10 research outputs found

    High available and fault tolerant mobile communications infrastructure

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    Model-Based Testing of Smart Home Systems Using EFSM, CEFSM, and FSMApp

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    Smart Home Systems (SHS) are some of the most popular Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In 2021, there were 52.22 million smart homes in the United States and they are expected to grow to 77.1 million in 2025 [71]. According to MediaPost [74], 69 percent of American households have at least one smart home device. The number of smart home systems poses a challenge for software testers to find the right approach to test these systems. This dissertation employs Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) [6, 24, 105], Communicating Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) [68] and FSMApp [10] to generate reusable test-ready models of smart home systems. We present an approach to create reusable test-ready models of smart home systems using EFSMs to model device components (Sensor, Controller and Actuator), EFSMs to model single devices in the SHS and the interaction between the devices. We adopted Al Haddad’s [10] FSMApp approach to model and test the mobile application that controls the SHS. These reusable test-ready models were used to generate tests. This dissertation also addresses evolution in smart home systems. Evolution is classified into three categories: adding a new device, updating an excising device or removing one. A method for selective black-box model-based regression testing for these changes was proposed

    Validation and Verification of Safety-Critical Systems in Avionics

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    This research addresses the issues of safety-critical systems verification and validation. Safety-critical systems such as avionics systems are complex embedded systems. They are composed of several hardware and software components whose integration requires verification and testing in compliance with the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics standards and their supplements (RTCA DO-178C). Avionics software requires certification before its deployment into an aircraft system, and testing is mandatory for certification. Until now, the avionics industry has relied on expensive manual testing. The industry is searching for better (quicker and less costly) solutions. This research investigates formal verification and automatic test case generation approaches to enhance the quality of avionics software systems, ensure their conformity to the standard, and to provide artifacts that support their certification. The contributions of this thesis are in model-based automatic test case generations approaches that satisfy MC/DC criterion, and bidirectional requirement traceability between low-level requirements (LLRs) and test cases. In the first contribution, we integrate model-based verification of properties and automatic test case generation in a single framework. The system is modeled as an extended finite state machine model (EFSM) that supports both the verification of properties and automatic test case generation. The EFSM models the control and dataflow aspects of the system. For verification, we model the system and some properties and ensure that properties are correctly propagated to the implementation via mandatory testing. For testing, we extended an existing test case generation approach with MC/DC criterion to satisfy RTCA DO-178C requirements. Both local test cases for each component and global test cases for their integration are generated. The second contribution is a model checking-based approach for automatic test case generation. In the third contribution, we developed an EFSM-based approach that uses constraints solving to handle test case feasibility and addresses bidirectional requirements traceability between LLRs and test cases. Traceability elements are determined at a low-level of granularity, and then identified, linked to their source artifact, created, stored, and retrieved for several purposes. Requirements’ traceability has been extensively studied but not at the proposed low-level of granularity

    Situation Coverage Testing for a Simulated Autonomous Car -- an Initial Case Study

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    It is hard to test autonomous robot (AR) software because of the range and diversity of external situations (terrain, obstacles, humans, peer robots) that AR must deal with. Common measures of testing adequacy may not address this diversity. Explicit situation coverage has been proposed as a solution, but there has been little empirical study of its effectiveness. In this paper, we describe an implementation of situation coverage for testing a simple simulated autonomous road vehicle, and evaluate its ability to find seeded faults compared to a random test generation approach. In our experiments, the performance of the two methods is similar, with situation coverage having a very slight advantage. We conclude that situation coverage probably does not have a significant benefit over random generation for the type of simple, research-grade AR software used here. It will likely be valuable when applied to more complex and mature software

    A generic framework for process execution and secure multi-party transaction authorization

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    Process execution engines are not only an integral part of workflow and business process management systems but are increasingly used to build process-driven applications. In other words, they are potentially used in all kinds of software across all application domains. However, contemporary process engines and workflow systems are unsuitable for use in such diverse application scenarios for several reasons. The main shortcomings can be observed in the areas of interoperability, versatility, and programmability. Therefore, this thesis makes a step away from domain specific, monolithic workflow engines towards generic and versatile process runtime frameworks, which enable integration of process technology into all kinds of software. To achieve this, the idea and corresponding architecture of a generic and embeddable process virtual machine (ePVM), which supports defining process flows along the theoretical foundation of communicating extended finite state machines, are presented. The architecture focuses on the core process functionality such as control flow and state management, monitoring, persistence, and communication, while using JavaScript as a process definition language. This approach leads to a very generic yet easily programmable process framework. A fully functional prototype implementation of the proposed framework is provided along with multiple example applications. Despite the fact that business processes are increasingly automated and controlled by information systems, humans are still involved, directly or indirectly, in many of them. Thus, for process flows involving sensitive transactions, a highly secure authorization scheme supporting asynchronous multi-party transaction authorization must be available within process management systems. Therefore, along with the ePVM framework, this thesis presents a novel approach for secure remote multi-party transaction authentication - the zone trusted information channel (ZTIC). The ZTIC approach uniquely combines multiple desirable properties such as the highest level of security, ease-of-use, mobility, remote administration, and smooth integration with existing infrastructures into one device and method. Extensively evaluating both, the ePVM framework and the ZTIC, this thesis shows that ePVM in combination with the ZTIC approach represents a unique and very powerful framework for building workflow systems and process-driven applications including support for secure multi-party transaction authorization

