16 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency in short and wide-area IoT technologies—A survey

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    In the last years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a key application context in the design and evolution of technologies in the transition toward a 5G ecosystem. More and more IoT technologies have entered the market and represent important enablers in the deployment of networks of interconnected devices. As network and spatial device densities grow, energy efficiency and consumption are becoming an important aspect in analyzing the performance and suitability of different technologies. In this framework, this survey presents an extensive review of IoT technologies, including both Low-Power Short-Area Networks (LPSANs) and Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs), from the perspective of energy efficiency and power consumption. Existing consumption models and energy efficiency mechanisms are categorized, analyzed and discussed, in order to highlight the main trends proposed in literature and standards toward achieving energy-efficient IoT networks. Current limitations and open challenges are also discussed, aiming at highlighting new possible research directions


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    Simulation is commonly used to study complex systems without having to observe the actual systems, which might be difficult to observe or which might not even exist yet. Simulating in advance is very valuable, as such systems can be extremely expensive and could take a long time to build. One example of such a system is a cellular handset that utilizes new radio technology. We built a light-weight discrete-event simulator to study the in-device radio coexistence (IDC) problem, which arises when different radios in the same device interfere each other. We studied IDC especially in the context of 3GPP LTE and the 802.11 family of wireless LAN. The use of simulation was motivated by both the need for rapid experimentation with different mitigation strategies and, at the time, the absence of commercial hardware with the required capabilities. The simulator was successfully used to build a detailed model comprising of a mobile multi-radio device in combination with an LTE base station (eNodeB) and a WLAN access point. The model was then used to develop several coexistence strategies that were measured to improve radio throughput and spectral efficiency due to a decreased amount of failed transmissions due to interference. The developed strategies led to academic publications and two patents.Simulaatiota käytetään yleisesti monimutkaisten järjestelmien tutkintaan ilman, että tarvitsee havainnoida todellisia järjestelmiä, joiden havainnointi saattaa olla haastavaa, tai joita ei voida lainkaan havainnoida koska ne eivät ole vielä edes olemassa. Simulointi etukäteen on hyvin arvokasta, koska monet järjestelmät saattavat olla äärimmäisen kalliita ja pitkäkestoisia rakentaa. Yksi esimerkki tällaisesta järjestelmästä on matkapuhelin, joka käyttää uutta radioteknologiaa. Kehitimme kevyen diskreetin tapahtumasimulaattorin tutkiaksemme laitteen sisäisen radiorinnakkaisuuden (in-device radio coexistence, IDC) ongelmaa, joka syntyy saman laitteen eri radioiden häiritessä toisiaan. Tutkimme ongelmaa erityisesti 3GPP LTE:n ja 802.11 -perheen langattomien lähiverkkoprotokollien yhteydessä. Simulaation käyttöä tutkimiseen motivoi sekä tarve tehdä nopeita kokeita lievennysstrategioilla että sellaisten kaupallisten laitteiden puute, joissa olisi ollut tarvittavat ominaisuudet. Simulaattoria käytettiin onnistuneesti yksityiskohtaisen mallin luomiseen, joka käsitti moniradioisen mobiililaitteen yhdistettynä LTE- ja WLAN-tukiasemiin. Mallia käytettiin useiden rinnakkaisuusstrategioiden kehitykseen, joiden mitattiin parantavan radioiden kokonaissuoritustehoa ja spektritehokkuutta pienentyneen siirtovirheiden määrän vuoksi. Kehitetyt strategiat johtivat sekä akateemisiin julkaisuihin että kahteen patenttiin

    Estratégias de design de camada intermédia e cooperativa para redes sem fios energeticamente eficientes

