342 research outputs found

    Modeling, Evaluation, and Scale on Artificial Pedestrians: A Literature Review

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    Modeling pedestrian dynamics and their implementation in a computer are challenging and important issues in the knowledge areas of transportation and computer simulation. The aim of this article is to provide a bibliographic outlook so that the reader may have quick access to the most relevant works related to this problem. We have used three main axes to organize the article's contents: pedestrian models, validation techniques, and multiscale approaches. The backbone of this work is the classification of existing pedestrian models; we have organized the works in the literature under five categories, according to the techniques used for implementing the operational level in each pedestrian model. Then the main existing validation methods, oriented to evaluate the behavioral quality of the simulation systems, are reviewed. Furthermore, we review the key issues that arise when facing multiscale pedestrian modeling, where we first focus on the behavioral scale (combinations of micro and macro pedestrian models) and second on the scale size (from individuals to crowds). The article begins by introducing the main characteristics of walking dynamics and its analysis tools and concludes with a discussion about the contributions that different knowledge fields can make in the near future to this exciting area

    Simulation of space acquisition process of pedestrians using Proxemic Floor Field Model

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    We propose the Proxemic Floor Field Model as an extension of the Floor Field Model, which is one of the successful models describing the pedestrian dynamics. Proxemic Floor Field is the Floor Field which corresponds to the effect of repulsion force between others. By introducing the Proxemic Floor Field and threshold, we investigate the process that pedestrians enter a certain area. The results of simulations are evaluated by simple approximate analyses and newly introduced indices. The difference in pedestrian behavior due to the disposition of the entrance is also confirmed, namely, the entrance in the corner of the area leads to the long entrance time because of the obstruction by pedestrians settling on the boundary cells

    Adaptive pedestrian behaviour for the preservation of group cohesion

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    A crowd of pedestrians is a complex system in which individuals exhibit conflicting behavioural mechanisms leading to self-organisation phenomena. Computer models for the simulation of crowds represent a consolidated type of application, employed on a day-to-day basis to support designers and decision makers. Most state of the art models, however, generally do not consider the explicit representation of pedestrians aggregations (groups) and their implications on the overall system dynamics. This work is aimed at discussing a research effort systematically exploring the potential implication of the presence of groups of pedestrians in different situations (e.g. changing density, spatial configurations of the environment). The paper describes an agent-based model encompassing both traditional individual motivations (i.e. tendency to stay away from other pedestrians while moving towards the goal) and an adaptive mechanism representing the influence of group presence in the simulated population. The mechanism is designed to preserve the cohesion of specific types of groups (e.g. families and friends) even in high density and turbulent situations. The model is tested in simplified scenarios to evaluate the implications of modelling choices and the presence of groups. The model produces results in tune with available evidences from the literature, both from the perspective of pedestrian flows and space utilisation, in scenarios not comprising groups; when groups are present, the model is able to preserve their cohesion even in challenging situations (i.e. high density, presence of a counterflow), and it produces interesting results in high density situations that call for further observations and experiments to gather empirical data. The introduced adaptive model for group cohesion is effective in qualitatively reproducing group related phenomena and it stimulates further research efforts aimed at gathering empirical evidences, on one hand, and modelling efforts aimed at reproducing additional related phenomena (e.g. leader-follower movement patterns)

    Heuristic search methods and cellular automata modelling for layout design

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Spatial layout design must consider not only ease of movement for pedestrians under normal conditions, but also their safety in panic situations, such as an emergency evacuation in a theatre, stadium or hospital. Using pedestrian simulation statistics, the movement of crowds can be used to study the consequences of different spatial layouts. Previous works either create an optimal spatial arrangement or an optimal pedestrian circulation. They do not automatically optimise both problems simultaneously. Thus, the idea behind the research in this thesis is to achieve a vital architectural design goal by automatically producing an optimal spatial layout that will enable smooth pedestrian flow. The automated process developed here allows the rapid identification of layouts for large, complex, spatial layout problems. This is achieved by using Cellular Automata (CA) to model pedestrian simulation so that pedestrian flow can be explored at a microscopic level and designing a fitness function for heuristic search that maximises these pedestrian flow statistics in the CA simulation. An analysis of pedestrian flow statistics generated from feasible novel design solutions generated using the heuristic search techniques (hill climbing, simulated annealing and genetic algorithm style operators) is conducted. The statistics that are obtained from the pedestrian simulation is used to measure and analyse pedestrian flow behaviour. The analysis from the statistical results also provides the indication of the quality of the spatial layout design generated. The technique has shown promising results in finding acceptable solutions to this problem when incorporated with the pedestrian simulator when demonstrated on simulated and real-world layouts with real pedestrian data.This study was funded by the University Science of Malaysia and Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia

    Predicting pedestrian trajectories at different densities: A multi-criteria empirical analysis

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    Predicting human trajectories is a challenging task due to the complexity of pedestrian behavior, which is influenced by external factors such as the scene's topology and interactions with other pedestrians. A special challenge arises from the dependence of the behaviour on the density of the scene. In the literature, deep learning algorithms show the best performance in predicting pedestrian trajectories, but so far just for situations with low densities. In this study, we aim to investigate the suitability of these algorithms for high-density scenarios by evaluating them on different error metrics and comparing their accuracy to that of knowledge-based models that have been used since long time in the literature. The findings indicate that deep learning algorithms provide improved trajectory prediction accuracy in the distance metrics for all tested densities. Nevertheless, we observe a significant number of collisions in the predictions, especially in high-density scenarios. This issue arises partly due to the absence of a collision avoidance mechanism within the algorithms and partly because the distance-based collision metric is inadequate for dense situations. To address these limitations, we propose the introduction of a novel continuous collision metric based on pedestrians' time-to-collision. Subsequently, we outline how this metric can be utilized to enhance the training of the algorithms

    Bounded rationality and spatio-temporal pedestrian shopping behavior

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    Modelo Con Autómatas Celulares Para Analizar La Accesibilidad Peatonal Al Interior Del Campus Universitario Meléndez De La Universidad Del Valle

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    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo que usa un autómata celular para investigar la accesibilidad peatonal al interior del campus de la Universidad del Valle, que, actualmente, cuenta con 1.000.000 m2, con un área construida de 164.469,35 m2 correspondiente a 56 edificios y con una movilidad de 15.500 peatones aproximadamente. El modelo es usado para simular el comportamiento del flujo peatonal sobre una red de corredores, que permite observar patrones emergentes de accesibilidad en las horas pico al interior del campus universitario, para así identificar, entender y encontrar las necesidades de movilidad de sus usuarios en los canales peatonales y facilitar la toma de decisiones en la mejora de la red peatonal para su ampliación o construcción. Para la construcción del modelo, se propuso una modificación de la vecindad de Moore y el desarrollo del prototipo se realizó mediante Desarrollo Dirigido por Comportamiento. El modelo representa el problema de movilidad peatonal en términos microscópicos y macroscópicos, y la implementación presenta dos entornos visuales: una interfaz gráfica en la que se ve la ejecución de la simulación y una interfaz modo carácter que solo muestra los resultados en un informe. Según los resultados de la implementación del modelo, los peatones en el autómata celular tienen el comportamiento esperado y resuelven los conflictos en la red de corredores de su origen a su destino, según las rutas definidas y en los tiempos esperados