9 research outputs found

    Mass uptake during oxidation of metallic alloys: literature data collection, analysis, and FAIR sharing

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    The area-normalized change of mass (Δ\Deltam/A) with time during the oxidation of metallic alloys is commonly used to assess oxidation resistance. Analyses of such data can also aid in evaluating underlying oxidation mechanisms. We performed an exhaustive literature search and digitized normalized mass change vs. time data for 407 alloys. To maximize the impact of these and future mass uptake data, we developed and published an open, online, computational workflow that fits the data to various models of oxidation kinetics, uses Bayesian statistics for model selection, and makes the raw data and model parameters available via a queryable database. The tool, Refractory Oxidation Database (https://nanohub.org/tools/refoxdb/), uses nanoHUB's Sim2Ls to make the workflow and data (including metadata) findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). We find that the models selected by the original authors do not match the most likely one according to the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) in 71% of the cases. Further, in 56% of the cases, the published model was not even in the top 3 models according to the BIC. These numbers were obtained assuming an experimental noise of 2.5% of the mass gain range, a smaller noise leads to more discrepancies. The RefOxDB tool is open access and researchers can add their own raw data (those to be included in future publications, as well as negative results) for analysis and to share their work with the community. Such consistent and systematic analysis of open, community generated data can significantly accelerate the development of machine-learning models for oxidation behavior and assist in the understanding and improvement of oxidation resistance

    Prediction of Atomization Energy Using Graph Kernel and Active Learning

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    Data-driven prediction of molecular properties presents unique challenges to the design of machine learning methods concerning data structure/dimensionality, symmetry adaption, and confidence management. In this paper, we present a kernel-based pipeline that can learn and predict the atomization energy of molecules with high accuracy. The framework employs Gaussian process regression to perform predictions based on the similarity between molecules, which is computed using the marginalized graph kernel. To apply the marginalized graph kernel, a spatial adjacency rule is first employed to convert molecules into graphs whose vertices and edges are labeled by elements and interatomic distances, respectively. We then derive formulas for the efficient evaluation of the kernel. Specific functional components for the marginalized graph kernel are proposed, while the effect of the associated hyperparameters on accuracy and predictive confidence are examined. We show that the graph kernel is particularly suitable for predicting extensive properties because its convolutional structure coincides with that of the covariance formula between sums of random variables. Using an active learning procedure, we demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve a mean absolute error of 0.62 +- 0.01 kcal/mol using as few as 2000 training samples on the QM7 data set

    Integrating Machine Learning and Multiscale Modeling: Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Biological, Biomedical, and Behavioral Sciences

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    Fueled by breakthrough technology developments, the biological, biomedical, and behavioral sciences are now collecting more data than ever before. There is a critical need for time- and cost-efficient strategies to analyze and interpret these data to advance human health. The recent rise of machine learning as a powerful technique to integrate multimodality, multifidelity data, and reveal correlations between intertwined phenomena presents a special opportunity in this regard. However, classical machine learning techniques often ignore the fundamental laws of physics and result in ill-posed problems or non-physical solutions. Multiscale modeling is a successful strategy to integrate multiscale, multiphysics data and uncover mechanisms that explain the emergence of function. However, multiscale modeling alone often fails to efficiently combine large data sets from different sources and different levels of resolution. We show how machine learning and multiscale modeling can complement each other to create robust predictive models that integrate the underlying physics to manage ill-posed problems and explore massive design spaces. We critically review the current literature, highlight applications and opportunities, address open questions, and discuss potential challenges and limitations in four overarching topical areas: ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, data-driven approaches, and theory-driven approaches. Towards these goals, we leverage expertise in applied mathematics, computer science, computational biology, biophysics, biomechanics, engineering mechanics, experimentation, and medicine. Our multidisciplinary perspective suggests that integrating machine learning and multiscale modeling can provide new insights into disease mechanisms, help identify new targets and treatment strategies, and inform decision making for the benefit of human health

    Learning the constitutive relation of polymeric flows with memory

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    We develop a learning strategy to infer the constitutive relation for the stress of polymeric flows with memory. We make no assumptions regarding the functional form of the constitutive relations, except that they should be expressible in differential form as a function of the local stress- and strain-rate tensors. In particular, we use a Gaussian Process regression to infer the constitutive relations from stress trajectories generated from small-scale (fixed strain-rate) microscopic polymer simulations. For simplicity, a Hookean dumbbell representation is used as a microscopic model, but the method itself can be generalized to incorporate more realistic descriptions. The learned constitutive relation is then used to perform macroscopic flow simulations, allowing us to update the stress distribution in the fluid in a manner that accounts for the microscopic polymer dynamics. The results using the learned constitutive relation are in excellent agreement with full Multi-Scale Simulations, which directly couple micro/macro degrees of freedom, as well as the exact analytical solution given by the Maxwell constitutive relation. We are able to fully capture the history dependence of the flow, as well as the elastic effects in the fluid. We expect the proposed learning/simulation approach to be used not only to study the dynamics of entangled polymer flows, but also for the complex dynamics of other Soft Matter systems, which possess a similar hierarchy of length- and time-scales.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure