28,522 research outputs found

    Deep Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition

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    Deep learning has yielded state-of-the-art performance on many natural language processing tasks including named entity recognition (NER). However, this typically requires large amounts of labeled data. In this work, we demonstrate that the amount of labeled training data can be drastically reduced when deep learning is combined with active learning. While active learning is sample-efficient, it can be computationally expensive since it requires iterative retraining. To speed this up, we introduce a lightweight architecture for NER, viz., the CNN-CNN-LSTM model consisting of convolutional character and word encoders and a long short term memory (LSTM) tag decoder. The model achieves nearly state-of-the-art performance on standard datasets for the task while being computationally much more efficient than best performing models. We carry out incremental active learning, during the training process, and are able to nearly match state-of-the-art performance with just 25\% of the original training data

    Effective Feature Representation for Clinical Text Concept Extraction

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    Crucial information about the practice of healthcare is recorded only in free-form text, which creates an enormous opportunity for high-impact NLP. However, annotated healthcare datasets tend to be small and expensive to obtain, which raises the question of how to make maximally efficient uses of the available data. To this end, we develop an LSTM-CRF model for combining unsupervised word representations and hand-built feature representations derived from publicly available healthcare ontologies. We show that this combined model yields superior performance on five datasets of diverse kinds of healthcare text (clinical, social, scientific, commercial). Each involves the labeling of complex, multi-word spans that pick out different healthcare concepts. We also introduce a new labeled dataset for identifying the treatment relations between drugs and diseases

    Identifying used methods and datasets in scientific publications

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    Although it has become common to assess publications and researchers by means of their citation count (e.g., using the h-index), measuring the impact of scientific methods and datasets (e.g., using an h-index for datasets) has been performed only to a limited extent. This is not surprising because the usage information of methods and datasets is typically not explicitly provided by the authors, but hidden in a publication’s text. In this paper, we propose an approach to identifying methods and datasets in texts that have actually been used by the authors. Our approach first recognizes datasets and methods in the text by means of a domain-specific named entity recognition method with minimal human interaction. It then classifies these mentions into used vs. non-used based on the textual contexts. The obtained labels are aggregated on the document level and integrated into the Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph modeling publications’ metadata. In experiments based on the Microsoft Academic Graph, we show that both method and dataset mentions can be identified and correctly classified with respect to their usage to a high degree. Overall, our approach facilitates method and dataset recommendation, enhanced paper recommendation, and scientific impact quantification. It can be extended in such a way that it can identify mentions of any entity type (e.g., task)

    Polyphonic Sound Event Detection by using Capsule Neural Networks

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    Artificial sound event detection (SED) has the aim to mimic the human ability to perceive and understand what is happening in the surroundings. Nowadays, Deep Learning offers valuable techniques for this goal such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The Capsule Neural Network (CapsNet) architecture has been recently introduced in the image processing field with the intent to overcome some of the known limitations of CNNs, specifically regarding the scarce robustness to affine transformations (i.e., perspective, size, orientation) and the detection of overlapped images. This motivated the authors to employ CapsNets to deal with the polyphonic-SED task, in which multiple sound events occur simultaneously. Specifically, we propose to exploit the capsule units to represent a set of distinctive properties for each individual sound event. Capsule units are connected through a so-called "dynamic routing" that encourages learning part-whole relationships and improves the detection performance in a polyphonic context. This paper reports extensive evaluations carried out on three publicly available datasets, showing how the CapsNet-based algorithm not only outperforms standard CNNs but also allows to achieve the best results with respect to the state of the art algorithms

    A combining approach to find all taxon names (FAT)

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    Most of the literature on natural history is hidden in millions of pages stacked up in our libraries. Various initiatives aim now at making these publications digitally accessible and searchable, applying xml-mark up technologies. The unique biological names play a crucial role to link content related to a particular taxon. Thus discovering and marking them up is extremely important. Since their manual extraction and markup is cumbersome and time-intensive, it needs be automated. In this paper, we present computational linguistics techniques and evaluate how they can help to extract taxonomic names auto-matically. We build on an existing approach for extraction of such names (Koning et al. 2005) and combine it with several other learning techniques. We apply them to the texts sequentially so that each technique can use the results from the preceding ones. In particular, we use structural rules, dynamic lexica with fuzzy lookups, and word-level language recognition. We use legacy documents from different sources and times as test bed for our evaluation. The experimental results for our combining approach (FAT) show greater than 99% precision and recall. They reveal the potential of computational linguis-tics techniques towards an automated markup of biosystematics publications

