17 research outputs found

    On-Disk Data Processing: Issues and Future Directions

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    In this paper, we present a survey of "on-disk" data processing (ODDP). ODDP, which is a form of near-data processing, refers to the computing arrangement where the secondary storage drives have the data processing capability. Proposed ODDP schemes vary widely in terms of the data processing capability, target applications, architecture and the kind of storage drive employed. Some ODDP schemes provide only a specific but heavily used operation like sort whereas some provide a full range of operations. Recently, with the advent of Solid State Drives, powerful and extensive ODDP solutions have been proposed. In this paper, we present a thorough review of architectures developed for different on-disk processing approaches along with current and future challenges and also identify the future directions which ODDP can take.Comment: 24 pages, 17 Figures, 3 Table

    The Mercury System: Exploiting Truly Fast Hardware in Data Mining

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    In many data mining applications, the size of the database is not only extremely large, it is also growing rapidly. Even for relatively simple searches, the time required to move the data off magnetic media, cross the system bus into main memory, copy into processor cache, and then execute code to perform a search is prohibitive. We are building a system in which a significant portion of the data mining task (i.e., the portion that examines the bulk of the raw data) is implemented in fast hardware, close to the magnetic media on which it is stored. Furthermore, this hardware can be replicated allowing mining tasks to be performed in parallel, thus providing further speedup for the overall mining application. In this paper, we describe a general framework under which this can be accomplished and provide initial performance results for a set of applications

    Virtual reality assessment for obsessive compulsive disorder: a review

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    The use of advance computer-based technology is becoming necessary to address the growing complexity of human problems and enhance effective communication. The recent pandemic COVID-19 not only induces many morbidities and mortalities but also intensifies mental health problem worldwide. Due to the increasing benefits of virtual reality (VR) in addressing medical condition, it is believed that VR can be used as a diagnostic tool to assess numerous medical conditions and psychiatric disorders. To date, there is still scarce evidence of VR as a diagnostic tool to assess obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). In this study, we had conducted a systematic review to investigate the use of VR as a diagnostic tool for OCD and assess its benefits and weaknesses in comparison to computer-assisted tools. Comprehensive searches of electronic databases including PubMed and Google Scholar were undertaken to discover peer review evidence of computer-based simulation tasks in detecting OCD symptoms. Twelve out of 9325 papers were screened and reviewed. Five articles reported on computerised tools and seven articles described VR tools. In comparison to computer-based tasks, VR is a promising assessment tool due to specific virtual environments and high resolutions which are able to induce anxiety symptoms. Despite numerous shortcomings, assessment can be utilised in computerised form to detect and generate a variety of psychiatry diagnoses among the general population. Although computerised assessment task and VR show promising results, the finding are uneven due to study design differences, wide variability content task use, small sample size, several methodological issue with the computerised tasks and lack of appropriate control groups. In conclusion, the choice to use computerisation or VR for OCD assessment will depend on aim, content, technical equipment and budget. More in-depth studies of these issues are required

    Scalable, Data- intensive Network Computation

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    To enable groups of collaborating researchers at different locations to effectively share large datasets and investigate their spontaneous hypotheses on the fly, we are interested in de- veloping a distributed system that can be easily leveraged by a variety of data intensive applications. The system is composed of (i) a number of best effort logistical depots to en- able large-scale data sharing and in-network data processing, (ii) a set of end-to-end tools to effectively aggregate, manage and schedule a large number of network computations with attendant data movements, and (iii) a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) on top of the generic depot services for scalable data management. The logistical depot is extended by following the end-to-end principles and is modeled with a closed queuing network model. Its performance characteristics are studied by solving the steady state distributions of the model using local balance equations. The modeling results confirm that the wide area network is the performance bottleneck and running concurrent jobs can increase resource utilization and system throughput. As a novel contribution, techniques to effectively support resource demanding data- intensive applications using the ¯ne-grained depot services are developed. These techniques include instruction level scheduling of operations, dynamic co-scheduling of computation and replication, and adaptive workload control. Experiments in volume visualization have proved the effectiveness of these techniques. Due to the unique characteristic of data- intensive applications and our co-scheduling algorithm, a DHT is implemented on top of the basic storage and computation services. It demonstrates the potential of the Logistical Networking infrastructure to serve as a service creation platform

