5,506 research outputs found

    Koopman Operator and its Approximations for Systems with Symmetries

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    Nonlinear dynamical systems with symmetries exhibit a rich variety of behaviors, including complex attractor-basin portraits and enhanced and suppressed bifurcations. Symmetry arguments provide a way to study these collective behaviors and to simplify their analysis. The Koopman operator is an infinite dimensional linear operator that fully captures a system's nonlinear dynamics through the linear evolution of functions of the state space. Importantly, in contrast with local linearization, it preserves a system's global nonlinear features. We demonstrate how the presence of symmetries affects the Koopman operator structure and its spectral properties. In fact, we show that symmetry considerations can also simplify finding the Koopman operator approximations using the extended and kernel dynamic mode decomposition methods (EDMD and kernel DMD). Specifically, representation theory allows us to demonstrate that an isotypic component basis induces block diagonal structure in operator approximations, revealing hidden organization. Practically, if the data is symmetric, the EDMD and kernel DMD methods can be modified to give more efficient computation of the Koopman operator approximation and its eigenvalues, eigenfunctions, and eigenmodes. Rounding out the development, we discuss the effect of measurement noise

    Multireference Alignment using Semidefinite Programming

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    The multireference alignment problem consists of estimating a signal from multiple noisy shifted observations. Inspired by existing Unique-Games approximation algorithms, we provide a semidefinite program (SDP) based relaxation which approximates the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the multireference alignment problem. Although we show that the MLE problem is Unique-Games hard to approximate within any constant, we observe that our poly-time approximation algorithm for the MLE appears to perform quite well in typical instances, outperforming existing methods. In an attempt to explain this behavior we provide stability guarantees for our SDP under a random noise model on the observations. This case is more challenging to analyze than traditional semi-random instances of Unique-Games: the noise model is on vertices of a graph and translates into dependent noise on the edges. Interestingly, we show that if certain positivity constraints in the SDP are dropped, its solution becomes equivalent to performing phase correlation, a popular method used for pairwise alignment in imaging applications. Finally, we show how symmetry reduction techniques from matrix representation theory can simplify the analysis and computation of the SDP, greatly decreasing its computational cost

    5 Post-processing methods for passivity enforcement

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    Many physical systems are passive (or dissipative): they are unable to generate energy on their own, but they can store energy in some form while exchanging power with the surrounding environment. This chapter describes the most prominent approaches for ensuring that Reduced Order Models are passive, so that their math- ematical representation satisfies an appropriate dissipativity condition. The main focus is on Linear and Time-Invariant (LTI) systems in state-space form. Different conditions for testing passivity of a given LTI model are discussed, including Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs), Frequency-Domain Inequalities, and spectral conditions on associated Hamiltonian matrices. Then we describe common approaches for perturbing a given non-passive system to enforce its passivity. Various examples from electronic applications are used to demonstrate both theory and algorithm performance

    MRRR-based Eigensolvers for Multi-core Processors and Supercomputers

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    The real symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem is of outstanding importance in numerical computations; it arises frequently as part of eigensolvers for standard and generalized dense Hermitian eigenproblems that are based on a reduction to tridiagonal form. For its solution, the algorithm of Multiple Relatively Robust Representations (MRRR or MR3 in short) - introduced in the late 1990s - is among the fastest methods. To compute k eigenpairs of a real n-by-n tridiagonal T, MRRR only requires O(kn) arithmetic operations; in contrast, all the other practical methods require O(k^2 n) or O(n^3) operations in the worst case. This thesis centers around the performance and accuracy of MRRR.Comment: PhD thesi

    Mixed-Precision Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms: Integer Arithmetic Based LU Factorization and Iterative Refinement for Hermitian Eigenvalue Problem

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    Mixed-precision algorithms are a class of algorithms that uses low precision in part of the algorithm in order to save time and energy with less accurate computation and communication. These algorithms usually utilize iterative refinement processes to improve the approximate solution obtained from low precision to the accuracy we desire from doing all the computation in high precision. Due to the demand of deep learning applications, there are hardware developments offering different low-precision formats including half precision (FP16), Bfloat16 and integer operations for quantized integers, which uses integers with a shared scalar to represent a set of equally spaced numbers. As new hardware architectures focus on bringing performance in these formats, the mixed-precision algorithms have more potential leverage on them and outmatch traditional fixed-precision algorithms. This dissertation consists of two articles. In the first article, we adapt one of the most fundamental algorithms in numerical linear algebra---LU factorization with partial pivoting--- to use integer arithmetic. With the goal of obtaining a low accuracy factorization as the preconditioner of generalized minimal residual (GMRES) to solve systems of linear equations, the LU factorization is adapted to use two different fixed-point formats for matrices L and U. A left-looking variant is also proposed for matrices with unbounded column growth. Finally, GMRES iterative refinement has shown that it can work on matrices with condition numbers up to 10000 with the algorithm that uses int16 as input and int32 accumulator for the update step. The second article targets symmetric and Hermitian eigenvalue problems. In this section we revisit the SICE algorithm from Dongarra et al. By applying the Sherman-Morrison formula on the diagonally-shifted tridiagonal systems, we propose an updated SICE-SM algorithm. By incorporating the latest two-stage algorithms from the PLASMA and MAGMA software libraries for numerical linear algebra, we achieved up to 3.6x speedup using the mixed-precision eigensolver with the blocked SICE-SM algorithm for iterative refinement when compared with full double complex precision solvers for the cases with a portion of eigenvalues and eigenvectors requested

    Financial Risk Measurement for Financial Risk Management

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    Current practice largely follows restrictive approaches to market risk measurement, such as historical simulation or RiskMetrics. In contrast, we propose flexible methods that exploit recent developments in financial econometrics and are likely to produce more accurate risk assessments, treating both portfolio-level and asset-level analysis. Asset-level analysis is particularly challenging because the demands of real-world risk management in financial institutions - in particular, real-time risk tracking in very high-dimensional situations - impose strict limits on model complexity. Hence we stress powerful yet parsimonious models that are easily estimated. In addition, we emphasize the need for deeper understanding of the links between market risk and macroeconomic fundamentals, focusing primarily on links among equity return volatilities, real growth, and real growth volatilities. Throughout, we strive not only to deepen our scientific understanding of market risk, but also cross-fertilize the academic and practitioner communities, promoting improved market risk measurement technologies that draw on the best of both.Market risk, volatility, GARCH

    Line-Graph Lattices: Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Flat Bands, and Implementations in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

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    Materials science and the study of the electronic properties of solids are a major field of interest in both physics and engineering. The starting point for all such calculations is single-electron, or non-interacting, band structure calculations, and in the limit of strong on-site confinement this can be reduced to graph-like tight-binding models. In this context, both mathematicians and physicists have developed largely independent methods for solving these models. In this paper we will combine and present results from both fields. In particular, we will discuss a class of lattices which can be realized as line graphs of other lattices, both in Euclidean and hyperbolic space. These lattices display highly unusual features including flat bands and localized eigenstates of compact support. We will use the methods of both fields to show how these properties arise and systems for classifying the phenomenology of these lattices, as well as criteria for maximizing the gaps. Furthermore, we will present a particular hardware implementation using superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators that can realize a wide variety of these lattices in both non-interacting and interacting form
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