    Cross-Domain information extraction from scientific articles for research knowledge graphs

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    Today’s scholarly communication is a document-centred process and as such, rather inefficient. Fundamental contents of research papers are not accessible by computers since they are only present in unstructured PDF files. Therefore, current research infrastructures are not able to assist scientists appropriately in their core research tasks. This thesis addresses this issue and proposes methods to automatically extract relevant information from scientific articles for Research Knowledge Graphs (RKGs) that represent scholarly knowledge structured and interlinked. First, this thesis conducts a requirements analysis for an Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG). We present literature-related use cases of researchers that should be supported by an ORKG-based system and their specific requirements for the underlying ontology and instance data. Based on this analysis, the identified use cases are categorised into two groups: The first group of use cases needs manual or semi-automatic approaches for knowledge graph (KG) construction since they require high correctness of the instance data. The second group requires high completeness and can tolerate noisy instance data. Thus, this group needs automatic approaches for KG population. This thesis focuses on the second group of use cases and provides contributions for machine learning tasks that aim to support them. To assess the relevance of a research paper, scientists usually skim through titles, abstracts, introductions, and conclusions. An organised presentation of the articles' essential information would make this process more time-efficient. The task of sequential sentence classification addresses this issue by classifying sentences in an article in categories like research problem, used methods, or obtained results. To address this problem, we propose a novel unified cross-domain multi-task deep learning approach that makes use of datasets from different scientific domains (e.g. biomedicine and computer graphics) and varying structures (e.g. datasets covering either only abstracts or full papers). Our approach outperforms the state of the art on full paper datasets significantly while being competitive for datasets consisting of abstracts. Moreover, our approach enables the categorisation of sentences in a domain-independent manner. Furthermore, we present the novel task of domain-independent information extraction to extract scientific concepts from research papers in a domain-independent manner. This task aims to support the use cases find related work and get recommended articles. For this purpose, we introduce a set of generic scientific concepts that are relevant over ten domains in Science, Technology, and Medicine (STM) and release an annotated dataset of 110 abstracts from these domains. Since the annotation of scientific text is costly, we suggest an active learning strategy based on a state-of-the-art deep learning approach. The proposed method enables us to nearly halve the amount of required training data. Then, we extend this domain-independent information extraction approach with the task of \textit{coreference resolution}. Coreference resolution aims to identify mentions that refer to the same concept or entity. Baseline results on our corpus with current state-of-the-art approaches for coreference resolution showed that current approaches perform poorly on scientific text. Therefore, we propose a sequential transfer learning approach that exploits annotated datasets from non-academic domains. Our experimental results demonstrate that our approach noticeably outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines. Additionally, we investigate the impact of coreference resolution on KG population. We demonstrate that coreference resolution has a small impact on the number of resulting concepts in the KG, but improved its quality significantly. Consequently, using our domain-independent information extraction approach, we populate an RKG from 55,485 abstracts of the ten investigated STM domains. We show that every domain mainly uses its own terminology and that the populated RKG contains useful concepts. Moreover, we propose a novel approach for the task of \textit{citation recommendation}. This task can help researchers improve the quality of their work by finding or recommending relevant related work. Our approach exploits RKGs that interlink research papers based on mentioned scientific concepts. Using our automatically populated RKG, we demonstrate that the combination of information from RKGs with existing state-of-the-art approaches is beneficial. Finally, we conclude the thesis and sketch possible directions of future work.Die Kommunikation von Forschungsergebnissen erfolgt heutzutage in Form von Dokumenten und ist aus verschiedenen GrĂŒnden ineffizient. Wesentliche Inhalte von Forschungsarbeiten sind fĂŒr Computer nicht zugĂ€nglich, da sie in unstrukturierten PDF-Dateien verborgen sind. Daher können derzeitige Forschungsinfrastrukturen Forschende bei ihren Kernaufgaben nicht angemessen unterstĂŒtzen. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dieser Problemstellung und untersucht Methoden zur automatischen Extraktion von relevanten Informationen aus Forschungspapieren fĂŒr Forschungswissensgraphen (Research Knowledge Graphs). Solche Graphen sollen wissenschaftliches Wissen maschinenlesbar strukturieren und verknĂŒpfen. ZunĂ€chst wird eine Anforderungsanalyse fĂŒr einen Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) durchgefĂŒhrt. Wir stellen literaturbezogene AnwendungsfĂ€lle von Forschenden vor, die durch ein ORKG-basiertes System unterstĂŒtzt werden sollten, und deren spezifische Anforderungen an die zugrundeliegende Ontologie und die Instanzdaten. Darauf aufbauend werden die identifizierten AnwendungsfĂ€lle in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: Die erste Gruppe von AnwendungsfĂ€llen benötigt manuelle oder halbautomatische AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die Konstruktion eines ORKG, da sie eine hohe Korrektheit der Instanzdaten erfordern. Die zweite Gruppe benötigt eine hohe VollstĂ€ndigkeit der Instanzdaten und kann fehlerhafte Daten tolerieren. Daher erfordert diese Gruppe automatische AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die Konstruktion des ORKG. Diese Arbeit fokussiert sich auf die zweite Gruppe von AnwendungsfĂ€llen und schlĂ€gt Methoden fĂŒr maschinelle Aufgabenstellungen vor, die diese AnwendungsfĂ€lle unterstĂŒtzen können. Um die Relevanz eines Forschungsartikels effizient beurteilen zu können, schauen sich Forschende in der Regel die Titel, Zusammenfassungen, Einleitungen und Schlussfolgerungen an. Durch eine strukturierte Darstellung von wesentlichen Informationen des Artikels könnte dieser Prozess zeitsparender gestaltet werden. Die Aufgabenstellung der sequenziellen Satzklassifikation befasst sich mit diesem Problem, indem SĂ€tze eines Artikels in Kategorien wie Forschungsproblem, verwendete Methoden oder erzielte Ergebnisse automatisch klassifiziert werden. In dieser Arbeit wird fĂŒr diese Aufgabenstellung ein neuer vereinheitlichter Multi-Task Deep-Learning-Ansatz vorgeschlagen, der DatensĂ€tze aus verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen (z. B. Biomedizin und Computergrafik) mit unterschiedlichen Strukturen (z. B. DatensĂ€tze bestehend aus Zusammenfassungen oder vollstĂ€ndigen Artikeln) nutzt. Unser Ansatz ĂŒbertrifft State-of-the-Art-Verfahren der Literatur auf Benchmark-DatensĂ€tzen bestehend aus vollstĂ€ndigen Forschungsartikeln. Außerdem ermöglicht unser Ansatz die Klassifizierung von SĂ€tzen auf eine domĂ€nenunabhĂ€ngige Weise. DarĂŒber hinaus stellen wir die neue Aufgabenstellung domĂ€nenĂŒbergreifende Informationsextraktion vor. Hierbei werden, unabhĂ€ngig vom behandelten wissenschaftlichen Fachgebiet, inhaltliche Konzepte aus Forschungspapieren extrahiert. Damit sollen die AnwendungsfĂ€lle Finden von verwandten Arbeiten und Empfehlung von Artikeln unterstĂŒtzt werden. Zu diesem Zweck fĂŒhren wir eine Reihe von generischen wissenschaftlichen Konzepten ein, die in zehn Bereichen der Wissenschaft, Technologie und Medizin (STM) relevant sind, und veröffentlichen einen annotierten Datensatz von 110 Zusammenfassungen aus diesen Bereichen. Da die Annotation wissenschaftlicher Texte aufwĂ€ndig ist, kombinieren wir ein Active-Learning-Verfahren mit einem aktuellen Deep-Learning-Ansatz, um die notwendigen Trainingsdaten zu reduzieren. Die vorgeschlagene Methode ermöglicht es uns, die Menge der erforderlichen Trainingsdaten nahezu zu halbieren. Anschließend erweitern wir unseren domĂ€nenunabhĂ€ngigen Ansatz zur Informationsextraktion um die Aufgabe der Koreferenzauflösung. Die Auflösung von Koreferenzen zielt darauf ab, ErwĂ€hnungen zu identifizieren, die sich auf dasselbe Konzept oder dieselbe EntitĂ€t beziehen. Experimentelle Ergebnisse auf unserem Korpus mit aktuellen AnsĂ€tzen zur Koreferenzauflösung haben gezeigt, dass diese bei wissenschaftlichen Texten unzureichend abschneiden. Daher schlagen wir eine Transfer-Learning-Methode vor, die annotierte DatensĂ€tze aus nicht-akademischen Bereichen nutzt. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unser Ansatz deutlich besser abschneidet als die bisherigen AnsĂ€tze. DarĂŒber hinaus untersuchen wir den Einfluss der Koreferenzauflösung auf die Erstellung von Wissensgraphen. Wir zeigen, dass diese einen geringen Einfluss auf die Anzahl der resultierenden Konzepte in dem Wissensgraphen hat, aber die QualitĂ€t des Wissensgraphen deutlich verbessert. Mithilfe unseres domĂ€nenunabhĂ€ngigen Ansatzes zur Informationsextraktion haben wir aus 55.485 Zusammenfassungen der zehn untersuchten STM-DomĂ€nen einen Forschungswissensgraphen erstellt. Unsere Analyse zeigt, dass jede DomĂ€ne hauptsĂ€chlich ihre eigene Terminologie verwendet und dass der erstellte Wissensgraph nĂŒtzliche Konzepte enthĂ€lt. Schließlich schlagen wir einen Ansatz fĂŒr die Empfehlung von passenden Referenzen vor. Damit können Forschende einfacher relevante verwandte Arbeiten finden oder passende Empfehlungen erhalten. Unser Ansatz nutzt Forschungswissensgraphen, die Forschungsarbeiten mit in ihnen erwĂ€hnten wissenschaftlichen Konzepten verknĂŒpfen. Wir zeigen, dass aktuelle Verfahren zur Empfehlung von Referenzen von zusĂ€tzlichen Informationen aus einem automatisch erstellten Wissensgraphen profitieren. Zum Schluss wird ein Fazit gezogen und ein Ausblick fĂŒr mögliche zukĂŒnftige Arbeiten gegeben

    Transfer learning: bridging the gap between deep learning and domain-specific text mining

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    Inspired by the success of deep learning techniques in Natural Language Processing (NLP), this dissertation tackles the domain-specific text mining problems for which the generic deep learning approaches would fail. More specifically, the domain-specific problems are: (1) success prediction in crowdfunding, (2) variants identification in biomedical literature, and (3) text data augmentation for domains with low-resources. In the first part, transfer learning in a multimodal perspective is utilized to facilitate solving the project success prediction on the crowdfunding application. Even though the information in a project profile can be of different modalities such as text, images, and metadata, most existing prediction approaches leverage only the text modality. It is promising to utilize the visual images in project profiles to find out how images could contribute to the success prediction. An advanced neural network scheme is designed and evaluated combining information learned from different modalities for project success prediction. In the second part, transfer learning is combined with deep learning techniques to solve genomic variants Named Entity Recognition (NER) problems in biomedical literature. Most of the advanced generic NER algorithms can fail due to the restricted training corpus. However, those generic deep learning algorithms are capable of learning from a canonical corpus, without any effort on feature engineering. This work aims to build an end-to-end deep learning approach to transfer the domain-specific knowledge to those advanced generic NER algorithms, addressing the challenges in low-resource training and requiring neither hand-crafted features nor post-processing rules. For the last part, transfer learning with knowledge distillation and active learning are utilized to solve text augmentation for domains with low-resources. Most of the recent text augmentation methods heavily rely on large external resources. This work is dedicates to solving the text augmentation problem adaptively and consistently with minimal resources for token-level tasks like NER. The solution can also assure the reliability of machine labels for noisy data and can enhance training consistency with noisy labels. All the works are evaluated on different domain-specific benchmarks, respectively. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of those proposed methods. The advantages also indicate promising potential for transfer learning in domain-specific applications
