8 research outputs found

    Access networks for mobility: a techno-economic model for broadband access technologies

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    The two main challenges for the access networks are the increasing bandwidth demand and mobility trends. The "triple play" services required (Internet, telephone and TV services) lead to a great increase in bandwidth demand. However, the existing access networks are not able to support this increase, and the capacity to delivery broadband services remain as a challenge ("last mile problem"). The access network remains a bottleneck in terms of the bandwidth and service quality it affords the end user. Besides the bandwidth, other great challenge to access networks is the mobility and the user need to have internet access anywhere and anytime. Then, the increasing demand of "quad-play" (also known as quadruple-play) services, including video, voice, data and mobility, have created new challenges to the modern broadband wireless/wired access networks. This document proposes a techno-economic model to support the new requirements of fixed and nomadic users

    Architecture to integrate broadband access networks and wireless grids

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    Today, the access networks face two main challenges: the increasing bandwidth demand and mobility trends. All this will require fundamental changes to the operations of access networks, the functionality of network nodes and the architecture itself. By other side, the evolution of computing and communication networks toward decentralized and distributed systems implies that all the intelligence is on the edge nodes of the networks. Integrating wireless devices with the traditional wired grid infrastructure will allow the access (transfer, processing, etc) to the information that is now scattered across the different devices. In this paper, we present a new architecture and a cost model to support the new requirements of broadband access (fixed and nomadic users) and wireless grids in an integrated way

    Next generation network (NGN) challenges on access networks

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    Telecom infrastructures are facing unprecedented challenges, with increasing demands on network capacity. With the increased demand for high-speed data services and the constant evolution of broadband access technologies, operators are faced with a number of issues when choosing the technology and building the network. Today, network operators are facing the challenge of how to expand the existing access network infrastructure into networks capable of satisfying the user’s requirements. Thus, in this context, providers need to identify the technological solution that enables them to profitably serve customers and support future needs. However, the identification of the “best” solution is a difficult task.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Game theoretic modeling of NGANs: impact of retail and wholesale services price variation

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    The increasing demand for broadband access leads operators to upgrade the existing access infrastructures (or building new access network). Broadband access networks require higher investments (especially passive infrastructures such as trenches/ducts and base station towers/masts), and before making any decision it is important to analyze all solutions. The selection of the best solution requires understanding the technical possibilities and limitations of the different access technologies, as well as understanding the costs of building and operating the networks. This study analyzes the effect of asymmetric retail and wholesale prices on operators’ NPV, profit, consumer surplus, welfare, retail market, wholesale market, and so on. For that, we propose a tehno-economic model complemented by a theoretic-game model. This tool identifies all the essential costs of building (and operating) access networks, and performs a detailed analysis and comparison of the different solutions in various scenarios. Communities, operators/service providers, and regulators can use this tool to compare different technological solutions, forecast deployment costs, compare diferente scenarios, and so on, and help them in making deployment (or regulatory) decisions. The game-theory analyses give a better understanding of the competition and its effect on the business case scenarios’ economic results

    Effects of NGNs on market definition

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    Historically, electronic communications networks were built to support specific services. For example, fixed and mobile telephone networks were developed to support voice telephone calls, whereas cable networks, satellites, and over-the-air broadcasts were built to support television services (unidirectional linear video). However, these communications networks are currently incorporating new technology and are rapidly evolving into multi-service networks that support voice, video, and data over a single, fully integrated communications platform. NGNs provide to customer access to a large range of services, leading to the increase of the bandwidth demand - For example, if customers encounter their demand on a single network, a triple play product, the bandwidth demand for that network will increase. Moreover, the migration to NGN may require upgrades to the infrastructure to provide sufficient service quality. The entry of new competitors can be based on the resale of services from the incumbent, on building up their own infrastructures, on renting unbundled infrastructure from incumbents, or, on the combination of the above elements. The availability of these options to competitors and price definition are generally determined by regulatory policies. So, the introduction of NGNs by telecommunication network operators obligates the national regulators adapt their access regulation regimes to the new technological conditions. Regulation and/or promotion of competition by regulatory measures need to be analyzed and compared. So, in this paper we explore the role of competition policy and regulation

    Modelo de evaluación técnico-económica de tecnologías de acceso

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    El contenido de los capítulos 3 y 4 está sujeto a confidencialidad. 233 p.-Define un modelo de evaluación técnico-económica para tecnologías de acceso de aplicación universal,escalable, flexible y generalizable, que permite la comparación de cualesquiera tecnologías de acceso endiferentes escenarios. Se denomina modelo UTEM (Universal Techno-Economic Model).-Desarrolla unametodología de aplicación específica del modelo UTEM para facilitar su uso por parte de los diferentesagentes del sector de telecomunicaciones, proporcionando pautas para el diseño de escenarios, laaplicación del modelo y la adecuada interpretación de los resultados obtenidos. ¿Define las característicasde un modelo técnico-económico teórico universal. ¿Clasifica los modelos de la literatura en base adichas características. -Posibilita la caracterización y comparación técnica y económica de cualquiertecnología de acceso en cualquier configuración o combinación de elementos serie o paralelo, así comoaccesos redundantes. -Define métricas específicas de prestaciones y eficiencia tecno-económicas de lastecnologías de acceso que permiten su evaluación y comparación. -Identifica el grado de cumplimiento delos requisitos de cliente técnicos y/o económicos establecidos por el usuario del modelo para cadatecnología.-Identifica el número mínimo de accesos redundantes de una tecnología que permiten cumplirlos requisitos de cliente.-Permite la predicción de tendencias y decisiones en el ámbito del acceso-Permitela evaluación técnico-económica de tecnologías de acceso en aproximaciones `top-down¿ (perspectiva dedespliegue), y `bottom-up¿ (desde la perspectiva del cliente o usuario final).-Permite la comparación decualesquiera tecnologías de acceso. es

    Modelo de evaluación técnico-económica de tecnologías de acceso

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    El contenido de los capítulos 3 y 4 está sujeto a confidencialidad. 233 p.-Define un modelo de evaluación técnico-económica para tecnologías de acceso de aplicación universal,escalable, flexible y generalizable, que permite la comparación de cualesquiera tecnologías de acceso endiferentes escenarios. Se denomina modelo UTEM (Universal Techno-Economic Model).-Desarrolla unametodología de aplicación específica del modelo UTEM para facilitar su uso por parte de los diferentesagentes del sector de telecomunicaciones, proporcionando pautas para el diseño de escenarios, laaplicación del modelo y la adecuada interpretación de los resultados obtenidos. ¿Define las característicasde un modelo técnico-económico teórico universal. ¿Clasifica los modelos de la literatura en base adichas características. -Posibilita la caracterización y comparación técnica y económica de cualquiertecnología de acceso en cualquier configuración o combinación de elementos serie o paralelo, así comoaccesos redundantes. -Define métricas específicas de prestaciones y eficiencia tecno-económicas de lastecnologías de acceso que permiten su evaluación y comparación. -Identifica el grado de cumplimiento delos requisitos de cliente técnicos y/o económicos establecidos por el usuario del modelo para cadatecnología.-Identifica el número mínimo de accesos redundantes de una tecnología que permiten cumplirlos requisitos de cliente.-Permite la predicción de tendencias y decisiones en el ámbito del acceso-Permitela evaluación técnico-económica de tecnologías de acceso en aproximaciones `top-down¿ (perspectiva dedespliegue), y `bottom-up¿ (desde la perspectiva del cliente o usuario final).-Permite la comparación decualesquiera tecnologías de acceso. es