6 research outputs found

    Tracking a Subset of Skeleton Joints: An Effective Approach towards Complex Human Activity Recognition

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    We present a robust algorithm for complex human activity recognition for natural human-robot interaction. The algorithm is based on tracking the position of selected joints in human skeleton. For any given activity, only a few skeleton joints are involved in performing the activity, so a subset of joints contributing the most towards the activity is selected. Our approach of tracking a subset of skeleton joints (instead of tracking the whole skeleton) is computationally efficient and provides better recognition accuracy. We have developed both manual and automatic approaches for the selection of these joints. The position of the selected joints is tracked for the duration of the activity and is used to construct feature vectors for each activity. Once the feature vectors have been constructed, we use a Support Vector Machines (SVM) multiclass classifier for training and testing the algorithm. The algorithm has been tested on a purposely built dataset of depth videos recorded using Kinect camera. The dataset consists of 250 videos of 10 different activities being performed by different users. Experimental results show classification accuracy of 83% when tracking all skeleton joints, 95% when using manual selection of subset joints, and 89% when using automatic selection of subset joints

    Action recognition based on efficient deep feature learning in the spatio-temporal domain

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Hand-crafted feature functions are usually designed based on the domain knowledge of a presumably controlled environment and often fail to generalize, as the statistics of real-world data cannot always be modeled correctly. Data-driven feature learning methods, on the other hand, have emerged as an alternative that often generalize better in uncontrolled environments. We present a simple, yet robust, 2D convolutional neural network extended to a concatenated 3D network that learns to extract features from the spatio-temporal domain of raw video data. The resulting network model is used for content-based recognition of videos. Relying on a 2D convolutional neural network allows us to exploit a pretrained network as a descriptor that yielded the best results on the largest and challenging ILSVRC-2014 dataset. Experimental results on commonly used benchmarking video datasets demonstrate that our results are state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy and computational time without requiring any preprocessing (e.g., optic flow) or a priori knowledge on data capture (e.g., camera motion estimation), which makes it more general and flexible than other approaches. Our implementation is made available.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Survey on encode biometric data for transmission in wireless communication networks

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    The aim of this research survey is to review an enhanced model supported by artificial intelligence to encode biometric data for transmission in wireless communication networks can be tricky as performance decreases with increasing size due to interference, especially if channels and network topology are not selected carefully beforehand. Additionally, network dissociations may occur easily if crucial links fail as redundancy is neglected for signal transmission. Therefore, we present several algorithms and its implementation which addresses this problem by finding a network topology and channel assignment that minimizes interference and thus allows a deployment to increase its throughput performance by utilizing more bandwidth in the local spectrum by reducing coverage as well as connectivity issues in multiple AI-based techniques. Our evaluation survey shows an increase in throughput performance of up to multiple times or more compared to a baseline scenario where an optimization has not taken place and only one channel for the whole network is used with AI-based techniques. Furthermore, our solution also provides a robust signal transmission which tackles the issue of network partition for coverage and for single link failures by using airborne wireless network. The highest end-to-end connectivity stands at 10 Mbps data rate with a maximum propagation distance of several kilometers. The transmission in wireless network coverage depicted with several signal transmission data rate with 10 Mbps as it has lowest coverage issue with moderate range of propagation distance using enhanced model to encode biometric data for transmission in wireless communication

    A Survey on Human-aware Robot Navigation

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    Intelligent systems are increasingly part of our everyday lives and have been integrated seamlessly to the point where it is difficult to imagine a world without them. Physical manifestations of those systems on the other hand, in the form of embodied agents or robots, have so far been used only for specific applications and are often limited to functional roles (e.g. in the industry, entertainment and military fields). Given the current growth and innovation in the research communities concerned with the topics of robot navigation, human-robot-interaction and human activity recognition, it seems like this might soon change. Robots are increasingly easy to obtain and use and the acceptance of them in general is growing. However, the design of a socially compliant robot that can function as a companion needs to take various areas of research into account. This paper is concerned with the navigation aspect of a socially-compliant robot and provides a survey of existing solutions for the relevant areas of research as well as an outlook on possible future directions.Comment: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 202

    Activity Recognition for Natural Human Robot Interaction

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