6 research outputs found

    Active Learning for Dialogue Act Classification

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    Active learning techniques were employed for classification of dialogue acts over two dialogue corpora, the English human-human Switchboard corpus and the Spanish human-machine Dihana corpus. It is shown clearly that active learning improves on a baseline obtained through a passive learning approach to tagging the same data sets. An error reduction of 7% was obtained on Switchboard, while a factor 5 reduction in the amount of labeled data needed for classification was achieved on Dihana. The passive Support Vector Machine learner used as baseline in itself significantly improves the state of the art in dialogue act classification on both corpora. On Switchboard it gives a 31% error reduction compared to the previously best reported result

    Reinforcement adaptation of an attention-based neural natural language generator for spoken dialogue systems

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    Following some recent propositions to handle natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems with long short-term memory recurrent neural network models~\citep{Wen2016a} we first investigate a variant thereof with the objective of a better integration of the attention subnetwork. Then our next objective is to propose and evaluate a framework to adapt the NLG module online through direct interactions with the users. When doing so the basic way is to ask the user to utter an alternative sentence to express a particular dialogue act. But then the system has to decide between using an automatic transcription or to ask for a manual transcription. To do so a reinforcement learning approach based on an adversarial bandit scheme is retained. We show that by defining appropriately the rewards as a linear combination of expected payoffs and costs of acquiring the new data provided by the user, a system design can balance between improving the system's performance towards a better match with the user's preferences and the burden associated with it. Then the actual benefits of this system is assessed with a human evaluation, showing that the addition of more diverse utterances allows to produce sentences more satisfying for the user

    Knowledge Graph and Deep Learning-based Text-to-GQL Model for Intelligent Medical Consultation Chatbot

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    Text-to-GQL (Text2GQL) is a task that converts the user's questions into GQL (Graph Query Language) when a graph database is given. That is a task of semantic parsing that transforms natural language problems into logical expressions, which will bring more efficient direct communication between humans and machines. The existing related work mainly focuses on Text-to-SQL tasks, and there is no available semantic parsing method and data set for the graph database. In order to fill the gaps in this field to serve the medical Human–Robot Interactions (HRI) better, we propose this task and a pipeline solution for the Text2GQL task. This solution uses the Adapter pre-trained by “the linking of GQL schemas and the corresponding utterances" as an external knowledge introduction plug-in. By inserting the Adapter into the language model, the mapping between logical language and natural language can be introduced faster and more directly to better realize the end-to-end human–machine language translation task. In the study, the proposed Text2GQL task model is mainly constructed based on an improved pipeline composed of a Language Model, Pre-trained Adapter plug-in, and Pointer Network. This enables the model to copy objects' tokens from utterances, generate corresponding GQL statements for graph database retrieval, and builds an adjustment mechanism to improve the final output. And the experiments have proved that our proposed method has certain competitiveness on the counterpart datasets (Spider, ATIS, GeoQuery, and 39.net) converted from the Text2SQL task, and the proposed method is also practical in medical scenarios

    Classification automatique pour la compréhension de la parole (vers des systèmes semi-supervisés et auto-évolutifs)

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    La compréhension automatique de la parole est au confluent des deux grands domaines que sont la reconnaissance automatique de la parole et l'apprentissage automatique. Un des problèmes majeurs dans ce domaine est l'obtention d'un corpus de données conséquent afin d'obtenir des modèles statistiques performants. Les corpus de parole pour entraîner des modèles de compréhension nécessitent une intervention humaine importante, notamment dans les tâches de transcription et d'annotation sémantique. Leur coût de production est élevé et c'est la raison pour laquelle ils sont disponibles en quantité limitée.Cette thèse vise principalement à réduire ce besoin d'intervention humaine de deux façons : d'une part en réduisant la quantité de corpus annoté nécessaire à l'obtention d'un modèle grâce à des techniques d'apprentissage semi-supervisé (Self-Training, Co-Training et Active-Learning) ; et d'autre part en tirant parti des réponses de l'utilisateur du système pour améliorer le modèle de compréhension.Ce dernier point touche à un second problème rencontré par les systèmes de compréhension automatique de la parole et adressé par cette thèse : le besoin d'adapter régulièrement leurs modèles aux variations de comportement des utilisateurs ou aux modifications de l'offre de services du systèmeTwo wide research fields named Speech Recognition and Machine Learning meet with the Automatic Speech Language Understanding. One of the main problems in this domain is to obtain a sufficient corpus to train an efficient statistical model. Such speech corpora need a lot of human involvement to transcript and semantically annotate them. Their production cost is therefore quite high and they are difficultly available.This thesis mainly aims at reducing the need of human intervention in two ways: firstly, reducing the amount of corpus needed to build a model thanks to some semi-supervised learning methods (Self-Training, Co-Training and Active-Learning); And lastly, using the answers of the system end-user to improve the comprehension model.This last point addresses another problem related to automatic speech understanding systems: the need to adapt their models to the fluctuation of end-user habits or to the modification of the services list offered by the systemAVIGNON-Bib. numérique (840079901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Knowledge Graph and Deep Learning-based Text-to-GQL Model for Intelligent Medical Consultation Chatbot

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    Text-to-GQL (Text2GQL) is a task that converts the user's questions into GQL (Graph Query Language) when a graph database is given. That is a task of semantic parsing that transforms natural language problems into logical expressions, which will bring more efficient direct communication between humans and machines. The existing related work mainly focuses on Text-to-SQL tasks, and there is no available semantic parsing method and data set for the graph database. In order to fill the gaps in this field to serve the medical Human–Robot Interactions (HRI) better, we propose this task and a pipeline solution for the Text2GQL task. This solution uses the Adapter pre-trained by “the linking of GQL schemas and the corresponding utterances" as an external knowledge introduction plug-in. By inserting the Adapter into the language model, the mapping between logical language and natural language can be introduced faster and more directly to better realize the end-to-end human–machine language translation task. In the study, the proposed Text2GQL task model is mainly constructed based on an improved pipeline composed of a Language Model, Pre-trained Adapter plug-in, and Pointer Network. This enables the model to copy objects' tokens from utterances, generate corresponding GQL statements for graph database retrieval, and builds an adjustment mechanism to improve the final output. And the experiments have proved that our proposed method has certain competitiveness on the counterpart datasets (Spider, ATIS, GeoQuery, and 39.net) converted from the Text2SQL task, and the proposed method is also practical in medical scenarios