871 research outputs found

    Cooperative communication in wireless networks: algorithms, protocols and systems

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    Current wireless network solutions are based on a link abstraction where a single co-channel transmitter transmits in any time duration. This model severely limits the performance that can be obtained from the network. Being inherently an extension of a wired network model, this model is also incapable of handling the unique challenges that arise in a wireless medium. The prevailing theme of this research is to explore wireless link abstractions that incorporate the broadcast and space-time varying nature of the wireless channel. Recently, a new paradigm for wireless networks which uses the idea of 'cooperative transmissions' (CT) has garnered significant attention. Unlike current approaches where a single transmitter transmits at a time in any channel, with CT, multiple transmitters transmit concurrently after appropriately encoding their transmissions. While the physical layer mechanisms for CT have been well studied, the higher layer applicability of CT has been relatively unexplored. In this work, we show that when wireless links use CT, several network performance metrics such as aggregate throughput, security and spatial reuse can be improved significantly compared to the current state of the art. In this context, our first contribution is Aegis, a framework for securing wireless networks against eavesdropping which uses CT with intelligent scheduling and coding in Wireless Local Area networks. The second contribution is Symbiotic Coding, an approach to encode information such that successful reception is possible even upon collisions. The third contribution is Proteus, a routing protocol that improves aggregate throughput in multi-hop networks by leveraging CT to adapt the rate and range of links in a flow. Finally, we also explore the practical aspects of realizing CT using real systems.PhDCommittee Chair: Sivakumar, Raghupathy; Committee Member: Ammar, Mostafa; Committee Member: Ingram, Mary Ann; Committee Member: Jayant, Nikil; Committee Member: Riley, Georg

    Medium Access Control and Network Coding for Wireless Information Flows

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    This dissertation addresses the intertwined problems of medium access control (MAC) and network coding in ad hoc wireless networks. The emerging wireless network applications introduce new challenges that go beyond the classical understanding of wireline networks based on layered architecture and cooperation. Wireless networks involve strong interactions between MAC and network layers that need to be jointly specified in a cross-layer design framework with cooperative and non-cooperative users. For multi-hop wireless networks, we first rediscover the value of scheduled access at MAC layer through a detailed foray into the questions of throughput and energy consumption. We propose a distributed time-division mechanism to activate dynamic transmitter-receiver assignments and eliminate interference at non-intended receivers for throughput and energy-efficient resource allocation based on stable operation with arbitrary single-receiver MAC protocols. In addition to full cooperation, we consider competitive operation of selfish users with individual performance objectives of throughput, energy and delay. We follow a game-theoretic approach to evaluate the non-cooperative equilibrium strategies at MAC layer and discuss the coupling with physical layer through power and rate control. As a cross-layer extension to multi-hop operation, we analyze the non-cooperative operation of joint MAC and routing, and introduce cooperation stimulation mechanisms for packet forwarding. We also study the impact of malicious transmitters through a game formulation of denial of service attacks in random access and power-controlled MAC. As a new networking paradigm, network coding extends routing by allowing intermediate transmitters to code over the received packets. We introduce the adaptation of network coding to wireless environment in conjunction with MAC. We address new research problems that arise when network coding is cast in a cross-layer optimization framework with stable operation. We specify the maximum throughput and stability regions, and show the necessity of joint design of MAC and network coding for throughput and energy-efficient operation of cooperative or competitive users. Finally, we discuss the benefits of network coding for throughput stability in single-hop multicast communication over erasure channels. Deterministic and random coding schemes are introduced to optimize the stable throughput properties. The results extend our understanding of fundamental communication limits and trade-offs in wireless networks

    Opportunistic Routing with Network Coding in Powerline Communications

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    Opportunistic Routing (OR) can be used as an alternative to the legacy routing (LR) protocols in networks with a broadcast lossy channel and possibility of overhearing the signal. The power line medium creates such an environment. OR can better exploit the channel than LR because it allows the cooperation of all nodes that receive any data. With LR, only a chain of nodes is selected for communication. Other nodes drop the received information. We investigate OR for the one-source one-destination scenario with one traffic flow. First, we evaluate the upper bound on the achievable data rate and advocate the decentralized algorithm for its calculation. This knowledge is used in the design of Basic Routing Rules (BRR). They use the link quality metric that equals the upper bound on the achievable data rate between the given node and the destination. We call it the node priority. It considers the possibility of multi-path communication and the packet loss correlation. BRR allows achieving the optimal data rate pertaining certain theoretical assumptions. The Extended BRR (BRR-E) are free of them. The major difference between BRR and BRR-E lies in the usage of Network Coding (NC) for prognosis of the feedback. In this way, the protocol overhead can be severely reduced. We also study Automatic Repeat-reQuest (ARQ) mechanism that is applicable with OR. It differs to ARQ with LR in that each sender has several sinks and none of the sinks except destination require the full recovery of the original message. Using BRR-E, ARQ and other services like network initialization and link state control, we design the Advanced Network Coding based Opportunistic Routing protocol (ANChOR). With the analytic and simulation results we demonstrate the near optimum performance of ANChOR. For the triangular topology, the achievable data rate is just 2% away from the theoretical maximum and it is up to 90% higher than it is possible to achieve with LR. Using the G.hn standard, we also show the full protocol stack simulation results (including IP/UDP and realistic channel model). In this simulation we revealed that the gain of OR to LR can be even more increased by reducing the head-of-the-line problem in ARQ. Even considering the ANChOR overhead through additional headers and feedbacks, it outperforms the original G.hn setup in data rate up to 40% and in latency up to 60%.:1 Introduction 2 1.1 Intra-flow Network Coding 6 1.2 Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC) 7 2 Performance Limits of Routing Protocols in PowerLine Communications (PLC) 13 2.1 System model 14 2.2 Channel model 14 2.3 Upper bound on the achievable data rate 16 2.4 Achieving the upper bound data rate 17 2.5 Potential gain of Opportunistic Routing Protocol (ORP) over Common Single-path Routing Protocol (CSPR) 19 2.6 Evaluation of ORP potential 19 3 Opportunistic Routing: Realizations and Challenges 24 3.1 Vertex priority and cooperation group 26 3.2 Transmission policy in idealized network 34 3.2.1 Basic Routing Rules (BRR) 36 3.3 Transmission policy in real network 40 3.3.1 Purpose of Network Coding (NC) in ORP 41 3.3.2 Extended Basic Routing Rules (BRR) (BRR-E) 43 3.4 Automatic ReQuest reply (ARQ) 50 3.4.1 Retransmission request message contents 51 3.4.2 Retransmission Request (RR) origination and forwarding 66 3.4.3 Retransmission response 67 3.5 Congestion control 68 3.5.1 Congestion control in our work 70 3.6 Network initialization 74 3.7 Formation of the cooperation groups (coalitions) 76 3.8 Advanced Network Coding based Opportunistic Routing protocol (ANChOR) header 77 3.9 Communication of protocol information 77 3.10 ANChOR simulation . .79 3.10.1 ANChOR information in real time .80 3.10.2 Selection of the coding rate 87 3.10.3 Routing Protocol Information (RPI) broadcasting frequency 89 3.10.4 RR contents 91 3.10.5 Selection of RR forwarder 92 3.10.6 ANChOR stability 92 3.11 Summary 95 4 ANChOR in the Gigabit Home Network (G.hn) Protocol 97 4.1 Compatibility with the PLC protocol stack 99 4.2 Channel and noise model 101 4.2.1 In-home scenario 102 4.2.2 Access network scenario 102 4.3 Physical layer (PHY) layer implementation 102 4.3.1 Bit Allocation Algorithm (BAA) 103 4.4 Multiple Access Control layer (MAC) layer 109 4.5 Logical Link Control layer (LLC) layer 111 4.5.1 Reference Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) 111 4.5.2 Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ) in ANChOR 114 4.5.3 Modeling Protocol Data Unit (PDU) erasures on LLC 116 4.6 Summary 117 5 Study of G.hn with ANChOR 119 5.1 ARQ analysis 119 5.2 Medium and PHY requirements for “good” cooperation 125 5.3 Access network scenario 128 5.4 In-home scenario 135 5.4.1 Modeling packet erasures 136 5.4.2 Linear Dependence Ratio (LDR) 139 5.4.3 Worst case scenario 143 5.4.4 Analysis of in-home topologies 145 6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 A Proof of the neccessity of the exclusion rule 160 B Gain of ORPs to CSRPs 163 C Broadcasting rule 165 D Proof of optimality of BRR for triangular topology 167 E Reducing the retransmission probability 168 F Calculation of Expected Average number of transmissions (EAX) for topologies with bi-directional links 170 G Feedback overhead of full coding matrices 174 H Block diagram of G.hn physical layer in ns-3 model 175 I PER to BER mapping 17

