20,761 research outputs found

    An Efficient Wideband Spectrum Sensing Algorithm for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communication Networks

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    With increasingly smaller size, more powerful sensing capabilities and higher level of autonomy, multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can form UAV networks to collaboratively complete missions more reliably, efficiently and economically. While UAV networks are promising for many applications, there are many outstanding issues to be resolved before large scale UAV networks are practically used. In this paper we study the application of cognitive radio technology for UAV communication networks, to provide high capacity and reliable communication with opportunistic and timely spectrum access. Compressive sensing is applied in the cognitive radio to boost the performance of spectrum sensing. However, the performance of existing compressive spectrum sensing schemes is constrained with non-strictly sparse spectrum. In addition, the reconstruction process applied in existing schemes has unnecessarily high computational complexity and low energy efficiency. We proposed a new compressive signal processing algorithm, called Iterative Compressive Filtering, to improve the UAV network communication performance. The key idea is using orthogonal projection as a bandstop filter in compressive domain. The components of primary users (PUs) in the recognized subchannels are adaptively eliminated in compressive domain, which can directly update the measurement for further detection of other active users. Experiment results showed increased efficiency of the proposed algorithm over existing compressive spectrum sensing algorithms. The proposed algorithm achieved higher detection probability in identifying the occupied subchannels under the condition of non-strictly sparse spectrum with large computational complexity reduction, which can provide strong support of reliable and timely communication for UAV networks

    A Stochastic based Physical Layer Security in Cognitive Radio Networks: Cognitive Relay to Fusion Center

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) are found to be, without difficulty wide-open to external malicious threats. Secure communication is an important prerequisite for forthcoming fifth-generation (5G) systems, and CRs are not exempt. A framework for developing the accomplishable benefits of physical layer security (PLS) in an amplify-andforward cooperative spectrum sensing (AF-CSS) in a cognitive radio network (CRN) using a stochastic geometry is proposed. In the CRN the spectrum sensing data from secondary users (SU) are collected by a fusion center (FC) with the assistance of access points (AP) as cognitive relays, and when malicious eavesdropping SU are listening. In this paper we focus on the secure transmission of active APs relaying their spectrum sensing data to the FC. Closed expressions for the average secrecy rate are presented. Analytical formulations and results substantiate our analysis and demonstrate that multiple antennas at the APs is capable of improving the security of an AF-CSSCRN. The obtained numerical results also show that increasing the number of FCs, leads to an increase in the secrecy rate between the AP and its correlated FC

    A Multi-dimensional Real World Spectrum Occupancy Data Measurement and Analysis for Spectrum Inference in Cognitive Radio Network

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    Spectrum Inference in contrast to Spectrum Sensing is an active technique for dynamically inferring radio spectrum state in Cognitive Radio Networks. Efficient spectrum inference demands real world multi-dimensional spectral data with distinct features. Spectrum bands exhibit varying noise floors; an effective band wise noise thresholding guarantees an accurate occupancy data. In this work, we have done an extensive real world spectrum occupancy data measurement in frequency range 0.7 GHz to 3 GHz for tele density wise varying locations at Pune, Solapur and Kalaburagi with time diversity ranging from 2 to 7 days. We have applied maximum noise (Max Noise), m-dB and probability of false alarm (PFA) noise thresholding for spectrum occupancy calculations in all bands and across all locations. Overall occupancy across these locations is 37.89 %, 18.90 % and 13.69 % respectively. We have studied signal to noise ratio (SNR), channel vacancy length durations (CVLD) and service congestion rates (SCR) as characteristic features of measured multi-dimensional spectrum data. The results reveal strong time, spectral and spatial correlations of these features across all locations. These features can be used for a multi-dimensional spectrum inference in cognitive radio based on machine learning

    Spectrum Sensing Performance in Cognitive Radio Networks with Multiple Primary Users

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    Radio Spectrum sensing has been a topic of strong research in the last years due to its importance to Cognitive Radio (CR) systems. However, in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) with multiple Primary Users (PUs), the Secondary Users (SUs) can often detect PUs that are located outside the sensing range, due to the level of the aggregated interference caused by that PUs. This effect, known as Spatial False Alarm (SFA), degrades the performance of CRNs, because it decreases the SUs’ medium access probability. This work characterizes the SFA effect in a CRN, identifying possible actions to attenuate it. Adopting Energy-based sensing (EBS) in each SU, this work starts to characterize the interference caused by multiple PUs located outside a desired sensing region. The interference formulation is then used to write the probabilities of detection and false alarm, and closed form expressions are presented and validated through simulation. The first remark to be made is that the SFA can be neglected, depending on the path loss factor and the number of samples collected by the energy detector to decide the spectrum’s occupancy state. However, it is shown that by increasing the number of samples needed to increase the sensing accuracy, the SUs may degrade their throughput, namely if SUs are equipped with a single radio that is sequentially used for sensing and transmission. Assuming this scenario, this paper ends by providing a bound for the maximum throughput achieved in a CRN with multiple active PUs and for a given level of PUs’ detection inside the SUs’ sensing region. The results presented in the paper show the impact of path loss and EBS parameterization on SUs’ throughput and are particularly useful to guide the design and parametrization of multi-hop CRNs, including future ad hoc cognitive radio networks considering multiple PUs

    Non-convex distributed power allocation games in cognitive radio networks

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    In this thesis, we explore interweave communication systems in cognitive radio networks where the overall objective is to maximize the sum-rate of each cognitive radio user by optimizing jointly both the detection operation based on sensing and the power allocation across channels, taking into account the influence of the sensing accuracy and the interference limitation to the primary users. The optimization problem is addressed in single and multiuser cognitive radio networks for both single-input single-output and multi-input multi-output channels. Firstly, we study the resource allocation optimization problem for single-input single-output single user cognitive radio networks, wherein the cognitive radio aims at maximizing its own sum-rate by jointly optimizing the sensing information and power allocation over all the channels. In this framework, we consider an opportunistic spectrum access model under interweave systems, where a cognitive radio user detects active primary user transmissions over all the channels, and decides to transmit if the sensing results indicate that the primary user is inactive at this channel. However, due to the sensing errors, the cognitive users might access the channel when it is still occupied by active primary users, which causes harmful interference to both cognitive radio users and primary users. This motivates the introduction of a novel interference constraint, denoted as rate-loss gap constraint, which is proposed to design the power allocation, ensuring that the performance degradation of the primary user is bounded. The resulting problem is non-convex, thus, an exhaustive optimization algorithm and an alternating direction optimization algorithm are proposed to solve the problem efficiently. Secondly, the resource allocation problem for a single-input single-output multiuser cognitive radio network under a sensing-based spectrum sharing scheme is analyzed as a strategic non-cooperative game, where each cognitive radio user is selfish and strives to use the available spectrum in order to maximize its own sum-rate by considering the effect of imperfect sensing information. The resulting game-theoretical formulations belong to the class of non-convex games. A distributed cooperative sensing scheme based on a consensus algorithm is considered in the proposed game, where all the cognitive radio users can share their sensing information locally. We start with the alternating direction optimization algorithm, and prove that the local Nash equilibrium is achieved by the alternating direction optimization algorithm. In the next step, we use a new relaxed equilibrium concept, namely, quasi-Nash equilibrium for the non-convex game. The analysis of the sufficient conditions for the existence of the quasi-Nash equilibrium for the proposed game is provided. Furthermore, an iterative primal-dual interior point algorithm that converges to a quasi-Nash equilibrium of the proposed game is also proposed. From the simulation results, the proposed algorithm is shown to yield a considerable performance improvement in terms of the sum-rate of each cognitive radio user, with respect to previous state-of-the-art algorithms. Finally, we investigate a multiple-input multiple-output multiuser cognitive radio network under the opportunistic spectrum access scheme. We focus on the throughput of each cognitive radio user under correct sensing information, and exclude the throughput due to the erroneous decision of the cognitive radio users to transmit over occupied channels. The optimization problem is analyzed as a strategic non-cooperative game, where the transmit covariance matrix, sensing time, and detection threshold are considered as multidimensional variables to be optimized jointly. We also use the new relaxed equilibrium concept quasi-Nash equilibrium and prove that the proposed game can achieve a quasi-Nash equilibrium under certain conditions, by making use of the variational inequality method. In particular, we prove theoretically the sufficient condition of the existence and the uniqueness of the quasi-Nash equilibrium for this game. Furthermore, a possible extension of this work considering equal sensing time is also discussed. Simulation results show that the iterative primal-dual interior point algorithm is an efficient solution that converges to the quasi-Nash equilibrium of the proposed game

    Techniques for Efficient Spectrum Sensing in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Spectrum sensing is one of the most challenging and complex task in cognitive radio and it should be often performed by mobile devices with a limited battery life. So the development of efficient techniques for advanced spectrum sensing in heterogeneous, ad hoc environments, such as those in emergency situations, is of crucial importance. In this context spectrum sensing can be completed by the determination of the spatial coordinates of the devices in order to achieve the full potential of ad hoc networks management. In this work we present two techniques for improving the efficiency of mobile devices involved in spatial spectrum sensing: design of efficacious frequency synthesizers and hybrid localization for saving energy in the tracking process. Among the different frequency synthesis techniques, we focus on the phase-locked loop (PLL) approach and we consider the optimization of the loop filter for the PLL in the light of Wiener theory by taking into account the phase noise affecting the incoming carrier, the additive white Gaussian noise and the self-noise produced by the phase detector. Then we show an approach for improving the trade-off between energy consumption and performance in a localization tracking process, realized mixing active signal transmissions as well as passive signal reflections
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