    An Ontology-Based Approach To Concern-Specific Dynamic Software Structure Monitoring

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    Software reliability has not kept pace with computing hardware. Despite the use reliability improvement techniques and methods, faults remain that lead to software errors and failures. Runtime monitoring can improve software reliability by detecting certain errors before failures occur. Monitoring is also useful for online and electronic services, where resource management directly impacts reliability and quality. For example, resource ownership errors can accumulate over time (e. g. , as resource leaks) and result in software aging. Early detection of errors allows more time for corrective action before failures or service outages occur. In addition, the ability to monitor individual software concerns, such as application resource ownership structure, can help support autonomic computing for self-healing, self-adapting and self-optimizing software. This thesis introduces ResOwn - an application resource ownership ontology for interactive session-oriented services. ResOwn provides software monitoring with enriched concepts of application resource ownership borrowed from real-world legal and ownership ontologies. ResOwn is formally defined in OWL-DL (Web Ontology Language Description Logic), verified using an off-the-shelf reasoner, and tested using the call processing software for a small private branch exchange (PBX). The ResOwn Prime Directive states that every object in an operational software system is a resource, an owner, or both simultaneously. Resources produce benefits. Beneficiary owners may receive resource benefits. Nonbeneficiary owners may only manage resources. This approach distinguishes resource ownership use from management and supports the ability to detect when a resource's role-based runtime capacity has been exceeded. This thesis also presents a greybox approach to concern-specific, dynamic software structure monitoring including a monitor architecture, greybox interpreter, and algorithms for deriving monitoring model from a monitored target's formal specifications. The target's requirements and design are assumed to be specified in SDL, a formalism based on communicating extended finite state machines. Greybox abstraction, applicable to both behavior and structure, provides direction on what parts, and how much of the target to instrument, and what types of resource errors to detect. The approach was manually evaluated using a number of resource allocation and ownership scenarios. These scenarios were obtained by collecting actual call traces from an instrumented PBX. The results of an analytical evaluation of ResOwn and the monitoring approach are presented in a discussion of key advantages and known limitations. Conclusions and recommended future work are discussed at the end of the thesis

    Fail-Safe Test Generation of Safety Critical Systems

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    This dissertation introduces a technique for testing proper failure mitigation in safety critical systems. Unlike other approaches which integrate behavioral and failure models, and then generate tests from the integrated model, we build safety mitigation tests from an existing behavioral test suite, using an explicit mitigation model for which we generate mitigation paths which are then woven at selected failure points into the original test suite to create failure-mitigation tests (safety mitigation test)

    Fail-Safe Testing of Safety-Critical Systems

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    This dissertation proposes an approach for testing of safety-critical systems. It is based on a behavioral and a fault model. The two models are analyzed for compatibility and necessary changes are identified to make them compatible. Then transformation rules are used to transform the fault model into the same model type as the behavioral model. Integration rules define how to combine them. This approach results in an integrated model which then can be used to generate tests using a variety of testing criteria. The dissertation illustrates this general framework using a CEFSM for the behavioral model and a Fault Tree for the fault model. We apply the technique to a variety of applications such as a Gas burner, an Aerospace Launch System, and a Railroad Crossing Control System. We also investigate the scalability of the approach and compare its efficiency with integrating a state chart and a fault tree. Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes (CADP) has been used as a supporting tool for this approach to generate test cases from the integrated model and to analyze the integrated model for some properties such as deadlock and livelock

    Policy-Driven Framework for Static Identification and Verification of Component Dependencies

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    Software maintenance is considered to be among the most difficult, lengthy and costly parts of a software application's life-cycle. Regardless of the nature of the software application and the software engineering efforts to reduce component coupling to minimum, dependencies between software components in applications will always exist and initiate software maintenance operations as they tend to threaten the "health" of the software system during the evolution of particular components. The situation is more serious with modern technologies and development paradigms, such as Service Oriented Architecture Systems and Cloud Computing that introduce larger software systems that consist of a substantial number of components which demonstrate numerous types of dependencies with each other. This work proposes a reference architecture and a corresponding software framework that can be used to model the dependencies between components in software systems and can support the verification of a set of policies that are derived from system dependencies and are relative to the software maintenance operations being applied. Dependency modelling is performed using configuration information from the system, as well as information harvested from component interface descriptions. The proposed approach has been applied to a medium scale SOA system, namely the SCA Travel Sample from Apache Software Foundation, and has been evaluated for performance in a configuration specification related to a simulated SOA system consisting to up to a thousand web services offered in a few hundred components

    Active World Model for Testing Autonomous Systems Using CEFSM

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    Abstract-This paper describes a model-based test generation approach for testing autonomous systems interacting with their environment (i.e., world). Unlike other approaches that assume a static world with attributes and values, we present and test a dynamic world. We use Communicating Extended Finite State Machine (CEFSM) to illustrate an active world model that describes behaviors of environmental factors (i.e., actors). Abstract World Behavioral Test Cases (AWBTCs) are then generated by covering the active world model using graph coverage criteria. We also generate test-data by input-space partitioning to transform the generated AWBTCs into executable test cases. We apply the World Model-based Test Generation (WMBTG) technique to a case study from the Human-Robot Interaction domain (HRI) specifically a tour-guide robot. Reachability of the active world model and efficiency of coverage criteria are also discussed