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    Doutoramento conjunto MAP-i em InformáticaThe promise of a truly mobile experience is to have the freedom to roam around anywhere and not be bound to a single location. However, the energy required to keep mobile devices connected to the network over extended periods of time quickly dissipates. In fact, energy is a critical resource in the design of wireless networks since wireless devices are usually powered by batteries. Furthermore, multi-standard mobile devices are allowing users to enjoy higher data rates with ubiquitous connectivity. However, the bene ts gained from multiple interfaces come at a cost in terms of energy consumption having profound e ect on the mobile battery lifetime and standby time. This concern is rea rmed by the fact that battery lifetime is one of the top reasons why consumers are deterred from using advanced multimedia services on their mobile on a frequent basis. In order to secure market penetration for next generation services energy e ciency needs to be placed at the forefront of system design. However, despite recent e orts, energy compliant features in legacy technologies are still in its infancy, and new disruptive architectures coupled with interdisciplinary design approaches are required in order to not only promote the energy gain within a single protocol layer, but to enhance the energy gain from a holistic perspective. A promising approach is cooperative smart systems, that in addition to exploiting context information, are entities that are able to form a coalition and cooperate in order to achieve a common goal. Migrating from this baseline, this thesis investigates how these technology paradigm can be applied towards reducing the energy consumption in mobile networks. In addition, we introduce an additional energy saving dimension by adopting an interlayer design so that protocol layers are designed to work in synergy with the host system, rather than independently, for harnessing energy. In this work, we exploit context information, cooperation and inter-layer design for developing new energy e cient and technology agnostic building blocks for mobile networks. These technology enablers include energy e cient node discovery and short-range cooperation for energy saving in mobile handsets, complemented by energy-aware smart scheduling for promoting energy saving on the network side. Analytical and simulations results were obtained, and veri ed in the lab on a real hardware testbed. Results have shown that up to 50% energy saving could be obtained.A promessa de uma experiência realmente móvel é de ter a liberdade de deambular por qualquer sítio e não estar preso a um único local. No entanto, a energia requerida para manter dispositivos móveis conectados à rede, num período extenso de tempo, o mesmo rapidamente se dissipa. Na realidade, a energia é um recurso crítico no design de redes sem fios, uma vez que esses dispositivos são alimentados por baterias. Para além disso, dispositivos móveis multi-standard permitem que os utilizadores desfrutem de elevadas taxas de dados com conectividade omnipresente. No entanto, as vantagens adquiridas pelas múltiplas interfaces, imputa uma despesa, sendo essa um consumo maior de energia, numa era onde os dispositivos móveis têm de ser energicamente complacentes. Esta preocupação é reafirmada pelo facto de que a vida da bateria é uma das principais razões que impede os utilizadores de usufruir e utilizar de serviços de multimédia mais avançados nos seus dispositivos, numa base frequente. De forma a assegurar a entrada no mercado para serviços da próxima geração, eficiência energética tem de ser colocada na vanguarda do design de sistemas. No entanto, apesar de esforços recentes, funcionalidades que cumpram os requisitos energéticos em tecnologias "legacy" ainda estão nos seus primórdios e novas abordagens disruptivas são requeridas, juntamente com abordagem de design interdisciplinar, de forma a aproveitar a poupança energética das diversas camadas protocolares. Uma bordagem promissora são os sistemas de cooperação inteligente, que exploram não são contexto da informação, mas também as entidades que são igualmente capazes de formar uma coligação e cooperam de forma a atingir um objectivo comum. Migrar a partir destas referências, esta tese investiga como é que este paradigma tecnológico pode ser aplicado para reduzir a potência e consumo de energia em redes móveis. Para além disso, introduzimos uma dimensão de poupança energética adicional, para adopção de design de camadas intermédias, de forma a que as camadas de protocolos sejam concebidas para trabalhar em sinergia com o sistema anfitrião, ao invés de independentemente, para aproveitamento de energia. Neste trabalho, nós exploramos o contexto da informação, cooperação e design de camadas intermédias para desenvolver blocos de construção energicamente eficientes e tecnologias agnósticas para redes móveis. Estes habilitadores (enablers) tecnológicos incluem um nó de descoberta de energia eficiente e cooperação de curto alcance para poupança energética em aparelhos móveis, complementado com agendamento inteligente, energicamente consciente, de forma a promover a poupança de energia do lado da rede. Analiticamente e simultaneamente, foram obtidos resultados e verificados em laboratório, num modelo de hardware protótipo. Resultados demonstram que pode ser obtido uma poupança energética acima dos 50%

    Studies on Mobile Terminal Energy Consumption for LTE and Future 5G

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    Cellular, Wide-Area, and Non-Terrestrial IoT: A Survey on 5G Advances and the Road Towards 6G

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    The next wave of wireless technologies is proliferating in connecting things among themselves as well as to humans. In the era of the Internet of things (IoT), billions of sensors, machines, vehicles, drones, and robots will be connected, making the world around us smarter. The IoT will encompass devices that must wirelessly communicate a diverse set of data gathered from the environment for myriad new applications. The ultimate goal is to extract insights from this data and develop solutions that improve quality of life and generate new revenue. Providing large-scale, long-lasting, reliable, and near real-time connectivity is the major challenge in enabling a smart connected world. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on existing and emerging communication solutions for serving IoT applications in the context of cellular, wide-area, as well as non-terrestrial networks. Specifically, wireless technology enhancements for providing IoT access in fifth-generation (5G) and beyond cellular networks, and communication networks over the unlicensed spectrum are presented. Aligned with the main key performance indicators of 5G and beyond 5G networks, we investigate solutions and standards that enable energy efficiency, reliability, low latency, and scalability (connection density) of current and future IoT networks. The solutions include grant-free access and channel coding for short-packet communications, non-orthogonal multiple access, and on-device intelligence. Further, a vision of new paradigm shifts in communication networks in the 2030s is provided, and the integration of the associated new technologies like artificial intelligence, non-terrestrial networks, and new spectra is elaborated. Finally, future research directions toward beyond 5G IoT networks are pointed out.Comment: Submitted for review to IEEE CS&

    Energy Modelling and Fairness for Efficient Mobile Communication

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    Energy Efficiency

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    This book is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date books written on Energy Efficiency. The readers will learn about different technologies for energy efficiency policies and programs to reduce the amount of energy. The book provides some studies and specific sets of policies and programs that are implemented in order to maximize the potential for energy efficiency improvement. It contains unique insights from scientists with academic and industrial expertise in the field of energy efficiency collected in this multi-disciplinary forum


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    Volume 3 describes how resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples: in health and medicine for risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases in electronics, steel production and milling for quality control during manufacturing processes in traffic, logistics for smart cities and for mobile communications


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    Volume 3 describes how resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples: in health and medicine for risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases in electronics, steel production and milling for quality control during manufacturing processes in traffic, logistics for smart cities and for mobile communications