    Application of advanced on-board processing concepts to future satellite communications systems

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    An initial definition of on-board processing requirements for an advanced satellite communications system to service domestic markets in the 1990's is presented. An exemplar system architecture with both RF on-board switching and demodulation/remodulation baseband processing was used to identify important issues related to system implementation, cost, and technology development

    Adaptation of the IEEE 802.11 protocol for inter-satellite links in LEO satellite networks

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    Knowledge of the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of a ceramic material is important in many application areas. Whilst the CTE can be measured, it would be useful to be able to predict the expansion behaviour of multiphase materials.. There are several models for the CTE, however, most require a knowledge of the elastic properties of the constituent phases and do not take account ofthe microstructural features of the material. If the CTE could be predicted on the basis of microstructural information, this would then lead to the ability to engineer the microstructure of multiphase ceramic materials to produce acceptable thermal expansion behaviour. To investigate this possibility, magnesia-magnesium aluminate sp~el (MMAS) composites, consisting of a magnesia matrix and magnesium aluminate s~ne'l (MAS) particles, were studied. Having determined a procedure to produce MAS fr alumina and magnesia, via solid state sintering, magnesia-rich compositions wit ~ various magnesia contents were prepared to make the MMAS composites. Further, the l\.1MAS composites prepared from different powders (i.e. from an alumina-magnesia mixture ahd from a magnesia-spinel powder) were compared. Com starch was added into the powder mixtures before sintering to make porous microstructures. Microstructural development and thermal expansion behaviour ofthe MMAS composites were investigated. Microstructures of the MAS and the MMAS composites as well as their porous bodies were quaritified from backscattered electron micrographs in terms of the connectivity of solids i.e. solid contiguity by means of linear intercept counting. Solid contiguity decreased with increasing pore content and varied with pore size, pore shape and pore distribution whereas the phase contiguity depended strongly on the chemical composition and was less influenced by porosity. ' The thermal expansion behaviour of the MAS and the MMAS composites between 100 and 1000 °C was determined experimentally. Variation in the CTE ofthe MAS relates to the degree of spinel formation while the thermal expansion of the MMAS composites depends strongly on phase content. However, the MMAS composites with similar phase compositions but made from different manufacturing processes showed differences in microstructural features and thermal expansion behaviour. Predictions of the CTE values for composites based on a simple rule-of-mixtures (ROM) using volume fraction were compared with the measured data. A conventional ROM accurately predicted the effective CTE of a range of dense alumina-silicon carbide particulate composites but was not very accurate for porous multiphase structures. It provided an upper bound prediction as all experimental values were lower. Hence, the conventional ROM was modified to take account of quantitative microstructural parameters obtained from solid contiguity. The modified ROM predicted lower values and gave a good agreement with the experimental data. Thus, it has been shown that quantitative microstructural information can be used to predict the CTE of multiphase ceramic materials with complex microstructures.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    A study and experiment plan for digital mobile communication via satellite

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    The viability of mobile communications is examined within the context of a frequency division multiple access, single channel per carrier satellite system emphasizing digital techniques to serve a large population of users. The intent is to provide the mobile users with a grade of service consistant with the requirements for remote, rural (perhaps emergency) voice communications, but which approaches toll quality speech. A traffic model is derived on which to base the determination of the required maximum number of satellite channels to provide the anticipated level of service. Various voice digitalization and digital modulation schemes are reviewed along with a general link analysis of the mobile system. Demand assignment multiple access considerations and analysis tradeoffs are presented. Finally, a completed configuration is described

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks