454 research outputs found

    Statements Illustrating the Legislative Intent of These Laws

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    Based on statements in the legislative history, these laws were meant to provide: Overarching Benefits in the Current Economy Benefits to Families Benefits to Management Equality for Women Protection of the Environmen

    Applying project management concepts and tools to built environment research projects

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    This paper concerns the issue of Built Environment research students utilising a formal approach for designing and conducting research projects. The authors draw upon their experience of supervising and examining Built Environment research projects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels to critically reflect upon issues faced by researchers. Furthermore, student feedback has been obtained via semi formal interviews. Within the paper a case is presented for research students in built environment disciplines to adopt and use Project Management concepts and tools in order to exercise better management control of research projects and increase the possibility of bringing the research to a successful conclusion. The works of Phillips and Pugh (2005), Rudestam and Newton (2001) and Delamont et al (1997) support the authors’ observations and conclusions that research students would benefit from having a more formalised approach when conducting their research in order to better control and succeed in their research activities

    A SMASHing approach for developing staff and student digital capabilities within a community of practice

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    SMASH is a student-led partnership which considers how social media could be used to enhance learning and teaching. Mentored by their tutor, members of the team identified three key areas where social media may be utilised: within learning activities, as a means of organising learning and as a way of showcasing learning. The three strands of this framework have provided a focus to develop a range of resources and the foundation for a digital toolkit. This case study reflects upon not just the outputs developed thus far, but also on the experience, the learning gained and the sense of belonging and identify as a result of being part of this community of practice

    "A wealth of knowledge": A survey of the employment experiences of older nurses and midwives in the NHS

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    Background: The United Kingdom's National Health Service workforce is ageing, and the specific needs of this sector of its workforce need to be addressed. Nursing, and midwifery shortage is a worldwide issue, and with increasing demands for care the retention of older nurses and midwives is crucial. Objectives: To report on the employment experiences of nurses and midwives with it particular focus on issues relating to age, ethnicity, ill-health and disability. Design: The postal survey was developed following a literature review and analysis of National Health Service and Government policy documents. Settings: This was a UK-wide Survey of nurses and midwives working in National Health Service Trusts and Primary Care Trusts. Participants/methods: A postal Survey of nurses and midwives was undertaken between May and December 2005. National Health Service Trusts and Primary Care Trusts (n = 44) identified as having policies relevant to the Study were contacted regarding the procedure for seeking research governance approval. Thirteen National Health Service Trusts and Primary Care Trusts participated, with 2610 surveys distributed; 510 Surveys were returned (20% response rate). Results: Nurses and midwives aged 50 years and over had undertaken fewer Continuing Professional Development activities than nurses and midwives Under 50. Whilst not related to age, the study also found that 20% of the survey sample reported experiencing some form of discrimination. Nurses and midwives did not differ on either quality of life or psychological health using standard instruments. Having a disability did not lead to greater psychological morbidity but did have a negative effect on quality of life. Having a work-related illness had a negative impact on both quality of life and psychological morbidity. hi relation to ethnicity, black nurses and midwives reported lower psychological morbidity than other ethnic groups; that is, they enjoyed a higher level of mental well-being. Conclusion: The nursing and midwifery workforce is ageing worldwide with a significant proportion now approaching, or having already reached, potential retirement age. With the recent introduction of the age legislation the working lives of older nurses and midwives in the National Health Service have never been more relevant. Whilst access to Continuing Professional Development is pertinent to the retention of nurses and midwives of all ages, in this study, older nurses reported less access that younger nurses. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    The program Learning for Community Action in the Sector of for Life Learningwas for life enacted with the Decision of European Parliament and Council with fundamentalobjective to contribute in the growth of Community as a advanced society of knowledge, withsustainable economic growth, more and better places of work and bigger social cohesion,ensuring also the social and economic growth and the protection of environment for thefuture generations. More special objectives are the modernisation and the adaptation ofsystems of education and training of member states particularly in the line of strategicobjectives of Lisbon. The particular article aims to analyze the subjects of education and lifelong learning in E.U. in the context of knowledge and learning society.Life Long Learning, Education, Training, Knowledge, Socio-Economic Development.

    Spartan Daily, November 30, 2001

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    Volume 117, Issue 62https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9767/thumbnail.jp

    Improving the provision of financial services to micro-entrepreneurs, emerging farmers and agribusiness: Lessons from Kwazulu-Natal

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    Three development finance institutions (DFIs) which operate in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province were assessed in 1996/97 to see how they could improve financial viability and outreach to emerging farmers, agribusiness and micro-entrepreneurs. Improved service quality and emphasis on mobilising savings would help clients and enable the DFIs to diversify their portfolios. Better access to branches and lower loan approval times (improved screening and administrative procedures) could also lower client transaction costs. Charging a suitable interest rate spread is necessary but not sufficient for lenders to achieve subsidy independence. Reducing arrears through stricter loan contract enforcement (borrower accountability for loan repayment, lower collateral specific risks, secure and transferable collateral) will also promote financial viability. Providing both savings and loan services together would reduce borrower access costs, and allow savings to serve as a form of collateral and borrower information for lenders.Agricultural Finance,

    An integrated model platform for the economic assessment of agricultural policies in the European Union

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    A number of economic models have been applied to analyse the Common Agricultural Policy. The partial equilibrium models CAPRI, ESIM, AGLINK, AGMEMOD and CAPSIM and the general equilibrium models GLOBE and GTAP are currently integrated in a modelling platform for Agro-Economic Policy Analysis in the premises of the Joint Research Centre in Seville in close collaboration with Directorate- General for Agriculture and Rural Development. Each of the models included has a specific focus, enlarging the capacity for complex policy analysis within this platform. This can be done by comparing the results of different models or by linking them, where several methodological options are available. This paper gives some insights on current applications in the field of model integration for agricultural policy analysis.European Commission, Common Agricultural Policy, economic models, quantitative analysis, Agricultural and Food Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,
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