotations. Our predictive spatiotemporal interest point (Predict-STIP) representation is based on the intuition of temporal contingency between time-slices. ii) we exploit state-of-the art techniques to extract interest points in order to represent time-slices. We also present an accumulative uncertainty to depict the uncertainty associated with partially observed videos for the task of early activity recognition. iii) we use Convolutional Neural Networks-based unary and pairwise relations between human body joints in each time-slice. The unary term captures the local appearance of the joints while the pairwise term captures the local contextual relations between the parts. We extract these features from each frame in a time-slice and examine different temporal aggregations to generate a descriptor for the whole time-slice. Furthermore, we create a novel dataset which is annotated at multiple short temporal windows, allowing the modelling of the inherent uncertainty in time-slice activity recognition. All the three methods have been evaluated on TAP dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in the analysis of dyadic activities under uncertaint

    Hierarchische Modelle für das visuelle Erkennen und Lernen von Objekten, Szenen und Aktivitäten

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    In many computer vision applications, objects have to be learned and recognized in images or image sequences. Most of these objects have a hierarchical structure.For example, 3d objects can be decomposed into object parts, and object parts, in turn, into geometric primitives. Furthermore, scenes are composed of objects. And also activities or behaviors can be divided hierarchically into actions, these into individual movements, etc. Hierarchical models are therefore ideally suited for the representation of a wide range of objects used in applications such as object recognition, human pose estimation, or activity recognition. In this work new probabilistic hierarchical models are presented that allow an efficient representation of multiple objects of different categories, scales, rotations, and views. The idea is to exploit similarities between objects, object parts or actions and movements in order to share calculations and avoid redundant information. We will introduce online and offline learning methods, which enable to create efficient hierarchies based on small or large training datasets, in which poses or articulated structures are given by instances. Furthermore, we present inference approaches for fast and robust detection. These new approaches combine the idea of compositional and similarity hierarchies and overcome limitations of previous methods. They will be used in an unified hierarchical framework spatially for object recognition as well as spatiotemporally for activity recognition. The unified generic hierarchical framework allows us to apply the proposed models in different projects. Besides classical object recognition it is used for detection of human poses in a project for gait analysis. The activity detection is used in a project for the design of environments for ageing, to identify activities and behavior patterns in smart homes. In a project for parking spot detection using an intelligent vehicle, the proposed approaches are used to hierarchically model the environment of the vehicle for an efficient and robust interpretation of the scene in real-time.In zahlreichen Computer Vision Anwendungen müssen Objekte in einzelnen Bildern oder Bildsequenzen erlernt und erkannt werden. Viele dieser Objekte sind hierarchisch aufgebaut.So lassen sich 3d Objekte in Objektteile zerlegen und Objektteile wiederum in geometrische Grundkörper. Und auch Aktivitäten oder Verhaltensmuster lassen sich hierarchisch in einzelne Aktionen aufteilen, diese wiederum in einzelne Bewegungen usw. Für die Repräsentation sind hierarchische Modelle dementsprechend gut geeignet. In dieser Arbeit werden neue probabilistische hierarchische Modelle vorgestellt, die es ermöglichen auch mehrere Objekte verschiedener Kategorien, Skalierungen, Rotationen und aus verschiedenen Blickrichtungen effizient zu repräsentieren. Eine Idee ist hierbei, Ähnlichkeiten unter Objekten, Objektteilen oder auch Aktionen und Bewegungen zu nutzen, um redundante Informationen und Mehrfachberechnungen zu vermeiden. In der Arbeit werden online und offline Lernverfahren vorgestellt, die es ermöglichen, effiziente Hierarchien auf Basis von kleinen oder großen Trainingsdatensätzen zu erstellen, in denen Posen und bewegliche Strukturen durch Beispiele gegeben sind. Des Weiteren werden Inferenzansätze zur schnellen und robusten Detektion vorgestellt. Diese werden innerhalb eines einheitlichen hierarchischen Frameworks sowohl räumlich zur Objekterkennung als auch raumzeitlich zur Aktivitätenerkennung verwendet. Das einheitliche Framework ermöglicht die Anwendung des vorgestellten Modells innerhalb verschiedener Projekte. Neben der klassischen Objekterkennung wird es zur Erkennung von menschlichen Posen in einem Projekt zur Ganganalyse verwendet. Die Aktivitätenerkennung wird in einem Projekt zur Gestaltung altersgerechter Lebenswelten genutzt, um in intelligenten Wohnräumen Aktivitäten und Verhaltensmuster von Bewohnern zu erkennen. Im Rahmen eines Projektes zur Parklückenvermessung mithilfe eines intelligenten Fahrzeuges werden die vorgestellten Ansätze verwendet, um das Umfeld des Fahrzeuges hierarchisch zu modellieren und dadurch das Szenenverstehen zu ermöglichen

    Analysis of Social Unrest Events using Spatio-Temporal Data Clustering and Agent-Based Modelling

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    Social unrest such as appeals, protests, conflicts, fights and mass violence can result from a wide ranging of diverse factors making the analysis of causal relationships challenging, with high complexity and uncertainty. Unrest events can result in significant changes in a society ranging from new policies and regulations to regime change. Widespread unrest often arises through a process of feedback and cascading of a collection of past events over time, in regions that are close to each other. Understanding the dynamics of these social events and extrapolating their future growth will enable analysts to detect or forecast major societal events. The study and prediction of social unrest has primarily been done through case-studies and study of social media messaging using various natural language processing techniques. The grouping of related events is often done by subject matter experts that create profiles for countries or locations. We propose two approaches in understanding and modelling social unrest data: (1) spatio-temporal data clustering, and (2) agent-based modelling. We apply the clustering solution to real-world unrest events with socioeconomic and infrastructure factors. We also present a framework of an agent-based model where unrest events act as intelligent agents that continuously study their environment and perform actions. We run simulations of the agent-based model under varying conditions and evaluate the results in comparison to real-world data. Our results show the viability of our proposed solutions. Adviser: Leen-Kiat Soh and Ashok Sama
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