    Efficient I/O for Computational Grid Applications

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    High-performance computing increasingly occurs on computational grids composed of heterogeneous and geographically distributed systems of computers, networks, and storage devices that collectively act as a single virtual computer. A key challenge in this environment is to provide efficient access to data distributed across remote data servers. This dissertation explores some of the issues associated with I/O for wide-area distributed computing and describes an I/O system, called Armada, with the following features: a framework to allow application and dataset providers to flexibly compose graphs of processing modules that describe the distribution, application interfaces, and processing required of the dataset before or after computation; an algorithm to restructure application graphs to increase parallelism and to improve network performance in a wide-area network; and a hierarchical graph-partitioning scheme that deploys components of the application graph in a way that is both beneficial to the application and sensitive to the administrative policies of the different administrative domains. Experiments show that applications using Armada perform well in both low- and high-bandwidth environments, and that our approach does an exceptional job of hiding the network latency inherent in grid computing

    A shared-disk parallel cluster file system

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Informática Pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaToday, clusters are the de facto cost effective platform both for high performance computing (HPC) as well as IT environments. HPC and IT are quite different environments and differences include, among others, their choices on file systems and storage: HPC favours parallel file systems geared towards maximum I/O bandwidth, but which are not fully POSIX-compliant and were devised to run on top of (fault prone) partitioned storage; conversely, IT data centres favour both external disk arrays (to provide highly available storage) and POSIX compliant file systems, (either general purpose or shared-disk cluster file systems, CFSs). These specialised file systems do perform very well in their target environments provided that applications do not require some lateral features, e.g., no file locking on parallel file systems, and no high performance writes over cluster-wide shared files on CFSs. In brief, we can say that none of the above approaches solves the problem of providing high levels of reliability and performance to both worlds. Our pCFS proposal makes a contribution to change this situation: the rationale is to take advantage on the best of both – the reliability of cluster file systems and the high performance of parallel file systems. We don’t claim to provide the absolute best of each, but we aim at full POSIX compliance, a rich feature set, and levels of reliability and performance good enough for broad usage – e.g., traditional as well as HPC applications, support of clustered DBMS engines that may run over regular files, and video streaming. pCFS’ main ideas include: · Cooperative caching, a technique that has been used in file systems for distributed disks but, as far as we know, was never used either in SAN based cluster file systems or in parallel file systems. As a result, pCFS may use all infrastructures (LAN and SAN) to move data. · Fine-grain locking, whereby processes running across distinct nodes may define nonoverlapping byte-range regions in a file (instead of the whole file) and access them in parallel, reading and writing over those regions at the infrastructure’s full speed (provided that no major metadata changes are required). A prototype was built on top of GFS (a Red Hat shared disk CFS): GFS’ kernel code was slightly modified, and two kernel modules and a user-level daemon were added. In the prototype, fine grain locking is fully implemented and a cluster-wide coherent cache is maintained through data (page fragments) movement over the LAN. Our benchmarks for non-overlapping writers over a single file shared among processes running on different nodes show that pCFS’ bandwidth is 2 times greater than NFS’ while being comparable to that of the Parallel Virtual File System (PVFS), both requiring about 10 times more CPU. And pCFS’ bandwidth also surpasses GFS’ (600 times for small record sizes, e.g., 4 KB, decreasing down to 2 times for large record sizes, e.g., 4 MB), at about the same CPU usage.Lusitania, Companhia de Seguros S.A, Programa IBM Shared University Research (SUR